Getting the max(price) for each item ordered, given multiple different prices for any ordered item - sql

If I have an items_ordered table that looks like this:
customerid order_date item quantity price
10330 30-Jun-1999 Pogo stick 1 28.00
10101 30-Jun-1999 Raft 1 58.00
10298 01-Jul-1999 Skateboard 1 33.00
10101 01-Jul-1999 Life Vest 4 125.00
10299 06-Jul-1999 Parachute 1 1250.00
10339 27-Jul-1999 Umbrella 1 4.50
10449 13-Aug-1999 Unicycle 1 180.79
And I want to get the max price for each distinct item in the table, given that an item could appear multiple times in this table with different prices, how would I do that, assuming that this doesn't work:
select item, max(price) from items_ordered;

Add a Group By and you're golden.
select item, max(price) from items_ordered group by item;


How to merge two rows and sum the columns

And my output table should be
I can't seem to get my code to work. Here is my code
SELECT product, (SELECT (quantity*unit_price)
FROM shopping_history AS sh ) AS total_price
FROM shopping_history
GROUP BY product
You are looking for the aggregate function SUM (which doesn't require a sub-query) e.g.
SELECT product, SUM(quantity*unit_price) AS Total_Price
FROM shopping_history
GROUP BY product

How can I insert and join from three tables?

I have to combine two tables and replace a value within a table with values from a 3rd column.
the tables look like this
order date product_type quantity cost
1 1/1/19 tops 2 49.99
2 1/2/19 bottom 3 190
3 1/2/19 jewelry 1 30
order date product type product name
1 1/1/19 tops sophia tank
2 1/2/19 bottom boyfriend jeans
3 1/2/19 jewelry alex necklace
ascin_product ascin
tops 0081112
bottom 121412
jewelry 12412415
The output should look like this
order date quantity cost product name ascin
1 1/1/19 2 49.99 sophia tank 0001112
2 1/2/19 3 190 boyfriend jeans 121412
3 1/2/19 1 30 alex necklace 12412415
[enter image description here][2]
I can join order and product easily, I just don't know how to join the 3rd table based off of ascin product and then replace product type with ascin in the overall table
select order, date, product_type,product_name from product
inner join on order
product.product_type=order.product type
inner join on type
product.product_type=order.product type=type=ascin_product
I don't know how to replace product type in my table with ascin
Start from Order and then join the other tables
SELECT o.order,, o.quantity, o.cost, p.product_name, t.ascin
FROM order o
JOIN product p ON p.order = o.order
JOIN type t ON t.ascin_product = o.product_type
I would create a view that joins product and type as a common object to select out of that is always a "complete" set of columns for product. You will probably end up using it in a variety of places and not have to join those tables over and over.
Then I would do what you have already done and just join on orders and the view to get what you are looking for.

Full Join and sum 2 queries in access

I am very new to this type of complicated joins and summing functions.
I had 2 table queries which have same fields (i.e: ProdID, ProdName, NetQty, Unit)
The 1st one query contains OpStock and the 2nd one contains Purchase.
I want to add this 2 table query to make a single table so that I can able to see current stock.
The data looks like this for 1 st table is:
ProdID ProdName Qty
100 Rose 700
101 Lilly 550
103 Jasmine 600
105 Lavender 400
The data looks like this for 2nd table is:
ProdID ProdName Qty
100 Rose 400
101 Lilly 250
104 Lotus 1000
106 MariGold 400
The final data looks like this for 3rd table is:
ProdID ProdName Qty
100 Rose 1100
101 Lilly 800
103 Jasmine 600
104 Lotus 1000
105 Lavender 400
106 MariGold 400
How can i achieve this one using sql for access2003.
I am very sorry Ciaran,
This is purely access used for
Here Is my access query1
SELECT sp_OpenIandP_Prod.ProdID,
Sum(([sp_OpenIandP_Prod.SumOfNetQty]-[sp_OpenSales_Prod.SumOfNetQty])) AS NetQty,
FROM sp_OpenIandP_Prod
INNER JOIN sp_OpenSales_Prod ON sp_OpenIandP_Prod.ProdID=sp_OpenSales_Prod.ProdID
GROUP BY sp_OpenIandP_Prod.ProdID,
The 1st query result would be like this:
ProdID ProdName NetQty UnitSName
1 Rose 0 Kgs
2 Lilly 7125 Mts
3 Lotus 12374 Nos
The second query is:
SELECT Products.ProdID, Products.ProdName,
Sum(OPDDetails.NetQty) AS SumOfNetQty, Units.UnitSName
FROM Units
INNER JOIN (Products
INNER JOIN OPDDetails ON Brands.BrID=OPDDetails.BrandID)
ON Products.ProdID=Brands.ProdID)
ON Units.UnitID=Products.UnitID
WHERE (((OPDDetails.PurID)>0)
AND ((OPDDetails.OPDDate)>=[StartDate] And (OPDDetails.OPDDate)<=[EndDate]))
GROUP BY Products.ProdID, Products.ProdName, Units.UnitSName;
and the result set would be like this:
ProdID ProdName SumOfNetQty UnitSName
1 Rose 1800 Kgs
2 Lilly 21000 Mts
I got the above result easily.
But it is not as much easy to get like this:
ProdID ProdName SumOfNetQty UnitSName
1 Rose 1800 Kgs
2 Lilly 28125 Mts
3 Lotus 12374 Nos
That's all. Thanks again.
This is not a question, however you need to use a UNION
Select ProdId, ProdName, Sum(Qty) As QtySum
From (Select ProdId, ProdName, Qty From TableA
Union All
Select ProdId, ProdName, Qty From TableB) DerrivedView
Group By ProdId, ProdName
You can create a UNION between your 2 queries then group by product:
SELECT ProdID, ProdName, Sum(NetQty) As NetQty, UnitSName
SELECT sp_OpenIandP_Prod.ProdID,
Sum(([sp_OpenIandP_Prod.SumOfNetQty]-[sp_OpenSales_Prod.SumOfNetQty])) AS NetQty,
FROM sp_OpenIandP_Prod
INNER JOIN sp_OpenSales_Prod ON sp_OpenIandP_Prod.ProdID=sp_OpenSales_Prod.ProdID
GROUP BY sp_OpenIandP_Prod.ProdID,
SELECT Products.ProdID, Products.ProdName,
Sum(OPDDetails.NetQty) AS NetQty, Units.UnitSName
FROM Units
INNER JOIN (Products
INNER JOIN OPDDetails ON Brands.BrID=OPDDetails.BrandID)
ON Products.ProdID=Brands.ProdID)
ON Units.UnitID=Products.UnitID
WHERE (((OPDDetails.PurID)>0)
AND ((OPDDetails.OPDDate)>=[StartDate] And (OPDDetails.OPDDate)<=[EndDate]))
GROUP BY Products.ProdID, Products.ProdName, Units.UnitSName
GROUP BY ProdID, ProdName, UnitSName

