Can I package my Eclipse extension so the right version is automatically installed? - eclipse-plugin

Is there a way to build an Eclipse Update Site so that Eclipse 3.3 will install one version of my plug-in while Eclipse 3.4 will install another version? The feature spec allows for "optional included features" but I can't see how to make them conditional on the version of the target.
Background: I've become responsible for an Eclipse extension that has half a dozen plug-ins which depend on a "support" plug-in, and the support plug-in needs to be one version for Eclipse 3.3 and a different version for Eclipse 3.4/3.5. I currently have two separate features, "extension for 3.3" and "extension for 3.4+" but I'd like to not bother my users with this detail.


How do I replace a plugin present in Plug-in Dependencies in RCP project with latest version?

I have created a RCP Application. Currently it is using org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_64_3.107.0.v20180611-0422.jar. I have a lastest version of SWT jar(V3.11) which I want to add it to plug-in dependencies.
How do I do it?
PS : I'm using Photon version of eclipse.
You don't need to do anything to the plug-in. The choice of dependency plug-in versions is done automatically using the plug-ins in the "Target Platform" that you are using. The versions shown are the plug-ins in your current target platform. You change to a different set of plug-in versions by defining a target platform in the Preferences in 'Plug-in Development > Target Platform' and making that target active.
The 'Require-Bundle' entry in the plug-in's MANIFEST.MF can specify a range of versions which are allowed for the dependency.
Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.e4.ui.di;bundle-version="0.10.1"
says that at least version '0.10.1' of the 'org.eclipse.e4.ui.di' is required.

Import DS-5 plugin to an existing eclipse installation

I have an existing eclipse installation to which I want to import DS-5 as a plugin. Is this supported for the paid versions, Professional and Ultimate edition?
DS-5 can be imported to Eclipse as a plugin. The page has details of how to install the plugin.
By default, you will get the Community edition's features. Features available across different editions can be seen at
DS-5 plugin version contains full Streamline support. You can unlock this by buying either Professional or Ultimate edition license and setting it up. However, DS-5 plugin version does not support tools like FVP, ARM compiler and DS-5 Debugger.

Eclipse install previous version of plug-in

I developed an Eclipse plug-in and installed it in Eclipse. After making some modifications in the plug-in source, I re-released that plugin in an Update Site. I tried to get the plug-in through "new software install menu" and re-install the plug-in in Eclipse, but the installed version of the plug-in is not the current version; it is the previous one. How can I adapt the current plug-in in Eclipse mantaining the plug-in version?
Did you update the version number of your feature before releasing it to the update site? Eclipse checks the version number, and only installs the new version if its version number is newer than the one already installed.

Force Eclipse (Helios) to use a newer version of SWT at application runtime

I'm developing an RCP project using Eclipse-Helios.
The version of SWT that is installed (in the plugins directory) is [org.eclipse.swt-win32-3.6.2, & org.eclipse.swt.jar]
I require new API functionality that is only available from swt-3.8. (specifically, I wish to set the custom colours, for an SWT color dialog before opening.)
I have downloaded 3.8.1 from the SWT/Eclipse downloads site [ ]
The SWT download is NOT a plugin (couple of jars, and some readme files), so I am unable to add it to my "Target Platform" (it doesn't appear as an available jar even after adding the containing directory in "locations")
I was unable to find an update site for SWT (or any site where i could get a plugin for the newer version)
If I add the swt.3.8.jar to my classpath (and then increase it's order-priority in the project build-path), I am able to access the newer api functionality from my code (as well as view the source).
When I run the application however, it seems as though the runtime is still using the older SWT jar, as i get an unknown method error, when attempting to access the newer functionality.
Is there an SWT repository location that I can use to download a newer version of SWT using the eclipse install manager?
If not, is there a way I can force the runtime to ignore the older version (I assume via plugin.xml)?
Is there a better way to achieve what I am trying to do?
What is the difference between the two SWT jars currently in the helios plugins directory (as the 3.8 download only contains the win-32 version)?
Thanks in advance.
SWT is downloadable as a separate plugin here:
Eclipse 3.8 contains regular plugins including the SWT (the win32 specific as well as the generic "org.eclipse.swt_.jar"). I am currently using the 3.8 version and they appear as plugins.
I also have Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) and I was able to import the swt plugins using the "File->Import->Plug-in Development->Plug-ins and Fragments" wizard. I just specified the eclipse 3.8 directory and could import them in my workspace. Once imported I can of-course use them to be included in the runtime environment. Eclipse should use the latest version automatically.

Eclipse new plugin Project: Not choosable

just an easy quesition but I can't find any answer in this wonderful world wide web...
I just want to create a new Plugin Project based on Eclipse Helios. Normally this feature should be shipped with this version (Version: Helios Service Release 2 Build id: 20110301-1815) but I can't choose it via "file->new->Project". Do I have sth. to install previously?
Thanks a lot for any help guys ... :)
It is also possible to do plugin development with any eclipse classic version. (I am working with 4.2)
For plugin development in eclipse classic version you need to go
Help-->Install New Software--> In work with select version url provided by eclipse it self. e.g. in case of 4.2 Juno it will be Juno -
It will render all the possible plugin provided by eclipse it self.
In that list there will a Eclipse plugin development environment in General purpose tools.
Or you can get that one by writing plug in filter text box.
Select Eclipse plugin development environment and install it.
Now you can able to do plugin development in classic version also.
Hope this will be helpful.
Install Eclipse for RCP and RAP developers.
If you already installed Eclipse you can add on the Plug-in Environment from within Eclipse
The Plugin Perspective is not installed.
To get it: Help->Install New Software
Work With: --All Available Sites--
In the Filter Box, type "Plug-in"
Look for something that says "General Purpose Tools" and expand it.
Look for "Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment"
Click Next a few times and install it, then restart.
Exact verbiage may depend on your Eclipse version.