IDS an over-kill for a single-user app? - sql

I have the following dilema: My clients (mom-n-pop pawnshops) have been using my mgmt. system, developed with ISQL, for over 20 years. Throughout these two decades, I have customized the app to each clients desire, or when changes in Laws/Regulations have required it. Most clients are single-user sites. Some have multiple stores, but have never wanted a distributed db, don't trust the reliability or security of the internet or any other type of networking. So, they all use Standard Engines. I've been able to work around some SE limitations and done some clever tricks with ISQL and SE, but sooner or later, new laws may require images of pawnshop customers, merchandise, electronic transmision, etc. and then it will be time to upgrade to IDS, re-write the app in 4GL or change to another RDBMS. The logical and easiest route would be IDS/4GL, however, when I mentioned Linux or Unix-like platforms to my clients, they reacted negatively and demanded a Windows platform, so the easiest solution could be 4Js, Querix, etc.?.. or Access, Visual FoxPro or ???.. anyone have suggestions?

This whole issue probably comes down to a couple of issues that you'll have to deal with.
The first thing is what application programming and development language Are you willing to learn and work with?
The other thing is what kind of Internet capabilities to you want?
So for example while looking at a report do you want to be able to click on a button and have the report converted to a PDF document, and then launch the e-mail client with that PDF attached?
What about after they enter all the information data into the system, perhaps each store would like their own miniature web site in which people in town could go there to check what they've have place of having to phone up the store and ask if they have a $3 used lighter (the labor of phone and checking for these cheap items is MORE than the cost of selling the item – so web really great for this type of scenario).
The other issue is what kind of interface do you want? I assume you currently have some type of green screen or text based interface? Or perhaps over the years you did convert over to a GUI (graphical user interface).
If still green screen (text based) you now you have to sit down and give a considerable amount of effort and time into the layout and how you of screens will work with a graphical based system. I can remember when going from green screens to color, all of a sudden now the choices and effort of having to choose correct colors and layouts for that screen actually increased the workload by quite a bit. And then I went from color test screens to that of a graphical interface, then again all of a sudden now we're presented with a large number of new controls, colors, and in addition to that we have large choices in terms of different fonts and sizes.
And then now with the web, not only do you deal at different kinds a button styles (round, oval, shading, shadows, glow effects), but in addition to all those hover effects and shading effects etc, you now have to get down to some pretty serious issues in terms of what kind of colors (theme) your software will adopt for the whole web site.
This really comes down to how much learning and time you are willing to invest into new tools and how much software you can and will produce for given amount of time and effort.
I quite partial to RAD tools when you get down into the smaller business marketplace. Most of the smaller businesses can not afford rates for a .net developer (it not so much the rate, as the time to build an application). So, using ms-access is a good choice in the smaller business market place. Access is still a good 3 to 5 times many of the other tools in the marketplace. So quote by .net developer to develop something might be 12,000 bucks, and the same thing in Access might be $3000. I mean that small business can not afford to pay you to write unit testing code. This type of extra cost is just not going to happen on the smaller scale projects.
The other big issue you have to deal is what kind of report writing system are you going to build into the system? This is another reason why I like for the smaller business applications is access is because the report writer is really fantastic. Access reports have a whole bunch of abilities to bake connections in from forms and queries and pass filters and parameters into those reports. And, often the forms and queries that you spend time building already can talk to reports with parameters and pass values in a way that again really reduces the workload (development costs).
I think the number one issue that you'll have to address here however is what you're going to do for your web based strategy? You absolutely have to have one. Even if you build the front end part in access, you might still want to use a free edition of SQL server for the back end part. There are several reasons for this, but one reason is then it makes it easy to connect multiple stores up over the Internet.
Another advantage of putting your data in some type of server based system, is now you can set up some type of web server for all the stores to use, and build a tiny little customize system that allows each store to have their products and listings online (but, they use YOUR web server, or one that you paying $15 per month to host all of those customers). This web part could be an optional component that maybe perhaps all customers don't necessarily want. It would work off of the data they have to enter into the system anyway.
One great advantage of adopting these web based systems is not only does it allow these stores to serve their customers far better, but it also opens up the doors for you to convert your software into a monthly fee based system, or at least some part of it such as the optional web hosting part you offer.
When I converted so my longer time applications from green screen mainframe type software into windows desktop based applications it opened up large markets for me. With remote desktop, downloading software, issuing updates from a web site, then these new software systems make all of these nuts and bolts part of delivering software very easy now and especially so for supporting customers in different cities that you've never met face to face.
So, if you talking still primarily single user and one location, Access will reduce your development costs by a lot. It really depends on how complex and rich of an application you are talking about. If the size and scope of the project is beyond one developer, then you talking more about developer scaling (source code control, object development methodology, unit testing, cost and time of setting up a server based database system like SQL server etc). So they're certainly tipping point here when you go beyond that tipping point of cost time in complex city, then I actually don't recommend access. So this all comes down to the right horse for the right course.
Perhaps that the end of the day, it really comes down to what application development system are you willing to invest the time to learn?

Look at Aubit4GL - that is, I believe, available (or can be compiled on) Windows.
Yes, IDS is verging on overkill for a single-user system, but if SE doesn't provide all the features you need, or anticipate needing in the near future, it is a perfectly sensible choice. However, with a modicum of care, it can be set up to be (essentially) completely invisible to the user. And for a non-stressful application like this, the configuration is not complicated. You, as the supplier, would need to be fairly savvy about it. But there are features like silent install such that you could have your own installer run the IDS installer to get the software onto the customer's machine without extra ado. The total size of the system would go up - IDS is a lot bigger on disk than SE is (but you get a lot more functionality). There are also mechanisms to strip out the bigger chunks of code that you won't be using - in all probability. For example, you'd probably use ON-Tape for the backups; you would therefore omit ON-Bar and ISM from what you ship to customers.
