Can't receive NSInputStream events in OCUnitTest - objective-c

I'm trying to learn how to use the NSInputStream class on the iPhone using a unit test. I can get the NSStream to read data from a file using the polling method but for some reason the delegate/event method is not working.
I've posted the relevant code below. Please ignore memory leak errors and such since I'm just trying to ensure I know how to use the NSStream class in a sandboxed environment before rolling it into my larger project.
I'm wondering if maybe I'm missing something with regards to how the run loops work?
This is the logic test that creates a streamer class to read from a file.
#import "StreamingTests.h"
#import "Streamer.h"
#implementation StreamingTests
- (void) testStream {
NSLog(#"Starting stream test.");
Streamer * streamer = [[Streamer alloc] init];
streamer.usePolling = NO;
streamer.readingStream = YES;
NSThread * readThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:streamer selector:#selector(startStreamRead:) object:nil];
[readThread start];
while(streamer.readingStream) {
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.5];
[readThread cancel];
This is a simple test helper object that reads from an NSStream. When usePolling == YES it read data and outputs the appropriate NSLog messages. However, if usePolling == NO the delegate stream event function is never called.
#implementation Streamer
#synthesize readingStream, usePolling;
- (void) startStreamRead:(NSObject*) context {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSLog(#"starting stream read.");
readingStream = YES;
NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
NSLog(#"Loading: %#",[url description]);
NSInputStream * inStream = [[NSInputStream alloc] initWithURL:url];
NSInputStream * inStream = [[NSInputStream alloc] initWithFileAtPath:#"sample.ttc"];
if(!usePolling) {
[inStream setDelegate: self];
[inStream scheduleInRunLoop: [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]
forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
[inStream open];
if(usePolling) {
while(1) {
if([inStream hasBytesAvailable]) {
uint8_t buf[1024];
unsigned int len = 0;
len = [(NSInputStream *)inStream read:buf maxLength:1024];
NSLog(#"Read: %d",len);
NSStreamStatus status = [inStream streamStatus];
if(status != NSStreamStatusOpen && status != NSStreamStatusOpening) {
NSLog(#"Stream not open.");
readingStream = NO;
NSStreamStatus status = [inStream streamStatus];
NSError * error = [inStream streamError];
NSLog(#"Status: %d Error Desc: %# Reason: %#",(int)status,[error localizedDescription], [error localizedFailureReason]);
[pool release];
- (void)stream:(NSStream *)stream handleEvent:(NSStreamEvent)eventCode {
NSMutableData * _data = nil;
NSNumber * bytesRead = nil;
NSLog(#"Event fired.");
switch(eventCode) {
case NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:
if(!_data) {
_data = [[NSMutableData data] retain];
uint8_t buf[1024];
unsigned int len = 0;
len = [(NSInputStream *)stream read:buf maxLength:1024];
if(len) {
[_data appendBytes:(const void *)buf length:len];
// bytesRead is an instance variable of type NSNumber.
//[bytesRead setIntValue:[bytesRead intValue]+len];
NSLog(#"Read %d bytes",len);
} else {
NSLog(#"no buffer!");
case NSStreamEventEndEncountered:
[stream close];
[stream removeFromRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]
[stream release];
stream = nil; // stream is ivar, so reinit it
readingStream = NO;
NSLog(#"Another event occurred.");
// continued ...
Thanks in advance,

The reason for it should be that the run loop is blocked since the unit test is executing. You could refer to the NSRunLoop documentation where the method
might help you to run the main run loop in the thread of execution of the unit test like this:
[[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:1]];
This lets the run loop run for 1 second giving it time to process part of your file. It should be noted that this does not provide a reliable way for unit testing (since the time interval might differ depending on run loop size) and may then be unsuitable. By giving your unit an interface that could be used to check the status of the input stream read operation (with a reading finished state) such as
the unit test could repeatedly execute the run loop until the above method returns TRUE and the file is read completely.
Addition: This question on stackoverflow also deals with the problem in a different way.


