Roll My Own Windows Joystick HID Driver? - usb

I have a USB Joystick, and I want to write my own HID driver for it. Notably I want to inject delay between when the joystick input is received by Windows and when my application is notified of that input event. I would also like to change the identity of the joystick percieved by my application. I have never written a driver, let alone an HID driver, for Windows. Can anyone provide me with advice or pointers on how to go about doing this?

When you press knobs on the Joystick the electric signals reach the operating system (and onto the game) in the form of IRP's through the drivers chain. Intercepting these IRP's at some point and delaying the forwarding to the next driver can delay the joystick input. This can be achieved with driver filters.
To write windows drivers you need to use WinDDK.
The entrypoint of a windows driver is the DriverEntry function. In this function you will be hooking what IRP's you want to intercept and the callback functions that deal with them, in our case, the callback functions that delay the forwarding.
For example, say our IRP to be delayed is IRP_MJ_READ and our callback function is called CallbackDelayForwarding:
// the function that delays the IRP
NTSTATUS CallbackDelayForwarding(
// delay the forwarding
// this is the driver entrypoint, similar to "main" in user-mode executables
NTSTATUS DriverEntry(
pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_READ] = CallbackDelayForwarding;
To delay the forwarding inside CallbackDelayForwarding, you must use functions from the KeInitializeTimer family to simulate some sort of sleep (maybe in conjunction with locks), KeDelayExecutionThread etc.
To install your filter driver in the joystick driver chain, you can use .inf files.
Check the toaster filter driver sample in the WinDDK, you can find it at INSTALL_DIR/src/general/toaster/ see also here.
Related links:

What you are trying to do is a filter driver.
Filter drivers are optional drivers that add value to or modify the behavior of a device. A filter driver can service one or more devices.
I think the WDK contains samples You ould have to download the Windows Driver Kit from here:
The WDK probably contains a sample code to create a filter.
There is also the following download on microsoft's site :
It is probably a little bit outdated since USB was not supported pre-NT5.0, but maybe it is still relevant.

You might want to use Autohotkey. This is a script language for windows which can remap every keys of mouse/keyboard/joysticks. If you capture the key through a script and insert a delay before sending the right key/macro to the active application, you might have a part of a solution to your problem.

I was under the impression you could use <dinput.h>
joySetCapture(wnd, JOYSTICKID1) or joySetCapture(wnd,JOYSTICKID2)
then Joystick events would fire WM_JOYMOVE events, though what the wParam and lParam for the message would be I have no idea.
Then when your program closes or you no longer want joyReleaseCapture(JOYSTICKID1) etc.
it could just be empty params which then tell you to use joyGetPos or joyGetPosEx functions
to find the data for yourself from the USB device.



I'm trying to connect my board to pc with no success.
Here is what i tried;
I tried "STM32 FS Device Lib". It includes an example project named Custom HID. But it also uses some leds, some EXTIs and a pin named USB_DISCONNECT. I ported the code, removed the USB_DISCONNECT part and the leds. When i called USB_init(), nothing happens. No device found by the pc.
There is no need to configure custom endpoints, descriptor or anything else. Just communication for personal use. I want simply call functions i.e. USB_read() and USB_write().
Is there any simple library or example project that i can use?

Flash player API for browser extension

let's say we have a P2P multi-player Flash based game hosted on a website. Would it be possible to create a browser extension that would listen to what is going on within the Flash application? For example, I would like to know when a player connects to a room, gets kicked or banned, or simply leaves by himself. I'm sorry this is not really a specific question but I need a direction to start. Thanks in advance!
I can see a few ways to communicate between Flash and a browser plugin.
One is to open a socket to a server running on the local machine. Because of the security sandbox, this may not be the easiest approach, but if feasible, it is of course probably the one to go for because you've already got your socket-handling code written, and listening/writing to a additional socket isn't terribly complicated. For this approach, you just need your plugin to start listening on a socket, and get the flash applet to connect to it.
Another way might be to try something with passing messages in cookies. Pretty sure this would just cause much grief, though.
Another way, and I suspect this may turn out to be the easier path, is to communicate between Flash and JavaScript using the ExternalInterface class, then from JavaScript to the plugin. Adobe's IntrovertIM example should get you started if you can find a copy on the web.
In Flash, create two functions, a jsToSwf(command:String, args:Array<String>):Dynamic function, to handle incoming messages from JS that are sent to that callback, and a swfToJs(command:String, args:Array<String> = null):Dynamic function, which calls"swfToJs", command, args);.
To set it up, you need to do something like:
if (flash.external.ExternalInterface.available) {
flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback("jsToSwf", jsToSwf);
swfToJs("IS JS READY?");
(The two parameters to addCallback are what the function is called in JS, and what it's called in Flash. They don't have to be the same thing, but it sort of makes sense that they do)
In JS, you need the same functions: function swfToJs(command, params) accepts commands and parameter lists from Flash; and jsToSwf(command, params) calls getSwf("Furcadia").jsToSwf(command, params);.
getSwf("name") should probably be something like:
/** Get ref to specified SWF file.
// Unfortunately, document.getElementById() doesn't
// work well with Flash Player/ExternalInterface. */
function getSwf(movieName) {
result = '';
if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) {
result = window[movieName];
} else {
result = document[movieName];
return result;
The only fiddly bit there is that you need to do a little handshake to make sure everyone's listening. So when you have Flash ready, it calls swfToJs("IS JS READY?"); then the JS side, on getting that command, replies with jsToSwf("JS IS READY!"); then on getting that, Flash confirms receipt with swfToJs("FLASH IS READY!"); and both sides set a flag saying they're now clear to send any commands they like.
So, you've now got Flash talking with JS. But how does JS talk with a browser extension? And, do you mean extension, or add-on, since there's a difference! Well, that becomes a whole 'nother can of worms, since you didn't specify which browser.
Every browser handles things differently. For example, Mozilla has port.emit()/port.on() and the older postMessage() as APIs for JS to communicate with add-ons.
Still, I think ExternalInterface lets us reduce a hard question (Flash-to-external-code comms) to a much simpler question (Js-to-external-code comms).

