What is an instance of a field called? - oop

This might be an odd question, but it has actually caused me some headache.
In Object oriented programming, there are accepted names for key concepts. In our model, we have classes with methods and fields. Now, going to the data world:
An instance of a class is called an object.
An instance of a field is called... what?
A value? Isn't the term value a little broad for this? I have been offered "property" as well, but isn't property also part of the model and not the data?
(This is not purely academic, I am actually coding these concepts.)
Updated: Let me take an example. I have a class "Person" with a field "age". If I create 20 Person instances, each such instance is called an object. So far so good. But let's say I take Person "Igor", and set his age to 20. What is the storage location that contains the number 20 now called? Is it a field, or a value, or something else?
Another update: A quote from Pavel Feldman in this related question describes in different words what I tried to describe above:
"I'd say that in class-based OOP field belongs to class and does not have a value. It is so when you look at reflection in c# or java - class has fields, field has type, name, etc. And you can get value of the field from object. You declare field once, in class. You have many objects with same fields but different values."

A field can't be instantiated. A field can only contain a value. The value can be either a primitive/native type or a reference/pointer to an object instance.
As per your update: if the object represents a real world entitiy, then it's often called property. With a "real world entity" I mean something personal/human, e.g. Person, Product, Order, Car, etc. If the object does not represent something personal/human, e.g. List, String, Map, then it's more often called field. That's just what I've observed as far.

Agree with BalusC. However I think what you are asking is what to call the field of an instantiated object. Remember that an object contains both state (data) and operations (methods) you could refer to an object field as state

A field is a field weather you talk about it in the context of a class, or in the context of an object.
class C {
int i; // i is a field
obj = new C();
obj.i = 7; // obj.i is a field
As opposed to parameter vs argument there is no distinction in terminology for "instantiated" an "uninstantiated" fields.

An instance of a class is an object, a class may contain fields that point to other instantiated objects (or a null pointer). It makes no sense to say an instance of a field, but rather you might talk about the object to which a particular field points to, which may be different for different instances. Or you may talk about the type of a field (which class it belongs to)

Isn't the answer basically that we have no name for values of fields of an instance of a class (or object)?
It's like giving a name to the value returned by a method of an instance of a class...
I guess "state" is the best answer anyway as suggested "BalusC".


Differences between Function that returns a string and read only string property [duplicate]

