draw overlay on a map - cocoa-touch

How to draw an overlay on the mapview?

See a discussion on MacRumors.
Brief version: use iphone-google-maps-component as a way around not being able to overlay on the mapview.
Basically iphone-google-maps-component is:
A component that you can add to your iPhone application to access all basic features of Google Maps (similar to Android's MapView). It uses a UIWebView in the background to load the HTML/Javascript version of Google Maps, and offers a set of Objective-C methods that mimic a subset of the original Javascript methods for controlling the map. It currently supports setting the center location and zooming & panning using the touch interface. You can see it in action


Embedded camera in Xamarin Forms

I have a client that adamantly insists on a solution with embedded camera in terms of having a ContentPage with an camera stream and custom buttons and icons, similar to https://github.com/pierceboggan/Moments, or at very least as I understand it seeing as it is a Snapchat clone. And my client wants similar swipe capabilities as to how navigation works in Snapchat.
However, as far as I can tell most of what is utilized in that solution has been deprecated.
I have suggested using the Media Plugin https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/MediaPlugin but they're not satisfied with the camera being pushed on the stack.
I've looked into implementing it natively and using dependency injections but it appears to be an overwhelming amount of work just to implement the most basic functions, particularly for Android's Camera2.
I'm hoping someone can provide me with good news of an easier alternative or an alteration to either Moments or Media Plugin or anything similar that will facilitate the requirements or if my only option is time consuming and complex?
From the code of Moment, you can do what you want to achieve. I did this for iOS.
You will have to create a custom renderer to display the camera page. You will be able to add buttons on top of it.
You could try this example which use custom renderer to add a take photo button and switch camera button on the camera view. Which is able to use on iOS and Android platform.
Main Page:
Camera View with custom button page:

Accesing IOS8 built in camera editing features

Is there a way/API to access built in IOS8 crop and rotate feature, i am creating an app in which i want to store an image after the user crops a particular selection of it. Can i use built-in crop/rotate IOS8 feature in my application using any obj-c/swift API..
If you are referring using code to corp and rotate then use CGContext API:
CGImageCreateWithImageInRect for corp.
CGAffineTransformRotate for rotate.

How to add custom image on native map in Titanium?

currently i am working on native map in Titanium for android and iOS.
you might have seen native maps on which a custom image layer or layout is being displayed, which will rotate and zoom according to the user input (currently i am not talking about annotations)
i have tried using annotation map tile too but it doesn't seems to work as the native map app i have seen
if you have any question or are not able to understand my question please let me know so i could clarify and get solution for one of you
Can you give a better explanation of what you've tried?
you might already know about mapbox.com and leafletjs.com, by using their library we could make customize maps and offline map in webview but i am looking for some Titanium module which could help me use native map of iOS and android for performing similar functionalities(i am avoiding commercial library and plugins as my app is not commercial app). i want to create map tiles which could be used for offline purpose as the user would have downloaded with the app.
what i have tried yet!!
1: http://i.stack.imgur.com/CLiNh.jpg
2: http://i.stack.imgur.com/QOLO7.jpg
in first image link i have given image in which i showing screenshot of map with rotation (if you notice compass) and the map tile moved accordingly to it
in 2nd image ... i had put a map tile using createAnnontation function, but unable to fix its layout remains same and it doesn't resize when i do zoom in/out too
I assume you are talking about custom tiles on top of a MapView.
There is an example module for iOS at https://github.com/benbahrenburg/benCoding.Map which used the Titanium map module as a base. It is a bit dated, but see the TileOverlay example and code and it will get you on the right track.
The best tutorial I've found on how to create the tiles is at http://www.ericbinnion.com/creating-custom-overlays-for-ios-mapkit-framework/
I've tried to create a similar TileOverlay functionality by forking the Android map module with limited success. I never got it to work as well as the native maps.
You could also check out using Mapbox with Titanium. There are great tutorials and tools for creating your own tiles layers and manipulating existing layers. Adam Paxton gave a great demo of it at TiConf in New York this year.

What technology should I use for custom iOS controls, layout etc.?

I'm new to iOS programming and one thing I don't get. I have an app idea, I paid for graphic designer to make me a UI design. He sent me a layered psd with custom designed controls, layout etc. Everything is custom designed, not using standard iOS looking controls as I wanted.
The question is how can be this custom design converted to iOS controls, layout and so?
If I consider a Facebook iPad application or Foursquare iPhone application, are that just "skinned" iOS standard controls, or is it written in HTML5 and just wrapped by Objective-C? If so, how?
Thank you
I recommend that you use Objective-C for native applications. Most controls provide support for "skinning" by allowing you to provide your own images. For example, UISlider has methods to set minimum and maximum image, the track image and tint color as well as the thumb image and tint color. Ray Wenderlich often provides great tutorials on his site that are worth checking out.

how could I load the Google map in terrain view in iphone

I'm new in iPhone. How could I load the Google map in terrain view.
MKMapView provides only three options, MKMapTypeStandard, MKMapTypeSatellite, MKMapTypeHybrid.
But I want to show the terrain view, how could I do that.
You can set the value of the mapType property on your MKMapView instance to 3 (instead of using one of the named constants):
yourMapView.mapType = 3;
Works for me when compiling against the 5.0 SDK. No idea if it'll get through the app store approval process...
I solved that problem.
You have to use the webview and html file which contains the javascript and Google maps API.
Just load the html file in webkit which loads the maps.google.com page and the Google maps API directly show the terrain view without interacting with webview.