How do I update an xml file with msbuild with two namespaces? - msbuild

This msbuild below task can take into account one namespace, but in the case where I'm updating an mxml (flex) that has a mix of namespaces, can I use this task or another msbuild task to do the update?
Here is the flex xml I'm trying to update:
<mx:Application xmlns:fx=""
<fx:String id="stringId">UPDATE_ME</fx:String>

I was able to successfully update the source for XmlUpdate so that it takes multiple namespaces:
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_prefix) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_namespace))
string[] prefixes = _prefix.Split(';');
string[] namespaces = _namespace.Split(';');
if (prefixes.Length != namespaces.Length)
throw new Exception("The number of prefixes is different from the number of namespaces");
for (int prefixIndex = 0; prefixIndex < prefixes.Length; prefixIndex++)
manager.AddNamespace(prefixes[prefixIndex], namespaces[prefixIndex]);
This works with the example of

You'll have to use XmlMassUpdate task. (This task is from MSBuild Community Tasks)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="">
<!-- The replacement value is here -->
<!-- ProjectExtensions keep MSBuild to try to evaluate the content -->
<String id="stringId">CHANGE</String>
<Target Name="XmlUpdate">
Changing the value during execution
The tricky part is that you can't define a value on fly using XmlMassUpdate only, you'll need to use XmlUpdate to update the value in your replacement node first.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="">
<!-- The replacement value is here -->
<!-- ProjectExtensions keep MSBuild to try to evaluate the content -->
<String id="stringId">CHANGE</String>
<Target Name="XmlUpdate" DependsOnTargets="ChangeXmlValue">
<Target Name="ChangeXmlValue">
<XmlUpdate Prefix="n"
Value="$(NewValue)" />


Execute csproj file with argument

I need to execute 1 csproj from my solution use MsBuild with command line argument.
I created the file with MsBuild run command:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="14.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<Target Name="Build" >
<MSBuild Projects="$(ProjectFolder)\Proj1.csproj" Properties="Configuration=Release" />
And I added into proj1.csproj file the following attribute:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="14.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
And exeute the build. But in my app I can't see the argument
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine($#"Test - {args[0]} - end");
In Console I see the:
"Test - - end"
What I do wrong?

WiX wxl file doesn't replace ProductTitleVersion

here's my .wixproj:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="" ToolsVersion="4.0">
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
<MSIProductTitleVersion Condition="'$(MSIProductTitleVersion)' == ''"> (Staging)</MSIProductTitleVersion>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' ">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WixLocalization Culture="en-us" xmlns="">
<String Id="WelcomeDlgDescription">The Setup Wizard will install [ProductTitleVersion] on your computer. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit the Setup Wizard.</String>
The end result is just a blank space in the installer dialog header.
Using ProductVersion works as expected.
OK so, this was it; in my .wxs file, I needed:
<Property Id="ProductTitleVersion">$(var.ProductTitleVersion)</Property>
I guess the .wxs then makes the .wixproj values available in the .wxl processing.

How to re-run property evaluation in MSBuild target?

I have a custom MSBuild target, partial snippet as follows ..
<Target Name="PublishHtm">
<WriteLinesToFile Lines="$(PublishHtm)" File="$(PublishDir)\publish.htm" Overwrite="true"/>
This is a rework attempt for this solution in that I'm trying to isolate this template to an external file. The template contains MSBuild property references such as $(ApplicationName). When doing this exactly as described in the linked solution, it works fine, but when loading the template in as a string, none of these property expressions are evaluated by the time it gets to the file.
<SPAN CLASS="BannerTextApplication">$(ApplicationName)</SPAN>
Is there an MSBuild expression/function I can use to get the string to be reevaluated given the context that the Target is being invoked?
BTW I'd rather not work around the problem using find/replace or regex replace, and stick with the MSBuild expression engine.
Using Visual Studio 2012 & .NET Framework 4.5.
Sorry for not getting back to this question for awhile.
Initially I thought that to solve this problem we'll need to bend MSBuild in very unusual way (plan for today was to write complex inline task which will do regex-replace in external file using Msbuild properties as tokens ). But I think this can be solved easier, using CDATA section, which is valid inside property definition:
Here is main script:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="" DefaultTargets="Build">
<ProjectName>MSBuild Rox</ProjectName>
<Author>Alexey Shcherbak</Author>
<Target Name="Build">
<PropsToPass Include="MyOtherProperty=$(MyOtherProperty)" />
<PropsToPass Include="Version=$(Version)" />
<PropsToPass Include="ProjectName=$(ProjectName)" />
<PropsToPass Include="Author=$(Author)" />
<MSBuild Projects="TransformHTML.Template.proj" Properties="#(PropsToPass)" />
And here is your template. It's not pure html, it's still msbuild file, but at least without ugly encoding for html tags in xml. It's just a block in CDATA
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="" DefaultTargets="Transform">
<Target Name="Transform">
<Message Text="HtmlProperty: $(HtmlProperty)" Importance="High" />
Maybe it's not very elegant ( I personally don't like the section with #PropsToPass) but it'll do the job. You can put everything inline into single file and then you don't need to pass properties to MSBuild task. I don't like massive html-encoding from proposed "this solution" but I'd rather prefer to keep HTML template in the same script where it'll be transformed, just in nice html format, without encoding.
Single file example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="" DefaultTargets="Build">
<ProjectName>MSBuild Rox</ProjectName>
<Author>Alexey Shcherbak</Author>
<Target Name="Build">
<Message Text="HtmlProperty: $(HtmlProperty)" Importance="High" />
You can also download these files here
You can do it using Eval task
<Target Name="PublishHtm">
<Eval Values="$(PublishHtmTemplateContents)">
<Output TaskParameter="Result" ItemName="EvalItemTemp"/>
<WriteLinesToFile Lines="$(PublishHtm)" File="$(PublishDir)\publish.htm" Overwrite="true"/>
Actually the task does nothing except returning exactly the same value it received, however when you pass the returned value %(EvalItemTemp.Identity) to anywhere, msbuild does evaluation!
Eval task source:
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<When Condition="'$(MSBuildToolsVersion)' == 'Current' OR $(MSBuildToolsVersion.Split('.')[0]) >= 14">
<UsingTask TaskName="Eval" TaskFactory="CodeTaskFactory" AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\$(TasksAssemblyName)">
<Values ParameterType="Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[]" Required="True" Output="False" />
<Result ParameterType="Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[]" Required="False" Output="True" />
<Code Type="Class" Language="cs" Source="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)TaskSource\EvalTask.cs"/>
Where TaskSource\EvalTask.cs is
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
namespace Varonis.MSBuild.Tasks
public class Eval : Task
public ITaskItem[] Values { get; set; }
public ITaskItem[] Result { get; set; }
public override bool Execute()
Result = new TaskItem[Values.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < Values.Length; i++)
Result[i] = new TaskItem(Values[i].ItemSpec);
return true;

