how to connect p5 glove with blender game engine? - game-engine

i try to do project about control model in blender by using p5 glove ,but i don't know how to connect it with blender game engine

as you want to transfere information form p5 gloves to blender you need to transfere such info. via a protocol acting as listener to a specific port to listen for incoming data that comes form p5 glove ..
the most common used protocol is called OSC (Open Sound Contol)
see this link it will be so helpful ..
download their example "motion2blender" and you will get happy

You can use "VRPN" which is an indication to the Virtual Reality Peripherals
Networks that works as simple network of client and server, where the connection between
your peripherals and the software that acts as client for accepting the transfered data
has to be done through the server
see this

There is no official way to connect the p5 glove with the Blender game engine. However, there are some unofficial methods that may work. One method is to use a third-party software application that can act as a bridge between the two applications. Another method is to use a hardware device that can act as a bridge between the two applications.
whichever method you choose, it is important to make sure that the software and hardware are compatible with both the p5 glove and the Blender game engine. Additionally, you may need to consult with a qualified technician to ensure that the connection is made properly and that the data is transmitted correctly.
One unofficial way to connect the p5 glove with the Blender game engine is to use a third-party software application that can act as a bridge between the two applications. Some examples of such software include GlovePIE and GloveConnect. Another unofficial way to connect the p5 glove with the Blender game engine is to use a hardware device that can act as a bridge between the two applications. An example of such a hardware device is the GlovePort.


Why do we need controller when we are using "Programmable Data Plane"?

I know that a Programmable Data Plane gives us ability to customize & modify hardware for new protocols and policies.
For example we can use P4 to implement a device which acts like a hub in it's datapath.
But when we are able to apply our logic using P4 (or etc.) in the data plane, why do we need Controller & Control Plane anymore?
I mean we use controller to change switch behavior into layer-2, layer-3, firewall & etc.
And now using Programmable Data Plane we are able to do all of those using languages like P4.
Aren't they in conflict with each other ?
SDN provides a centralized control plane for enabling service providers to program and control the network data plane for which the OpenFlow is used as a defined communication protocol between the controller and switches. Thus SDN decoupled data plane , control plane and evolved based on assumption that the behavior of the network data path is fixed.
P4 brings in more flexibility such that the behavior of the data path can be expressed via software which would tell the switch on the way it should process packets. P4 helps in specifying the data forwarding behavior, then populating the tables and also in auto generating the APIs that are needed to populate the tables as well due to which P4 becomes superior over OpenFlow. P4 enables SDN to be independent
of protocol, flexible to programmatically match on arbitrary packet fields that were limitations of OpenFlow.
There are many existing switches that follow the SDN architecture of separate control path and data path that use OpenFlow. Hence, OpenFlow may not become obsolete immediately due to P4 as there are numerous fixed function switch ASICs that are already deployed, and they are communicating using OpenFlow. Openflow can be still applicable for networks that are a mixture of fixed functional switches and programmable switches. In such networks, the Openfow and P4 shall function together.

How to Constantly Update Microcontrollers via USB

I have a computer that needs to constantly scan online information and then in accordance to what has been found, the micro controller ( assume an ardunio ) will act in a particular way.
However it seems that most micro controllers cannot be dynamically updated via USB cable. Is there a way to constantly give new instructions or commands to a previously uploaded program into the processor to make it do corresponding actions?
Thank you (I'm sorry if this isn't the right forum to post this question, but I couldn't find one for micro controllers :( )
However it seems that most micro controllers cannot be dynamically updated via USB cable
if you mean programming the microcontroller via usb then it is possible but not at all necessary. you could just send predefined instructions via USB (using LUFA for example) or UART (supported on most microcontrollers) or other data transfer protocols in order to change the state of your program on the hardware side.
if you're new to microcontrollers you should read one of many online tutorials on the subject. arduinos are specially designed for beginners and they have their own forums where you could ask questions. if you choose to go with AVR, i would recommend avrfreaks.
Use serial communications. Install a special driver found on mbed, and then also use PySerial to be able to constanly update the mbed (Any other microcontroller would work)

