Association in Nhibernate with Lazy true - nhibernate

I am working in a project that's work with N Hibernate. Due to performance issues and increasing in complexity of the project we need to do association manually in our code.As we all know for that we have to set lazy property true. What i want know that, is their any way to do association with set lazy property true.We have already created our own methods for filling Association.But still for that also we need to write many queries and code which is not satisfactory.
Please let me know some way for this.

Lazy loading is turned on by default. There is basically two ways how lazy loading is implemented by NHibernate.
Lazy loading of collections
Lazy loading of "single ended" references (many-to-one)
Collections are easy and straight forward. NHibernate uses its own implementation if the collection classes anyway, lazy loading is implemented there.
Single ended references ("normal" associations) are not that easy. Lazy loading is implemented in a proxy. The proxy is a class created at runtime which inherits from the referenced class. That's why everything in the referenced class needs to be virtual. The proxy overrides every member and makes sure that the data is loaded when a member is accessed from outside. The problem with the proxy is, if you reference a base class, you get a proxy from the base class and you can't downcast it to the real class. So be careful when using lazy loading with inherited classes.
Lazy is turned on by default, you need to explicitly turn it off. So you don't need to do anything special to get lazy loading.
When you are optimizing performance, also consider to use batch-fetching.
for single ended associations:
<class name="xx" batch-size="10">
and on collections:
<bag name="xx" .... batch-size="10">
it reduces the N+1 problem a lot (by factor of 10 in this example.).


Have NHibernate ignore not set properties?

I have a huge object, it has a lot of lazy loadable properties.
I want to enable a quick edit of a very small subset of its property.
How can I, when I just have a few values, tell NHibernate: don't touch anything else?
Because now, when I save, everything not set gets lost.
Have you tried dynamic-update option on your class mapping?
<class name="SomeEntity" dynamic-update="true">
But check if the flush does not cause the unloaded lazy properties to get loaded first, just in case.
In your question, you state you lose other properties. I have never witnessed such a behavior. Are you attaching (using ISession.Update or ISession.Merge) a detached entity in your current code?
What I am suggesting will not work in such a case. It should instead work with an entity loaded from the current ISession, touched on some properties then saved to db only using ISession.Flush (or preferably, ITransaction.Commit, since it is not a good practice to work without transactions).

Enable lazy loading in a query

I have set NHibernate to not lazy load for my entities. But sometimes when I do queries I don't want all the children of the children to be loaded. The mapping is set up by Fluent NHibernate.
Is there any way when writing the sql for the query to specify which columns to lazy load?
I believe, you're using the wrong approach. Set all mappings to lazy load, and then in the queries eager load only what you really need. This way you won't kill the app.
You can override all the mappings defined in Fluent Mappings in conventions either in class mappings.
There also are different scenarios where NHibernate does the trick (for instance if you load / get one instance all the properties will be fetched as defined in mapping. If you get a list of items it will not happen unless you use Fetch method explicitly).
So could you provide some more details on your question to give an answer that is more precise?

In Doctrine 2 can the Fetch Mode (Eager/Lazy etc.) be changed at runtime?

I have entities which I would like to eagerly load , and on other ocassions lazy (or even extra lazy) load.
My mappings have no fetch mode declared in my YAML- so they use the default (lazy loading).
Currently the only way to eagerly load is to by constructing the DQL manually - and I need to update this every time I add a new entity.
Ideally I would just load the root entity and the force eager loading all the associated objects. Is there any way I can do this?
If not why (is there a reason beyond it being an unimplemented feature)?
If you want to use built-in repository methods (find(), findAll()), you're probably out of luck unless you set things to eagerly load in your annotations.
You'll probably want to use the query builder (or raw DQL) in some custom repository's method to force eager loading where you want it. Yes, you'll have to update that method as you add entities, but at least you'll always know what's going on in regards to lazy/eager loading, and you'll only need to maintain it all in one place.
I suppose the reason there's not some $eagerLoad flag to find(), etc, is because those are convenience methods for simple tasks. If you wanted to add such a flag, you'd have quickly get into situations where you'd want to limit recursive eager loading by depth. You'd also probably have to start worrying about cyclical references (any bidirectional association, for instance).
You can use setFetchMode() method of DQL to set mode.
See the documentation:

NHibernate requires events to be virtual?

