sorting data by date? - sql

I am sorting my database depending on date. The date field in SQLite is nothing but a string, stored in the form of dd-mm-yyyy.
How do i carry out the sorting.
My idea is to create a dummy table.Convert the date in a format yyyymmdd. Then sort it simply using sort by date column.Then again drop the table.
Is there an efficient or a better way ?

You should recreate your database to store data as ISO date yyyy-mm-dd (as recommended) then the sorting will be fine in SQLite.
Otherwise from the above, you can always substring fields from this field, and ordey by them, but that is so oldschool. Too bad on Android you can't have user defined functions.

The better way is to have a Date datatype in your database. In that way you can easily:
SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY dateColumn;
SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY dateColumn DESC;
if you want it in the other order.
It will be easier for you if you just make it a date data type.
Wrong link. Thanks for comment, here's the correct link for datatypes:


SQLite - TZ format to Date time only using SQL queries

I have a SQLite database with a simple table in the format of:
The DateText column is declared as TEXT on the "create table" statement. Using only SQL, I need to:
Create a new column with the DateText data.
Obtain the "oldest" date
Obtain the "newest" date
Note that I need to resolve this with a SQL query. I cannot read into a programming language, parse, and update table--I need to do everything on SQL. For example, SQL Server DateTime with timezone is the opposite, but they are using node.js, something I cannot do.
You can get the oldest and newest using min() and max():
SELECT ID, min(DateTime), Name FROM YourTable; -- Oldest
SELECT ID, max(DateTime), Name FROM YourTable; -- Newest
The nice thing about ISO-8601 date and time format strings is that they sort lexicographically without having to do anything special with them.
These queries would give an error on most SQL database engines because of the mix of non-grouped columns with an aggregate function, but SQLite explicitly will return the row that goes with the minimum or maximum column value. And of course if you don't want the other columns, just leave them out of the SELECT.

Converting all data in a Varchar column to a date format

I'm working on a table with a column, 'Expiry Date', as a varchar with all data formatted as DD/MM/YYYY.
The creator of the table has used the wrong type for this expiry date column and now the client needs to filter and show all records before and after the current date as the time. This means the type needs to be changed to date or datetime type to be able to use the CURDATE() function.
However, the current format of the values does not satisfy and wont allow the type to change unless the format is changed to YYYY-MM-DD (or similar).
Is there any way to mass format the values in this column and this column alone as there are thousands of entries and formatting one by one would be extremely time consuming.
Let me assume that you are using MySQL.
Perhaps the simplest method is to add a generated column that is a date:
alter table t add column expiry_date_date as
(str_to_date(expiry_date, '%d/%m/%Y'));
You can also fix the data:
update t
set expiry_date = str_to_date(expiry_date, '%d/%m/%Y');
This will implicitly convert the result of str_to_date() to a date, which will be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
More importantly, you can then do:
alter table t modify column expiry_date date;
Here is a db<>fiddle.
You can do similar operations in other databases, but the exact code is a bit different.
What you need is an update on that column, but before doing it I suggest you to check if the result is what you want.
select replace(expiry_date, '/', '-') new_expiry_date
from table_name
If this returns the results you want you can run the following update:
update table_name
set expiry_date = replace(expiry_date, '/', '-')
Of course you will need to replace expiry_date and table_name with the names of your column and table.

Formatting timestamp in oracle

We have a column of type varchar2(200 char) which holds a timestamp in the format 2019-03-28:17:01:44.407000000
Now we would like to update the values in the column so that the format looks like 3/28/2019 5:01:43.475 PM
We are using Oracle 12c.
I am new to oracle, Any lead would be helpful.
This is a pretty terrible data model. A timestamp should really, really be stored in a timestamp column rather than in a varchar2. Both because then the data type identifies what is actually in the column and because it is more efficient and because it lets you use all Oracle's timestamp functions on the data sensibly.
Assuming that you are stuck with an incorrect data model
update your_table
set your_column = to_char( to_timestamp( your_column, 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS.FF9' ),
would update all the data to the new format in the unlikely event that every single value in the table is in the correct format already. In most real-world systems, you'd need to do a fair amount of clean-up first because inevitably someone has stored in incorrect string or two in your column.
If you do happen to be able to update all the data successfully, be aware that any queries that do order by your_column will almost certainly stop doing what you want. Since the column is a varchar2 rather than a timestamp, sorting is done alphabetically rather than by the point in time that the string represents. If you change the format to something where temporal order doesn't match alphabetical order, you are likely to have unhappy users.

SQL query to retrieve last twelve months data for Oracle database

I am using Oracle database. I have a table called "TEST" where the dates/timestamps(These are stored as "Char" in my case) are stored in the following format. Now I want to retrieve the records of last twelve months based on today's date. What would be the correct way to do that?
I think you need to use the ADD_MONTHS function and BETWEEN clause as follows:
Although storing values in a string is not recommended, your format is comparable. So you can do the comparison using strings rather than date/timestamps. Assuming your values are only in the past:
where testcolumn >= to_char(SYSTIMESTAMP, -12), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24.MI.SS.FF')
This has an advantage over Tejash's solution, because this can make use of an index (or partitions) on testcolumn. Moving the date manipulations only on the "constants" (i.e. the system timestamp) helps the Oracle optimizer.

SQLite varchar comparison as date

I have two varchar field named StartDate(like 'MM/dd/yyyy') and StartTime(like 'hh:mm').
select * from Table "where StartDate<'MM/dd/yyyy'"
Can anybody help me with this query?
For your specific problem you will have to convert the varchar yourself and the answer can be found in this stackoverflow post: Sqlite convert string to date
sqlite would allow you to use a regular query for a date saved as a varchar - however, you will have to store the dates in the correct format - maybe you can change your date fields to follow this format? Have a look at the sqlite documentation: sqlite date functions.