Conversion of VB Code to Delphi (It will extract image from EMF File) -

While searching in the net i got few lines of code in VB for extracting an image from EMF File.
I tried to convert that into Delphi but doesnt work.
Help me in converting this code to delphi.
Public Function CallBack_ENumMetafile(ByVal hdc As Long, _
ByVal lpHtable As Long, _
ByVal lpMFR As Long, _
ByVal nObj As Long, _
ByVal lpClientData As Long) As Long
Dim tmpDc As Long
Dim hBitmap As Long
Dim lRet As Long
Dim pBitsMem As Long
Dim pBitmapInfo As Long
Static RecordCount As Long
lRet = PlayEnhMetaFileRecord(hdc, ByVal lpHtable, ByVal lpMFR, ByVal nObj)
RecordCount = RecordCount + 1
CopyMemory PEnhEMR, ByVal lpMFR, Len(PEnhEMR)
Select Case PEnhEMR.iType
Case 1 'header
RecordCount = 1
CopyMemory PEnhStrecthDiBits, ByVal lpMFR, Len(PEnhStrecthDiBits)
pBitmapInfo = lpMFR + PEnhStrecthDiBits.offBmiSrc
CopyMemory BITMAPINFO, ByVal pBitmapInfo, Len(BITMAPINFO)
pBitsMem = lpMFR + PEnhStrecthDiBits.offBitsSrc
tmpDc = CreateDC("DISPLAY", vbNullString, vbNullString, ByVal 0&)
hBitmap = CreateDIBitmap(tmpDc, _
BITMAPINFO.bmiHeader, _
ByVal pBitsMem, _
lRet = DeleteDC(tmpDc)
End Select
CallBack_ENumMetafile = True
End Function

What you've posted is an instance of an EnumMetaFileProc callback function, so we'll start with the signature:
function Callback_EnumMetafile(
hdc: HDC;
lpHTable: PHandleTable;
lpMFR: PMetaRecord;
nObj: Integer;
lpClientData: LParam
): Integer; stdcall;
It begins by declaring a bunch of variables, but I'll skip that for now since I don't know which ones we'll really need, and VB has a more limited type system than Delphi. I'm going to declare them as we need them; you can move them all to the top of the function yourself.
Next comes a call to PlayEnhMetaFileRecord using most of the same parameters that were passed into the callback function. The function returns a Bool, but then the code ignores it, so let's not bother with lRet.
PlayEnhMetaFileRecord(hdc, lpHtable, lpMFR, nObj);
Next we initialize RecordCount. It's declared static, which means it retains its value from one call to the next. That looks a little dubious; it should probably be passed in as a pointer in the lpClientData parameter, but let's not veer too far from the original code for now. Delphi does static variables with typed constants, and they need to be modifiable, so we'll use the $J directive:
RecordCount: Integer = 0;
Next we mcopy some of the meta record into another variable:
CopyMemory(#PEnhEMR, lpMFR, SizeOf(PEnhEMR));
It looks a little strange to copy the TMetaRecord structure onto a TEMR structure since they aren't really similar, but again, I don't want to veer from the original code too much.
Next is a case statement on the iType field. The first case is when it's 1:
case PEnhEMR.iType of
1: RecordCount := 1;
The next case is that it's emr_StretchDIBits. It copies more of the meta record, and then assigns some other pointers to refer to subsections of the main data structure.
PEnhStretchDIBits: TEMRStretchDIBits;
BitmapInfo: TBitmapInfo;
pBitmapInfo: Pointer;
pBitsMem: Pointer;
emr_StretchDIBits: begin
CopyMemory(#PEnhStrecthDIBits, lpMFR, SizeOf(PEnhStrecthDIBits));
pBitmapInfo := Pointer(Cardinal(lpMFR) + PEnhStrecthDiBits.offBmiSrc);
CopyMemory(#BitmapInfo, pBitmapInfo, SizeOf(BitmapInfo));
pBitsMem := Pointer(Cardinal(lpMFR) + PEnhStrecthDiBits.offBitsSrc);
Then comes what seems to be the real meat of the function, where we create a display context and a bitmap to go with it using the DIBits extracted using the previous code.
tmpDc: HDC;
hBitmap: HBitmap;
tmpDc := CreateDC('DISPLAY', nil, nil, nil);
hBitmap := CreateDIBitmap(tmpDc, #BitmapInfo.bmiHeader, cbm_Init,
pBitsMem, #BitmapInfo, dib_RGB_Colors);
end; // emr_StretchDIBits
end; // case
Finally, we assign a return value to the callback function:
Result := 1;
So, there's your translation. Wrap it in a begin-end block, remove my commentary, and move all the variable declarations to the top, and you should have Delphi code that's equivalent to your VB code. However, all this code ultimately does is generate memory leaks. The hBitmap variable is local to the function, so the bitmap handle it holds is leaked as soon as this function returns. I assume the VB code works for you, though, so I guess you have some other plans for what to do with it.
If you're working with metafiles, have you considered using the TMetafile class in the Graphics unit? It might make your life easier.