Windows Embedded USB Client options

I am a very novice embedded developer and I am trying to develop a commercial product using Windows Embedded Compact and a Toradex Apalis T30 COM. Firstly just excuse me here, I am not a professional nor a trained engineer, merely a hobbyist trying to push the boundaries so forgive me if this is supposed to be trivial. I should also state that because of this I have no low level USB experience. I would like to use WEC 2013 but Toradex does not quite have it ready yet so for I guess at least another month I am stuck on WEC 7 if that makes any difference.
My problem is that I cannot seem to figure how one goes implementing USB Client functionality in WEC. As in, I want my device to be able to connect to my PC as a USB client with the PC being the host. Now by default it connects with the Active Sync (now Device Center or something) application and that allows serial communication of sorts if I am not mistaken but I really don't want to make my device dependent on ActiveSync as that will leave a very bad impression on customers as it doesn't look very professional and bears to much of an association with yesteryear's Windows Mobile.
My device is a 3D printer and I am assuming that there is no native USB class for 3D printers. All 3D printers I know of merely use a USB COM port to communicate and I guess that that should be fine for me two. Now what I want to know is how I can make my device appear as a plug and play USB COM port (able to support all the major desktop operating systems)? I know I can use an FTDI chip to do this with a UART port on my device but I am thinking that that is a bit of a waste given the fact that my COM has a built-in USB client port.
One would think that WEC would have built-in support for something like this but I cannot find any documentation regarding how to use it if it does indeed exist. The best I can find is but the page does not really say anything useful.
PS. I cannot really afford to buy a USB vendor-id so I am hoping there is a solution to this that does not require one.
For windows embedded, you have to manually write a driver or a set of registry entries with the right Device Class ID, Vendor ID and Product ID. Once that is done, you need to integrate it in Windows Embedded and rebuild the solution.

Provide input data to FPGA using USB

I am working on Xilinx Spartan 3E platform, using this development board:
My program operates on certain data and then provides output. I wish to transfer the input signals externally. The input data is a stream of 8-bit signals.
So, how do I send the input signals from my laptop to the FPGA via USB? Does Xilinx support this or is there standard software to do this?
It sounds like you are describing a uart more than a native USB interface. You can get a USB to logic level serial adapter that will let you easily transfer data to and from a Pc at up to 921.6k baud. A uart/serial port is easy to implement in the Fpga and PCs are easy to use with serial ports.
Here is the cable:
If you have a development card it is very possible this type of interface is present.
On the software side you can use your programming language of choice as if it was interfacing with a seal port or use a terminal program like hyper terminal or Download teraterm
Updated response:
100Hz is not a hard interface to make. At that rate you should use the serial interface if at all possible. The board you referenced has 2 full RS-232 connections. At that point you only need a way to connect that to your computer. If you have a PC with RS-232 connectors you only need a cable if you have a newer computer without you need a RS-232 to USB translator cable (like this one: or google rs232 usb). This will give you a virtual com port on the pc to interface with the previously mentioned terminal programs or your custom software.
Update 2:
on the resource tab of the development board page you linked to there are several UART based fpga designs that you should be able to use as a starting point.
i.e. the "PicoBlaze Processor SPI Flash Programmer".
That board doesn't provide easy access to the USB interface from the FPGA as far as I can tell. It's just for configuration and debug.
Some of the newer boards and tools do allow something called hardware-in-the-loop testing where the simulator can upload data to the FPGA, wait it to calculate the results and then pull the data back. This is relatively common when using Xilinx's System Generator product as the simulations can be really long.
But I think with that board you'd be better off using the on board RS232 port to get data to and from the board. You will have to build the infrastructure to do it yourself though.
This may also give you some ideas:

Affordable, programmable device with gprs and simple sensors?

I've got quite a fun challenge / work assignment. I'm to monitor a couple of 5V light bulbs (warning lights) on a machine standing far out in no man's land. I'm looking for an affordable device with an input which allows me to hook into the light bulb circuit to tell whether it's lit or not.
Inputs for at least two light bulbs
Programmable in C or something similar.
Bonus (not required, but it would be kind a nice):
Waterproof casing / chassis (I could make this my self, but it would be nice if I didn't have to)
Option to add other sensors like humidity, temperature and gps.
Any tips?
I'd recommend an arduino
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators. The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring) and the Arduino development environment (based on Processing). Arduino projects can be stand-alone or they can communicate with software on running on a computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP).
there's an article here on hooking one up with gps
and for more information on the arduino platform in general, and where to buy
Edit: just noticed you were looking mainly for GPRS and not GPS - doh, however, quick look on google brings up this: which is a GPRS module for the arduino :]
Have you looked at Arduino?
in fact, what you are asking already exists: many companies which produces electrical component for the industry provides a rail-mounted GPRS modem for remote signaling.
here is one example, made by phoenix contact
another one from another company
the tele-control range of product from wago
telit is well-known for its GSM chips, and provides a complete module with GPRS and programmable in python.
you can find some fancier systems including GPS and linux-based, here for example
there are countless other solutions...
I would buy the Terminus from Janus RC it is based on a telit module. It is a cell modem with 9 GPIO and you can program it using python.
9 Bi-directional CMOS I/Os
Power Monitor
ITU-T V.24 serial link through UART
Python Script Support
Integrated Python script interpreter (V1.5.2+)
2 MB of non-volatile memory
1.2 MB of RAM reserved for Python engine usage
Powerful built-in libraries makes accessing hardware easy