Removing All Items From A ComboBox? - vba

How can I programmatically remove all items from a combobox in VBA?

Psuedo code ahead (updated with actual code):
Do While ComboBox1.ListCount > 0
ComboBox1.RemoveItem (0)
Basically, while you have items, remove the first item from the combobox. Once all the items have been removed (count = 0), your box is blank.
Method 2: Even better

You need to remove each one individually unfortunately:
For i = 1 To ListBox1.ListCount
'Remove an item from the ListBox using ListBox1.RemoveItem
Next i
Update - I don't know why my answer did not include the full solution:
For i = ListBox1.ListCount - 1 to 0 Step - 1
ListBox1.RemoveItem i
Next i

The simplest way:
Combobox1.RowSource = "" 'Clear the list
Combobox1.Clear 'Clear the selected text

You can use the ControlFormat method:

Best Way:

For Access VBA, if a ComboBox has been populated with a Row Source Type of Value List, I find the following works:
ComboBox.RowSource = ""

For Access VBA, which does not provide a .clear method on user form comboboxes, this solution works flawlessly for me:
If cbxCombobox.ListCount > 0 Then
For remloop = (cbxCombobox.ListCount - 1) To 0 Step -1
cbxCombobox.RemoveItem (remloop)
Next remloop
End If

In Access 2013 I've just tested this:
While ComboBox1.ListCount > 0
ComboBox1.RemoveItem 0
Interestingly, if you set the item list in Properties, this is not lost when you exit Form View and go back to Design View.

This is the common method

I could not get clear to work. (Mac Excel)
but this does.

If you want to simply remove the value in the combo box:
me.combobox = ""
If you want to remove the recordset of the combobox, the easiest way is:
me.combobox.recordset = ""

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
ComboBox1.Value = Null
ComboBox2.Value = Null
End Sub


VBA Checkbox to Listbox (uncheck option to remove array)

I am struggling with a simple thing and cannot resolve it. I have a userform that user can populate from a textbox manually. I decided to add a checkbox as well to allow the user to populate the same listbox with a specific list of items. To do it,I made a simple checkbox with array. It works perfectly fine. But obviously keeps adding the items every time you check and uncheck it.
Private Sub Checkbox1_Click()
Dim mylist(7) As String
Dim i As Long
mylist(0) = "time"
mylist(1) = "hour"
mylist(2) = "how"
mylist(3) = "test"
mylist(4) = "number"
mylist(5) = "sent"
mylist(6) = "memo"
mylist(7) = "value"
For i = 0 To 7
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
Finallist.AddItem mylist(i)
End If
Next i
End Sub
I can populate the list when the checkbox is checked with the code above, but struggling to remove the array items from the list when the user unchecks the listbox. I simply need to remove the same items from listbox when user unchecks the same checkbox.
I tried the following solution after the code, but seem to be making something very wrong with it, I understand. Just totally stuck....Could someone help me please?
If checkobx.value=false then
For i = 0 To 7
For j = 0 To FinalList.ListCount - 1
If InStr(Final.List(j), mylist(i)) > 0 Then
Finallist.RemoveItem mylist(i)
End If
Next j
Next i
end if
Try this (explanations in comments and untested):
If CheckBox1.Value Then ‘ if checkbox checked
For i = 0 To 7
NegKeyList.AddItem interrlist(i)
Else ‘otherwise
Dim i As Long
For i = NegKeyList.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1 ‘ loop through listbox items from last one backwards
If Not IsError(Application.Match(NegKeyList.List(i), interrlist,0)) Then NegKeyList.RemoveItem i ‘ if current listbox item matches any interrlist array item then remove it from listbox
End If

Need help, VBA, need the combobox to avoid entering a specific values

I have a list of data in a sheet from A1:A8 and i have a combobox1 in a userform. What i want is to avoid a user to input an invalid value in the combobox1 based on the lists of data in the sheet
Go to combobox properties and change Style from 0 - fmStyleDropDownCombo to 2 - fmStyleDropDownList
i think this is what you are searching:
There you have a way to check the values with that you want, there is a example where you can replace it with your range of cells.
Edited (Nice point, i'll put the example here):
Private Sub Combobox_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
For i = 1 to 8
If(Cells(i, 1).Value == Me.Combobox.Value)
Cancel = True
End If
Next i
End Sub

