msbuild and searching for text - msbuild

I have a msbuild task that outputs to a file.
Now I want to search that file for a certain text or regex expression and return true if it is there and false if it isn't
any idea of a task that could do this for me?

If you're using MSBuild 4 (with Visual Studio 2010), you can use Property Functions and do this without any custom task:
<IsMyFileMatching>$([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::IsMatch($([System.File]::ReadAllText("yourfile"), "pattern")))</IsMyFileMatching>


Updating a appsettings.json file from Teamcity

I have a appsettings.json file in my dotnet core project. From Teamcity I need to update the content of the file. File looks something like this
I need to update the text "valuetobeupdated" based on "keyofjson".
In traditional .net projects we had .config file which could be updated using msbuild file based using the target from xmlpeek and xmlpoke tasks. Do we have something same in dotnet core?
In step build use PowerShell script:
$filePath = "yourPath"
(GC $filePath).Replace("valuetobeupdated", "keyofjson") | Set-Content $filePath
You've not specified that this value is different on a build-by-build basis, if the value you want to change is the same every time you can simply add a build feature and select 'File content replacer' and find and replace 'valuetobeupdated' with the value you want.
If the value is a value that is calculated during the build then you will need to use a build step, e.g. powershell/commandline step to do the said find and replace.

override project properties on execting msbuild

I have a Visual Studio 8 2005 project generated by cmake. Is there any way to override some properties (RuntimeLibrary, WarnAsError, WarningLevel) listed in *.vcproj project file at msbuild call in command line?
Unfortunately, this doesn't work:
msbuild my_project.sln /p:Configuration=Debug,WarnAsError=false,RuntimeLibrary=1
In order to set multiple properties, you need to separate them using a semicolon (;), not commas (,). It is also possible to use multiple /p: arguments:
msbuild my_project.sln /p:Prop1=Value2;Prop2=Value2 /p:Prop3=Value3

Set ClickOnce ApplicationVersion and MinimumRequiredVersion to date in VSTS Build

I have a visual studio build step in a CI build that creates the clickonce files of a desktop application using the MSBuild arguments below:
/target:publish /p:ApplicationVersion=$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth).$(Build.BuildId) /p:MinimumRequiredVersion=$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth).$(Build.BuildId) /p:InstallUrl=$(InstallUrl)
The $(Build.BuildId) and $(InstallUrl) variables get replaced with their correct values but the $(Year:yyyy), $(Month) and $(DayOfMonth) variables do not get replaced. I am using the same variables to set the Build number format on the General tab and they get replaced correctly. Is it not possible to use the date based variables in a build step in VSTS?
Edit: It appears using $(Build.BuildNumber) would work but I like to include the build definition name in the build number format, which obviously won't work for the version.
$(Year:yyyy), $(Month), $(DayOfMonth) are tokens you could use only in the Build Number Format field, not anywhere else.
I would suggest you to create yourself those variables on the fly, leveraging the following script run by the PowerShell task (with an Inline Script) just before your Visual Studio Build task:
$date = get-date
write-host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Year;]$(($date).year)"
write-host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Month;]$(($date).month)"
write-host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Day;]$(($date).day)"
Then you could use $(Year), $(Month) and $(Day) in place of the tokens you currently use as additional MSBuild arguments.

Pass property value from TFS Build Definition to proj file

I have a build definition set up in my TFS 2012 instance. In this Build Definition I want to pass in a custom argument and access said argument in my .csproj file. For example:
MSBuild Arguments: /p:MyFoo=1
In my .csproj file I want to do this:
<ItemGroup Condition=" '$(MyFoo)' == '1' ">
Is this possible, or am I going about this incorrectly?
This is more than possible, it's very easy to do. Edit your build definition, under the process tab expand the "advanced" section and you will see a property called "MSbuild Arguments" add the argument in the format in the question. e.g. /p:MyFoo=1
You can also enter the arguments when you queue a build

Why won't MSBuild build a project with a dot in the name?

The Story So Far
I've got a nice solution with a desktop application project, a few library projects, and a couple of development tools projects (also desktop applications). At the moment, my build server outputs all of the code into one OutputPath. So we end up with
Company.MainApplication.exe <-- main application
Company.MainApplicationCore.dll <-- libraries
Helper.exe <-- developer tools
... <-- the rest of the output
But, we're growing up and people outside of our team want access to our tools. So I want to organize the output. I decided that what we would want is a different OutputPath per executable project
Company.MainApplication.exe <-- main application
Company.MainApplicationCore.dll <-- libraries
... <-- application specific output
Helper.exe <-- developer tools
... <-- tool specific output
What I Did
I found this simple command. I like it because it retains all the Solution working-dir context that makes msbuild a pain.
msbuild /target:<ProjectName>
For example, from my solution root as a working directory, I would call
PS> msbuild /target:Helper /property:OutputPath="$pwd\out\Helper"
I'm testing this from PowerShell, so that $pwd resolves to the full path to my working directory, or the Solution root in this case. I get the output I desire.
However, when I run this command
PS> msbuild /target:Company.MainApplication /property:OutputPath="$pwd\out\Company.MainApplication"
I get the following error output (there's no more information, I ran with /verbosity:diagnostic)
The target "Company.MainApplication" does not exist in the project.
What I Need
The command fails on any project with a dot or dots in the name. I tried with many combinations of working directories and properties. I tried several ways of escaping the property values. I also tried running the command from a <Task> in a targets file.
I need to know either
A) How to fix this command to work property
B) How to achieve the same output with minimal friction
Try using an underscore as an escape character for the dot in the target parameter, e.g.
msbuild /target:Company_MainApplication /property:OutputPath="$pwd\out\Company.MainApplication"
Specify the target after the -target: switch in the format :. If the project name contains any of the characters %, $, #, ;, ., (, ), or ', replace them with an _ in the specified target name.
Dan Nolan's answer and comments are correct. Just want to supplement the Microsoft documentation.
The /targets: switch is to identify a <Target to run in the project file. You need to supply your .csproj file as a an argument that is not prefixed by a /xx option marker.
You might also want to work based on the .sln file. In that case, you still dont specify the project in the .sln to build in this manner. I'll leave you to search up the correct syntax in case that's what you end up doing.