IDS is used in embedded systems where there are no users and no managers working with the system. The hardware sits in the cupboard (closet) and works, communicating over the network.

It's good to see folks still getting value out of "old school" Informix Tools. I was never adept at Perform, but the ACE report writer always suited me. We skipped Perform and went straight for FourGen, and I lament that I've never been as productive as I was with FourGen. It had it own kind of elegance from its code generators to it funky, but actually quit powerful, stand alone menu system.
I appreciate the modern UI dynamics, but, damn, is it hard to write applications today. Not just tools, but simply industry requirements et al (such as you may be experiencing in your domain). And the Web is just flat out murder.
I guess part of it is that since most "green screen" apps look the same, it's hard to make one that looks bad! With GUIs and the Web etc., you can't simply get away with a good field order and the labels lining up.
But, alas, such as it is, that is what we have.
I have not used it in, what now, 15 years, but you may also want to look at Alpha 5. It was a pretty powerful, but not overly complicated, database development package, and (apparently) still going strong.
I wouldn't be too afraid of IDS. It runs pretty simply. Out of the box with zero or little tweaking, the DB works and is efficient, and it used to be pretty trivial to install. It was no SE, in that SE's access was tied to the application (using a library) vs an independent server that is IDS. But, operationally, it's really straightforward -- especially for an app like what you're talking about. I appreciate that it might be overkill, but even today, the resource requirements won't necessarily be insane. There's a lot of functionality, of course, and flexibility that you won't use. But frankly, beyond "flat file" DBase style databases, pretty much ALL of the server based SQL databases are very powerful and capable and potentially complicated. But they don't have to be. They can still be used "simply" and easily (well, save for Oracle -- Oracle can't do anything "simply").
As far as exploring other solutions, don't be too afraid of the "OOP" stuff, as most applications, while they leverage OOP libraries, aren't really OOP themselves (they can be, they just typically aren't, they simply don't need to be). The biggest issue with many of the OOPs systems, is they're simply to finely structured. Dealing with events at far too low of a level. While many programs need to access to that fine level of control, most applications, particularly the ones much like yours, do not. So, the extra flexibility simply gets in the way or creates more boiler plate.
That said, you shouldn't be frightened away from them per se, citing lacking of expertise. They can be picked up reasonably quickly. But I would certainly exhaust the more specialized tools (like Alpha 5, or Access, etc.) first to see if they don't offer what you want.

In terms of Visual FoxPro, was and remains a peerless tool (despite flak from people who know little about it). It has a fast, native database engine, built-in SQL and powerful report designer and so on. But you also have to consider that Microsoft support will be dropped for it in 2014, there will never be a 64-bit version, and so on. And the file locking method it uses will be increasingly flaky on future versions of Windows IMO.


What is MAGIC programming language? Which other language is closest in syntax? [closed]

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I have recently heard about Magic programming language from several sources and didn't recall ever hearing about it before. It was mentioned that it is a programming language from Israel.
I did some googling and couldn't find much information about it. I couldn't find any code examples, and wikipedia didn't have any information on it either.
I think this is the site for it though I am not sure, as it mentions uniPaaS instead of magic. However other material on the site indicates that this is the new name for it.
I was interested in learning more about it from it's practitioners, rather than the company. I saw several claims on the internet that it provided really fast application development, similar to claims made by RoR proponents when it came out.
How does it compare to VB?
Is it still a better RAD tool than current .net or mvc frameworks like django, ror ...etc?
How hard is it to learn?
If you can post some sample code it would be most helpful as well.
Could this site be it? Though it links back to the page above.
You're right my friend, Magic is the original name of the "programming language", nowadays is called UniPaaS (Uni Platform as a Service), I use it to develop some business application. Maybe is the fastest way to create an applications(data manipulation), you can create apps in just a few days, but like everything in life has its own drawbacks:
it's very weird so that makes it
difficult to learn.
you do not have all the control of what's happening in the background
and you have to pay a lot for licensing (servers,clients, etc)
If you are interested in learning this, you can download a "free" version of the software that only works with sqlite databases called UniPaaS Jet.
Magic Language is as it’s called today uniPaaS, it used to be Magic than eDeveloper and now uniPaaS as PachinSV menchend before.
uniPaaS is an application platform enabling enterprises, independent software vendors (ISVs) and system integrators (SIs) to more successfully build and deploy business applications.
You can download the free version of uniPaaS Jet here:,
try it yourself and see how easy it is to use.
Magic technology as you descried is a Magic Software Enterprises tool (uniPaaS), you can find more information on:
official website:
uniPaaS Jet developer group on facebook:
Magic developer zone:
Let me know if you find the information helpful
As PachinSV explained, there is a RAD once called Magic, then eDeveloper, now UniPaaS. This RAD is dedicated for database applications. Programming in this RAD does not look like anything else I know, you mostly don't write code as with usual languages, but it is nearly impossible to explain just with words. The applications are interpreted, not compiled.
As PachinSV said, when developing, you must follow UniPaaS' way of doing things. This is probably why so many people never manage to use Magic properly: if you thought like Magic before learning about it, then you will adapt to it easily; but if you have a long and successful experience using other database development tools, then often the Magic paradigm will never become natural to you. The learning curve is quite steep, you must learn a lot of things before being able to write a little application.