I need to expose the "is mapped?" state of an instance of a class. The outcome is determined by a basic check. It is not simply exposing the value of a field. I am unsure as to whether I should use a read-only property or a method.
Read-only property:
public bool IsMapped
return MappedField != null;
public bool IsMapped()
return MappedField != null;
I have read MSDN's Choosing Between Properties and Methods but I am still unsure.
The C# standard says
§ 8.7.4
A property is a member that provides access to a characteristic of an object or a class. Examples of properties include the length of a string, the size of a font, the caption of a window, the name of a customer, and so on. Properties are a natural extension of fields. Both are named members with associated types, and the syntax for accessing fields and properties is the same. However, unlike fields, properties do not denote storage locations. Instead, properties have accessors that specify the statements to be executed when their values are read or written.
while as methods are defined as
§ 8.7.3
A method is a member that implements a computation or action that can be performed by an object or class. Methods have a (possibly empty) list of formal parameters, a return value (unless the method’s return-type is void ), and are either static or non-static.
Properties and methods are used to realize encapsulation. Properties encapsulate data, methods encapsulate logic. And this is why you should prefer a read-only property if you are exposing data. In your case there is no logic that modifies the internal state of your object. You want to provide access to a characteristic of an object.
Whether an instance of your object IsMapped or not is a characteristic of your object. It contains a check, but that's why you have properties to access it. Properties can be defined using logic, but they should not expose logic. Just like the example mentioned in the first quote: Imagine the String.Length property. Depending on the implementation, it may be that this property loops through the string and counts the characters. It also does perform an operation, but "from the outside" it just give's an statement over the internal state/characteristics of the object.
I would use the property, because there is no real "doing" (action), no side effects and it's not too complex.
I personally believe that a method should do something or perform some action. You are not performing anything inside IsMapped so it should be a property
I'd go for a property. Mostly because the first senctence on the referenced MSDN-article:
In general, methods represent actions and properties represent data.
In this case it seems pretty clear to me that it should be a property. It's a simple check, no logic, no side effects, no performance impact. It doesn't get much simpler than that check.
Please note that if there was any of the above mentioned and you would put it into a method, that method should include a strong verb, not an auxiliary verb like is or has. A method does something. You could name it VerifyMapping or DetermineMappingExistance or something else as long as it starts with a verb.
I think this line in your link is the answer
methods represent actions and properties represent data.
There is no action here, just a piece of data. So it's a Property.
In situations/languages where you have access to both of these constructs, the general divide is as follows:
If the request is for something the object has, use a property (or a field).
If the request is for the result of something the object does, use a method.
A little more specifically, a property is to be used to access, in read and/or write fashion, a data member that is (for consuming purposes) owned by the object exposing the property. Properties are better than fields because the data doesn't have to exist in persistent form all the time (they allow you to be "lazy" about calculation or retrieval of this data value), and they're better than methods for this purpose because you can still use them in code as if they were public fields.
Properties should not, however, result in side effects (with the possible, understandable exception of setting a variable meant to persist the value being returned, avoiding expensive recalculation of a value needed many times); they should, all other things being equal, return a deterministic result (so NextRandomNumber is a bad conceptual choice for a property) and the calculation should not result in the alteration of any state data that would affect other calculations (for instance, getting PropertyA and PropertyB in that order should not return any different result than getting PropertyB and then PropertyA).
A method, OTOH, is conceptually understood as performing some operation and returning the result; in short, it does something, which may extend beyond the scope of computing a return value. Methods, therefore, are to be used when an operation that returns a value has additional side effects. The return value may still be the result of some calculation, but the method may have computed it non-deterministically (GetNextRandomNumber()), or the returned data is in the form of a unique instance of an object, and calling the method again produces a different instance even if it may have the same data (GetCurrentStatus()), or the method may alter state data such that doing exactly the same thing twice in a row produces different results (EncryptDataBlock(); many encryption ciphers work this way by design to ensure encrypting the same data twice in a row produces different ciphertexts).
If at any point you'll need to add parameters in order to get the value, then you need a method. Otherwise you need a property
IMHO , the first read-only property is correct because IsMapped as a Attribute of your object, and you're not performing an action (only an evaluation), but at the end of the day consistancy with your existing codebase probably counts for more than semantics.... unless this is a uni assignment
I'll agree with people here in saying that because it is obtaining data, and has no side-effects, it should be a property.
To expand on that, I'd also accept some side-effects with a setter (but not a getter) if the side-effects made sense to someone "looking at it from the outside".
One way to think about it is that methods are verbs, and properties are adjectives (meanwhile, the objects themselves are nouns, and static objects are abstract nouns).
The only exception to the verb/adjective guideline is that it can make sense to use a method rather than a property when obtaining (or setting) the information in question can be very expensive: Logically, such a feature should probably still be a property, but people are used to thinking of properties as low-impact performance-wise and while there's no real reason why that should always be the case, it could be useful to highlight that GetIsMapped() is relatively heavy perform-wise if it in fact was.
At the level of the running code, there's absolutely no difference between calling a property and calling an equivalent method to get or set; it's all about making life easier for the person writing code that uses it.
I would expect property as it only is returning the detail of a field. On the other hand I would expect
MappedFields[] mf;
public bool IsMapped()
mf.All(x => x != null);
you should use the property because c# has properties for this reason

Smalltallk - How can I get an Array (or Collection) of the all the Instance variables in an Object (the current Instance) of a Class?

