What is the purpose of ROWLOCK on Delete and when should I use it? - sql

When should I use this statement:
DELETE TOP (#count)
WHERE ProductId = #productId_for_del;
And when should be just doing:
DELETE TOP (#count)
FROM ProductInfo
WHERE ProductId = #productId_for_del;

The with (rowlock) is a hint that instructs the database that it should keep locks on a row scope. That means that the database will avoid escalating locks to block or table scope.
You use the hint when only a single or only a few rows will be affected by the query, to keep the lock from locking rows that will not be deleted by the query. That will let another query read unrelated rows at the same time instead of having to wait for the delete to complete.
If you use it on a query that will delete a lot of rows, it may degrade the performance as the database will try to avoid escalating the locks to a larger scope, even if it would have been more efficient.
Normally you shouldn't need to add such hints to a query, because the database knows what kind of lock to use. It's only in situations where you get performance problems because the database made the wrong decision, that you should add such hints to a query.

Rowlock is a query hint that should be used with caution (as is all query hints).
Omitting it will likely still result in the exact same behaviour and providing it will not guarantee that it will only use a rowlock, it is only a hint afterall. If you do not have a very in depth knowledge of lock contention chances are that the optimizer will pick the best possible locking strategy, and these things are usually best left to the database engine to decide.
ROWLOCK means that SQL will lock only the affected row, and not the entire table or the page in the table where the data is stored when performing the delete. This will only affect other people reading from the table at the same time as your delete is running.
If a table lock is used it will cause all queries to the table to wait until your delete has completed, with a row lock only selects reading the specific rows will be made to wait.
Deleting top N where N is a number of rows will most likely lock the table in any case.

SQL Server defaults to page locks. This is the most efficient way for SQL server to process multiple date sets. But SQL server is not multi-user friendly sometimes; therefore you may need to incorporate locking methods so you can get your data to flow in and out of the database. This is why people approach that problem by using locking hints.
If everyone designed there database tables so that everything processed each row at page width - the system would be very fast. But no one spends that detailed amount of time.
So, you might see people use with(nolock) on their SELECT statements and the use of with(rowlock) on their UPDATE and DELETE statements. An INSERT does not matter because it will lock the PAGE automatically. Sometimes by using with(rowlock), you can get better multi-user (multiple user connections) performance.
The problem with(nolock) is that you can return the committed record sitting there in the DB already, plus the dirty record that is about to update the sitting record; thus a double return of records to your SELECT statement. If you know the personality of your system on how the data runs through it, you can use with(nolock) to your advantage quite a bit though.
When do you know when to use with(rowlock)? When your system isn't letting user play nice with each other in the same table / record. Though, query re-write / tune first and then adjust your locking as a last resort.
But as a DBA, always blame the developer's code. It is your solemnly sworn duty to do such. If you are the developer writing this code, just blame yourself.


Lock SQL Table/Row and using NOLOCK/READPAST [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Effect of NOLOCK hint in SELECT statements
(5 answers)
SQL 2008+ NOLOCK vs READPAST Considerations for Reporting Accuracy
(3 answers)
Closed last year.
I am the end-user of a highly updated Microsoft SQL Server DB containing dozens of tables with hunreds of millions of rows each.
A banking DB is a good example for what I am working with, with the exception that in my DB UPDATE statement are rearly used and INSERT statements are used frequently (once a row as entered a table, it rarely changes).
I, personally, not using any UPDATE/INSERT statement, only SELECT statement (with complex WHERE/ JOIN/ CROSS/ GROUP clues).
I have some questions about locking and using NOLOCK/READPAST.
1.how can I know if a query I am using is locking only a row or the entire table?
for example, I noticed this query didn't locked other users from inserting new data to the table:
FROM Table
while this query did:
FROM Table
This is of course just examples, not actual full queris I am using.
As I mentioned, rows rarely changing so locking a row isn't concerning me but locking a table is highly concerning.
2.I would like to know the risks of using NOLOCK/READPAST in my queries (to revoke any concern I might have about locking a table from updating).
I searched about it a lot but I could not find a full answer.
I dont care If by using NOLOCK/READPAST I might get past data (that again, data i rarely changes) or I might miss some newly added data.
I did read in a couple of places that using NOLOCK might cause duplicate data/ corrupted data, this is a problem for me.
3.what exactly is the diffrent between READPASY and NOLOCK? which one is "safer" regarding the concerns mentiond above
Thank you.
This is highly dependent on your servers settings. Generally speaking, you want to lock records, even when you are just reading them because you don't want data to change while you are reading it. This isn't just something that affects updated records, but also inserts. You can learn more about read commits and snapshop isolation here:
Both NOLOCK/READPAST should be avoided at all cost. There are a very small handful of scenarios where these make sense, but they are exceedingly rare. You are better off optimizing your query to perform better and reduce the amount of records being locked and the time that the records spend being locked. One case that I can see NOLOCK being useful would be a log table that only has inserts, and your query doesn't join the data to other tables, AND a dirty record wouldn't cause problems.
NOLOCK doesn't lock records that it reads. The risk here is that records you are reading can literally change mid read. This means you can begin reading a record and get some values for some columns before the update was made and some column values from after the update. If another transaction rolls back you could end up reading records that were never actually committed to the database.
READPAST skips any rows that are locked. If another query runs and the criteria causes rows 1-25 of 100 to be locked while you are querying the same data you are only going to see records 26-100. To your query locked rows don't exist.
Great article with the details:
You would be far better served by spending time learning to optimize your queries to reduce the number of records they need to lock, and improving the performance so that the amount of time those locks exist is kept to a minimum.