NSNetService NSNetServiceListenForConnections use and checking for availability?

I'm creating an application that uses NSNetService to publish a server, and I've come across the NSNetServiceListenForConnections option that can be used in OS X 10.9 with the publishWithOptions: method. This new options is highlighted in the "What's New in OS X 10.9" page provided by Apple. It states If you send the NSNetServiceListenForConnections option flag in the options value passed to publishWithOptions:, OS X automatically handles all of the connection management for you, however, I don't see how this a new behavior? I currently just call the publish method and wait for the ServerAcceptCallBack, which is set by the CFSocketCreate method. I doesn't seem to make this any easier?
I'm following some of Apple's code from the CocoaEcho example, which gets a port and opens a CFSocket. I know you can pass 0 as the port parameter for the initWithDomain: name: port: method, but that chooses a "random" port, and I'm guessing that that's not a 100% safe thing to do. I thought that NSNetServiceListenForConnections might have something to do with that, but going by the description, it doesn't.
So to my actual question, after all the rambling:
What does the NSNetServiceListenForConnections option actually do, and (why) should I use it?
Side question: If I should use it, how do I check for availability? I've been told to use if (&NSNetServiceListenForConnections != NULL), but NSNetServiceListenForConnections is an NSUInteger so I can't get the address (via &)
With this option, you don't have to open or manage the sockets at all (i.e. no calling CFSocketCreate). It creates the socket for you. Although I'm finding in 10.9.2 it isn't closing the socket properly if you call stop on the netService, but I'm still investigating. (It did seem to be closing them in 10.9.0 and 10.9.1). The socket seems to stay open until you quit the app.

Can I use a USB pen drive with libusbdotnet

I have just started on libusbdotnet. I have downloaded the sample code from
I am using a JetFlash 4GB Flash drive (a libusb-win32 filter driver was added for this drive).
The ShowInfo code works perfectly, and I can see my device info with two endpoints. Following is the device info from pastebin
However, the ReadOnly sample code does not work.
My code is almost same as that from the libsubdotnet website. I have only changed the endpoint that UsbEndpointReader uses. I have changed it from Ep01 to Ep02, because I read that the first endpoint is a control endpoint used for configuration, access control and similar stuff.
UsbEndpointReader reader = MyUsbDevice.OpenEndpointReader(ReadEndpointID.Ep02);
I always get the message "No more bytes!".
I thought that this is because of the absence of data, so I used the ReadWrite sample code.
But here I also get "No more bytes!" message.
Interestly, the line
ec = writer.Write(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(cmdLine), 2000, out bytesWritten);
executes without errors.
Can pen drives be used for read write operations? Or is something wrong with the code?
A USB thumb drive implements the USB mass storage device class, which is a subset of SCSI. The specification is here.
You're not going to get anything sensible by just reading from an endpoint - you have to send the appropriate commands to get any response.
You have not chosen an easy device class to begin your exploration of USB - you may be better starting with something easier - a HID class device, perhaps (Mouse/Keyboard) though Windows does have enhanced security around mice and keyboards which may prevent you installing a filter.
If you meddle with the filesystem on the USB stick while it's mounted as a drive by Windows, you'll almost certainly run into cache-consistency problems, unless you're extremely careful about what kind of access you allow Windows to do.

How to use the USB/HID port with objective-c under a Mac environment

I try to implement an application in snow Leopard, Reading Data from USB/HID device.In my application i tried following steps:
Create a Reference for device(IOHIDDeviceRef)
Based On the IOHIDDeviceRef i Fetch device details such as(Device ProductIDKey, Device VendorIDKey,Device ProductKey,Device Serial NumberKey,Device VersionNumberKey ect.)
IOHIDDeviceOpen(),ie :Using IOHIDDeviceRef i opened Device;
IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements(); Ie Copy Matching Elements from the Device;
Create a Reference element(ie IOHIDElementRef);
Using IOHIDElementRef i retrieved Device Usage,Device Cocookie,Device UsagePage etc.
Up to this My application working Fine.
My doubts are
How can read data From Endpoint 1, My device is special purpose device having only one End point(Interrupt no synchronization data end point)?
Is their any Pipe associated with end point 1(HID Device)?;
Is their any ReadPipe and WritePipe functions in HIDManager Based Application?
Is it possible to retrieve data from USB/HID using IOHIDDeviceSetReoprtWithCallback()?
Every thing Did based on this Link: ...
Thank you so much for your help ..
You are trying to use HID functions with non-HID device.
HID is Human Interface Device. Any HID device must conform "Device Class Definition for HID".
I suspect, your device does not conforms this specification.
So you should use other OS interface to work with your device. I suggest to use libusb. This is cross-platform library for working with USB devices on low level. It will allow you to read/write your endpoint directly.