Let's say we have a Class and we instantiate it, creating an Instance of that Class. This Instance has a number of (instance)variables, defined by the class, that I need to use. I'd like to get all these (instance)variables in an Array or some Collection so I can iterate through them and set them to some value, not nil.
How can I do this?
I would like to build up on #Uko's answer because there is a more direct way to implement his idea.
The message instSize sent to a Class will answer the number of named instance variables of its instances. This, of course, would include instance variables defined in superclasses.
For instance, RemoteTempVectorNode instSize answers with 17 (wow!). Therefore you could do:
fields := (1 to: anObject class instSize) collect: [:i | anObject instVarAt: i]
and then, change them with:
values withIndexDo: [:v :i | anObject instVarAt: i put: v]
where values is the array of new values you want to inject into the object.
So, why I'm suggesting this instead of instVarNamed:? Because the latter is indirect. If you take a look at its implementation you will see that it has to first find out the name of the i-th ivar by sending instVarIndexFor:ifAbsent: to the object's class. In other words, if you need the ivar names, follow #Uko's suggestion; otherwise don't bring them into the equation because they will only add CPU cycles to your program.
One more thing. As #Sean DeNegris wisely raised in his comment to your question, it would be beneficial if you elaborated a little bit more on why you need such an unusual maneuver.
Now that Pharo has Flexible Object Layouts the mapping between inst var names and the class instSize is no longer valid (in classes that use the new capability.) So, the simpler approach of using just indexes would not work with generality. In fact, under the new "taxonomy" the instSize (number of fields) of an object may be different from the #numberOfInstanceVariables. I guess that the added flexibility has its costs and benefits.
You can send #allInstVarNames to a class (Behavior) to get names of all instance variables defined by it and by superclasses. If you need without superclass variables, you can use #instVarNames
Let's say that var is your variable that you need to work with. Then you can get the collection of instance variable names and iterate them.
You can use #instVarNamed:put: to set instance variable by name, and #instVarNamed: to get the value by name (in case you need).
I think that something like this may help you:
var class allInstVarNames do: [ :instVarName |
var instVarNamed: instVarName put: <yourValue>

Is there any good reason to use 'id' as return type or parameter type in public API?

I am learning from Stanford's CS193P course. In the class, Paul has a demo project, "Calculator", where he uses id as the type of a property. He intends to not use a specific class, because he does not want to create a new class and then he does not need to write documentation, and even when it is updated, he does not need to redesign the class. id can solve all these problems.
Is this a really a good way? id is the return type of the property, and used as the parameter type of another method. How does the caller know what id is, and how to provide the correct object? By reading code comments?
In general, is there any good reason to use id as a return type or parameter type in public API? (Except init and factory method, though even for those, instancetype is recommended.)
If your method returns a class that is a member of a class cluster, you should return id.
If you're returning an object whose class is opaque, isn't declared in a public header, you should return id. (Cocoa occasionally uses such objects as tokens or context data.)
Container classes should always accept and return their constituents as ids.

What is the difference between an Instance and an Object?