Using NOLOCK for reading single static row. Whats the harm?

Can anyone with DEADLOCK experience enlighten me?
I read that it can cause log file corruption - is that possible? I think MS would never do that. Also if "some situations", like mine, are okay with DEADLOCK, why not use it?
I have no datasets, return tables (like other posts in Stack Overflow). I have one SQL statement with ID select which returns only one row like:
sqlstr = "SELECT Parameter1 FROM Companies WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE ID = 25
Also, this parameter does not change. But as this is a heavy load aspnet application (not a web site) and I run this kind of query again and again, every SQL read causes a lock in SQL server. If possible I'd prefer to avoid that.
Every post in this site is about multiple records, recordsets, dirty reads. I could not find anything about "reading single record which is not changing all the time".
Any expert's opinion, please?
This simple select statement when executed without any lock/nolock hints under default transaction isolation level , obtains a shared lock on the row, It means other users can also read this row while its being read by this query.
On the other hand when you specify WITH (NOLOCK) query hint, it does not obtain any locks at all. In this case again other users can read this row as well but you might be reading a dirty row (data that has not been committed to disk yet and is in the process of being modified).
So in either case this simple select will not cause a deadlock. So really the question you should be asking yourself is, should users be able to see dirty data or not? and in most cases the answer would be no.
Therefore do not worry about getting deadlocks with this select query. as long as you are using default transaction isolation level. In a more strict isolation level like seriallizable a select can lock out other users but in default isolation level you should be ok.
NOLOCK has two main disadvantages: It can return uncommitted data (you don't seem worried about that) and it can cause queries to spuriously fail under very rare circumstances. Never will NOLOCK cause physical database corruption.
Consider using snapshot isolation for transactions that only read data. Readers under SI do not lock or block. SI takes them out of the picture. It provides perfect consistency for read-only transactions. Be sure to find out about the drawbacks.
It isn't worth it.
NOLOCK is often exploited as a magic way to speed up database reads, but I try to avoid using it whever possible.
The result set can contain rows that have not yet been committed, that are often later rolled back.
An error or Result set can be empty, be missing rows or display the same row multiple times.
This is because other transactions are moving data at the same time you're reading it.
READ COMMITTED adds an additional issue where data is corrupted within a single column where multiple users change the same cell simultaneously.
There are other side-effects too, which result in sacrificing the speed increase you were hoping to gain in the first place.
Now you know, never use it again.
After deep searches and asking questions to many experts I found out that using NOLOCK hint causes no problem in this scenario, yet its not advised. nothing wrong with NOLOCK but as I use sql2014 I "should" use ISOLATION LEVEL option. Its a method came instead of NOLOCK. For example for huge table selects that cause deadlocks:
SELECT * FROM HugeTable;
is very handy.
I had HugeTable and a web form that uses sqlAdapter and Radgrid to show this data. Whenever I run this report, though indexes and paging of radgrid is fine, it caused deadlock, which makes sense. I changed select statement of sqlAdapter to above sentence, its perfect now.

SQL transaction affecting a big amount of rows

The situation is as follows:
A big production client/server system where one central database table has a certain column that has had NULL as default value but now has 0 as default value. But all the rows created before that change of course still have value as null and that generates a lot of unnecessary error messages in this system.
Solution is of course simple as that:
update theTable set theColumn = 0 where theColumn is null
But I guess it's gonna take a lot of time to complete this transaction? Apart from that, will there be any other issues I should think of before I do this? Will this big transaction block the whole database, or that particular table during the whole update process?
This particular table has about 550k rows and 500k of them has null value and will be affected by the above sql statement.
The impact on the performance of other connected clients depends on:
How fast the servers hardware is
How many indexes containing the column your update statement has to update
Which transaction isolation settings the other clients connect to the database
The db engine will acquire write locks, so when your clients only need read access to the table, it should not be a big problem.
500.000 records sounds not too much for me, but as i said, the time and resources the update takes depends on many factors.
Do you have a similar test system, where you can try out the update?
Another solution is to split the one big update into many small ones and call them in a loop.
When you have clients writing frequently to that table, your update statement might get blocked "forever". I have seen databases where performing the update row by row was the only way of getting the update through. But that was a table with about 200.000.000 records and about 500 very active clients!
it's gonna take a lot of time to complete this transaction
there's no definite way to say this. Depends a lot on the hardware, number of concurrent sessions, whether the table has got locks, the number of interdependent triggers et al.
Will this big transaction block the whole database, or that particular table during the whole update process
If the "whole database" is dependent on this table then it might.
will there be any other issues I should think of before I do this
If the table has been locked by other transaction - you might run into a row-lock situation. In rare cases, perhaps a dead lock situation. Best would be to ensure that no one is utilizing the table, check for any pre-exising locks and then run the statement.
Locking issues are vendor specific.
Asuming no triggers on the table, half a million rows is not much for a dediated database server even with many indexes on the table.