Previous versions stored the "code" inside a database table. The last version, UniPaas stores the code in xml files. I could send you an example, if PachinSV does not answer you before. But the files are pretty big: the smallest xml file I have in a test app is 4000 bytes, and any application is made of at least 11 files, an empty application is 7600 bytes. You must also understand that developers never use those files (they are undocumented AFAIK), they are only the storage format used internally by UniPaaS. The only way to use them is to set them up as a UniPaaS application.
I'm still an active MAGIC Developer... This is the old name used and its a completely different paradigm like some of you mentioned. I've been developing it from Magic version 8.x to eDeveloper 9.x to 10.x then renamed to UniPAAS.
The newer version is much easier to use and it is still very RAD in the sense that there is little or no code you write... a lot of the common programming tasks like IO, SQL command...etc is handled by the tool and is transparent ( so even less code to write since we use it in almost all types of applications)... Its mostly an Enterprise tool... you wouldnt use it for small application...
You can download the free version to learn the paradigm... but the enterprise licenses are expensive.. you need both the development tool and the runtime license if you want to deploy... so it can be costly for small scale projects...
I enjoy it personally, especially when you have to do quick proof of concepts or a quick data migration or porting onto any db platform and bridging any existing system through a wide range of gateways they provide with the licensed version.. It is up to date with the commonly used web technology out SOAP, RIA ...
It's more popular in Europe... The HQ in the States is in Irvine... we used to have 2 branches in Canada but it closed down in 2001 .... Visit the Magic User Group on Yahoo... Its a very active forum with lots of cool people who will help you out in your quest...
I Programmed with Magic for 6 years and found it to be a amazingly fast tool, easy to understand if you are a competent database programmmer because all operations are really about data manipulation. It is certainly a niche area develop in and because of this jobs are few and far between. As it is interpreted there are really no bugs to make. It will work with many databases/connections simultaneously but there is a big memory and processing hit.
Drawbacks :
Little control over communications between machines and devices
No mobile API as yet
Niche area so few skilled practitioners or companies willing to invest.
Good Points :
You can say you are a Magician; you can impress people with uber fast apps development (really)
It is easy to understand if you don't have a PHD in Maths
zero programming "bugs" can creep in. What you do is what you get.
Developed in The original Magic PC referred to by several of the above folks.
It is exactly this: FAST, FAST, but expensive and rigid in what it will allow you to do. It works on a tick tack toe like matrix. Dropping in commands into the various sections determines when they are run. The middle column is run indefinitely until you break the cycle. It is like a do Until loop. If you have to do an item once you put it into this infinite loop and end it after one cycle.
The first column procedures are run first, ONCE, before the infinite middle column is run. The 3rd column of commands is run after the infinite cycle, once. It is very efficient and logical once you get over the idea of an infinite loop.
Types can be specified and an associated program to present the type. Then everywhere the type is used all the settings automatically kick in. I like especially that one can write the program and 5 months later change the name of a variable and it is carried throughout the program. In fact the program does not use your name for anything. The internal name of any and all variables is hidden to the end user, so of course it is not a problem to change a name. It takes a minute to write an input program for any table. It takes a minute to write an export/import program for all the data files in the database.
Attaching to a type of database like Btrieve or SQL independent of the program itself.
I stopped using the language because they demand more for the runtime engine than I could charge for the programs I wished to run with it. Bill Gates went the opposite direction. VB is superior in control and being able to drop `10 datagridviews onto the same screen, but development is 10 times slower.
It's niche then is PROOF of concept for a program in a big company or conversion, importing, exporting for a development company. It is good for $25k programs that are database heavy and not going mobile.
uniPaaS, Magic PC
I did some Magic work around 1993. It was a DOS based 4GL that came from Israel. Haven't seen it since.
How does it compare to VB?
It doesn't.
Is it still a better RAD tool than current .net or mvc frameworks like django, ror ...etc?
If you mean "is it more Rapid", then yes, otherwise no.
How hard is it to learn?
About as hard as learning MS Access.
Coincidentally, if you want to get an idea of what it is and how it works, I've found that comparing it to MS Access is handy. It works in much the same way from a user's or developer's perspective. Obviously what happens in the background is vastly different, but if you've ever developed a form in design view in Access, Magic will seem very familiar.
Google tells me there's also MAGIC/L. All I could find about it was this blurb:
A procedural language written in
Forth. Originally ran on Z80's under
CP/M and later available for IBM-PCs
and Sun 3s.
The only Magic programming language that I know about is one used by a company called Meditech. It's a proprietary language derived from MUMPS.
The language is truly miserable - here's a sample.

Should developers be limited to certain software for development?

Should developers be limited to certain applications for development use?
For most, the answer would be as long as the development team agrees it shouldn't matter.
For a company that is audited for security certifications, is there a method that balances the risk of the company and the flexibility, performance of the developers?
coding/development software
build system software
3rd party software included with distribution (libraries, utilities)
(Additional) Remaining software on workstation
Possible solutions
Create white-list of approved software where developer must ask for approval for desired software before he/she can use it. Approval would be based on business purpose/security risk.
Create black-list for software. Developers list all software used. Review board periodically goes over list.
Has anyone had to work at a company that restricted developer tools beyond the team setting? How did they handle the situation?
Cleaned up question. Attempted to make less argumentative.
Limiting the software that developers can use on their work machines is a fantastic idea. This way, all the developers will quit, and then the company won't have to spend as much money on salaries and equipment, resulting in higher profits.