What is the difference between an Instance and an Object?
Is there a difference or not?
The Instance and Object are from Object Oriented Programming.
For some programming languages like Java, C++, and Smalltalk, it is important to describe and understand code. In other languages that used in Structured Programming, this concept doesn't exist.
This is a view from Structural Programming. There's no real significant difference that should consume too much of your time. There might be some fancy language that some people might take up a lot of spaces to write about, but at the end of the day, as far as a coder, developer, programmer, architect, is concerned, an instance of a class and an object mean the same thing and can often be used interchangeably. I have never met anyone in my career that would be picky and spend a half-hour trying to point out the differences because there's really none. Time can be better spent on other development efforts.
UPDATE With regards to Swift, this is what Apple who invented Swift prefers :
An instance of a class is traditionally known as an object. However,
Swift classes and structures are much closer in functionality than in
other languages, and much of this chapter describes functionality that
can apply to instances of either a class or a structure type. Because
of this, the more general term instance is used.
Excellent question.
I'll explain it in the simplest way possible:
Say you have 5 apples in your basket. Each of those apples is an object of type Apple, which has some characteristics (i.e. big, round, grows on trees).
In programming terms, you can have a class called Apple, which has variables size:big, shape:round, habitat:grows on trees. To have 5 apples in your basket, you need to instantiate 5 apples. Apple apple1, Apple apple2, Apple apple3 etc....
Alternatively: Objects are the definitions of something, instances are the physical things.
Does this make sense?
Instance: instance means just creating a reference(copy).
object: means when memory location is associated with the object (is a run-time entity of the class) by using the new operator.
In simple words, Instance refers to the copy of the object at a particular time whereas object refers to the memory address of the class.
It is a generice term basically it is a Software bundle that has state(variables) and behaviour(methods)
A blue print(template) for an object
instance-it's a unique object thing for example you create a object two times what does that mean is yo have created two instances
Let me give an example
Class student()
private string firstName;
public student(string fname)
Public string GetFirstName()
return firstName;
Object example:
Student s1=new student("Martin");
Student s2=new student("Kumar");
The s1,s2 are having object of class Student
s1 and s2 are instances of object student
the two are unique.
it can be called as reference also.
basically the s1 and s2 are variables that are assigned an object
Objects and instances are mostly same; but there is a very small difference.
If Car is a class, 3 Cars are 3 different objects. All of these objects are instances. So these 3 cars are objects from instances of the Car class.
But the word "instance" can mean "structure instance" also. But object is only for classes.
All of the objects are instances.
Not all of the instances must be objects. Instances may be "structure instances" or "objects".
I hope this makes the difference clear to you.
Let's say you're building some chairs.
The diagram that shows how to build a chair and put it together corresponds to a software class.
Let's say you build five chairs according to the pattern in that diagram. Likewise, you could construct five software objects according to the pattern in a class.
Each chair has a unique number burned into the bottom of the seat to identify each specific chair. Chair 3 is one instance of a chair pattern. Likewise, memory location 3 can contain one instance of a software pattern.
So, an instance (chair 3) is a single unique, specific manifestation of a chair pattern.
Quick and Simple Answer
Class : a specification, blueprint for an object...
Object : physical presence of the class in memory...
Instance : a unique copy of the object (same structure, different data)...
An object is a construct, something static that has certain features and traits, such as properties and methods, it can be anything (a string, a usercontrol, etc)
An instance is a unique copy of that object that you can use and do things with.
Imagine a product like a computer.
THE xw6400 workstation is an object
YOUR xw6400 workstation, (or YOUR WIFE's xw6400 workstation) is an instance of the xw6400 workstation object
Java is an object-oriented programming language (OOP). This means, that everything in Java, except of the primitive types is an object.
Now, Java objects are similar to real-world objects. For example we can create a car object in Java, which will have properties like current speed and color; and behavior like: accelerate and park.
That's Object.
Instance, on the other side, is a uniquely initialized copy of that object that looks like Car car = new Car().
Check it out to learn more about Java classes and object
Once you instantiate a class (using new), that instantiated thing becomes an object. An object is something that can adhere to encapsulation, polymorphism, abstraction principles of object oriented programming and the real thing a program interacts with to consume the instance members defined in class. Object contains instance members (non-static members).
Thus instance of a class is an object. The word ‘instance’ is used when you are referring to the origin from where it born, it's more clearer if you say ‘instance of a class’ compared to ‘object of a class’ (although the latter can be used to).
Can also read the 'Inner classes' section of this java document on nested classes - https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/nested.html
I can't believe, except for one guy no one has used the code to explain this, let me give it a shot too!
// Design Class
class HumanClass {
var name:String
init(name:String) {
self.name = name
var humanClassObject1 = HumanClass(name: "Rehan")
Now the left side i.e: "humanClassObject1" is the object and the right side i.e: HumanClass(name: "Rehan") is the instance of this object.
var humanClassObject2 = HumanClass(name: "Ahmad") // again object on left and it's instance on the right.
So basically, instance contains the specific values for that object and objects contains the memory location (at run-time).
Remember the famous statement "object reference not set to an instance of an object", this means that non-initialised objects don't have any instance.
In some programming languages like swift the compiler will not allow you to even design a class that don't have any way to initialise all it's members (variable eg: name, age e.t.c), but in some language you are allowed to do this:
// Design Class
class HumanClass {
var name:String // See we don't have any way to initialise name property.
And the error will only be shown at run time when you try to do something like this:
var myClass = HumanClass()
print(myClass.name) // will give, object reference not set to an instance of the object.
This error indicates that, the specific values (for variables\property) is the "INSTANCE" as i tried to explain this above!
And the object i.e: "myClass" contains the memory location (at run-time).
This answer may be seen as trite, but worrying about the differences between an instance and object is already trite city.
