Can WCF TCP and HTTP endpoints have the same port? - wcf

I'm interested in one WCF server exposing both HTTP and TCP interfaces. It'll be used with Silverlight clients, so the thinking is that the HTTP interface will be for secure communications while TCP will be used the rest of the time.
Is it possible for these two interfaces to use the same port in their endpoints, e.g. http://localhost:9000/ and net.tcp://localhost:9000/?

No this is not possible. If you have the TCP port sharing service enabled, you can have multiple services listening on the same TCP port. Windows HTTP listener will also allow you to have multiple services sharing a common port (for example, a console application and IIS can both listen on port 80 at different URL's). But you can't use multiple bindings on the same port.
But I don't really see the advantage of doing that anyway. I would personally leave the HTTP endpoint on port 80 and of course your TCP endpoint is restricted to an upper port range. I'm not sure what scenario you're trying to enable though.

You can only have one "listener" on a TCP port, so unless the WCF server does some sort of protocol-level multiplexing (i.e. if it reads in an HTTP header, send it to the HTTP handler otherwise send it to the "raw" handler), you'll have to use different ports.
Of course the quickest way to find out is to configure your server with both of these interfaces and the same port, and check your logs for errors. Chances are each one will be attempting to bind to port 9000 from their own thread or process, and the second one will fail.


What port should use HTTP transport based WCF service?

What port should use WCF HTTP transport based service? I created WCF service and Visual Studio assigned address http://localhost:7517/
But some customers can use web proxies and it seems that using standard 80 or 8080 is good idea, isn't it? How to force WCF client to use proxy to get to WCF service? From other side we should be confident that port 80 is not occupied by some web server. Is it correct to require from customer isolating WCF service on separate server to avoid collision? What is the best practice?
UPDATED: 80 port is bad candidate: system (Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 for example) uses it often: Why is System process listening on Port 80?

Approaches for having multiple applications receive data via port 80

I'm looking for suggestions about approaches to allow multiple applications to use port 80 for communication.
I know it's impossible, or at lease not sensible to have multiple applications to actually bind to port 80, however, I've seen appliances when there is a device that provides both a web interface (HTTP) and RTSP with RTP using port 80.
I have two ideas on how this is achieved:
Are those custom made apps that implement all the functions?
For example the same binary is used for a web server and a RTSP server. That seems kind of limiting due to the fact that you would have to do sever modifications to already developed apps if you want, for example, Apache and openSSH both on port 80.
Are there a "port 80 multiplexers" sort of a pattern?
For example, a parser application that listens to port 80 and depending on the header of the received package, passes the package to the required application.
Found some related references, will give them a try.
I really don't think this is possible in a standard way: port number is actually the one that allows multiplexing among different applications in TCP and UDP protocols. More generic, TSAP, Transport Service Access Point allows multiplexing at the transport layer. TSAP is the port in protocols such as TCP, UDP, or SCTP.
One reason you may want two applications listening on the same port is that a second application can monitor or process in some other way the messages received, and eventually processed, by the first one. In this case, using pcap library other applications could read messages received by the main application that will probably response those messages.
Netfilter can also be useful,
However, if you intend two applications to respond messages that arrive to the same port, that would be tricky and would have dependency on each application.
In this response I'm assuming you are thinking of applications listening to the same port at the same IP address. Something different is working with multihost servers where two applications could listen to same port number in different IP addresses.