Real answer: NO!!!
No, developers should not be limited in the software they use, because it prevents them from successfully doing their jobs. Think about how much you are paying your team of developers, - do you really want all that money to go spiraling down the drain because you've artificially prevented them from solving problems?
1) Company locks down the pc and treats the developer as competent as a secretary
What happens when the developer needs to do something with administrative permissions? EG: Register a COM object, restart IIS, or install the product they're building? You've just shut them down.
2) Create a white-list of approved software...
This is also impractical due to the sheer amount of software. As a .NET developer I regularly (at least once per week) use upwards of 50 distinct applications, and am constantly evaluating newer upgrades/alternatives for many of these applications. If everything must go through a whitelist, your "approval" staff are going to be utterly swamped by just one or 2 developers, let alone a team of them.
If you take either of these actions, you'll achieve the following:
You'll burn giant piles of time and money as the developers sit on their thumbs waiting for your approval team, or doing things the long slow tedious way because they weren't allowed to install a helpful tool
You'll make yourself the enemy of the development department (not good if you want your devs to actually do what you ask them to do)
You'll depress team morale substantially. Nobody enjoys feeling like they're locked in a cage, and every time they think "This would be finished 5 hours ago if only I could install grep", they'll be unhappy.
A more acceptable answer is to create a blacklist for "problem" software (and websites) such as Pidgin, MSN messenger, etc if you have problems with developers slacking off. Some developers will also rail against this, but many will be OK with it, provided you are sensible in what you blacklist and don't go overboard.
I think developers should have total control on applications that they use as long as they can do their job with them. Developers' productivity is directly related to working environment and no one will like being restricted and everyone likes to use software they like themselves.
Of course there should be some standards in terms of version control, document format, etc., but generally developers should have right to use any programs they want.
And security should be developer's concern - company admins should care about setting up proper firewall to protect against any kinds of attacks.
A better solution would to create a secure independent environment for the developers. An environment that if compromised won't put the rest of the company at risk.
The very nature of the development is to create crafty ingenuous pithy solutions. To achieve this, failures must happen.
Whatever they do, don't take away the Internet in general. Google = Coding Help 101 :)
Or maybe just leave allowed haha.
I'd say this depends on quite a list of factors.
One is team size. If you have a team of half a dozen developers, this can be negotiated whenever a need for some application pops up. If you have a team of 100 developers, some policy is probably in order.
Another factor is what those developers do. If they compile C code using a proprietary compiler for an embedded platform, things are very different from a team producing distributed web or PC software in a constantly shifting environment.
The software you produce and the target customers are important, too. If you're porting the Linux kernel to some new platform, whether code leaks probably doesn't matter all that bad. OTOH, there are a lot of cases where this is very different.
There are more factors, but in the end it all boils down to two conflicting goals:
You want to give your developers as much freedom as possible, because that stimulates their creativity.
You want to restrict them as much as possible, as this reduces risks. (I'm talking of security risks as well as the risk to ship non-functioning software etc.)
You'll have to find a middle ground that doesn't hurt creativity while allowing enough guarantees to not to hurt the company.
Of course! If you want a repeatable build process, you don't want it contaminated by whatever random bit of junk a programmer happens to use as a tool to generate part of the code. Since whatever application you are building lasts much longer than anyone expects, you also want to ensure that the tools you use to build it are available for roughly the same duration; random tools from the internet don't provide any such gaurantee.
Your team should say "The following tools are allowed for build steps and nothing else" and attempt to make that list short.
Obviously, it shouldn't matter what a programmer looks at to decide what to do, so the entire Internet is just fine as long as its just-look. Nor does it matter if he produces code by magic (or random tool) as long as your team doesn't mind accepting just that tool's output as though it were written by hand.

As a programmer how much are you expected to know outside of programming? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
I'm wondering what you do as a programmer that's not programming but necessary for your task (eg: local setup, server setup, deployment, etc). I'm curious to know how many non-programming related tasks people are performing.
For example, when on web development projects I often:
Install servers
Manage user right/access to servers
Perform backups
Configure IIS/Apache
Setup FTP sites
On non-web projects I often:
Write build scripts
Setup source code management tools/procedures
Probably more stuff I'm not thinking of
Some tasks are more related to programming than others (such as writing build scripts) but others fall outside of my area of expertise (domain setup comes to mind). Just interested to know how many people perform tasks in their jobs that are not programming related.
The sad reality is that non-technical people look at technical people and expect them to know everything that is technology related, not understanding that there are specializations within technology which we might know nothing about.
I often think it is very much like a doctor that specializes in a particular discipline. All doctors have a baseline of knowledge in the medical field, but will not know the specifics of other specializations (a cardiologist will not know as much about anesthesiology and vice versa).
So while I think it is unreasonable for people to expect technologists to know everything, I do think that it is reasonable for them to expect that we know something when it comes to technology.
I think a more important facet of this question is how much one is expected to know about the specific domain where they apply their skills (finance, manufacturing, etc, etc). I think that is incredibly important, as having that domain knowledge makes them much more valuable as a programmer, as they can understand the problems on a deep level, and as a result, provide more comprehensive solutions for them.
Expected? Almost nothing, but everyone's always really happy when you know more.
The more you know outside the narrow confines of programming, the more valuable you are to your employer.