When it comes to updating all rows in a table, does the method of locking matter for performance?

Question is a follow up to this.
The SQL in question was
UPDATE stats SET visits = (visits+1)
And the question is, for the purpose of performance, does it matter if you lock all rows in stats in comparison to locking the table stats? Or, if the database uses a page-lock rather than a table/row lock?
There is no predicate on this. Any self respecting DB engine should work this out and realise all rows need updated.
Generally, don't second guess the DB engine: performance is subjectively the same.
I'd not use table or locking hints unless I have to and know why I'm doing it.
I'd not issue a query like this anyway from an application without a WHERE clause
In theory you should lock the table, because 1 lock is cheaper than 1M locks.
Many DBs, though, will promote locks for operations like this. As they see the locks expanding, they'll automatically promote to page and table locks.
But, as with anything, "it depends", and it's better to be specific and lock the table yourself.
Postgres example:
UPDATE mytable SET field = field + 1;
Here's the deal. This is going to happen ANYWAY, the LOCK TABLE command makes it more explicit, and ensures that your intent, locking the table, is clear and capable before the process takes place.
Would I do this on a 10 row table? No.
Would I do this on a database that I KNEW I had exclusive access to? No, there's no need.
Would I do this on a operational database with a table with a large amount a rows? You bet.

Best practices for multithreaded processing of database records

I have a single process that queries a table for records where PROCESS_IND = 'N', does some processing, and then updates the PROCESS_IND to 'Y'.
I'd like to allow for multiple instances of this process to run, but don't know what the best practices are for avoiding concurrency problems.
Where should I start?
The pattern I'd use is as follows:
Create columns "lockedby" and "locktime" which are a thread/process/machine ID and timestamp respectively (you'll need the machine ID when you split the processing between several machines)
Each task would do a query such as:
UPDATE taskstable SET lockedby=(my id), locktime=now() WHERE lockedby IS NULL ORDER BY ID LIMIT 10
Where 10 is the "batch size".
Then each task does a SELECT to find out which rows it has "locked" for processing, and processes those
After each row is complete, you set lockedby and locktime back to NULL
All this is done in a loop for as many batches as exist.
A cron job or scheduled task, periodically resets the "lockedby" of any row whose locktime is too long ago, as they were presumably done by a task which has hung or crashed. Someone else will then pick them up
The LIMIT 10 is MySQL specific but other databases have equivalents. The ORDER BY is import to avoid the query being nondeterministic.
Although I understand the intention I would disagree on going to row level locking immediately. This will reduce your response time and may actually make your situation worse. If after testing you are seeing concurrency issues with APL you should do an iterative move to “datapage” locking first!
To really answer this question properly more information would be required about the table structure and the indexes involved, but to explain further.
DOL, datarow locking uses a lot more locks than allpage/page level locking. The overhead in managing all the locks and hence the decrease of available memory due to requests for more lock structures within the cache will decrease performance and counter any gains you may have by moving to a more concurrent approach.
Test your approach without the move first on APL (all page locking ‘default’) then if issues are seen move to DOL (datapage first then datarow). Keep in mind when you switch a table to DOL all responses on that table become slightly worse, the table uses more space and the table becomes more prone to fragmentation which requires regular maintenance.
So in short don’t move to datarows straight off try your concurrency approach first then if there are issues use datapage locking first then last resort datarows.
You should enable row level locking on the table with:
Then you:
Begin the transaction
Select your row with FOR UPDATE option (which will lock it)
Do whatever you want.
No other process can do anything to this row until the transaction ends.
P. S. Some mention overhead problems that can result from using LOCK DATAROWS.
Yes, there is overhead, though i'd hardly call it a problem for a table like this.
But if you switch to DATAPAGES then you may lock only one row per PAGE (2k by default), and processes whose rows reside in one page will not be able to run concurrently.
If we are talking of table with dozen of rows being locked at once, there hardly will be any noticeable performance drop.
Process concurrency is of much more importance for design like that.
The most obvious way is locking, if your database doesn't have locks, you could implement it yourself by adding a "Locked" field.
Some of the ways to simplify the concurrency is to randomize the access to unprocessed items, so instead of competition on the first item, they distribute the access randomly.
Convert the procedure to a single SQL statement and process multiple rows as a single batch. This is how databases are supposed to work.