Is there a better/faster method locating a row with the maximum value in a column? - sql

I have a transaction table with about 5,000 nrows. The transaction.ticket_number[INT] is a column which gets updated with the next available sequential ticket number every time a specific row is updated. The column is unique indexed. I'm currently using the following SELECT statement to locate the max(transaction.ticket_num):
SELECT MAX(transaction.ticket_number) FROM transaction;
Since the row being updated is clustered acording to the transaction.fk_id[INT], where it is joined to customer.pk_id[SERIAL],the row is not physically located at the end of the transaction table, rather it resides within the group of transaction rows belonging to each particular customer. I chose to cluster the transactions belonging to each customer because response time is faster when I scroll through each customers transaction. Is there a faster way of locating the max(transaction.ticket_number) with the above query?.. Would a 'unique index on transaction(ticket_number) descending' improve access or is the indexed fully traversed from begining to end irrelevantly?

On a table of only 5000 rows on a modern machine, you are unlikely to be able to measure the difference in performance of the various techniques, especially in the single-user scenario which I believe you are facing. Even if the 5000 rows were all at the maximum permissible size (just under 32 KB), you would be dealing with 160 MB of data, which could easily fit into the machine's caches. In practice, I'm sure your rows are far smaller, and you'd never need all the data in the cache.
Unless you have a demonstrable performance problem, go with the index on the ticket number column and rely on the server (Informix SE) to do its job. If you have a demonstrable problem, show the query plans from SET EXPLAIN output. However, there are major limits on how much you can tweak SE performance - it is install-and-go technology with minimal demands on tuning.
I'm not sure whether Informix SE supports the 'FIRST n' (aka 'TOP n') notation that Informix Dynamic Server supports; I believe not.

Due to NULLABLE columns and other factors, use of indexes, etc, you can often find the following would be faster, but normally only negligably...
SELECT TOP 1 ticket_number FROM transaction ORDER BY ticket_number DESCENDING
I'm also uncertain as to whether you actually have an Index on [ticket_number]? Or do you just have a UNIQUE constraint? A constraint won't help determine a MAX, but an INDEX will.
In the event that an INDEX exists with ticket_number as the first indexable column:
- An index seek/lookup would likely be used, not needing to scan the other values at all
In the event that an INDEX exists with ticket_number Not as the first indexable column:
- An index scan would likely occur, checking every single unique entry in the index
In the event that no usable INDEX exists:
- The whole table would be scanned


How database system comes to know how many different values a particular column has?

At following link
the author has written that since "SEX" column has only two possible values thus its selectivity for 10000 records would be; according to formula given; 0.02 %.
But my question that how a database system come to know that this particular column has this many unique values? Wouldn't the database system require scanning the entire table at least once? or some other way the database system would come to know about those unique values?
First, you are applying the formula wrong. The selectivity for sex (in the example given) would be 50% not 0.02%. That means that each value appears about 50% of the time.
The general way that databases keep track of this is using something called "statistics". These are measures that are kept about all tables and used by the optimizer. Sometimes, the information can also be provided by an index on the column.
Comming back to your actual question: Yes, the database scans all table data frequently and saves some statistics, (e.g. max value, min value, number of distinct keys, number of rows in a table, etc.) in a internal table. These statistics are used to estimate the basic result of your query (or other DML operations) in order to evalutat the optimal execution plan. You can manually trigger generation of statistic by running command EXEC DBMS_STATS.GATHER_DATABASE_STATS; or some of the other ones. You can advise Oracle also to read only a sample of all data (e.g. 10% of all rows)
Usually data content does not change drastically, so it does not matter if the numbers are not absolutly exact, they are (usually) sufficient to estimate an execution plan.
Oracle has many processes related to calculating the number of distinct values (NDV).
Manual Statistics Gathering: Statistics gathering can be triggered manually, through many different procedures in DBMS_STATS.
AUTOTASK: Since 10g Oracle has a default AUTOTASK job, "auto optimizer stats collection". It will only gather statistics if the current stats are stale.
Bulk Load: In 12c statistics can be gathered during a bulk load.
Sample: The NDV can be computed from 100% of the data or can be estimated based on a sample. The sample can be either based on blocks or rows.
One-pass distinct sampling: 11g introduced a new AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE algorithm. It scans the entire table but only uses one pass. It's much faster to scan the whole table than to have to sort even a small part of it. There are several more in-depth descriptions of the algorithm, such as this one.
Incremental Statistics: For partitioned tables Oracle can store extra information about the NDV, called a synopsis. With this information, if only a single partition is modified, only that one partition needs to be analyzed to generate both partition and global statistics.
Index NDV: Index statistics are created by default when an index is created. Also, the information can be periodically re-gathered from DBMS_STATS.GATHER_INDEX_STATS or the cascade option in other procedures in DBMS_STATS.
Custom Statistics: The NDV can be manually set with DBMS_STATS.SET_* or ASSOCIATE STATISTICS.
Dynamic Sampling: Right before a query is executed, Oracle can automatically sample a small number of blocks from the table to estimate the NDV. This usually only happens when statistics are missing.
Database scans the data set in a table so it can use the most efficient method to retrieve data. Database measures the uniqueness of values using the following formula:
Index Selectivity = number of distinct values / the total number of values
The result will be between zero or one. Index Selectivity of zero means that there are not any unique values. In these cases indexes actually reduce performance. So database uses sequential scanning instead of seek operations.
For more information on indexes read