VBA - Excel Showing form after double click on a Cell

I've encountered a strange Problem. I have an Input Form for the User in Excel.
This Form provides basic CRUD functions to edit a List in a Table. Now this Userform also has a ListBox which shows all the entrys with Id and some basic infos (so you know which entry is which ). Now what I want is, that if you select a row in the normal excel table, and then open the InputForm, the selected row in the table should also be selected in the listBox of the InputForm.
I do this like this:
If Selection.Row >= StartRow() Then
ListBoxAll.listIndex = Selection.Row - StartRow()
ListBoxAll.listIndex = 0
End If
This works great if I open the Ui per Button click. But if I try to open the form with the Before Double Click Event. I got an Offset.
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub
Now for the strange part. If I check what value the Selection.Row has, by showing it with a MessageBox, it all works fine! But as soon as I remove the MessageBox its broken all over again.
If Selection.Row >= StartRow() Then
ListBoxAll.listIndex = Selection.Row - StartRow()
MsgBox Selection.Row
ListBoxAll.listIndex = 0
End If
It does not matter where in the if I put the Messagebox.
So the Question has anybody ever got the same Problem ? And does anybody know a solution or a workaround to it ? (I don't want to show a Messagebox!)
So I added some screenshots to make it easier to understand.
Update I think it has something to do with the Focus after a double click, which is (maybe) on the doubleclicked Cell. And gets changed if I put out a MsgBox
(I'll write this as an answer but this is only a part of the code... :)
Oh, german ^.^
I believe each time you call your userform you'll have to compare the selected data to the listbox data. As you have a multicolumn listbox you could do this by the following (I believe, but untested):
Dim ThisRow As Integer
ThisRow = ActiveCell.Row
Dim ThisValue As String
ThisValue = ActiveWorkbook.Sheet("Tabelle1").Cells(ThisRow, 1).Value
This "1" should be the column which contains the same kind of information as is displayed in the first column of your listbox.
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 to UserFormInput.Listbox1.Listcount
If UserFormInput.Listbox1.List(i, 0).Value = ThisValue Then
End If
Next i

Copy listbox to another one

I'm trying to copy a listbox to another one
So I clear all items in the destination listbox like this
While Forms!SalesCallInformation!lstMills.ListCount > 0
Forms!SalesCallInformation!lstMills.RemoveItem (0)
Then I copy all items like this
For i = 0 To lstMillsToAdd.ListCount - 1
Forms!SalesCallInformation!lstMills.AddItem (lstMillsToAdd.Column(0, i) & ";" & lstMillsToAdd.Column(1, i) & ";" & lstMillsToAdd.Column(2, i))
The problem is that in the destination listbox, I still got the old items.
But when I set a watch on Forms!SalesCallInformation!lstMills.ListCount when I delete I can see that's it's decrementing so it must remove something.
Is it something with refreshing the form? Cause I tried after inserting the new items to do this: Forms!SalesCallInformation.Refresh but I have the same result.
Does anyone have an idea?
Thank you
Also, the rowSourceType is set to value list
This example works for me:
Private Sub Button1_Click()
Me.List2.RowSource = Me.List0.RowSource
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click()
Me.List2.RowSource = ""
End Sub
Both listboxes are Value Lists. The Row Source is set to "abc";"def";"ghi"

VB.NET Listbox selectedindex

In my code i select excel files to add them to a listbox, I then run some code that will replace a certain cell on all excel files in the list. Everytime it changes a cell in the excel file it will go to the next one in the listbox using
Me.ListBox2.SelectedIndex = Me.ListBox2.SelectedIndex + 1
But when it reaches the end of the list it gives me an error. How can i let my listbox know that it reached the end.
Put a check like this:
if Me.ListBox2.SelectedIndex + 1 < Me.ListBox2.items.count then
Me.ListBox2.SelectedIndex + = 1
End if
I think I would do a For/Each/Next to loop through the items like this:
For Each ListItem As Object In ListBox2.Items
'Set Active item as selected
ListBox2.SelectedItem = ListItem
'manipulate file
Just for fun. You can do this without using IF/END IF
Following code will move the selectedindex to the next item until it reaches the end of the listbox.
ListBox1.SelectedIndex += Math.Abs(CInt(ListBox1.SelectedIndex < ListBox1.Items.Count - 1))