Storing SQL in MySQL: Insert as Text? - sql

Working in a team environment, each one of us has put together our own list of SQL statements that we use to help with our day to day job functions. As the case often is, there may be some redundancy with this, and we are often in need of each other's statements. To circumvent this, I'm looking to put together a small app that can be used to store and search for these SQL statements.
To begin with, I'm keeping it basic, just storing and searching the statements. This may build out to be the actual execution at some point in the future, but I'm not concerning myself with this at the time.
This will be built with PHP and MySQL - Should I store the SQL as text, or is there something that I need to be concerned with?

text should be fine.
you will also want a name (label) and possibly a descriptive field to let people know what it does in plain english.

Any particular reason these aren't just stored in the database as stored procedures?
Or in your version control system as scripts?


Does Table-Valued Function (SQL) create table on each call? [performance]

Okay this might sound a noob question, but SQL isn't my really strength, so I am requesting some help here.
I am trying to implement something, but I am concerned about performance issues.
The problem I am trying to fix is something like this:
I have a column with a lot of data separated by commas ","
Something like this: data1,data2,data3,data57
What I need is looping through each piece of data separated by commas for all the records, and then do something with that single piece data, do you get it?
I found a solution that can actually help me, but I am worried about system performance, because I might need to make multiple calls to this function using different parameters!
Does a table is created on each call I made to the Table-Valued Function (UDF) or does the sql server saves it as cache? [maybe I would rather need a temporary table?]
Thank you for your help in advance!
Note: The data is not mine, and I should use it as is, so suggesting to change the database is out of question (however I know that would be the best scenario).
Note2: The purpose of this question/problem is to import initial data to the database, performance may not be a serious problem since it won't run many times, but still I wanna regard that issue, and do it the best way I can!
User defined, table-valued functions that are composed of multiple statements, as the one you found is, will create an object in the tempdb system database, populate it and then dispose of it when the object goes out of scope.
If you want to run this multiple times over the same parameters, you might consider creating a table variable and caching the result in that yourself. If you're going to be calling it on different lists on comma-separated values though, there's not a great way of avoiding the overhead. SQL Server isn't really built for lots of string manipulation.
Generally, for one-off jobs, the performance implications of this tempdb usage is not going to be a major concern for you. It's more concerning when it's a common pattern in the day-to-day of the database life.
I'd suggest trying, if you can, on a suitably sized subset of the data to gauge the performance of your solution.
Since you say you're on SQL Server 2016, you can make use of the new STRING_SPLIT function, something like
SELECT t.Column1, t.Column2, s.value
FROM table t
May get you close to where you want, without the need to define a new function. Note, your database needs to be running under the 2016 compatibility level (130) for this to be available, simply running on SQL 2016 isn't enough (they often do this with new features to avoid the risk of backwards-compatibility-breaking changes).

Exploring data dictionary tables usage in Oracle?

I am fresher and just started learning about database. But one thing strikes me, being a PL/SQL I should know all the data dictionary table, rather than relying on the options given in TOAD, SQL Developer. Like explain plan, search an object, locks, search a text in database and many more which we uses in daily life .
Can anyone contribute the tables or query which we can use in daily practices,rather than just clicking the button in tool, because it's not possible that everywhere we have this GUI interface to work with.
I think this will be very helpful for the people who really want to know what is working behind what option in our buttons.
For Example: The query below is use to search the string in all the database objects
Select *
WHERE text LIKE '%<your text >%';
You are right: developers (and wannabe DBAs come to that) should know the Data Dictionary, rather than relying on an IDE. A good Oracle practitioner should be able to survive with just a text editor and SQL*Plus.
There are too many views to understand them all. You just need to know that they are all covered in the documentation. Find out more.
there are many different uses of the data dictionary from querying package sources, to database administration.
Burleson has a few here to get you started
You can get a good list from the following select statement:
select table_name||': '||comments from dictionary;
That lists 838 rows. The ones you would use most are probably ALL_OBJECTS, ALL_TABLES, ALL_TAB_COLUMNS, ALL_VIEWS, ALL_SOURCE, ALL_COMMENTS, and (sometimes very important) ALL_SYNONYMS.
ALL_SOURCE is a good place to find documentation for Oracle's built-in packages, because the comments in the package specification tell you everything you need to know to use them. For example, look at DBMS_SQL.