CH341DLL.DLL + I2C not works properly with VB.NET

I write VB.NET class for implement CH341DLL.DLL functionality. The method CH341StreamI2C() is used for stream write and read into device. This way I've imported the method CH341StreamI2C() from DLL:
<DllImport("CH341DLL.DLL", SetLastError:=True, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)>
Private Shared Function CH341StreamI2C(ByVal iIndex As Integer, ByVal iWriteLength As Integer, ByRef iWriteBuffer As IntPtr, ByVal iReadLength As Integer, ByRef oReadBuffer As IntPtr) As Boolean
End Function
For check how this method works, I use I2C humidity and temperature sensor HTU21D. It's IIC address is 40h, and register where temperature is getting is E3h. So I invoke method CH341StreamI2C() like this:
Dim writeBuffer as Byte() = {&H40, &hE3} 'Address+Command
Dim s As String = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(writeBuffer)
Dim writeBufPtr As IntPtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto(s) 'Get pointer for write buffer
Dim wLen As Integer = writeBuffer.Length
Dim readBufPtr As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero 'Init read pointer
Dim rLen as Integer = 3 'Sensor must return 3 bytes
Dim res As Boolean = CH341StreamI2C(0, wLen, writeBufPtr, rLen, readBufPtr)
I use logic analyzer to see what is on the SDA and SCL lines. And result is unpredictable. For example, if call previous code 4 times, that's the result:
It's seen, that physically CH341 device writes unpredictable values in the line. This is not DLL error, because other applications use this method and the result is correct. For note, other methods, e.g. CH341ReadI2C() and CH341WriteI2C(), that reads/writes only one byte per time, acts correct in my code.
What is the probably reason of the such behavior? May be, I've marshalled write buffer incorrect? How is the right way to do this?
If this is what you're using, the original declaration is:
BOOL WINAPI CH341StreamI2C(ULONG iIndex, ULONG iWriteLength, PVOID iWriteBuffer, ULONG iReadLength, PVOID oReadBuffer);
Since the buffer parameters are PVOIDs, you should be able to just marshal them directly to byte arrays:
<DllImport("CH341DLL.DLL", SetLastError:=True, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)>
Private Shared Function CH341StreamI2C(ByVal iIndex As Integer, ByVal iWriteLength As Integer, ByVal iWriteBuffer As Byte(), ByVal iReadLength As Integer, ByVal oReadBuffer As Byte()) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)> Boolean
End Function
Arrays are reference types (classes) which means you always refer to them via their memory pointer. Thus when you pass them to a function (P/Invoked or not) you're actually passing the array's pointer, rather than the array itself. This is really helpful when P/Invoking since it often lets you pass the arrays as-is.

Passing a pointer from VBA

I tried to use a C DLL function in VBA but when it is called, Excel crashes. In VBA the function is declared like this:
Public Declare Function HR8_CONNECT Lib "D:xxxxx.dll" _
(ByVal PortCom As Byte, ByVal Mode As Byte, ByVal Config As Byte, ByVal Dbg As Byte, ByVal context As String) As Byte
I have a problem with context parameter I think which is a pointer to an unsigned char. See next the header of C function
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) UCHAR HR8_CONNECT(UCHAR, UCHAR, UCHAR, UCHAR, UCHAR*);
I tried a lot of variants for passing the pointer like byval string, byref byte, etc ... but Excel is crashing every time.
Did you try to create a variable for every parameters and after call C function?
I experiment more or less similar issue and that came from a parameter send by pointer who was not directly declared.
Dim paramPortCom As Byte;
Dim paramMode As Byte;
Dim paramConfig As Byte;
Dim paramDbg As Byte;
Dim paramContext As String;
Dim resultFn As Byte;
' Set value into each variable
paramPortCom := 123;
' Call C function
resultFn := HR8_CONNECT(paramPortCom, ...);

