Trouble understanding SQL (Oracle) create table code - sql

I am aware of Oracle's create table syntax
id int primary key,
This will create a table called MyTable with an int primary key. So, nothing new here.
but I am having difficulties understanding the following query:
CREATE TABLE departament (
dept_name CHAR(15) NOT NULL,
admission DATE NOT NULL,
localization CHAR(20))
When I look up on Oracle's SQL Developer software on departement's table, I can see 4 columns: cod_dept, dept_name, admission and localization. On the constraints tab, I can also see dept_key, but I am confused as to what this might mean. What is dept_key purpose here?
Ok, seems it is a way to define the name of the constraint you're adding to the table. My next question is why don't you just call it the same name as the primary key column? From what I've seen it seems Oracle by default just creates a random name for the constraint!

When you write id int primary key, Oracle will create a primary key constraint to ensure uniqueness of primary key values. All constraints have names, so in this case Oracle assigns an autogenerated name to this constraint. But you can set a name of this constraint explicitly using the CONSTRAINT syntax:
This name may be used later to refer to the constraint, for example, to delete or modify it:
ALTER TABLE department DROP CONSTRAINT dept_key;
Constraint names are unique across the schema, so Oracle can't just use the name of primary key column as a constraint name.

Primary keys can be explicitly be named. dept_key is just a name.

dept_key is the name of the primary key constraint. That means cod_dept is the unique identifier for your table, the mechanism for identifying a row, and so it can only have one occurrence of any given value.

That is the constraint you created representing the primary key.
A table is made up of:
Columns (where the data lives)
Indexes (indexed copies of the data used for faster searching)
Constraints (rules about what data can be in the table, including PK, FK, and check constraints).

dept_key is the name of the constraint. You specified the name here : "INTEGER CONSTRAINT dept_key PRIMARY KEY," so it will create a constraint with the name dept_key.

Another syntax for the same would be to write the following after your CREATE TABLE instruction.
ALTER TABLE department
ADD CONSTRAINT dept_key PRIMARY KEY (cod_dept)
dept_key is then the name of the constraint you created to be the primary key for this table. In order for a database engine to know the primary key, and to index it for fastest results and so forth, it needs to create a known constraint that is indexed. Here, it is you who has given the name which is dept_key.
For you kind information, it is often seen to write PK_[table name] for primary keys constraints and FK_[current_table_name]_[foreign_table_name] for foreign keys constraints.
Hope this helps! =)

I think whenever we create a Primary Key value then by default Oracle will crate constraint for it with the same name but it looks like that u are creating constraint with some other name.
Thank You


Can FOREIGN KEY be omitted in PostgreSQL when using REFERENCES?

I'm wondering if there's any (maybe subtle) difference between these two SQL statements:
CREATE TABLE profiles (
bio TEXT,
FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id)
CREATE TABLE profiles (
bio TEXT,
user_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES users(user_id)
I've noticed that when I create a table in Postico with the first notation, but look at the DDL of the created profiles table later, the FOREIGN KEY is removed and I end up with the shorter second notation.
Create table with FOREIGN KEY:
DDL view doesn't show FOREIGN KEY:
So, I'm wondering (and seeking confirmation) that the two statements are in fact 100% equivalent or if there are some subtle differences in what they do to the DB.
Any pointer to official resources (and maybe also how that differs from MySQL) would be appreciated.
The two samples you show do the same thing, just with a different syntax.
The first method is called table constraint, the second column constraint, but the latter name is somewhat misleading because the constraint is on the table as well.
The main difference is that the column constraint syntax is shorter, but cannot be used for all constraints: if you have for example a primary key that contains two columns, you have to write it in the table constraint syntax.
DDL view doesn't show FOREIGN KEY
DDL view created by unknown third-party tool in not an argument.
See fiddle. Foreign key exists in both cases. Moreover, I do not see the result difference for both DDL queries.
PS. As a recommendation - always specify the constraint name explicitly. What if you need to delete it? It is problematic without the constraint name...
In PostgreSQL, you define a foreign key through a foreign key constraint. A foreign key constraint indicates that values in a column or a group of columns in the child table match with the values in a column or a group of columns of the parent table. We say that a foreign key constraint maintains referential integrity between child and parent tables.
This may explain to you better or you can read about Foreign Keys documentation .