SQL: How to display items from one table according to categories from another table, and counting the total items in each category

I have two tables, a category table, and a items table. The category table have the following fields:
The items table has the following fields:
Now I need to write a query that displays all the items for each category, but I also want to count the amount of items in each category
Now the output must first list the category before the items in that catgegory and then list all the items in that category, and giving a total for the amount of items in that category, then another category and the items, for example
Coffee $1.50 4
Tea $2.50 4
Total Items 2
Tin Food
Peas $0.50 10
Meatballs $1 20
total items 2
I need to write this SQL and place it inside my TADOQuery component in Delphi
Please can anyone assist me
Select category_table.Cat_Description, item_table.Item_Desctiption, SUM(Item_table.Item_Cost) as Total_Cost, SUM(item_Table.Item_Qty) as Total_Qty
From Items_table join Category_Table
on items_Table.Cat_Id = Category_Table.Cat_Id and items_Table.Project_no = Category_table.Project_no
This would get you the result:
Beverages Coffee $1.50 4
Beverages Tea $2.50 4
Tin Food Peas $0.50 10
Tin Food Meatballs $1.00 20
I summed your cost, but if you just want cost listed, remove the sum from the option.

SQL summary by ID with period to period comparison

I am a beginner in SQL, hope someone can help me on this:
I have a Items Category Table:
ItemID | ItemName | ItemCategory | Active/Inactive
100 Carrot Veg Yes
101 Apple Fruit Yes
102 Beef Meat No
103 Pineapple Fruit Yes
And I have a sales table:
Date | ItemID | Sales
01/01/2010 100 50
05/01/2010 101 200
06/01/2010 101 250
06/01/2010 102 300
07/01/2010 103 50
08/01/2010 100 100
10/01/2010 102 250
How Can I achieve a sales summary table by Item By Period as below (with only active item)
ItemID | ItemName | ItemCategory | (01/01/2010 – 07/01/2010) | (08/01/2010 – 14/01/1020)
100 Carrot Veg 50 100
101 Apple Fruit 450 0
103 Pineapple Fruit 0 0
A very dirty solution
SELECT s.ItemId,
(SELECT ItemName FROM Items WHERE ItemId = s.ItemId) ItemName,
WHERE [Date] BETWEEN '2010/01/01' AND '2010/01/07'
AND itemid = s.itemid
GROUP BY ItemId),0) as firstdaterange,
WHERE [Date] BETWEEN '2010/01/08' AND '2010/01/14'
AND itemid = s.itemid
GROUP BY ItemId), 0) seconddaterange
FROM Sales s
INNER JOIN Items i ON s.ItemId = i.ItemId
WHERE i.IsActive = 'Yes'
Again a dirty solution, also the dates are hardcoded. You can probably turn this into a stored procedure taking in the dates as parameters.
I'm not too clued up on PIVOT command but maybe that will be worth a google.
You can pivot the data using the SQL PIVOT operator. Unfortunately, that operator has limited scope due to the requirement to pre-specify the output columns.
You normally achieve this by grouping on a calculated column (in this case, one that computes the week number or first day of the week in which each row falls). You can then either generate SQL on-the-fly with columns derived using SELECT DISTINCT week FROM result, or just drop the result into Excel and use its pivot table facility.