StartDocPrinter WinAPI call fails in VBA

Objective: Print from string or rich text box to any printer desired, using the Win API functions specified.
Problem: Calling StartDocPrinter in VBA Access always returns 0.
Info: The code below runs through, without breaking. OpenPrinter appears to get a good handle. When StartDocPrinter is called, it returns 0.
Using the following code I have tried,
Saving different info to dDocInfo and per #David_Heffernan recommendation, declared DOCINFO properties as Long and set values to 0.
When .pDatatype = vbNullstring, GetLastError returns,
Error 124 (invalid level) when StartDocPrinter parameter Level = 1
Error 6 (invalid handle) when StarDocPrinter parameter Level = ByVal 1, though an apparent valid handle shows in hPrinter
When .pDatatype = "RAW", GetLastError returns 0 regardless.
When .pDatatype = 'vbNullString and either DOCINFO property is set to a string, GetLastError returns 0 regardless.
Changing the parameters of the WinAPI functions (ByRef DOCINFO)
Checking into access privilege issues. It appears, from other's code, that setting the last OpenPrinter parameter to 0 should set the requested access to the printer to be PRINTER_ACCESS_USE. Is it possible GetLastError is not returning access denial errors?
Converting multiple references' code from C++ to VBA, but converting or not including pointers is confusing. Am I not converting StartDocPrinter(printer, 1, (LPBYTE) &docInfo); correctly?
pDocName As String
pOutputFile As String
pDatatype As String
End Type
Public Declare Function OpenPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "OpenPrinterA" (ByVal pPrinterName As String, hPrinter As Long, ByVal pDefault As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function StartDocPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "StartDocPrinterA" (hPrinter As Long, Level As Long, dDocInfo As DOCINFO) As Long
Public Function printRawData(sPrinterName As String, lData As String) As Boolean
Dim bStatus As Boolean, hPrinter As Long, dDocInfo As DOCINFO, lJob As Long, nWritten As Integer
' Open a handle to the printer.
bStatus = OpenPrinter(sPrinterName, hPrinter, 0)
If bStatus Then
' Fill in the structure with info about this "document."
dDocInfo.pDocName = vbNullString
dDocInfo.pOutputFile = vbNullString
dDocInfo.pDatatype = "RAW"
' Inform the spooler the document is beginning.
lJob = StartDocPrinter(hPrinter, 1, dDocInfo) 'Returns 0 :(
Debug.Print hPrinter, sPrinterName, lJob, GetLastError()
If lJob > 0 Then
' Start a page.
bStatus = StartPagePrinter(hPrinter)
If bStatus Then
' Send the data to the printer.
bStatus = WritePrinter(hPrinter, lData, Len(lData), nWritten)
EndPagePrinter (hPrinter)
End If
' Inform the spooler that the document is ending.
EndDocPrinter (hPrinter)
End If
' Close the printer handle.
ClosePrinter (hPrinter)
End If
' Check to see if correct number of bytes were written.
If Not bStatus Or (nWritten <> Len(lData)) Then
printRawData = False
printRawData = True
End If
End Function
References/Relevant Questions:
- Basis document for this code. Edit: Found where ByVal was missed on a few declarations here.
- Send Raw Data to ZPL Printer using Visual Basic (MS Access 2000) This person seems to use nearly identical code effectively, so why can't I? The answer to this question is written in C++.
- The code here is also written in C++ and I am unsure how to convert.
- Guidance I'm using on converting datatypes and pointers, which I don't fully understand.
- StartDocPrinter(hPrinter, 1, di) returns false Some code was provided here but no answer. This is where I got idea to give errors provided.
- excel bva code to send command to usb printer I tried this and do not have the required access privileges. I would still like to know how to use the above code correctly, even if this is what I would end up doing.
With #HansPassant's link to the MS KB, I discovered the error in my code. The declaration of the StartDocPrinter function was missing ByVal for the hPrinter and Level parameters.
Public Declare Function StartDocPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "StartDocPrinterA" (ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal Level As Long, dDocInfo As DOCINFO) As Long
Your declaration for the DOCINFO structure does not look correct. It should be declared as:
cbSize As Integer
lpszDocName As String
lpszOutput As String
lpszDatatype As String
fwType As Integer
End Type
The cbSize should be initialized to the size of the structure in bytes, and fwType should be set to 0.