SQL Compatibility Chart (esp data types)

So...happens I'm working on some code which...will end up being used on different sql servers at the same time.
Although the SQL code is different depending on the server, the data types and columns are not.
Therefor, I need to know which are the data types common to (at least most) sql server types.
As a starting point, I have the following types:
byte, char, float, int, text, varchar, blob
Please note that spelling is quite important, since the data type name will end in the query as is (eg: although both int and integer are supported, I need the common one).
So, the question is, does anyone know of a chart comparing compatibility between sql servers? Or perhaps someone which did some research in the field?
As far as bias goes, I'm obviously biased to a particular RDBMS, so no need for answers on which RDBMS happens to be better. Let's keep this focused and on topic, ok?
I think you will end up writing specific, casy by case SQL statements for each type of database server. Certainly I did.
I've been in your situation, including having the intention to write database agnostic code, but in the long run it just does not work. One database will not, for example, handle multi-byte strings while another will demand them (ie, SQL Server CE), this will force you to use either Varchar vs NVarchar on columns, for example. Some databses will support multi byte strings, but with awful performance. One will use VARCHAR2 (Oracle), and everyone else will use VARCHAR. One will handle BLOBs one way while another will do so differently. Don't get me started on date data types, either.
Rather than find the magic subset of the SQL language and data types that works in all databases, you would be wiser to look for a data access method/library that can hide the differences for you (maybe some ORM library that lets you create DB objects as well as access them?)
Like I said, I have been (and still am) in your situation of having to support multiple databases and the best solution for me is to write optimal code for each database, rather that trying to find SQL data types and code that works in all of them (I wasn't able to, not to a satisfactory level).
Also, you will be able to squeeze more performance out of each DB if you create separate SQL text for each database (ie, the performance-related parameters you can specify while creating an Oracle table that do not apply at all when creating a table in any other database).
I say, do not fight the syntax differences in the different databases, you will not win. It's a better idea to put up with and use those differences to your advantage as much as possible.
I'd look into the SQL ANSI standard specification and use the data types specified there. A book like this may help you.
They all have good documentation, so I would just read up on their data types. Would probably have all the info you need. The only other information I could find before is pretty old.
Hope that helps.
Edit: Just another thought... you could use the strategy pattern for your SQL, that way it wouldn't matter if it was different, you could use the more advanced features. Though this way you'd have more work to do and more to maintain :/

Is this a valid benefit of using embedded SQL over stored procedures?

