Install Driver using Executable - wix

I am working on writing a WiX installer that needs to install a driver as a prerequisite. There is an executable that needs to be run that installs the driver on the PC. I don't want to install this executable on the host machine. There is both a x64 and x86 version and, depending on the platform, one or the other needs to be installed.
The executable is currently run using the command line:
C:\Comp\code\install\canned\tabload\x86>tabload install "*tab1394" "C:/Comp/code/install/canned/tab1394/x86"
The last argument is the location of the .cat, .sys and .inf files for the driver
The current code I have is:
<!-- Install correct device driver -->
<?if $(var.Platform) = x64?>
<Property Id="Win64">1</Property>
<Property Id="Win64">0</Property>
<Binary Id="tabload64EXE" SourceFile="C:/Tableau/code/install/canned/tabload/x64/tabload.exe" />
<Binary Id="tabload32EXE" SourceFile="C:/Tableau/code/install/canned/tabload/x86/tabload.exe" />
<CustomAction Id="LaunchFile64"
ExeCommand='tabload "*tab1394" "C:/comp/code/install/canned/tab1394/x64 "'
Return="asyncNoWait" />
<CustomAction Id="LaunchFile32"
ExeCommand='tabload install "*tab1394" "C:/comp/code/install/canned/tab1394/x86 "'
Return="asyncNoWait" />
<Custom Action="LaunchFile64" After="InstallFinalize">Win64</Custom>
<Custom Action="LaunchFile32" After="InstallFinalize">NOT Win64</Custom>
I've looked at the tables in Orca. The Win64 property seems to be getting set correctly. The custom actions and binaries appear and the Target for the custom action is the indicated command line. The custom action is type 196 and I can't find any documentation for that online. When I build and install the installation package, the program is installed but the driver component is not installed. Please advise on how to remedy the situation.

The MSI SDK CustomAction table has the links to decipher the Type. I'm going to guess the root issue is that the custom actions are not deferred so they are not be executed by the elevated transaction.


WiX Toolset - issues running cmd in Custom Action

I'm trying to add a custom action that will delete files from the installation folder using the following code:
<CustomAction Id="InstallService" Return="check" Impersonate="no" Execute="deferred" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" ExeCommand='cmd.exe /C del /s /q "[INSTALLFOLDER]"'/>
<Custom Action="InstallService" Before ="InstallFiles">NOT Installed AND NOT REMOVE</Custom>
This works on some computers but fails on others showing a message
A program required for install to complete could not be run.
And in the installation logs I see
Error 1721. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor
Any idea why this might happen or how to make it work?

VC redistributable fails to install when executed within an MSI [duplicate]