AVFoundation framework taking around 250-300ms to deliver buffers to CaptureOutput. Its Adding latency while rendering

I am using AVFoundation framework to Grab Screen.
I'm registered queue like this
*dispatch_sync (mainQueue, ^{
BOOL ret;
if (captureScreen)
ret = [self openScreenInput];
ret = [self openDeviceInput];
if (!ret)
output = [[AVCaptureVideoDataOutput alloc] init];
[output setSampleBufferDelegate:self
output.alwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames = YES;
output.videoSettings = nil; /* device native format */
session = [[AVCaptureSession alloc] init];
[session addInput:input];
[session addOutput:output];
*successPtr = YES;
As Soon as it grab the buffers those will get delivered to workerQueue.
In CaptureOutput code -
*- (void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput
fromConnection:(AVCaptureConnection *)connection
GstClockTime timestamp, duration;
[bufQueueLock lock];
if (stopRequest) {
[bufQueueLock unlock];
if ([bufQueue count] == BUFFER_QUEUE_SIZE)
[bufQueue removeLastObject];
[bufQueue insertObject:(__bridge id)sampleBuffer
[bufQueueLock unlockWithCondition:HAS_BUFFER_OR_STOP_REQUEST];
But when render the delivered buffers I'm getting about 250-300ms delay.This is too just because of Grabber.
If anyone has solution please post it.
Thanks In advance