I think its best depicted in javascript:
let obj= {"poo":1}
// "obj" is an object
Class Trash {
constructor(){this.poo = 1;}
let i = new Trash();
// "i" is an instance
When a variable is declared of a custom type (class), only a reference is created, which is called an object. At this stage, no memory is allocated to this object. It acts just as a pointer (to the location where the object will be stored in future). This process is called 'Declaration'.
Employee e; // e is an object
On the other hand, when a variable of custom type is declared using the new operator, which allocates memory in heap to this object and returns the reference to the allocated memory. This object which is now termed as instance. This process is called 'Instantiation'.
Employee e = new Employee(); // e is an instance
However, in some languages such as Java, an object is equivalent to an instance, as evident from the line written in Oracle's documentation on Java:
Note: The phrase "instantiating a class" means the same thing as "creating an object." When you create an object, you are creating an "instance" of a class, therefore "instantiating" a class.
An instance is a specific representation of an object. An object is a generic thing while an instance is a single object that has been created in memory. Usually an instance will have values assigned to it's properties that differentiates it from other instances of the type of object.
If we see the Definition of Object and Instance object -
Memory allocated for the member of class at run time is called object or object is the instance of Class.
Let us see the Definition of instance -
Memory allocated For Any at run time is called as instance variable.
Now understand the meaning of any run time memory allocation happen in C also through Malloc, Calloc, Realloc such:
struct p
p *t1
t1=(p) malloc(sizeof(p))
So here also we are allocating run time memory allocation but here we call as instance so t1 is instance here we can not say t1 as object so Every object is the instance of Class but every Instance is not Object.
Object - An instance of a class that has its own state and access to all of the behaviour defined by its class.
Instance - Reference to an memory area for that particular class.
Class : A class is a blue print.
Object : It is the copy of the class.
Instance : Its a variable which is used to hold memory address of the object.
A very basic analytical example
Class House --> Blueprint of the house. But you can't live in the blue print. You need a physical House which is the instance of the class to live in. i.e., actual address of the object is instance. Instances represent objects.
There are 3 things you need to understand : Class , Object and Instance.
Class : Class is the blueprint code from which you will create an Object(s)
Object : When memory is allocated to the data entity (created from blueprint class) , that data entity or reference to it is called Object
Instance : When data is filled in an Object , it becomes an instance of that Object. It can also be called a state of that Object.
Example : In context with C# (objects are reference type here)
Lets say we have a class like this (This is your blueprint code)
public class Animal
//some fields and methods
We create an object like this
Animal a = new Animal();
Animal b = a;
Animal c = a;
Animal d = b;
So here is the question : How many objects and instances are here ?
Answer : There is only 1 object but 4 instances.
Why ?
In first line (Animal a = new Animal();),we created an Object from class Animal with new Operator. That Object is somewhere on your RAM. And the reference to that Object is in "a".
We have 1 object and 1 instance at this time.
Now in next line, we assign b with a. Here Object is not copied but the reference of object from "a" is stored in "b" too. Thus , we have 2 instances , "a and b".
This goes on and we only copy reference of same object located at some memory.
Finally , we have 4 instances "a,b,c,d" of a single object that was created with new Operator.
(Read how reference type works in C# for more. I hope you understand my language)
each object said to be an instance of its class but each instance of the class has its own value for each attributes
intances shares the attribute name and operation with their intances of class but an object contains an implicit reference to his on class
I can't believe this could be hard to be explain but it actually easier than all the answers I read. It just simple like this.
Firstly, you need understand the definition:
Instance is a **unique copy-product of an Object.
**unique - have different characteristic but share the same class compare to object
Object is a name that been used to keep the Class information (i.e
Let say, there is an toy_1 as an object.
There is also toy_2 as an object ----> which ALSO an INSTANCE to toy_1.
At the same time, toy_1 also an INSTANCE to toy_2. (remember again INSTANCE is a COPY-PRODUCT)
That is why most of the answer I found said it is INTERCHANGABLE. Thank you.
I think if we consider other approaches than OOP (mainly by assuming the term Class hasn't always been used, as it's the case for many C projects, which still applied the concept of Objects), following definitions would make the most sense:
A Class defines an interface that objects adhere to.
An Object is an aggregate of different fields. (It doesn't have to "physically" exist, but it can).
All Objects of the same Class can be used in the same way, defined by the Class.
An Instance is a unique realization of an Object.
As many OOP languages use static typing, the Object description is usually part of the Class already. As such, when talking about an Object in C/C++, what usually is meant is the Instance of an Object.
In languages that do not have static typing (such as JavaScript), Objects can have different fields, while still sharing the same Class.
Regarding the difference between an object and an instance, I do not think there is any consensus.
It looks to me like people change it pretty much interchangeably, in papers, blog posts, books or conversations.
As for me, the way I see it is, an object is a generic and alive entity in the memory, specified by the language it is used in. Just like the Object class in Java. We do not much care its type, or anything else associated with it, whether it is managed by a container or not.
An instance is an object but associated with a type, as in this method accepts Foo instances, or you can not put Animal instances in an instance of
a List of Vehicles.
objects for example have locks associated with them, not instances, whereas instances have methods. objects are garbage collected, not instances.
But as I said, this is only how I see it, and I do not think there is any organisation we can refer to for a standard definition between them and everyone will pretty much have their slightly different understanding / definitions (of course within limits).
An object is a generic thing, for example, take a linear function in maths
ax+b is an object, While 3x+2 is an instance of that object
Object<<< Instance
General<<< Specific
There is nothing more to this
An object can be a class, say you have a class called basketball.
but you want to have multiple basketballs so in your code you create more than 1 basketball
say basketball1 and basketball2.
Then you run your application.
You now have 2 instances of the object basketball.
Object refers to class and instance refers to an object.In other words instance is a copy of an object with particular values in it.