I have an application compiled in VS 2015 and requires the VC++ Redistributable package in order to run properly. Prior to this latest build, we were using an older version of VS and simply used a merge module to handle the installation of the appropriate redist files. However, I noticed that when using the latest version of the merge modules for 2015 (Microsoft_VC140_CRT_x64.msm) that my application still wouldn't work out of the box. I did some digging and it appears that some things have changed with the latest version of the merge modules. It appears that Microsoft is now recommending to install the vcredist_x64.exe package directly instead of using merge modules.
So, I'm attempting to create a custom action to do this. I'm following a similar tutorial here, although adapting it for the VC Redistributable executable. The first thing I need to do is setup where the .exe file is going to be placed once installed:
<Directory Id="VCREDISTDIR" Name="VCRedist">
Then, I need to add my files into a component group which will be installed as part of a hidden feature (as I want this to be automatically installed).
<ComponentGroup Id="VCRedist" Directory="VCREDISTDIR">
<Component Id="vcredist_x64.exe" Guid="-INSERT-GUID-HERE-" Win64="yes">
<File Id="VCREDISEXE" Name="vcredist_x64.exe" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.VCRedistSourceDir)" Checksum="yes"></File>
<Feature Id="VCRedistributable" Title="Visual C++ Runtime" AllowAdvertise="no" Display="hidden" Level="1">
<ComponentGroupRef Id="VCRedist" />
At this point, the vcredist_x64.exe should be copied to the end user's machine. Now, I need to create a custom action to launch the executable after the installation.
<CustomAction Id="InstallVCRedistributable"
<Custom Action="InstallVCRedistributable" Before="InstallFinalize">
I also include a status message to my UI so that I can see when the executable is being executed.
<ProgressText Action="InstallVCRedistributable">Installing Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015</ProgressText>
Now, when I run my installer it should launch the vcredist_x64.exe... and it does... but then during the installation of that executable it gets hung up. I get a popup message that says there is a problem with this Windows Installer Package and that a program run as part of the setup did not complete. It then rolls-back my main application installation and never gets installed. Can anyone explain why this is happening and how to fix it? Thanks!
I found this question and tried it myself, being in the same situation. I found the installer error you're running into was/is Error 1618: "Another installation is already in progress." It seems that running the vc_redist installer inside your own installer simply won't work.
Your other options seem to be creating a bootstrapper as Patrick Allwood suggests above, or simply asking users to install the vc_redist package on their own before running your own installer. You can detect if the Universal C Runtime is already present by checking for ucrtbase.dll in C:\Windows\System32:
<DirectorySearch Id="UCRTSystemSearch" Path="[WindowsFolder]System32" Depth="0">
<FileSearch Id="UCRTFileSearch" Name="ucrtbase.dll" MinVersion="10.0.10240.16389" />
If you only have a 32-bit installer, you can also use the [SystemFolder] property directly.
EDIT: As Kevin Smyth mentioned, the version of ucrtbase.dll is giving weird issues - reporting version 2.X to some tools, and version 10.Y to other tools. You can remove the MinVersion property if you just want to check for the existence of ucrtbase.dll.
I think the correct approach to take when having prerequisites that have their own installers is to create a WiX bootstrapper bundle, which runs through each installer in turn. This handles things like rollbacks on install failures, etc, which running custom actions from within an installer does not.
A barebones sample can be seen here, you add <MsiPackage> and <ExePackage> in the Chain element in the order you need them to install.
I was facing a similar problem (fully described in this closed question, which actually redirected me here). I was able to solve it, inspired by this entry about running the application after setup.
The key part is basically to add a final step to the UI that launches the vcredist installer:
<UI Id="UI_Main">
<!-- ...... -->
<Publish Dialog="ExitDialog"
Regarding the custom action:
<CustomAction Id="InstallVCRedistributable"
ExeCommand="/install /passive /norestart"
Return="asyncNoWait" />

How do you install VS Tools For Office Runtime from my WiX installer? I'm getting "waiting for another install to complete" deadlock

I'm writing an installer for my Office Outlook add-in using WiX. The add-in itself requires VS Tools For Office Runtime to be installed. So I thought to install it as a custom-action from within my own WiX installer:
<Binary Id='idBinVstorRedist' SourceFile='Sources\vstor_redist.exe' />
<CustomAction Id="idCSVstorRedist" Return="asyncWait" HideTarget="no" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no" ExeCommand="" BinaryKey="idBinVstorRedist" />
<Custom Action="idCSVstorRedist" After="InstallInitialize">
NOT Installed
where the vstor_redist.exe itself is part of my MSI package:
But when I run my installer it deadlocks in the VstorRedist with the message: "Waiting for another install to complete":
What am I doing wrong here?
To check whether the VSTO Office Runtime is installed, we’ll add condition and two RegistrySearch elements. RegistrySearch, does exactly what the name implies, it searches the target machines’ registry for a specific key and value.
Key="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VSTO Runtime Setup\v4R"
Type="raw" />
Message="The Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime is not installed.
Please download and install from">
<![CDATA[Installed OR VSTORUNTIMEREDIST>="10.0.30319"]]>
Read more about that in the Creating WiX installation projects for VSTO-based Office add-ins article.
Also, you may find the How do you use WiX to deploy VSTO 3.0 addins? article helpful.
It may be due to the fact that your custom action is set to run After="InstallInitialize". I'm trialing running a batch script to install the runtime after checking if it isn't present or not and it appears to be working okay for me like this
<Custom Action="RunBatch" Before="InstallFinalize"/>
<CustomAction Id="RunBatch"
ExeCommand=""[SystemFolder]cmd.exe" /C "[INSTALLFOLDER]vsto_runtime.bat""
This is not the recommended way to install prerequisites but after having issues with creating a bundle, this is a working short term fix for me
Hopefully this is of some use for you.