Close connection when NSOutputStream has finished

How can a connection be closed when the NSOutputStream has finished sending data?
After searching around i have found that the event NSStreamEventEndEncountered is only called if the server drops the connection. not if the OutputStream has finished the data to send.
StreamStatus is Always returning 0 (connection closed) or 2 (connection open) but never 4 (writing data).
since both methods mentioned above are not telling me enough about the write process i am not able to find a way do determine if the Stream is still writing or if it has finished and i can close the connection now.
After 5 days of googleling and trying i am totally out of ideas... Any help appreciated. Thanks
- (void)startSend:(NSString *)filePath
BOOL success;
NSURL * url;
assert(filePath != nil);
assert([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:filePath]);
assert( [filePath.pathExtension isEqual:#"png"] || [filePath.pathExtension isEqual:#"jpg"] );
assert(self.networkStream == nil); // don't tap send twice in a row!
assert(self.fileStream == nil); // ditto
// First get and check the URL.
// If the URL is bogus, let the user know. Otherwise kick off the connection.
if ( ! success) {
self.statusLabel.text = #"Invalid URL";
} else {
// Open a stream for the file we're going to send. We do not open this stream;
// NSURLConnection will do it for us.
self.fileStream = [NSInputStream inputStreamWithFileAtPath:filePath];
assert(self.fileStream != nil);
[self.fileStream open];
// Open a CFFTPStream for the URL.
self.networkStream = CFBridgingRelease(
CFWriteStreamCreateWithFTPURL(NULL, (__bridge CFURLRef) url)
assert(self.networkStream != nil);
if ([self.usernameText.text length] != 0) {
success = [self.networkStream setProperty:self.usernameText.text forKey:(id)kCFStreamPropertyFTPUserName];
success = [self.networkStream setProperty:self.passwordText.text forKey:(id)kCFStreamPropertyFTPPassword];
self.networkStream.delegate = self;
[self.networkStream scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
[self.networkStream setProperty:(id)kCFBooleanFalse forKey:(id)kCFStreamPropertyFTPAttemptPersistentConnection];
///////******** END LINE ADDED BY ME *********////////////
[self.networkStream open];
// Tell the UI we're sending.
[self sendDidStart];
- (void)stopSendWithStatus:(NSString *)statusString
if (self.networkStream != nil) {
[self.networkStream removeFromRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
self.networkStream.delegate = nil;
[self.networkStream close];
self.networkStream = nil;
if (self.fileStream != nil) {
[self.fileStream close];
self.fileStream = nil;
[self sendDidStopWithStatus:statusString];
- (void)stream:(NSStream *)aStream handleEvent:(NSStreamEvent)eventCode
// An NSStream delegate callback that's called when events happen on our
// network stream.
#pragma unused(aStream)
assert(aStream == self.networkStream);
switch (eventCode) {
case NSStreamEventOpenCompleted: {
[self updateStatus:#"Opened connection"];
} break;
case NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable: {
assert(NO); // should never happen for the output stream
} break;
case NSStreamEventHasSpaceAvailable: {
[self updateStatus:#"Sending"];
// If we don't have any data buffered, go read the next chunk of data.
if (self.bufferOffset == self.bufferLimit) {
NSInteger bytesRead;
bytesRead = [self.fileStream read:self.buffer maxLength:kSendBufferSize];
if (bytesRead == -1) {
[self stopSendWithStatus:#"File read error"];
} else if (bytesRead == 0) {
[self stopSendWithStatus:nil];
} else {
self.bufferOffset = 0;
self.bufferLimit = bytesRead;
// If we're not out of data completely, send the next chunk.
if (self.bufferOffset != self.bufferLimit) {
NSInteger bytesWritten;
bytesWritten = [self.networkStream write:&self.buffer[self.bufferOffset] maxLength:self.bufferLimit - self.bufferOffset];
assert(bytesWritten != 0);
if (bytesWritten == -1) {
[self stopSendWithStatus:#"Network write error"];
} else {
self.bufferOffset += bytesWritten;
} break;
case NSStreamEventErrorOccurred: {
[self stopSendWithStatus:#"Stream open error"];
} break;
case NSStreamEventEndEncountered: {
} break;
default: {
} break;
There can be two interpretations to your question. If what you are asking is "I have a NSOutputStream and I'm finished writing to it how do I signal this?" then the answer is as simple as call the close method on it.
Alternately, If what you are really saying is "I have a NSInputStream and I want to know when I've reached the end-of-stream" then you can look at hasBytesAvailable or streamStatus == NSStreamStatusAtEnd.
For your information, to actually get the status NSStreamStatusWriting you would need to be calling the streamStatus method from another thread while this thread is calling write:maxLength:.
--- Edit: Code Suggestion
The reason you would never get notified is that an output stream is never finished (unless it's a fixed size stream, which an FTP stream is not). It's the input stream that gets "finished" at which point you can close your output stream. That's the answer to your original question.
As a further suggestion, I would skip run loop scheduling and the "event processing" except for handling errors on the output stream. Then I would put the read/write code into a NSOperation subclass and send it off into a NSOperationQueue. By keeping a reference to the NSOperations in that queue you would be able to cancel them easily and even show a progress bar by adding a percentComplete property. I've tested the code below and it works. Replace my memory output stream with your FTP output stream. You will notice that I have skipped the validations, which you should keep of course. They should probably be done outside the NSOperation to make it easier to query the user.
#interface NSSendFileOperation : NSOperation<NSStreamDelegate> {
NSInputStream *_inputStream;
NSOutputStream *_outputStream;
uint8_t *_buffer;
#property (copy) NSString* sourceFilePath;
#property (copy) NSString* targetFilePath;
#property (copy) NSString* username;
#property (copy) NSString* password;
#implementation NSSendFileOperation
- (void) main
static int kBufferSize = 4096;
_inputStream = [NSInputStream inputStreamWithFileAtPath:self.sourceFilePath];
_outputStream = [NSOutputStream outputStreamToMemory];
_outputStream.delegate = self;
[_inputStream open];
[_outputStream open];
_buffer = calloc(1, kBufferSize);
while (_inputStream.hasBytesAvailable) {
NSInteger bytesRead = [_inputStream read:_buffer maxLength:kBufferSize];
if (bytesRead > 0) {
[_outputStream write:_buffer maxLength:bytesRead];
NSLog(#"Wrote %ld bytes to output stream",bytesRead);
NSData *outputData = [_outputStream propertyForKey:NSStreamDataWrittenToMemoryStreamKey];
NSLog(#"Wrote a total of %lu bytes to output stream.", outputData.length);
_buffer = NULL;
[_outputStream close];
[_inputStream close];
- (void) stream:(NSStream *)aStream handleEvent:(NSStreamEvent)eventCode
// Handle output stream errors such as disconnections here
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
NSOperationQueue *sendQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
NSSendFileOperation *sendOp = [[NSSendFileOperation alloc] init];
sendOp.username = #"test";
sendOp.password = #"test";
sendOp.sourceFilePath = #"/Users/eric/bin/data/english-words.txt";
sendOp.targetFilePath = #"/Users/eric/Desktop/english-words.txt";
[sendQueue addOperation:sendOp];
[sendQueue waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished];
return 0;