Send text from VB to Delphi apps, using SendMessage

) I am trying to send a short text from a VB app to Delphi app.. here is the
VB Code: Sender Program "Sender"
Public Class SendData
Public Structure CopyDataStruct
Public dwData As Integer
Public cbData As Integer
Public lpData As String
End Structure
Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" _
(ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As _
CopyDataStruct) As Long
Private Sub SendData(ByVal cds)
Dim iHwnd As Long
Dim SS As String = "Test String less than 30 Char"
Dim cds As CopyDataStruct
cds.dwData = 0
cds.cbData = Len(SS)
cds.lpData = SS
iHwnd = FindWindow(0&, "Receive")
SendMessage(iHwnd, &H4A, Me.Handle, cds)
End Sub
here is the Delphi Code: Receiver program "Receive"
procedure TForm1.HandleCopyDataString(copyDataStruct: PCopyDataStruct);
s : string;
s := PChar(CopyDataStruct.lpData);
cdMemo.Lines.Add(Format('Received data "%s" at %s',[s, TimeToStr(Now)]));
procedure TForm1.WMCopyData(var Msg: TWMCopyData) ;
s : string;
sText: array[0..255] of Char;
copyDataType : TCopyDataType;
copyDataType := TCopyDataType(Msg.CopyDataStruct.dwData);
s := PChar(Msg.CopyDataStruct.dwData);
Form1.cdMemo.Lines.Add(Format('Data from: %d',[msg.From]));
case Msg.CopyDataStruct.dwData of 0: //we are being sent a string
StrLCopy(sText, Msg.CopyDataStruct.lpData, Msg.CopyDataStruct.cbData);
Form1.Label1.Caption := sText;
What am I doing wrong here? It is possible to send strings from VB to Delphi programs using WM_COPYDATA command, and SendMessage function?
please help me :-)
There are a few things wrong with your Delphi code.
The dwData field holds an integer, but you type-cast it to PChar, a pointer, and then assign it to your string. That's not the field where you stored your string data. That's lpData.
The string you pass is not null-terminated. The OS only promises to copy exactly as many bytes as you specify in the cbData field. That's not necessarily a problem, but you need to be aware of it when you read the string later. To assign s to hold the string copied from the other process, use SetString like this:
SetString(s, PAnsiChar(Msg.CopyDataStruct.lpData), Msg.CopyDataStruct.cbData);
You haven't shown what TCopyDataType is, but if it's anything other than an integer or integer-subrange type, you're using it wrong. The dwData field is already a DWord, so you can use it wherever a numeric value is expected.
You're calling StrLCopy wrong. The third parameter should be the size of the destination buffer, not the source. It's meant to prevent buffer overflows by not copying more characters than will fit in the destination. The function expects to be able to detect the size of the source buffer by finding the terminating null character (but we already established that that won't be available). You could fix it like this:
StrLCopy(sText, Msg.CopyDataStruct.lpData,
Min(Length(sText), Msg.CopyDataStruct.cbData));
(Min is in the Math unit.)

Is there a COM accessible library to allow URL Encoding?

Using VB6. It's not hard to roll your own, but I wondered if was a prebuilt one out there?
Prompted by Bob's comment: Google found this wrapper for UrlEscape in a newsgroup post from Karl Peterson.
Private Declare Function UrlEscape Lib "Shlwapi.dll" Alias "UrlEscapeA" ( _
ByVal pszURL As String, ByVal pszEscaped As String, ByRef pcchEscaped As Long, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
Private Const URL_DONT_ESCAPE_EXTRA_INFO As Long = &H2000000
Private Function EscapeURL(ByVal URL As String) As String
' Purpose: A thin wrapper for the URLEscape API function. '
Dim EscTxt As String
Dim nLen As Long
' Create a maximum sized buffer. '
nLen = Len(URL) * 3
EscTxt = Space$(nLen)
If UrlEscape(URL, EscTxt, nLen, URL_DONT_ESCAPE_EXTRA_INFO) = 0 Then
EscapeURL = Left$(EscTxt, nLen)
End If
End Function
Disclaimer: I haven't tried this code myself.
You should use CoInternetParseUrl(), with URL_ENCODE.
The sample from MSDN, modified for your purposes. Of course, you'll have to figure out how to call CoInternetParseUrl() from VB6, but you seem well on your way to that.
#include <wininet.h>
// ...
DWORD encoded_url_len = ARRAYSIZE(encoded_url);
// Assumes |url| contains the value you want to encode.
HRESULT hr = CoInternetParseUrl(url, PARSE_CANONICALIZE, URL_ENCODE, encoded_url,
INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH, & encoded_url_len, 0);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// Do stuff...
You may want to use PARSE_ENCODE instead of PARSE_CANONICALIZE, depending on your needs.
Also, consider using google-url. May be difficult since it's C++ and not COM based.