xquery escape a bracket - file-io

how do i grab a file accross the network with brackets in the name?
fn:encode-for-uri() tries to grab locally
escape-uri function is not an option because its been dropped.

ok to prevent from grabbing locally do this
this prevents from going automatically local


Asterisk dial command return dialed number

I'm looking for a variable that can tell me which number 'won' the call on a multi-target Dial command.
I'm not getting anything from the ${DIALEDPEERx} variables. Sounds like these vars are broken but I don't know if this is what I should be using.
Ancient version 1.2.14 deployed at this site. All clients are SIP
Thanks anyone
Only realistic way do that - cal via Local channle like freepbx do(check freepbx.org source) or use Macro on answer(i am afraid not work in 1.2)
Parse the contents of the CDR record for the file. One of the fields is dstchannel which will hold a value like SIP/1002-9786b0b0.
Also keep in mind that the call variable stack is wiped on hangup, unless you have an "h" (hangup) extension defined for the context. So, you can most easily handle your post-call processing there.
Further Reading:
Please Note:
if this answer turns out to solve your problem, please "accept" it for the benefit of others trying to solve the same problem later
Hi all I have a solution to this problem. It is working fine for both normal dial and multi target dial.
In dialstring add a macro, here I am adding "followme" macro.
$agi->exec("dial", "SIP/6001#sip.example.com&SIP/6002#sip.example.com,rtTgM(followme)");
Then after call is answered it ll go to context
In this context you write one script to get the connected calls information by
The way I managed to do it is as follows
exten => s,1,NoOp(${CHANNEL})
You will see that the actual extension that answered is containes in ${CHANNEL}
If 1001 answered the channel will be something like SIP/1001-00017cf1
Just use the CUT command to cut it by / and -

DBD::Oracle, Cursors and Environment under mod_perl

Need some help, because I can't find any solution for my problems with DBD::Oracle.
So at first, this is the current situation:
We are running Apache2 with mod_perl 2.0.4 at our company
Apache web server was set up with a startup script which is setting some environment variables (LD_LIBRARY_PATH, ORACLE_HOME, NLS_LANG)
In httpd.conf there are also environment variables for LD_LIBRARY_PATH and ORACLE_HOME (via SetEnv)
We are generally using the perl module DBI with driver DBD::Oracle to connect to our main database
Before we create a new instance of DBI we are setting some perl env variables, too (%ENV). We are setting ORACLE_HOME and NLS_LANG.
So far, this works fine. But now we are extending our system and need to connect to a remote database. Again, we are using DBI and DBD::Oracle. But for now there are some new conditions:
New connection must run in parallel to the existing one
TNSNAMES.ORA for the new connection is placed at a different location (not at $ORACLE_HOME.'/network/admin')
New database contents are provided by stored procedures, which we are fetching with DBD::Oracle and cursors (like explained here: https://metacpan.org/pod/DBD::Oracle#Binding-Cursors)
The stored procedures are returning object types and collection types, containing attributes of oracle type DATE
To get these dates in a readable format, we set a new env variable $ENV{NLS_DATE_FORMAT}
To ensure the date format we additionally alter the session by alter session set nls_date_format ...
Okay, this works fine, too. But only if we make a new connection on the console. New TNS location is found by the script, connection could be established and fetching data from the procedures by cursor is also working. Alle DATE types are formatted as specified.
Now, if we try to make this connection at apache environment, it fails. At first the datasource name could not resolved by DBI/DBD::Oracle. I think this is because of our new TNSNAMES.ORA file or rather the location is not found by DBI/DBD::Oracle in Apache context (published by $ENV{TNS_ADMIN}). But I don't know why???
The second problem is (if I create a dirty workaround for our first one) that the date format, published by $ENV{NLS_DATE_FORMAT} is only working on first level of our cursor select.
BEGIN OPEN :cursor FOR SELECT * FROM TABLE(stored_procedure) END;
The example above returns collection types of object which are containing date attributes. In Apache context the format published by NLS_DATE_FORMAT is not recognized. If I use a simple form of the example like this
the result (a single date field) is formatted well. So I think subordinated structures were not formatted because $ENV{NLS_DATE_FORMAT} works only in console context and not in Apache context, too.
So there must be a problem with the perl environment variables (%ENV) running under Apache and mod_perl. Maybe a problem of mod_perl?
I am at my wit's end. Maybe anyone in the whole wide world has a solution ... and excuse my english :-) If you need some further explanations, I will try to define it more precisely.
If your problem is that changes to %ENV made while processing a request don't seem to be honoured, this is because mod_perl assumes you might be running multiple threads and doesn't actually change the process environment when you change %ENV, so external libraries (like the oracle client) or child processes don't see the change.
You can work around it by first using the prefork MPM, so there aren't any threading issues, and then making changes to the environment using Env::C instead of the %ENV hash.

Trying to run a Directory.Exists() with a system variable vs drive letter

I am trying to run a C# program to determine if a directory exists on multiple servers, so I need to run it as %system Variable%, rather than making a drive letter call, since not every server will have the same drive letter. This is what I have:
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists("D:\backup") Then
This code will work, as I define the drive
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists("%BCK_DRV%\backup") Then
This will not, I get my else error when running it. The %BCK_DRV% is defined in the environment variables, and I can navigate to the folder without issue using %BCK_DRV%\backup. Is there a special way to set and define a %drive% in C#?
Code sample:
Dim backupDrive As String = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BCK_DRV") & "\backup"
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(backupDrive) Then
Try Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables():
string raw = #"%BCK_DRV%\backup" ;
string expanded = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables( path_raw ) ;
Naturally, it's up to you to ensure that your process inherits the correct environment.
To expand "%BCK_DRV%\backup" to it's real value you need
will expand to "C:\Windows\test" (on my system).

powershell + sql server provider

When using the sql server provider in powershell, the path I pass works fine the first time, but upon the second run it errors out on me. It's like I have to clear the drive somehow?
works fine the upon the first run. The location is successfully set. But, when I run it a 2nd time, I get this error:
Set-Location : SQL Server PowerShell provider error: The number of keys specified does not match the number of keys required to address this object. The number of keys requi
red are: Schema.Name.
I'm using quest powergui btw. Please help, this is driving me mad.
Looks to me like you're using a relative path (i.e. it doesn't start with a slash after the provider:). So, first you've set the location relative to the default--root folder. Then, you try to set the location again, but you're already in the "tables" folder, which doesn't have a "SQL\SERVERNAME..." folder inside it.
Does that make any sense?

Why escaping quote doesn't work with my webservice?

I access to my webservice like that:
It works fine, but when I try:
it failed, ok this I understand, but if I encode the url like that:
I get the error Bad Request - Error in query syntax. too
What is the solution?
The reason it's failing is because %27 is equal to '.
Everything is encoded before being sent to the web server, even if the URL box doesn't say so.
This will become hard to maintain and possibly confuse your users. I'd change it so you aren't padding the variable with ' and that way you can use http://localhost/SuiPService/SuiPDataService.svc/GetShowCodeFiltered?&showName=auto' if you need to have a ' after it.
Also, if you need the '' around auto. Consider doing this on the server side.
It looks like your using this to build an SQL query...
See here for the reason PHP deprecated it for that exact reason: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_quotes
Hope this helps,
Jeffrey Kevin Pry