WCF consume web service and network architecture

I'm getting start WCF soap web service. Trying to implement a flexible, hot-plug featured, interoperable web service.
A device consumes server service (predefined IP address) which means registering to server, and then service asks device returning all configuration information of a device. Service remotely control those registered devices later.
Network Architecture
Please see the diagram below. A Server-side service is listening on 80 port. We had a router (Router B) which connects to the Server, and set NAT table mapping to is a public IP.
Two Clients connect to a router (Router A) and have private IP addresses relatively( . Clients host a service (called DeviceService) listening on 80 port. And we didn't set NAT on Router A. is a public IP.
(Request a Registration) Client sends (request) a message to a Service.
(Response) Service response a message.
(Get Config from Devices) Service consumes client through calling like http: //clientsIP:80/DeviceService.
Operation 1, 2 is working to me. To my understanding, incoming ip address of client#1 is (I'm using RemoteEndpointMessageProperty to get the caller's address).
My question is "operation 3 is not working". Server can't access Client's private IP because of a Router/firewall.Only did Server get is How can I solve this kind of problem? the problem have to do with Network Architecture?
I googled all day long found nothing to do with my problem. But I found websocket thing. Websocket is capable of full-duplex communication over Tcp. Does that mean once a client built a connection with a Server, Server can do operation 3 (Get Config from Devices) anytime even under my network architecture?
Updated 2014/4/24
Thanks a lot to #vtortola. After studying those references , I am still confused that if it's possible to allow call a self-host service from client during a callback session?
Try to elaborate what I thought
Clients will have a self-host service at first. e.g. Providing Configuration Service
Let the Client drive the interaction first, and built a bi-direction channel between Client and Server.
Client requests, and Server response. At the same time, Server triggers the callback procedure.
Server requests "Providing Configuration" message to client via channel during the period callback is fired.
It won't work that way if Router A is doing NAT. RouterA has only an TCP 80 port. Even if you forward it to Client#1, then Client#2 won't work. And I assume RouterA is doing NAT because the client IP addresses are private, so it is translating them to a public IP address.
I think you are messing two concepts. NAT (Network Address Translation) is about IP addresses, it has nothing to do with ports. With NAT you allow your client private IP addresses be translated to the public IP address and therefore get into the internet. Port Forwarding is a technique that allows to map a TCP or UDP port in the public interface of the router to a particular local IP address. Router B is doing NAT to allow the Server communicate with internet through the public interface, and port forwarding to allow hosts in internet to access Server's TCP 80 port, by accessing its TCP 80 port.
Let the Client drive the interaction. In operation #3, the client should send the device configuration after getting the server response in #2.
If you need the server to lead some of the interactions, you must then use a duplex WCF service. WebSocket is one of the duplex WCF bindings. But again, the channel must be established from client to server first.
A Beginner's Guide to Duplex WCF
Duplex Service in WCF
WCF and WebSockets

wsDualHttpBinding ClientBaseAddress & firewalls

I'm planning on using a wsDualHttpBinding for a WCF service with callbacks. The clients will be a windows form application communicating to the service over the internet. Obviously I have no control over the firewall on the client side, so I'm wondering what is the proper way to set the ClientBaseAddress on the client side?
Right now in my intiial testing I'm running the service and client on the same pc and i am setting the binding as follows
Dim binding As System.ServiceModel.WSDualHttpBinding = Struct.Endpoint.Binding
binding.ClientBaseAddress = New Uri("http://localhost:6667")
But I have a feeling this won't work when deploying over the internet because "localhost" won't translate to the machine address (much less worrying about NAT translation) and that port might be blocked by the clients firewall.
What is the proper way to handle the base address for callbacks to a remote client?
some one tell me if i do not specify ClientBaseAddress then WCF infratructure creates a default client base address at port 80 which is used for the incoming connections from the service. Since port 80 is usually open to firewalls, things should just work.
so just tell me when win form wcf client apps will run then how can i open my custom port like "6667" and also guide me what library or what approach i should use as a result response should come from client side router
to pc and firewall will not block anything. please discuss this issue with real life scenario how people handle this kind of situation in real life. thanks
The proper way is to use TCP transport instead of HTTP transport. Duplex communication over HTTP requires two HTTP connections - one opened from client to server (that's OK) and second opened from server to client. This can work only in scenarios where you have full control over both ends. There is simply too many complications which cannot be avoided just by guessing what address to use like:
Local Windows or third party firewall has to be configured
Permission for application to run - listening on HTTP is not allowed by default unless UAC is turned off or application is running as admin. You must allow listening on the port through netsh or httpcfg (windows XP and 2003) - that again requires admin permissions.
Port can be already used by another application. In case of 80 it can be used by any local web server - for example IIS.
Private networks and network devices - if your client machine is behind the NAT the port forwarding must be configured but what if you have two machines running your application on the same private network? You cannot forward from the same incoming port to two machines.
All these issues can be avoided mostly only when you have control over whole infrastructure. That is the reason why HTTP duplex communication is useful mostly for intranet scenarios and why for example Silverlight offers another implementation where the second connection is not created and Silverlight client instead polls server continuously to check if there is any callback available.
TCP transport requires only single connection from client to server because TCP protocol is natively duplex so the server can call back the client through the same connection. When you deploy a public service you usually have control over infrastructure on the server side so you can make necessary changes in configuration to make it work.
I think this also answers your previous question.

Dynamic port

Doesn’t the dynamic ports keep changing? If yes, wont these ports change and communication stop? Please advice.
If I understand your question, then in short, no.
When your HTTP client (aka web browser) opens a connection the operating system picks a random port number from the dynamic (or "ephemeral") range.
All of the communications for that connection continue to use that same port.
Only when a new connection is opened is another port chosen.
To clarify the other end...
Servers of "standard application protocols", like HTTP and FTP have a port assigned to them by a standards body IANA. For example, in the case of HTTP, the default port is "80".
Unless the client selects a non-standard port, web connections are always made to port 80.
The web server is always listening on port 80, it never goes anywhere.
Separately, some protocols use "dynamic protocol assignment", where the protocol number of a service can change, but there is a way to make sure the changing port number is known.