I'm attempting to map an entity hierarchy using NHibernate almost all of which have events. When attempting to build a session factory however, I get error messages similar to the following:
Core.Domain.Entities.Delivery: method
remove_Scheduled should be virtual
Delivery is an entity in my domain model with an event called Scheduled. Since events cannot be declared virtual I'm at a loss as to how to proceed here. Why would NHibernate need events to be virtual?
Public members must be declared virtual if you use lazy loading because NHibernate will create proxy objects for your entities at runtime. So do not use lazy loading or just declare the event as virtual - that is not so common, but it is possible.
NHibernate creates proxy classes for all lazy loaded entities and uses them where an entity is referenced but not yet loaded. Accessing this proxy triggers loading the real entity from the database. This approach requires to inherit from your entity class at runtime and override the public members hence this members to be virtual.
And there is another solution. You can add proxy="ISomeInterface" to the class declaration. Then you do not need virtual members while proxys just implement the given interface.
I have experienced the same problem with implementing INotifyPropertyChanged on my lazy loaded objects. The problem is that you actually deal with two different .NET instances so that when you fire the NPC event in your real instance you will not receive it from any reference to the proxy. Making it virtual allows the proxy to 'forward' this event. Unfortunately defining events as virtual/overridable is not possible in VB.NET (2005) and hence we had to introduce a C# project with a base class implementing only these virtual events just to get around the VB issue. see also
If there are other ways I would be keen to know myself since our method makes proxies a bit less transparant than they should be. Also in the area of auto reconnecting the session when lazy loaded objects need to be initialized seem a bit of a pain.
how does your mapping look like ?
Did you map an event ?
I haven't encountered this issue before, but, then again, I always specify the 'lazy=false' attribute on my class mapping, so that my properties don't have to be declared as virtual. (Since i do not like to declare properties as virtual, if my business model doesnt requires this)
<class name="MyClass" table="MyTable" lazy="false">

Ignore public/internal fields for NHibernate proxy

I have some entity types that I would like to lazy load. However, they have some internal (assembly) fields they expose, but are not used outside that class. These fields are compiler generated (F#) and I cannot change them. The an example exception is:
The following types may not be used as
proxies: Mappings.MTest: field id#47
should not be public nor internal
I understand why NHibernate is doing this, and how having fields, if I accessed them, would mess up the lazy-loading properties of the proxies that are generated. However, since I know I won't be using the fields, can I override NHibernate somehow?
Is there any way I can say "ignore this field"? I'm using Fluent NHibernate, if that makes it easier.
Edit: I should also note, I'm using NHibernate 2.1.0 Alpha 2.
Edit2: The main gist here is that I want to keep LazyLoading enabled, which means I have to use the proxy generation. Disabling LazyLoading works (no proxies), but sorta defeats the purpose of a nice framework like NHibernate.
I reassembled NHibernate (easier than getting the source and rebuilding) and removed the code that errors on internal/public fields. LazyLoading appears to work just fine without that check. (Although, I'm new to NHibernate and so there are probably scenarios I don't know about.)
Ah, there is a property, "use_proxy_validator" that will disable all validation checks. Good enough.
.ExposeConfiguration(fun cfg ->
cfg.Properties.Add("use_proxy_validator", "false"))...
Just set the lazy property to false,
<class name="OrderLine" table="OrderLine" lazy="false" >
you can read more in:
Must Everything Be Virtual With NHibernate? -
You can use the
attribute to decorate the fields :)
Can you use an Interface to declare the fields "used" ?
"Another possibility is for the class to implement an interface that declares all public members"
I don't know if NH use the same #transient annotation/attribute as the JAVA version to ignore a property in persistent operations.
You might want to take a look at this page which gives an overview of using F# with Fluent NHibernate.
Edit I just noticed your username. Am I correct in perhaps thinking that this is your blog? How foolish of me. It does seem to address your problem though, specifically "We start off by disabling LazyLoad because most of the properties are not virtual, and NHibernate will fail to validate the mapping. Instead, we explicitly LazyLoad things, like the Store reference."? Maybe I'm just misunderstanding the problem.