deleting rows will improve select performance in oracle?

i have a huge table (200mln records). about 70% is not need now (there is column ACTIVE in a table and those records have value N ). There are a lot of multi-column indexes but none of them includes that column. Will removing that 70% records improve SELECT (ACTIVE='Y') performance (because oracle has to read table blocks with no active records and then exclude them from final result)? Is shrink space necessary?
It's really impossible to say without knowing more about your queries.
At one extreme, access by primary key would only improve if the height of the supporting index was reduced, which would probably require deletion of the rows and then a rebuild of the index.
At the other extreme, if you're selecting nearly all active records then a full scan of the table with 70% of the rows removed (and the table shrunk) would take only 30% of the pre-deletion time.
There are many other considerations -- selecting a set of data and accessing the table via indexes, and needing to reject 99% of rows after reading the table because it turns out that there's a positive correlation between the required rows and an inactive status.
One way of dealing with this would be through list partitioning the table on the ACTIVE column. That would move inactive records to a partition that could be eliminated from many queries, with no need to index the column, and would keep the time for full scans of active records down.
If you really do not need these inactive records, why do you just not delete them instead of marking them inactive?
Edit: Furthermore, although indexing a column with a 70/30 split is not generally helpful, you could try a couple of other indexing tricks.
For example, if you have an indexed column which is frequently used in queries (client_id?) then you can add the active flag to that index. You could also construct a partial index:
create index my_table_active_clients
on my_table (case when active = 'Y' then client_id end);
... and then query on:
select ...
from ...
where (case when active = 'Y' then client_id end) = :client_id
This would keep the index smaller, and both indexing approaches would probably be helpful.
Another edit: A beneficial side effect of partitioning could be that it keeps the inactive records and active records "physically" apart, and every block read into memory from the "active" partition of course only has active records. This could have the effect of improving your cache efficiency.
Partitioning, putting the active='NO' records in a separate partition, might be a good option.
Yes it will most likely. But depending on your access schema the increase will most likely not as big. Setting an index including the column would be a better solution for future IMHO.
Most probably no. Delete will not reduce the size of the table's segment. Additional maintenance might help. After the DELETE execute also:
ALTER INDEX <indexname> SHRINK SPACE COMPACT; -- for every table's index
Alternatively you can use old school approach:
ALTER TABLE <tablename> MOVE;
ALTER INDEX <indexnamename> REBUILD;
When delting 70% of table also consider possible solution CTAS (create table as select). It will be much faster.
Indexing plays a vital role in SELECT query. The performance will drastically increase
if you use those indexed columns in the query. Ya deleting rows will enhance the performance
for sure somewhat but not drastically.