Here's an argument for SPs that I haven't heard. Flamers, be gentle with the down tick,
Since there is overhead associated with each trip to the database server, I would suggest that a POSSIBLE reason for placing your SQL in SPs over embedded code is that you are more insulated to change without taking a performance hit.
For example. Let's say you need to perform Query A that returns a scalar integer.
Then, later, the requirements change and you decide that it the results of the scalar is > x that then, and only then, you need to perform another query. If you performed the first query in a SP, you could easily check the result of the first query and conditionally execute the 2nd SQL in the same SP.
How would you do this efficiently in embedded SQL w/o perform a separate query or an unnecessary query?
Here's an example:
--This SP may return 1 or two queries.
IF #CustCount > 10
Can this/what is the best way to do this in embedded SQL?
A very persuasive article
SQL and stored procedures will be there for the duration of your data.
Client languages come and go, and you'll have to re-implement your embedded SQL every time.
In the example you provide, the time saved is sending a single scalar value and a single follow-up query over the wire. This is insignificant in any reasonable scenario. That's not to say there might not be other valid performance reasons to use SPs; just that this isn't such a reason.
I would generally never put business logic in SP's, I like them to be in my native language of choice outside the database. The only time I agree SPs are better is when there is a lot of data movement that don't need to come out of the db.
So to aswer your question, I'd rather have two queries in my code than embed that in a SP, in my view I am trading a small performance hit for something a lot more clear.
How would you do this efficiently in
embedded SQL w/o perform a separate
query or an unnecessary query?
Depends on the database you are using. In SQL Server, this is a simple CASE statement.
Perhaps include the WHERE clause in that sproc:
WHERE (all your regular conditions)
AND myScalar > myThreshold
Lately I prefer to not use SPs (Except when uber complexity arises where a proc would just be better...or CLR would be better). I have been using the Repository pattern with LINQ to SQL where my query is written in my data layer in a strongly typed LINQ expression. The key here is that the query is strongly typed which means when I refactor I am refactoring properties of a class that is directly generated from the database table (which makes changes from the DB carried all the way forward super easy and accurate). While my SQL is generated for me and sent to the server I still have the option of sticking to DRY principles as the repository pattern allows me to break things down into their smallest component. I do have the issue that I might make a trip to the server and based on the results of query I may find that I need to make another trip to the server. I don't worry about this up front. If I find later that it becomes an issue then I may refactor that code into something more performant. The over all key here is that there is no one magic bullet. I tend to work on greenfield applications which allows this method of development to be most efficient for me.
Benefits of SPs:
Performance (are precompiled)
Easy to change (without compiling the application)
SQL set based features make very easy doing really difficult data tasks
Depend heavily on the database engine used
Makes deployment of upgrades a little harder (you have to deploy the App + the scripts)
My 2 cents...
About your example, it can be done like this:
select * from products where (select count(*) from customers>10)

Migrating from MySQL to arbitrary standards-compliant SQL2003 server

Is there an incantation of mysqldump or a similar tool that will produce a piece of SQL2003 code to create and fill the same databases in an arbitrary SQL2003 compliant RDBMS?
(The one I'm trying right now is MonetDB)
DDL statements are inherently database-vendor specific. Although they have the same basic structure, each vendor has their own take on how to define types, indexes, constraints, etc.
DML statements on the other hand are fairly portable. Therefore I suggest:
Dump the database without any data (mysqldump --no-data) to get the schema
Make necessary changes to get the schema loaded on the other DB - these need to be done by hand (but some search/replace may be possible)
Dump the data with extended inserts off and no create table (--extended-insert=0 --no-create-info)
Run the resulting script against the other DB.
This should do what you want.
However, when porting an application to a different database vendor, many other things will be required; moving the schema and data is the easy bit. Checking for bugs introduced, different behaviour and performance testing is the hard bit.
At the very least test every single query in your application for validity on the new database. Ideally do a lot more.
This one is kind of tough. Unless you've got a very simple DB structure with vanilla types (varchar, integer, etc), you're probably going to get the best results writing a migration tool. In a language like Perl (via the DBI), this is pretty straight-forward. The program is basically an echo loop that reads from one database and inserts into the other. There are examples of this sort of code that Google knows about.
Aside from the obvious problem of moving the data is the more subtle problem of how some datatypes are represented. For instance, MS SQL's datetime field is not in the same format as MySQL's. Other datatypes like BLOBs may have a different capacity in one RDBMs than in another. You should make sure that you understand the datatype definitions of the target DB system very well before porting.
The last problem, of course, is getting application-level SQL statements to work against the new system. In my work, that's by far the hardest part. Date math seems especially DB-specific, while annoying things like quoting rules are a constant source of irritation.
Good luck with your project.
From SQL Server 2000 or 2005 you can have it generate scripts for your objects, but I am not sure how well they will transfer to other RDBMS.
The generate script option is probably the easiest way to go. You'll undoubtedly have to do some search/replace on a few data types though.