NSInputStream not opening stream/ How to post data when setting up stream

What I am trying to do: I have a url request (post) where I send some information to a api server which then starts streaming data in bytes to me.
1) How do I post data when trying to set up a stream as right now I am just using a url, can I incorporate a NSURLRequest some how?
2) Why isnt my stream even opening (streamStatus returns 0) and thus - (void)stream:(NSStream *)stream handleEvent:(NSStreamEvent)eventCode never being called? , this is my best attempt and for the most part following this Guide
- (void)setUpStreamFromURL:(NSURL *)path {
// iStream is NSInputStream instance variable
iStream = [[NSInputStream alloc] initWithURL:path];
[iStream setDelegate:self];
[iStream scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]
[iStream open];
NSLog(#"Stream Open: %lu",[iStream streamStatus]); //return 0
- (void)stream:(NSStream *)stream handleEvent:(NSStreamEvent)eventCode {
switch(eventCode) {
case NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:
if(!_data) {
_data = [[NSMutableData data] init];
uint8_t buf[1024];
unsigned int len = 0;
len = [(NSInputStream *)stream read:buf maxLength:1024];
if(len) {
[_data appendBytes:(const void *)buf length:len];
NSLog(#"DATA BEING SENT : %#", _data);
// bytesRead is an instance variable of type NSNumber.
// [bytesRead setIntValue:[bytesRead intValue]+len]; //getting error that setInt value is not part of NSNumber, and thats true so not sure what to do about it, but this isn't the issue.
} else {
NSLog(#"no buffer!");
case NSStreamEventEndEncountered:
[stream close];
[stream removeFromRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]
stream = nil; // stream is ivar, so reinit it
// continued ...
also incase it helps, my header file:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Login.h"
#interface Stream : NSStream <NSStreamDelegate> {
NSMutableArray *searchIdList;
NSInputStream *iStream;
NSNumber *bytesRead;
- (void)stream:(NSStream *)stream handleEvent:(NSStreamEvent)eventCode ;
-(id)initWithLoginObject:(Login *)log;
#property NSMutableData *data;
You can't use NSURLRequest in Stream.
To create a request you can use this.
request = CFHTTPMessageCreateRequest(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFSTR("POST"),(CFURLRef) url, kCFHTTPVersion1_1);
CFHTTPMessageSetHeaderFieldValue(request, CFSTR("User-Agent"), CFSTR("MSControl-US"));
CFHTTPMessageSetHeaderFieldValue(request, CFSTR("Content-Type"), CFSTR("application/json"));
CFHTTPMessageSetHeaderFieldValue(request, CFSTR("Connection"), CFSTR("Keep-Alive"));
After that you can create the stream using
readStream = CFReadStreamCreateForHTTPRequest(kCFAllocatorDefault, request)
or if you already have an opened stream you can serialize your request With :
NSData *data = (NSData *)CFHTTPMessageCopySerializedMessage(request);
and send with This:
length = [data length];
Hope this help

NSInputStream read returns unsigned integer maximum value when bytes available

I try to read and write data from/to Socket with NSStream. Here is my code for connect :
- (void)connect
[NSStream getStreamsToHostNamed:APIC_HOST_ADDR
[inStream scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
[outStream scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
inStream.delegate = self;
outStream.delegate = self;
if ([inStream streamStatus] == NSStreamStatusNotOpen)
[inStream open];
if ([outStream streamStatus] == NSStreamStatusNotOpen)
[outStream open];
and for input stream i implement the delegate methods to recieve events
- (void)handleInputStreamEvent:(NSStreamEvent)eventCode
switch (eventCode) {
case NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:
int bytesRead;
if (data == nil) {
data = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
uint8_t buf[1024];
unsigned int len = 0;
len = [inStream read:buf maxLength:1024];
if(len>0) {
#try {
[data appendBytes:(const void *)buf length:len];
#catch (NSException *exception) {
NSLog(#"Fail: %#", exception);
#finally {
bytesRead += len;
} else {
NSLog(#"No Buffer");
NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data
[str release];
[data release];
data = nil;
} break;
case NSStreamEventErrorOccurred:
NSError *theError = [inStream streamError];
NSLog(#"Error reading stream! ,Error %i: %#",[theError code], [theError localizedDescription]);
[self disconnect];
[self connect];
} break;
[NSStream read:maxLength:] always returns maximum unsigned integer value. Eventually i get this error:
Fail: *** -[NSConcreteMutableData appendBytes:length:]: unable to allocate memory for length (4294967295)
Why does read mehod return this big value? Does it really read that much bytes? (I don't think so) :)
PS: Socket Stream server is ok. it reads and writes data to other clients also and there is no problem.
I resolved the problem. I was writing data without observing if has space available in output stream.
from the NSInputStream read:maxLength documentation:
Return Value
A number indicating the outcome of the operation
A positive number indicates the number of bytes read
0 indicates that the end of the buffer was reached
A negative number means that the operation failed
so in case of end of stream your len is 0, in case of error it is -1 which explains the 4294967295 value on your unsigned int.
so use a signed int and check for negative values.
If from CFReadStreamRead() method returns 1, means the request fails, you should do the processing of failure.
CFReadStreamRead() method to read failure will return 1, with 4294967295-1 is the same block of memory, so the length was 4294967295.