Things that have come up for me:
requirements gathering
writing use cases
evaluating test plans
negotiating with vendors
tax law
revenue recognition rules
ideas about how users behave
basic economic theory
usability guidelines
differences in consumer behavior in different countries
system administration (being a full on sysadmin)
database configuration, optimization, setup (basically being a DBA)
monitoring systems
networking principles and techniques (you'd be amazed how handy a packet trace can be when debugging something...)
being able to evaluate a business plan written by someone else
image manipulation
how to diffuse a situation and avoid arguments
how to corner someone and make them to commit to something when they don't want to
how to choose battles
I think the non-programming skill I use the most in my programming job is writing. It's really crucial to be able to explain ideas, designs, algorithms, and so on, and you can never count on being around to do it in person (or having the time). I spend a good amount of time at work writing up design documents and other documentation so other engineers can get their heads around my code and algorithms. So I'm really thankful that I had good writing classes in school and can put a sentence together. :-)
Probably depends on the size of the company you work for. As someone who has worked mainly at small to medium sized businesses, I've also been responsible for:
database creation, management, and tuning
supporting the internal applications I launch
managing website certificates
setting up external hosting
and I'm sure there's more as well
Well, since a programmer's primary tool is his computer, I think it's fair to assume some expertise with it. Most of those sorts of things you've described are difficult for someone unfamiliar with computers, but pretty easy (even with little prior experience) for someone who understands the domain and knows how to find and read documentation.
In a big, well-organized business or project, I'd expect someone who was more specifically familiar with those sort of administrative things to take care of them. However, if there's not enough of them to warrant a full-time job, then I don't think it's unreasonable to have anyone competent work on it; and programmers are probably at the head of the queue in that regard.
I find the vast majority of "bugs" discovered by users are configuration problems with the systems on which the application is installed. Having developers that understand the common machine and network setup errors is very desirable.
For example if an application sends email as part of its operation its useful to have developers knowledgable in DNS and SMTP configuration.
Of course it depends on your size of business, large organisations can probably shield developers from this by using other specialists.
I realized I'm never hired for the actual job, but as a problem solver. Whether I figure out what's going on, and fix it through code, or software, or something on the network, this seems to be the main perception of what clients want.
This will vary greatly depending on where you are. I've worked with people who know none of this stuff, and people who are experts.
Knowing this will help you greatly. In general it's always better to understand the environment your code is running in. Not understanding the context leaves you somewhat helpless.
Additionally there are often bugs that are not code related but configuration related, for example a page not showing up because of the apache configuration. You're very handicapped in debugging if you don't understand the environment.
People around a work place probably expect a programmer to be their IT HelpDesk guy... it happens around here to me. argh.
Where I work, all developers are expected to be able to use Subversion and have to be able to setup and configure Apache and Tomcat on their PC.
The biggest challenge is not the technical issues associated with getting the environment up and running but the domain knowledge required to effectively develop software in a small shop. For me, I work on a lot of different projects from a variety of sources in a mostly isolated development environment. This means that I need to come up to speed on the domain of the project pretty quickly in order to be effective in developing a solution. In the past I've worked on print accounting solutions, active directory management, research survey databases, and currently a quasi-CRM solution for a charitable organization. I wish I only had to know the nuts and bolts of setting up my development and build environment.
It often depends on the size of the company. In a little company, you have to know how to do everything, including systems admin, and network admin, even if your job is focused on programming.
In a big company, you get to see a little slice of the universe, and they often don't like you peeking outside of your box. Not only do you not need to learn everything, they're often unhappy with you if you try.
However, the more you understanding about the machines, how they work, and how they function in an operational environment, the easier it is to diagnose problems and write better software. The more you understanding about the domain you're writing applications for, the better you are able to differentiate between the users needs and their desires.
One of the coolest things about being a software developer is you have a life long excuse for sticking your nose into both the technologies and the various business domains. If you've shifted around to a few different industries, you tend to become loaded down with all sorts of interesting tidbits. There is always more to learn ...
It's good to expose yourself to other technologies, but I really think it's a bad idea for you to not fully disclose the fact that you aren't experts in those areas (esp. domain setup). I've worked with people who thought they could do it all but ended up doing those tasks so poorly that with all the time (and money) they've spent trying to get it right, a consultant would have been paid for several times over.
I've worked at a company where I was responsible for everything "related to a computer" including the domain, PCs, database, custom software, builds, MS Office, PowerPoint, Quickbooks...; a mid-size company where it was development and builds; and a large company where I focus solely on the .Net code for my project (someone else handles the database and another handles reporting).
The mid-size company has been the best experience so far (pretty new at the large company) where I was given enough responsibility to feel useful and had easy access to everyone else to ask questions about those other tasks.
You are not alone out there. The position I signed up for was "ASP.NET Web Developer"... However, my job consists of:
Windows Server Administration
Limited Linux Administration (running
top to monitor CPU utilization and changing apache configs)
LDAP Administration / Tuning
MS SQL Server 2005 Administration /
Database Development
Crystal Reports Developer
Perl Scripts
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Being in a company that is constantly striving for supreme "Operation Effectiveness" my task list only grows by the day. I did not make up that list either. All of the items mentioned above, I have either touched or supported in the past 3 years I have worked in this company.
That being said, in a good development shop, you should have one specific task. As the saying goes, Jack of all trades ... master of none.
This depends greatly on what you're programming. If you're doing low level device drivers, it's vital that you understand the underlying hardware. If you're doing a standalone Java app, the better you understand the JVM and libraries you're using, the better - but it isn't strictly necessary to know a lot.
In general, the more you understand about your system environment, the better. How much your peers and management expect you to know depends on them.