How much cost is spent when retrieving a field or entire record from the DB [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Which is faster/best? SELECT * or SELECT column1, colum2, column3, etc
(49 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
For example there are 20 fields in a record, which includes 5 indexed fields out of 20 fields. Given proper indexes on columns are set up and the data will be retrieved with the indexed field. I want to discuss 2 situations below.
retrieving a field from a record
retrieving a entire record
The only difference I know is that in case 1, the system uses small amount of data, so it spent less on the bus traffic. But when it comes to retrieving time, I'm not sure in these 2 cases if there will be any difference in terms of hardware operation, because I think the main cost on retrieving task on DB is finding the record regardless of how many fields. Is this correct?
Assuming you are retrieving from a heap-based table and your WHERE clause is identical in both cases:
It matters whether the field(s) being retrieved is in the index or not. If it's in the index, the DBMS will not need to access the table heap - this is called index-only scan. If it's not in the index, the DBMS must access the heap page in which the the field resides, possibly requiring additional I/O if not already cached.
If you are reading the whole row, it is less likely all of its fields are covered by the index the DBMS query planner chose to use, so it is more likely you'll pay the I/O cost of the table heap access. This is not so bad for a single row, but can absolutely destroy performance if many rows are retrieved and index's clustering factor is bad1.
The situation is similar but slightly more complicated for clustered tables, since indexes tend to cover PK fields even when not explicitly mentioned in CREATE INDEX, and the "main" portion of the table cannot (typically) be accessed directly, but through an index seek.
On top of that, transferring more data puts more pressure on network bandwidth, as you already noted.
For these reasons, always try to select exactly what you need and no more.
1 A good query optimizer will notice that and perform the full table scan because it's cheaper, even though the index is available.
Reading several material I came to conclusions:
Select only those fields required when performing a query.
If only indexed field will be scanned, the DB will perform index-only searching, which is fast.
When trying to fetch many rows which includes un-indexed fields, the worst case is that the query will perform as many block I/Os as number of rows, which is very expensive cost. So the better way is to perform full table scan because the total number of block I/Os equals to the total number of blocks, which could be much smaller than the number of rows.

How can I improve performance of average method in SQL?

I'm having some performance problems where a SQL query calculating the average of a column is progressively getting slower as the number of records grows. Is there an index type that I can add to the column that will allow for faster average calculations?
The DB in question is PostgreSQL and I'm aware that particular index type might not be available, but I'm also interested in the theoretical answer, weather this is even possible without some sort of caching solution.
To be more specific, the data in question is essentially a log with this sort of definition:
table log {
int duration
date time
string event
I'm doing queries like
SELECT average(duration) FROM log WHERE event = 'finished'; # gets average time to completion
SELECT average(duration) FROM log WHERE event = 'finished' and date > $yesterday; # average today
The second one is always fairly fast since it has a more restrictive WHERE clause, but the total average duration one is the type of query that is causing the problem. I understand that I could cache the values, using OLAP or something, my question is weather there is a way I can do this entirely by DB side optimisations such as indices.
The performance of calculating an average will always get slower the more records you have, at it always has to use values from every record in the result.
An index can still help, if the index contains less data than the table itself. Creating an index for the field that you want the average for generally isn't helpful as you don't want to do a lookup, you just want to get to all the data as efficiently as possible. Typically you would add the field as an output field in an index that is already used by the query.
Depends what you are doing? If you aren't filtering the data then beyond having the clustered index in order, how else is the database to calculate an average of the column?
There are systems which perform online analytical processing (OLAP) which will do things like keeping running sums and averages down the information you wish to examine. It all depends one what you are doing and your definition of "slow".
If you have a web based program for instance, perhaps you can generate an average once a minute and then cache it, serving the cached value out to users over and over again.
Speeding up aggregates is usually done by keeping additional tables.
Assuming sizeable table detail(id, dimA, dimB, dimC, value) if you would like to make the performance of AVG (or other aggregate functions) be nearly constant time regardless of number of records you could introduce a new table
dimAavg(dimA, avgValue)
The size of this table will depend only on the number of distinct values of dimA (furthermore this table could make sense in your design as it can hold the domain of the values available for dimA in detail (and other attributes related to the domain values; you might/should already have such table)
This table is only helpful if you will anlayze by dimA only, once you'll need AVG(value) according to dimA and dimB it becomes useless. So, you need to know by which attributes you will want to do fast analysis on. The number of rows required for keeping aggregates on multiple attributes is n(dimA) x n(dimB) x n(dimC) x ... which may or may not grow pretty quickly.
Maintaining this table increases the costs of updates (incl. inserts and deletes), but there are further optimizations that you can employ...
For example let us assume that system predominantly does inserts and only occasionally updates and deletes.
Lets further assume that you want to analyze by dimA only and that ids are increasing. Then having structure such as
dimA_agg(dimA, Total, Count, LastID)
can help without a big impact on the system.
This is because you could have triggers that would not fire on every insert, but lets say on ever 100 inserts.
This way you can still get accurate aggregates from this table and the details table with
SELECT a.dimA, (SUM(d.value)+MAX(a.Total))/(COUNT( as avgDimA
dimA_agg a ON a.dimA = d.dimA AND > a.LastID
The above query with proper indexes would get one row from dimA_agg and only less then 100 rows from detail - this would perform in near constant time (~logfanoutn) and would not require update to dimA_agg for every insert (reducing update penalties).
The value of 100 was just given as an example, you should find optimal value yourself (or even keep it variable, though triggers only will not be enough in that case).
Maintaining deletes and updates must fire on each operation but you can still inspect if the id of the record to be deleted or updated is in the stats already or not to avoid the unnecessary updates (will save some I/O).
Note: The analysis is done for the domain with discreet attributes; when dealing with time series the situation gets more complicated - you have to decide the granularity of the domain in which you want to keep the summary.
There are also materialized views, 2, 3
Just a guess, but indexes won't help much since average must read all the record (in any order), indexes are usefull the find subsets of rows, ubt if you have to iterate on all rows with no special ordering indexes are not helping...
This might not be what you're looking for, but if your table has some way to order the data (e.g. by date), then you can just do incremental computations and store the results.
For example, if your data has a date column, you could compute the average for records 1 - Date1 then store the average for that batch along with Date1 and the #records you averaged. The next time you compute, you restrict your query to results Date1..Date2, and add the # of records, and update the last date queried. You have all the information you need to compute the new average.
When doing this, it would obviously be helpful to have an index on the date, or whatever column(s) you are using for the ordering.