Stop NSRunLoop On Keypress

I'm writing a command line foundation tool in Mac OS X and would like the tool to quit on a keypress such as 'q'. The code is launching an asynchronous request for retrieving data from a remote server. This necessitates the NSRunLoop. At least that's what I understand I need to do.
Can someone tell me how to stop the runloop on the specific keypress?
Below is the code snippet.
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
BOOL keepRunning = YES;
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
Requestor *myRequestor = [[Requestor alloc] init];
[myRequestor GetData];
NSRunLoop *runLoop;
runLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
while (keepRunning && [runLoop runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]]);
[pool drain];
return 0;
Thank you!
I haven't done this myself, but I would expect that you want to use [[NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardInput] readInBackgroundAndNotify] and register to receive the NSFileHandleReadCompletionNotification notification. If you receive a 'q', do what ever cleanup you need to and call exit().
If you haven't already considered libcurses, perhaps that will help you. It's really straightforward to catch keypresses with it, but what I'm not 100% about is if you can get it to work without the entire terminal window being used.
The curses bit alone is just:
#include <ncurses.h>
/* snip */
char c;
while (c = getch()) {
if (c == 'q') {
// Put your cleanup and shutdown logic here
/* any other keypresses you might want to handle */
EDIT | You probably don't wanna put that tight loop inside your run loop... just call getch() each time the runloop ticks over.
Well, my initial theories and experiments starting with your existing code didn't turn up much in the way of usable code.
I'm imagining that what you're looking for is something like how, on Windows, you can run something in a command line shell window, and when the process has finished, it says something like "Press the Q key to continue...". When you bring the window forward (if it isn't already frontmost), and press the Q key, the window closes.
Are you planning on calling this command line tool from your primary application, or is this command line tool something the end-user will be interacting with directly? (For example, if the latter, they'd be calling it from a Terminal window, hmm, then I think Ken's code could probably be combined with mine to make the following. Note that in its current form, this only works after you press Q and then hit Return?
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface Requestor : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate> {
BOOL gotData;
NSFileHandle *stdIn;
- (void)getData;
- (void)requestorGotData:(id)sender;
#implementation Requestor
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
gotData = NO;
stdIn = nil;
[NSApp setDelegate:self];
return self;
- (void)getData {
NSLog(#"getting data.........");
gotData = NO;
[self performSelector:#selector(requestorGotData:)
- (void)requestorGotData:(id)sender {
NSLog(#"got data");
gotData = YES;
NSLog(#"Press 'Q' key to continue...");
stdIn = [[NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardInput] retain];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
[stdIn readInBackgroundAndNotify];
- (void)fileHandleReadCompletion:(NSNotification *)notification {
NSData *data = [[notification userInfo]
NSLog(#"data == %#", data);
NSString *string = [[[NSString alloc]
encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
if (string) {
string = [string stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:
[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
if ([[string lowercaseString] isEqualToString:#"q"]) {
[stdIn closeFile];
[stdIn release];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
[NSApp terminate:nil];
} else {
[stdIn readInBackgroundAndNotify];
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
[NSApplication sharedApplication];
Requestor *requestor = [[Requestor alloc] init];
[requestor getData];
[NSApp run];
[requestor release];
[pool drain];
return 0;