Running an EXE with parameters after installation of the files using WIX

I have this installer through which I'm installing Mosquitto as a re-requisite for my system. But after installation I need to run the EXE passing two parameters. The command to run would be "mosquitto -v -c mosquitto.conf". I tried to do this using the following command but nothing happens.
<Property Id="WixShellExecTarget" Value="[mosquitto.exe] -v -c mosquitto.conf" />
<CustomAction Id="LaunchApplication" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixShellExec" Impersonate="yes" />
<Custom Action="RunMosquitto" Before="InstallFinalize" />
what is the right way to do this? Also I need to stop this EXE during uninstallation. How can I do that as well? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
No, according to this WiX mailing list archive.
Bob Arnson, one of the WiX developers, said the following:
WixShellExecTarget must be only the path of the executable/document.
There's no support to add arguments. For that, use a "normal" exe custom
action instead of WixShellExec.

WIX run vcredist_x64.exe on install

I have an application compiled in VS 2015 and requires the VC++ Redistributable package in order to run properly. Prior to this latest build, we were using an older version of VS and simply used a merge module to handle the installation of the appropriate redist files. However, I noticed that when using the latest version of the merge modules for 2015 (Microsoft_VC140_CRT_x64.msm) that my application still wouldn't work out of the box. I did some digging and it appears that some things have changed with the latest version of the merge modules. It appears that Microsoft is now recommending to install the vcredist_x64.exe package directly instead of using merge modules.
So, I'm attempting to create a custom action to do this. I'm following a similar tutorial here, although adapting it for the VC Redistributable executable. The first thing I need to do is setup where the .exe file is going to be placed once installed:
<Directory Id="VCREDISTDIR" Name="VCRedist">
Then, I need to add my files into a component group which will be installed as part of a hidden feature (as I want this to be automatically installed).
<ComponentGroup Id="VCRedist" Directory="VCREDISTDIR">
<Component Id="vcredist_x64.exe" Guid="-INSERT-GUID-HERE-" Win64="yes">
<File Id="VCREDISEXE" Name="vcredist_x64.exe" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.VCRedistSourceDir)" Checksum="yes"></File>
<Feature Id="VCRedistributable" Title="Visual C++ Runtime" AllowAdvertise="no" Display="hidden" Level="1">
<ComponentGroupRef Id="VCRedist" />
At this point, the vcredist_x64.exe should be copied to the end user's machine. Now, I need to create a custom action to launch the executable after the installation.
<CustomAction Id="InstallVCRedistributable"
<Custom Action="InstallVCRedistributable" Before="InstallFinalize">
I also include a status message to my UI so that I can see when the executable is being executed.
<ProgressText Action="InstallVCRedistributable">Installing Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015</ProgressText>
Now, when I run my installer it should launch the vcredist_x64.exe... and it does... but then during the installation of that executable it gets hung up. I get a popup message that says there is a problem with this Windows Installer Package and that a program run as part of the setup did not complete. It then rolls-back my main application installation and never gets installed. Can anyone explain why this is happening and how to fix it? Thanks!
I found this question and tried it myself, being in the same situation. I found the installer error you're running into was/is Error 1618: "Another installation is already in progress." It seems that running the vc_redist installer inside your own installer simply won't work.
Your other options seem to be creating a bootstrapper as Patrick Allwood suggests above, or simply asking users to install the vc_redist package on their own before running your own installer. You can detect if the Universal C Runtime is already present by checking for ucrtbase.dll in C:\Windows\System32:
<DirectorySearch Id="UCRTSystemSearch" Path="[WindowsFolder]System32" Depth="0">
<FileSearch Id="UCRTFileSearch" Name="ucrtbase.dll" MinVersion="10.0.10240.16389" />
If you only have a 32-bit installer, you can also use the [SystemFolder] property directly.
EDIT: As Kevin Smyth mentioned, the version of ucrtbase.dll is giving weird issues - reporting version 2.X to some tools, and version 10.Y to other tools. You can remove the MinVersion property if you just want to check for the existence of ucrtbase.dll.
I think the correct approach to take when having prerequisites that have their own installers is to create a WiX bootstrapper bundle, which runs through each installer in turn. This handles things like rollbacks on install failures, etc, which running custom actions from within an installer does not.
A barebones sample can be seen here, you add <MsiPackage> and <ExePackage> in the Chain element in the order you need them to install.
I was facing a similar problem (fully described in this closed question, which actually redirected me here). I was able to solve it, inspired by this entry about running the application after setup.
The key part is basically to add a final step to the UI that launches the vcredist installer:
<UI Id="UI_Main">
<!-- ...... -->
<Publish Dialog="ExitDialog"
Regarding the custom action:
<CustomAction Id="InstallVCRedistributable"
ExeCommand="/install /passive /norestart"
Return="asyncNoWait" />