Cannot find primary key column in table

I added a constraint primary key to my table and the query ran successfully. The dilemma I am facing is I cannot locate the primary key column in my table.
ALTER TABLE salesdata
ADD CONSTRAINT pk_salesdata PRIMARY KEY( "Address_of_New_Home","Sq_Ft","Build_Spec", "Realtor_Sale","Can","Actual_Sale_Date")
When I do:
select * from salesdata
It shows all the columns from before and no primary key column (pk_salesdata).
And even more baffling is when:
select pk_salesdata from salesdata
Database shows:
ERROR: column "pk_salesdata" does not exist
I want to add primary key column to the table. I humbly request assistance of databasers.
You create PRIMARY KEY, but...
you create composed primary key from columns "Address_of_New_Home", "Sq_Ft", "Build_Spec", "Realtor_Sale", "Can", "Actual_Sale_Date" - it is not good idea
your primary key have an alias name pk_salesdata, but it's only constraint name
you didn't create new column
If you would like new synthetic primary key column you have to use command:
ALTER TABLE salesdata ADD COLUMN mynewautoincrementid SERIAL PRIMARY KEY;
Primary Kay it's constraint in table when you add a primary key to any column you can select column name to show data
It looks like you've wrapped the columns you want to include in your primary keys in double quotes. That's not how this command works. Drop the quotes re-run the command and see what happens.
ALTER TABLE salesdata
ADD CONSTRAINT pk_salesdata PRIMARY KEY( Address_of_New_Home,Sq_Ft,Build_Spec, Realtor_Sale,Can,Actual_Sale_Date)
It might be easier to add a primary index through the SQL GUI.
Here's the MS documentation page for creating a primary key.
Note: Since your adding a primary key don't expect it to be available as a column.

Difference between using or not using CONSTRAINT keyword on SQL Server

What is the difference between using or not using the CONSTRAINT keyword when working with Foreign Keys on SQL Server?
I noticed that apparently both worked the same in this specific case, without CONSTRAINT:
CREATE TABLE ClientsPhones
ClientPhone varchar(10) NOT NULL,
ClientID smallint NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (ClientPhone),
CREATE TABLE ClientsPhones
ClientPhone varchar(10) NOT NULL,
ClientID smallint NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (ClientPhone),
Both didn't let me add records to the table unless the ClientID already existed on the Clients table, and the same ClientID and ClientPhone weren't already on the ClientsPhones table.
Is there any real difference between the two besides the fact that I'm able to name the constraint?
If you don't create will automatically create own constraint name
the foreign key index name is generated using the name of the referencing foreign key column Automatically.
So there is no way to see difference of using and not using Constraint keyword. by default constraint name will be defined.
I did some research and don't believe Hell Boy's answer was as clear as it could be and had some misinformation.
Every constraint you add to a database has a name set by default. This includes PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, DEFAULT, NOT NULL. It isn't necessarily the name of the column(s) used.
You can imagine that when you don't use the CONSTRAINT keyword SQL Server puts it there as well as generates a name for you.
If you want to remove or change a constrain you would either have to delete the entire table and recreate it with the correct constraints or you can reference the constraint by name and then alter it somewhat like a column using the ALTER keyword. This can be useful for when you need to delete a table with a foreign key. If you name the foreign key constraint you can delete it and then the table instead of having to delete the table the foreign key points to.

