WCF Session without Credentials - wcf

Is it possible to configure a WCF service to use sessions, and also not to require the client to send any credentials?
If so, how should the bindings section of the service's App.config file look?

See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.servicemodel.channels.reliablesessionbindingelement.aspx to establish a session using the WS-ReliableMessaging spec. I don't see why this should require authentication.
<binding name="BasicWithWSReliable">
<reliableSession />
<httpTransport authenticationScheme="Anonymous"/>


basicHttpBinding with and without ssl at the same time

I have a WCF service hosted on IIS that is working perfectly well over https with SSL. It has the following simple binding setup...
<binding maxBufferSize="524288"
<readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="262144" maxArrayLength="65536" />
<security mode="Transport">
<transport clientCredentialType="None" />
Is it possible to have another basicHttpBinding but without the security mode so that clients can connect with http or https. Do I just copy and paste the binding and remove the security mode on the copy? Or will that cause confusion because there are two bindings of the same type but they do not have names?
You have to create another binding and add an additional endpoint to use the binding without security. A binding is only a description HOW an endpoint should be created, but the binding configuration does not open any endpoints. You can have many endpoints using the same binding, but only one binding per endpoint.

Authentication on WCF Service using BasicHttpBinding and Authorization header

I'm having some issue with authentication on a third party's WCF service. I don't know how it's configured, it's like a black box for me. The only thing that I know, that those webservice should use Basic authentication, but may not.
I've added fiddler, and even wireshark to analyze what's happening inside of those requests, and found out that requests with authorization header do get authenticated. So basically, using a SoapUI I was able to authenticate on those WCF service.
I've generated a test client using svcutil and specified config file like this:
<binding name="BasicHttpBinding_1" useDefaultWebProxy="false" >
<security mode="Message" >
<message clientCredentialType="UserName" />
<endpoint address="http://theurl.svc"
binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_1"
contract="CA_TestMediaSaturn.IDCIntegration" name="BasicHttpBinding_2" />
Also I've added authorization information to client in code file:
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "one";
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "two";
But I wasn't able to get those Authorization header encoded in base64.
I wonder how can I configure my client to obtain those header in order to get authorized on webservice side. I did found an article describing how to make it on your own. But maybe there is a way to make it a lot easier?
I've just receiver service configuration settings from 3rd party vendor. Mb it can somehow help in finding out the reason of error.
<binding name="BasicHttpBinding_1" >
<security mode="TransportCredentialOnly">
<message clientCredentialType="UserName"/>
you should set mode="Transport" instead of "Message". This will generate Authorization header. current setting is message security so authentication is inside SOAP.
EDIT: seems like you need pre-authenitcate.
in general wcf will first not send authorization header, and if the service returns a challenge to do it then it will send the message again with the header. some servers do not support this challenge mechanism and will require to send authorization header already at first shot. this is called pre authentication in .net 2. unfortunetely wcf does not support it. but you could do it yourself: first set security mode to None so WCF will not send security at all. then see example here how to add this header yourself to the wcf call.

Does setting Security Mode = Transport automatically make it secure in a HTTPS web service?

I have a web service and we're currently hosting it in a HTTPS site.
My binding is this.
<binding maxReceivedMessageSize="2000000" >
<readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="2147483647" />
<security mode="Transport">
And it seems to work well. But my main aim is to make sure the web service requests and responses are encrypted. I don't know much about web services but is that all there is to it?
Just use HTTPS and put this line in your configuration?
<security mode="Transport">
Or is there more to it? How can I know if the message's sent are encrypted or not?
Yes that's all. The mode Transport demands transport level security which in your case means HTTPS. If you want to see that messages are encrypted you must use some network monitoring tool (Fiddler, WireShark, etc.)

WCF security in an internet scenario

I have a WCF service hosted in a Windows Service. Clients from various platforms will access the service. Now I would like to add a basic security mechanism. Ideally, the clients should use username/password for authentication.
Which binding settings do I have to use in this scenario and how can I authenticate the client? Interoperability is more important than a very secure solutions. If possible the client should not be forced to use a certificate or something the like. Additionally, authentication should not be strongly coupled with a SQL Server database. I would like to manually inspect the client credentials.
Thanks for your help
The best for your case can be BasicHttpBinding with security set to TransportWithMessageCredentials and credential type set to UserName. In this case your service will be secured with HTTPS (requires server certificate for SSL which has to be trusted on clients) and authentication will be provided on message level with UserName Token Profile (SOAP header). You can implement your own password validator.
BasicHttpBinding configuration skeleton:
<binding name="Secured">
<security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential">
<message clientCredentialType="UserName" />
If you don't want to use HTTPS you can create custom binding with HttpTransport, TextMessageEncoding and with security mode set to UserNameOverTransport. But you have to set allowInsecureTransport to true (be aware that there is some bug with WSDL generation in this setting).
Custom binding configuration skeleton:
<binding name="Secured">
<security authenticationMode="UserNameOverTransport" allowInsecureTransport="true" />
<textMessageEncoding messageVersion="Soap11" />
<httpTransport />
See the Internet section of the Application Scenarios for guides on how to achieve this:CodePlex Application Scenarios

WCF call with windows authentication

We have a system where the users access a web server, the web server then calls a WCF service.
We would like the call to the WCF service to be made in the security context of the windows identity of the application pool on the web server.
What is the best way to do this? Can it be done purely through configuration in the web.config file.
Yes, you should be able to do this, all in config:
<binding name="WinAuth" mode="Transport">
<transport clientCredentialType="Windows" />
Of course, depending on your binding, you'd have to use a different tag under the <bindings> parent node - and of course, not all bindings support all security modes.....
In your endpoint, use the appropriate binding and then just reference this config:
<endpoint name="WCFService" address="......."
contract="......" />
That should do it! And of course, if you need message security instead of transport security, you can do that, too.
In your WCF service method, you can check to see whether or not the Windows credentials have been sent over, and what they are, by checking:
This will be NULL if you don't have a Windows caller, otherwise it will show who called you.