Expand MSBuild property containing the name of other property

Let's say I have property $(Foo), that is defined as a result of some function, that returns the string value $(Bar). Is it possible to expand it somehow, so that $(Foo) will be expanded to the value of $(Bar)?
Given example project:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="">
<Bar>Bar Value</Bar>
<Target Name="Test">
<Message Text="Foo == $(Foo)" />
<Message Text="Baz == $(Baz)" />
<Message Text="Qux == $(Qux)" />
Here's what I have:
S:\>msbuild Test.proj /t:Test /nologo
Build started 18.09.2013 17:52:14.
Project "S:\Test.proj" on node 1 (Test target(s)).
Foo == $(Bar)
Baz == $(Bar)
Qux == Bar Value
Done Building Project "S:\Test.proj" (Test target(s)).
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
So, $(Qux), which is defined to $(Bar) directly, is expanded correctly, but $(Foo) and $(Baz) are not. Is it possible to expand them too?
S:\>msbuild /version
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 4.0.30319.17929
[Microsoft .NET Framework, version 4.0.30319.18052]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
You want to simulate something like $($(Foo)) that is invalid syntax for MsBuild. But you can simulate this behavior by using items and by dynamically creating items in targets. You can’t do it in the "global scope" because of Property and Item evaluation order.
So you have to do it in some targets.
Here is sample that sets property by means of InitialTargets.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project InitialTargets="MyPropertiesSetup" xmlns="">
<Bar>Bar Value</Bar>
<!-- A value of Foo property specifies the name of the property it takes value from. -->
<Target Name="Test">
<Message Text="Foo == $(Foo)" />
<Message Text="Baz == $(Baz)" />
<Message Text="Qux == $(Qux)" />
<Target Name="MyPropertiesSetup">
<_Foo Include="$(Foo)" />
<_Baz Include="%(_Foo.Identity)" />
If you can use item for values instead properties, there is more elegant way do it (MSBuild Trickery #68 - #($(CanYouDoThis)):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="">
<Bar Include="Bar Value" />
<Bar2 Include="Bar2 Value" />
<Target Name="Test">
<Message Text="Foo == '#($(Foo))'" />
<Message Text="Foo2 == '#($(Foo2))'" />

How to add a custom Property as a child of a PropertyGroup in MSBuild?

I have the following build script, which I run with MSBuild:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Compile" xmlns="" ToolsVersion ="3.5">
<BuildDir Condition=" '$(BuildDir)'==' ' ">$(BaseDir)/build</BuildDir>
<ProdDir >$(BuildDir)/prod</ProdDir>
<SolutionFile Condition=" '$(SolutionFile)'==' ' ">HMI2.0.sln</SolutionFile>"
<Target Name="Prepare">
<Message Text="Prepare everything" />
<MakeDir Directories="$(BuildDir)" />
<MakeDir Directories="$(ProdDir)" />
When I now start script on the command line:
D:\MyDir>msbuild /property:BaseDir=D:\MyDir
I got the following error on the commandline output:
D:\MyDir>,78): error MSB4067: Das <#text>-Element unterhalb des <PropertyGroup>-Elements ist unbekannt.
Which basically means: The element<#text> is an unknown child.
Does anybody have an idea?
Edit: Sorry, I completed now the script
You have an extra " at the end of this line
<SolutionFile Condition=" '$(SolutionFile)'==' ' ">HMI2.0.sln</SolutionFile>"
It is outside a tag, so it is considered as a text element...