Primary Key In SQL

I want to know if it is possible to create more than one primary key in standard SQL. I mean something like that:
Is that legal in SQL? If not, please link me a reference to the standard that says that is not possible...
Edit after the question has been clarified.
The definition of a primary key is that there is one and only one. So, no you cannot create two primary keys on two different columm.
You can however create a primary key on one column and a unique constraint on another:
create table person
surname varchar(100) not null primary key,
name varchar(100) not null,
constraint only_one_name unique (name)
The above is standard SQL for all I know.
Here is a link to the book "SQL-99, Complete" which re-states the SQL standard in a more pragmatic way:
Quote from the book:
A Base table may be constrained by no more than one PRIMARY KEY Constraint
The original wording from the SQL standard (which is not free, so no one can give you a link to that):
A <table definition> shall specify at most one implicit or explicit <unique constraint definition> that specifies PRIMARY KEY.
(Emphasis mine)
Note that you almost never want char - especially not with a length greater than just two or three characters. The CHAR datatype pads all values to the defined length. So if you inserted the value 'FOO' into a CHAR(10) column it will (has to) be stored as 'FOO '
No, It's not legal to create two primary keys in SQL, If you are able to create two separate primary keys then it's not a primary key anymore.
You can create a composite primary keys, like primary key(surname, name) for e.g. but this will be never applicable not good pratice, primary key on name and surname.
No - but you can have a single primary key that is a combination of multiple columns:
From MSDN:
A table typically has a column or combination of columns that contain values that uniquely identify each row in the table. This column, or columns, is called the primary key (PK) of the table and enforces the entity integrity of the table. You can create a primary key by defining a PRIMARY KEY constraint when you create or modify a table.
A table can have only one PRIMARY KEY constraint, and a column that participates in the PRIMARY KEY constraint cannot accept null values. Because PRIMARY KEY constraints guarantee unique data, they are frequently defined on an identity column.
This is a bit pedantic, but of course you cannot create more than one primary key, just like there cannot be more than one tallest person in the room. But you can, (and many times should), create more than one unique key. and, except for one minor distinction there is no functional difference between them. A unique key can be used as the target of a FK constraint, or in joins just like a primary key can.
you can only have one primary key, but this primary key can be made by N columns.
create table "TABLE NAME"(
"Surname" CHAR(100),
"Name" CHAR(100),
primary key ("Surname", "Name")
You can have a primary key containing multiple columns. This is often done in attributive tables, where one part of the key contains the id of the record in the table you're attributing to.
You can't have more than one primary key simply because it is ranked as 'the most important'. There can't be two things 'most important'.

Why use named key constraint (Eg: Foreign Key) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Differences between "foreign key" and "constraint foreign key"
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am not much familiar with the SQL and please explain me the difference of following two and what is the best way to use. Is there any advantage using one over a another.
Emp_Id int NOT NULL,
Dep_Id int NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (Dep_Id) REFERENCES Department(Dep_Id)
Emp_Id int NOT NULL,
Dep_Id int NOT NULL,
I always name my keys and constraints, generally with enough information that anybody looking at the key name will be able to understand what the key does.
Foreign keys I name FK_FieldName#TableName.
Primary keys I name PKC_TableName or PKN_TableName ("c" for "clustered" and "n" for "nonclustered", although this is not critical).
For indexes, I name them based upon their uniqueness, their clusteredness, and an "I" for index, e.g., UNI_FieldName#TableName.
The reason for naming is for the convenience both if you ever need to drop the object and, more importantly, if something in your code attempts to violate the relationship / constraint. It's immediately apparent where the problem is, if you get a message back saying that you've had a key violation of key FK_FieldName#TableName but not so clear if the name doesn't make sense.
The only difference is in naming. If you don't explicitly set a name for constraint, it will has auto generated name. For example: FK_Employee_Dep_Id__164452B1 . And you'll see this name in description of table keys, in different exceptions and so on.
If you do not name a foreign key, the db implicitly assign a foreign key name for the field.
And if you name a foreign key, the db uses that as foreign key constant name.
You can use drop FOREIGN KEY foreign_key_name for dropping the constraint (for MySql).
You can use drop constraint foreign_key_name for dropping the constraint (for Oracle, MS Sql etc).
You can use
ADD CONSTRAINT foreign_key_name
REFERENCES foreign_key_table(Foreign_key_field)
First example with FOREIGN KEY (Dep_Id) REFERENCES Department(Dep_Id) is used in MySQL and it does not allow you to give this constraint specific name.
In the second example with CONSTRAINT fk_EmpDept FOREIGN KEY (Dep_Id) REFERENCES Department(Dep_Id) you can change fk_EmpDept to basically any name you want.
It can be used in MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, MS Access.
Using second version you can also created Foreign Key constraint on several columns.