What is a "field"? "Field" vs "Field Value"

In a passport there is a field: First Name, and that field has a value John.
I assert that it is correct to describe the relationship as follows:
Field First Name:
Has a name (First Name).
Has a set of valid values (e.g. defined by regex [A-Za-z. ]{1,30}
Has a description (name that stands first in the person's full name)
And Passport is a set of pairs (field : field value), such that:
passport has a field "First Name"
passport has a value for field "First Name"
Point here is that it is incorrect to say:
"First Name value is John";
The correct way (conceptually/academically) is to say:
"passport has a value 'John' for field 'First Name'".
In practical terms it means (pseudo C#):
struct Passport {
Map<Field, object> fieldValues;
struct Field {
string Name;
string Description;
bool IsValidValue(object value);
Q: Does this make sense? Any thoughts?
This is pretty subjective and entirely context sensitive, and seems like a silly thing to nitpick over.
Correct or not, if I'm discussing "passport" with a co-worker, I'd throw something at them if they corrected me every time I said "firstName is 'john'", and told me to say it as "passport's firstname field is 'john'". You'd just come across as annoying.
Well..not really in c# see Scott Bellware's answer to my question about C# not being Object Oriented (kinda).
In C# passport is a class so it makes perfect sense to say
"The Passport has a field FirstName"
For a particular instance "FirstName value is John".
Here the first clause describes the class and the next one the object. In a more OO language like ruby I think saying "passport has a value 'John' for field 'First Name'" would be equivalent, you're just describing two objects - the Passport prototype, and the instance of it in the same sentence.
I'm getting pretty confused in it myself though. The question is oddly phrased since there would doubtless be much more to a passport than just its fields, for example a long-standing and persisted identity.
If you are going to model such thing, then you may take a look at reflection API of java or c#. It is pretty similar to what you described. Class has set of fields, field has name, type and other attributes, not value. Object is an instance of class and you can ask object for the value of specified field. Different objects of the same class have values for the same fields, so you may say they share fields. So if you are trying to model class-based OOP then you are probably right.
However this is not the only way to do OOP. There is prototype-based OOP which looks differently, as there are no classes, only objects, so objects contain field with values so there is not much difference if you say that object contain field and field has a value.
So the answer to "Does this make sense?" I think is "yes" because similar thing is in reflection and is used widely. If it is right or wrong - depends on your needs.
UPD: regarding "value = Passport[Field]" vs "value = Passport.Field.Value"
I'd introduce one more passport to make it clear
firstNameField = PassportClass.Fields["FirstName"]
myName = myPassport[firstNameField]
yourName = yourPassport[firstNameField]
assumes that both passport have same fields, that makes sense. Having different passports with different fields may have a sense, just a different one.
No. At least in OOP, it's the field's responsibility to retain the value. Although the object is responsible for ensuring that value is consistent with the other fields or the object's constraints, the actual "containing of the value is the field's job.
Using your example:
Field First Name:
Has a name (First Name).
Has a type (int, string, object)
Has a description (optional)
Has a value
And Passport is a set fields:
May define constraints on such a field as defined by the model, ensuring the value and the object's state as a whole is valid