Ignorance will, eventually, be punished. If not by your peers and management, the world will do it. Check any week's headlines or RISKS digest for examples where ignorance of the system environment cause software failure.
[rant mode on]
Ha, the curse of Excel and Word.
Outside work - particularly friends and family but sometimes when consulting or delivering software too, any and all non-technical people expect you to understand these. There's that internal groan when someone asks you across to have a look at a small problem they're having with some facet of Office. And because it's a client and you want to appear helpful you agree.
There's just this blanket expectation that because you're a developer you have an innate knowledge of configuring spreadsheets, fixing Word templates, and any and all other office techie tasks, and furthermore you can cast your eye over some badly configured Office mess and instantly diagnose what the problem is.
I can only just about manage to put together a spreadsheet to schedule my reoccuring invoices and set up a Word template to write them. I regularly tell people that too - but no-one ever listens.
It depends a lot on the type of software you're currently developing
For example, when I was working on software for a local government, I had to learn things like
What are the rules for registering animals (pets). What are the types of registrations, what discounts apply, what are penalties for not registering on time
How are council rates calculated. How are rates raised yearly (actually, the algorithm for raising yearly rates and its implementation was the most complex task I met so far).
How are building permits issued. What types of inspections can be performed. Who is involved in the process of issuing a building permit (owner, builder, architect, officers etc.)
How often are water meters read. How are water meters assigned to properties, how many dials are on a water meter, how to detach a water meter from one property and to attach to a different one
What are different pension types. What are different discounts that are granted depending on a pension type.
What are different types of receipts. What different types of terminal printers (those that are used to print small receipts) exist and how to print to them.
What are properties, strata children, what are rules for dividing properties into 'parcels' ...
Well, that's just part of non-programming stuff that I learned during the 2 years on the project. The most unfortunate thing here is that now that I moved to a different company, there is very little chance that any of this knowledge I will ever use.
My job title is "Senior Software Engineer". In point of fact, for most of the past several years, I did fairly little software development, but did do a lot of:
Systems & web administration
Static web page development with HTML (I don't consider that programming, although I have done PHP, CGI, and JavaScript).
As others have said, help desk sorts of stuff, although not as much as in the past.
As a "task leader", I'm expected to have some people/management skills, although that usually devolves to writing monthly reports. I also get sucked into CMMi stuff from time to time, which in an ideal world might be somewhat relevant, but is usually just record keeping so the employer can bid on new contracts which require it.
Working in science lab, there's a need to know some of the science, especially if you want/need to work on the code doing the scientific calculations.
Working in a (U.S.) government facility, there's lots of paperwork and a need to know lots of government regulation (e.g. Freedom of Information Act)
Fortunately, I've recently made an internal transfer where I'm doing more development work and less of this other stuff!
Personally, I find that knowing more is always good, it paves the way to the next level. The hardest things in life is at the integration point. Literally. People focus a lot on specializing, but don't forget that you need people who can straddle both realms.

How to avoid short-lifespan enterprise applications?

A while ago another question referred to the (possibly urban tale) statistic that
... the average lifespan of software is about 3 years
At the time I came up with the following reasons (and I'm sure there are more possibly better ones):
A new major system (ERP, CRM, etc.) is implemented and it has an "integrated" module to replace the old app.
Same, but no integrated app - but the existing app is not adaptable (the people left, technology has changed, current IT policies have changed, users don't like the existing app.)
The company you acquired the basic app from, to customize it for your needs has disappeared.
Or you don't get along well with them any more.
The technology for the existing app is "obsolete" (according to the framework vendor/Microsoft/consultant/industry expert/new IT manager who has management's ear.)
"We're phasing out (Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows 2000/Windows XP/NT) and we need matching technology in our apps".
"We've learned a lot from (App Version n) and we'll do a lot better the second/third/fourth/n+1th time."
Job justification for developers/IT manager/Division VP/consulting company.
The users hate it.
We've merged/acquired a competitor/been acquired by a competitor and theirs is better.
Some of these are unavoidable (e.g. your company gets bought), but overall this is surely smething that needs to be avoided. Does your organization intentionally fight this syndrome? What effective strategies would you recommend?
That's why an application needs to be easy to expand, and you should be able to easily add-in all the buzzwords.
If you have a solid base code, most of the buzzwords are related to the UI (Vista Controls, Ajax, .net, 3.5)...
You could be running COBOL in the back-end ( I wouldn't).
A new major system is implemented - There's nothing you can do.
current IT policies have changed, - The app should be adaptable.
users don't like/hate the existing app - why? cosmetic changes in the UI can fix this most of the time.
The company you acquired the basic app from, to customize it for your needs has disappeared. - I wouldn't do that, I'd prefer to write it myself.
The technology for the existing app is "obsolete" (according to the framework vendor/Microsoft/consultant/industry expert/new IT manager who has management's ear.) - same as the above, if the back-end is solid, you should follow these in the front-end.
"We're phasing out (Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows 2000/Windows XP/NT) and we need matching technology in our apps". - a simple compatibility test and minor UI elements solve this.
I'll also say that this is different when you compare in-house to commercial apps, if you're doing an in-house app, change guarantees your job (if you know what you're doing). If you're doing a commercial app, change is an opportunity to make more money, new features would get you upgrades from existing clients and new clients who are looking for the buzzwords, these buzzword could become your advantage when compared to a competitor.
The average lifetime of software I write at the moment is probably a few days. (I write a lot of scripts, so I might be an aberration. ;-) But the core system I work with is probably 15 to 20 years old now. The underlying OS is about 30 years old. There is nothing inherently wrong with either old or young software. In fact, software ages best when it's possible to adapt it to new uses.
