How do I make an extention for PSPad? [closed] - api

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have used PSPad alot and I would like to make an extension for PSPad, but I don't know how to do it. I cannot find anywhere an API documentation to make the extensions.
Can someone please help me?

Have you seen the Script User's Guide? I would think if you looked at some existing extensions that you like you will quickly discover how they hook into the defined APIs.


Where can I read about ContentManager.Query() in Orchard? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I hate to ask questions like these, but where can I learn about this particular part of the Orchard API?
The documentation doesn't go into half as much detail as it should/could so would be very grateful if somebody could point me in the right direction of an example/usage explanation of Query() and it's overloads. I can't accurately form a query without it.
The Training Demo module has a lot of examples:
Beware though:

SPDH protocol documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I seem not to be able to find any documentation on SPDH protocol for POS terminals. It would be very helpful if anyone could point me to some.... Thank you
EDIT: forgot to mention that i did look at this question, but the link to the documentation does not work... An analyzer for SPDH frame
you can try with this link :
you have to provide credentials and you will be in position to download documentation.
Hope this helped you.

ELGG tools menu items for integrationg to another site [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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i need to integrate the elgg tools menu in another website for some kind of use.
Is there any plugins, APIs available for the purpose or can anyone help in creating a new one.
I think you should create a plugin that will provide the API to other site VIA json or other format,
Please check this API

Velocity $fn docs [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I notice in some Velocity reports I'm working with that $fn contains some built in functions for Velocity. I can't seem to find a list of these. For example, `$fn.formatNumber($fn.duration($time),'##0.0')
My google-fu has failed me on this one. Anyone have link to the docs on this?
Those are not built in. It is some utility class that either is getting added to every context somewhere or is registered in velocity-tools.xml as a custom tool.

Any Open Source examples of using PLActorKit? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've intrigued by Plausible Labs PLActorKit:
But the documentation just has single single Echo example. Before diving into it further I'm curious if there are any open source projects using PLActorKit I can take a look at.
A quick search on GitHub revealed TumblKitNG, which seems to make use of PLActorKit.