Organizing lots of timestamped values in a DB (sql / nosql)

I have a device I'm polling for lots of different fields, every x milliseconds
the device returns a list of ids and values which I need to store with a time stamp in a DB of sorts.
Users of the system need to be able to query this DB for historic logs to create graphs, or query the last timestamp for each value.
A simple approach would be to define a MySQL table with
and let users select
Select value form t where value_id=x order by timestamp desc limit 1
and just push everything there with index on timestamp and id, But my question is what's the best approach performance / size wise for designing the schema? or using nosql? can anyone comment on possible design trade offs. Will such a design scale with millions of records?
When you say "... or query the last timestamp for each value" is this what you had in mind?
select max(timestamp) from T where value = ?
If you have millions of records, and the above is what you meant (i.e. value is alone in the WHERE clause), then you'd need an index on the value column, otherwise you'd have to do a full table scan. But if queries will ALWAYS have [timestamp] column in the WHERE clause, you do not need an index on [value] column if there's an index on timestamp.
You need an index on the timestamp column if your users will issue queries where the timestamp column appears alone in the WHERE clause:
select * from T where timestamp > x and timestamp < y
You could index all three columns, but you want to make sure the writes do not slow down because of the indexing overhead.
The rule of thumb when you have a very large database is that every query should be able to make use of an index, so you can avoid a full table scan.
Adding some additional remarks after your clarification.
I am wondering how you will know the id? Is [id] perhaps a product code?
A single simple index on id might not scale very well if there are not many different product codes, i.e. if it's a low-cardinality index. The rebalancing of the trees could slow down the batch inserts that are happening every x milliseconds. A composite index on (id,timestamp) would be better than a simple index.
If you rarely need to sort multiple products but are most often selecting based on a single product-code, then a non-traditional DBMS that uses a hashed-key sparse-table rather than a b-tree might be a very viable even a superior alternative for you. In such a database, all of the records for a given key would be found physically on the same set of contiguous "pages"; the hashing algorithm looks at the key and returns the page number where the record will be found. There is no need to rebalance an index as there isn't an index, and so you completely avoid the related scaling worries.
However, while hashed-file databases excel at low-overhead nearly instant retrieval based on a key value, they tend to be poor performers at sorting large groups of records on an attribute, because the data are not stored physically in any meaningful order, and gathering the records can involve much thrashing. In your case, timestamp would be that attribute. If I were in your shoes, I would base my decision on the cardinality of the id: in a dataset of a million records, how many DISTINCT ids would be found?
Simplest way is to have two tables, one with the ongoing history, which is always having new values inserted, and the other, containing only 250 records, one per part, where the latest value overwrites/replaces the previous one.
Update latest
set value = x
where id = ?
You have a choice of
indexes (composite; covering value_id, timestamp and value, or some combination of them): you should test performance with different indexes; composite and non-composite, also be aware that there are quite a few significantly different ways to get 'max per group' (search so, especially mysql version with variables)
triggers - you might use triggers to maintain max row values in another table (best performance of further selects; this is redundant and could be kept in memory)
lazy statistics/triggers, since your database is updated quite often you can save cycles if you update your statistics periodically (if you can allow the stats to be y seconds old and if you poll 1000 / x times a second, then you potentially save y * 100 / x potential updates; and this can be noticeable, especially in terms of scalability)
The above is true if you are looking for last bit of performance, if not keep it simple.