Having layers of abstraction between functional parts make it easier to replace functionality in a system. For instance, we've gone through several different tape libraries on our system and now we are considering going to disk archives in the future. Since the "archive" portion of our system sits behind an abstraction layer, we can replace it fairly easily without replacing the rest of the system.
When possible, it's also best to use standard parts. That way, if you run into some limitation, it's likely others will have the same problems and more likely someone will come up with a fix.
Continuous improvement - add useful features at regular intervals
No show-stopping bugs in new versions - testing, testing, testing...
be nice to your clients and treat them with respect (most users really don't want to change their ERPs every three years so if you have a good realtions with them they'll be on your side)
Stay current with new technologies and integrate them in your application when needed
When gathering requirements and someone says "Situation X will always be the case, no exceptions", make it configurable. It will always change, no exceptions.
Most companies don't make it for 5 years. Their software implementations wouldn't be expected to last as long.

Software "Robots" - Processes or work automation [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have being toying with the idea of creating software “Robots” to help on different areas of the development process, repetitive task, automatable task, etc.
I have quite a few ideas where to begin.
My problem is that I work mostly alone, as a freelancer, and work tends to pill up, and I don’t like to extend or “blow” deadline dates.
I have investigated and use quite a few productivity tools. I have investigated CodeGeneration and I am projecting a tool to generate portions of code. I use codeReuse techniques. Etc.
Any one as toughs about this ? as there any good articles.
I wouldn't like to use code generation, but I have developed many tools to help me do many of the repetitive tasks.
Some of these could do nice things:
Email Robots
These receive emails and do a lot of stuff with them, they need to have some king of authentication to protect you from the bad stuff :
Automatically logs whatever was entered in a database or excel spreadsheet.
Updates something in a database.
Saves all the attachments in a specific shared folder.
Reboot a server.
These will do repetitious tasks:
Print out all the invoices for the month.
Automatically merge data from several sources.
Send reminders of GTD items.
Send reminders of late TODO items.
Automated builds
Automated testing
These automate some repetitive server administration tasks:
Summarize server logs, remove regular items and send the rest by email
Rebuild indexes in a database
Take automatic backups
Meta-programming is a great thing. If you easily get access to the data about the class structure then you can automate a few things. In the high level language I use, I define a class like 'Property' for example. Add an integer for street number, a string for street name and a reference to the owning debtor. I then auto generate a form that has a text box for street number and street name, a lookup box for the debtor reference and the code to save and load is all auto-generated. It knows that street number is an integer so its text box can only accept integers. If I declare a read only property it will also make sure the text box is read only.
There are software robots, but often you really don't see them. For example consider a robot that is used to package stuff. There is a person who monitors the robot in case of a failure. When the robot fails, the person shuts the robot down and fixes things. That person is like a programmer who operates IDE to compile, refactor etc. When errors occur, the programmer fixes the code and runs the compiler again.
Well compiling is not very robot like, but then there are software that compile your project automatically. Now that is more like a kind of a robot. That software robot also checks things in the code like is there enough comments and so on.
Then we have software that generates code according to our input. For example we can create forms in MS Access easily with Wizards. The wizards are not automatically producing new forms form after form after form, because we need every form to be different. But the form generator is a kind of robot-like tool that is operated.
Of course you could input the details of every form first and then run generate, but people like to see soon every form. Also the input mechanism is the form pretty much already, so you get what you create on the fly. Though with data transformation tools you can create descriptions of forms from a list of field names, generate the forms, and call that as using robots.
There are even whole books about automated software production, but the biggest problem is, that the automation of the process lasts longer then the process itself.
Mostly programmers give up on this, since they try to achive everything on one step, from manual programming, to automation.
Common automation in software production is done through IDEs, CodeGenerators and such, until now nearly no logic is automated.
I would appreciate any advance in this topic. Try to automate little tasks from the process, and connect those tasks afterwards. Going step by step.
I'm guessing that, just like just about every software developer on planet Earth, you want to write software that writes software by itself. Unfortunately, it's an idea that only works on paper. I mean, we have things like code generators, DSLs, transformation pipelines, Visual Studio add-ins that statically analyse code and generate derivative code, and so on. But it's nowhere near anything one would call a 'robot'.
Personally, I think more needs to be done in this area. For example, the IDE should be able to infer things and make suggestions based on what I'm actually doing. For example, if I'm adding a property, the IDE infers what attributes other properties in the file has, and how the property itself is structured, and adjusts the property accordingly.
Any sort of AI is hard work and, regrettably, does not have such a great ROI. But it sure if fun.
Scripting away the repetitive tasks - that's what you refer? I guess you're a Windows developer where scripting is not as nearly common as in *nix world. Hence your question.
You might want to have a look at the *nix side of software development arena where the workflow is more or less similar to what you describe (at least more than Windows). Plowing your way via bash, perl, python, etc.. will get you what you want.
ps. Also look at nsr81's post in comments for similar scripting tools on Windows.
Code generation is certainly a viable tool for some tasks. If done poorly it can create maintenance problems, but it doesn't have to be done poorly. See Code Generation Network for a fairly active community, with conference, papers, etc.
Code Generation in Action is one book that comes to mind.
You can try Robot framework
Robot Framework is a generic automation framework,It has easy-to-use tabular test data syntax and it utilizes the keyword-driven approach.
Even you can used this tools as software bot (RPA).
Robotic Process Automation
First, a little back-story... In 2011, I was the Operations Manager for Contracting Center of Excellence at Bristol-Myers Squibb. We were in the early stages of rolling out a brand new Global Contracting System. This new system was replacing a great deal of manual effort across the globe with the intention of one system to create, store and retrieve Contracting information for all of the organization. No small task to be sure, and one we certainly underestimated the scope and eventual impact of. Like most organizations getting a handle on this contract management process, we found it to be from 4 to 10 times larger than originally expected.
We did a lot of things very right, including the building of a support organization from the ground up, who specialized on this specific application and becoming true subject matter experts to the organization in (7) languages and most time zones.
The application, on the other hand, brought it's own challenges which included missing features, less than stellar performance and a lot of back-end work needing done by the Operations team. This is where the Robotics Process Automation comes into the picture.
Many of the 'features' of this software were simply too complicated for end users to use, but were required to create contracts. The first example was adding a "Contact" to whom the Contract would be made with. The "Third Party", if you will. This is a seemingly simple thing, which took (7) screens of data entry, a cryptic point of access, twenty two minutes and a masters degree to figure out, on your own for each one. We quickly made the business decision to have the Operations team create these 'Contacts' on behalf of our end users. We anticipated the need to be a few thousand a year. We very quickly passed 800 requests per week. With three FTE's working on it, we had a backlog ever growing and a turn-around time of more than two weeks per request. Obviously, this would NOT due in any business environment.
The manual process was so complicated, even my staff had a large number of errors in creating them, even as subject matter experts. The resulting re-work further complicated the issue and added costs. I had some previous Automation experience and products that I worked with, but this need was even more intense and complicated than I had encountered before. I needed something great, fast, easy to implement and that would NOT require IT assistance (as that had it's own pitfalls.) I investigated a number of products, all professing to do similar things. One of course, stood out to me. It seemed to be the most capable, affordable and had good support options. The product I selected was Automation Anywhere at the bargain price of about $4000.00 USD.
I am not here to pitch for Automation Anywhere, or any specific product, for that matter. But, my experiences with this tool, forever changed my expectations and understanding of what Robotic Process Automation really means.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am not here to pitch for Automation Anywhere, or any specific product, for that matter. But, my experiences with this tool, forever changed my expectations and understanding of what Robotic Process Automation really means. (see below, if you are unsure)
After my first week, buying the tool and learning some of the features, I was able to implement a replacement of the manual process of creating a "Contact" in the contracting system from a two week turn around, to a (1) hour turn-around. It took the FTE effort of 22 minutes for each entry, to zero. I was able to run this Automated process from a desktop PC and handle every request, fully automated, including the validation and confirmation steps into other external systems to ensure better data quality than was ever possible, previously. In the first week, my costs for the software were recovered by over 200% in saved labor, allowing those resources to focus on other higher value tasks. I don't care where you are from, that is an amazing ROI!
That was just the beginning, now that we had this tool, and in fact it could do much more than this initial task I needed, it became one of the most valued resources for developing functional Proof of Concept/prototypes of more complex processes we needed to bridge the gaps in the contracting system. I was able to add on to the original purchase with an Enterprise License and secure a more robust infrastructure partnering with our IT department at a an insanely low cost for total implementation. I now had (5) dedicated Corporate servers operating 24/7 and (2) development licenses for building and supporting automation tasks and we were able to continue to support the Contracting initiative, even with the volume so much greater than anticipated with the same number of FTEs as we started with. It became the platform for reporting, end user notification, system alerts, updating data, work-flow, job scheduling, monitoring, ETL and even data entry and migration from other systems. The cost avoidance because of implementing this Robotic Process Automation tool can not be over stated. The soft-dollar savings from delivering timely solutions to the business community and the continued professional integrity we were able to demonstrate and promote is evident in the successful implementation to more than 48 countries in under (1) year and the entry of over 120,000 Contracts entered each year since.
It became the platform for reporting, end user notification, system alerts, updating data, work-flow, job scheduling, monitoring, ETL and even data entry and migration from other systems.
While the term, Robotic Process Automation is currently all the buzz, the concepts have been around for some time. Please, please however, don't make the assumption that this means it is a build and forget situation. As it grows, and it will grow, you need a strong plan to manage tasks, resources and infrastructure to keep things running. These tools basically mimic anything a human can do, and much more than a human as well. However, a human can rather quickly change their steps in a process if one of the 'source' systems she/he is using has a change in the user interface. Your Automation Tasks will need 'tweaked' to make that change in most cases. Some business processes can be easier than others to Automate and might be two complex for a casual "Automation task creator" to build and or maintain. Be very sure you have solid resources to build and maintain the tasks. If you plan to do more than one thing with your RPA tool, make sure to have solid oversight, governance, resources and a corporate 'champion' or I assure you, your efforts will not be successful.
Robotic Process Automation Defined:
(IRPA) Institute for Robotic Process Automation: “Robotic process automation (RPA) is the application of technology that allows employees in a company to configure computer software or a “robot” to capture and interpret existing applications for processing a transaction, manipulating data, triggering responses and communicating with other digital systems.”
Wikipedia: “Examples of robotic automation include the use of industrial robots in manufacturing and the use of software robots in automating clerical processes in services industries. In the latter case, the use of the term robot is metaphorical, conveying the similarity of those software products – which are produced to provide a generic automation capability and then configured within the end user environment to execute manual and repetitive tasks – to their industrial robot counterparts. The metaphor is apt in the sense that the software “robot” is now mimicking or replacing a function classically associated with a person.”