Auto discover projects in continous integration Tools - automation

We have a code base composed of many projects. Currently each time we add a project on SVN we must reconfigure CruiseControl to start build and test on such project.
I'm looking for a tool (better if open source) able to scan the SVN repository and find new projects by itself.
A project can be "a SVN folder containing trunk, tags, branches subfolders".
Even better if the tool supports multistaged continous integration and build on demand.

In general, projects tend to be just different enough to require the build system to be set-up manually. However, you could probably use something like Jenkins with some bash scripts to achieve what you're looking for; eg. if your SVN server has an HTML index of all the projects, you could set up a bash script to poll that page for changes then tell Jenkins to add a new project from a template.


Bamboo scripted buildplans

We are currently using bamboo to build and test our software. Now our build plans are just a bunch of task: execute this bat, execute that bat etc. Created with the Bamboo UI.
It happens that over months/years the build plan needs adjustments:
Parallelize jobs
Add extra jobs
Change some tasks
But this will break when we try to build an older version of the software. Some scripts (called from bamboo task) are not-existing in older versions.
At my previous employer we used Jenkins pipelines where the content of the build and test was just a file present in the sources repo.
Now with bamboo it appears you can use Bamboo Specs. From I read you create specs file and when you run this, it which will create build plan. But I don't see a relation to cater for changing build plans over time (changing steps).
For example the Bamboo Specs of develop are used to build all Plan Branches (e.g. Pull Requests). So if you want to change the build in a PullRequest, you first need to merge this into develop, the Bamboo Spec of develop updates the Build Plan. Not possible to test this before merging.
Question: How can you make scripted buildplans in Bamboo, where every branch of develop can a have possible other way of building?
We have it now setup as:
Buildplan 'Product A': plan branches: develop, release_x, release, y
Buildplan 'Product A PullRequest': plan branches: feature/*
Edit: supported in 7.0:
Old answer:
I found Atlassian documentation: They call it 'divergent plan branches'. No support, there is a feature request.
As of 15-4-2019:
Atlassian Update – [11 April 2019] Hi everyone,
Thank you for your votes and thoughts on this issue.
We fully understand that many of you are dependent on this
After careful consideration, we've decided to prioritise [this
feature] on Bamboo roadmap. We hope to start development after our
current projects are completed.
Expect to hear an update on our progress within the next 6 months.
To learn more on how your suggestions are reviewed, see our updated
workflow for server feature suggestions.
Kind regards,
Bamboo Team
Question: How can you make scripted build plans in Bamboo?
To make scripted build plans in Bamboo, you have to use bamboo specs. Since you are already familiar with Jenkins, bamboo specs work exactly like Jenkinsfile by automating your pipeline. The benefit of using this is that it lives in your source code and the changes you make to this file in your source code automatically changes your plan(pipeline) when bamboo build is triggered.
This is how I script build plans in bamboo:
I add my bamboo.yml file under the root of my repo. But currently, I use git subtree and my bamboo specs live in there. But you don't have to do this. The below link provides you with a simple approach.
Link my repo to bamboo
Tell bamboo to scan for bamboo specs in the repo
Make commit and push
If I have to make changes to the plan in the future, I edit the bamboo specs file then commit and push.
I had the same problem and unfortunately had to go through an unpleasant choice
Backporting the build script
This is not necessarily feasible everywhere, but I managed to make it work somehow for my project.
The idea is: treat the build script as a C#/Java interface, or better as a contract.
As soon as your branches do not provide significant changes in building the software, e.g. your desktop app becomes a web app, or you switch from Ant to Gradle, you can handle this.
Assuming my application is always a web application to be released as a jar on JFrog Artifactory, I have identified the following steps that are common to all maintained versions:
Use javac to build the jar of all modules
Use gulp to build the Javascript resources
Run JUnit from the repository
Baptize 💒 the artifacts with a version number obtained with a tricky algorithm
Push the artifacts to JFrog Artifactory
So the idea is that I had taken my Ant build script and mostly rewrote it in order to do the same tasks on different versions of the application. I started doing the changes from an older version, not maintained anymore, as an excercise. In fact, my official Git branches look like release/x.y.z where semver is x.y.z.k and newer bugfix-builds are built from the head of any x.y.z release.
So I took release/3.10.0 branch and rewrote Ant. I am currently testing with a manually created Bamboo plan
Stage: Compile
ant clean ivy-retrieve compile jar #builds the jar in a job
ant gulp-install gulp-prod zip #creates javascript resources
Stage: Test
ant run-junit
Manual Stage: Release
ant baptize ivy-release #tags the artifact using ${bamboo.jira.version} and pushes to JFrog Artifactory
What I am going to do with Yaml
Since the build script is the same, but specific tasks (e.g. Java compiler version) may change in different versions, I can create a very single Yaml script that rules them versions all.
I will then merge release/3.10.0 => release/3.10.1 => release/3.10.2 ... release/3.11.2 by merging the conflicts
Personal experience
Tonight I am struggling in making the JUnit tests work as I also chose to backport my testing framework to the older version of the project. I accept that a few tests will fail because older and non-maintained versions contain bugs. For me this is a way to prove that the system works.
Indeed, diverging branches are a great idea, but I am forced to use Bamboo 6 in my office

Override appveyor publish profile

I have an MVC 5 application we're moving from on-premise to the Azure cloud. Currently, we have several publish profiles, one per environment, which we determine using a powershell script. One of our goals is to make the building scripts and infrastructure as simple as possible, so I was wondering if I could make it so that using only my appveyor.yml file I could set the publish profile to be used, so
Is there a way to set the publish profile from the appveyor.yml file?
If not what are my choices?
You can run your PowerShell script as part of desired build step in pipeline. It is possible can run commands right from YAML file or UI or check-in your PowerShell script into repository and run .ps1 file. You might consider using secure variables to avoid checking in things like connection strings into repo in clear text.
However this custom script/profiles approach will not allow you to use built-in WAP artifacts packaging and you will be also needed to use custom script instead of automatic MSBuild mode. Which is OK, but a little bit more scripting. Also you will be needed to publish artifacts so it will be available for deployment.
Maybe easier option is to let AppVeyor do all build and WAP artifacts packaging/publishing automatically, and then use built-in Web Deployment with Web Deploy parametrization instead of multiple publishing profiles.
But if you decide to go with custom scripts, and multiple publishing profiles, you still can use use built-in Web Deployment with artifacts created by your scripts.

Central store for build artifacts in .Net

I know Maven has a central repository that you can upload build artifacts (assemblies) and reference them in your build script so that you get the latest versions.
Is there any similar tool (other than Maven for .Net) that provides a way to centrally store artifacts and reference them in MSBuild scripts?
I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate a library solution we have that is used across all our other solutions (contains common data access, schemas, etc.)
We don't always automatically want it included in our projects as sometimes we need to stay on a particular version for one project until that project is ready to upgrade to the latest.
If I were you, I'd create a build system that allows publishing packaged 'modules' from one end, and importing from the other end.
You create a shared directory at a global place within your organization and this becomes your "central Repository" you're talking of.
Alas, I'm not aware of any public implementation of such an msbuild system.

Where to place the scripts

I have written several scripts for my hudson builds. I have place them in the workspace of the particular job i am working on.
I was hoping to know where the best place to put the scripts. Is somewhere in the file system then best place? What if we move build machines? Does hudson designate a place for scripts?
Please and thank you.
I would suggest putting them inside your project folder /hudson/jobs/MyProject instead of inside the workspace. The workspace could be overwritten.
Do you use source control? If so you can put them in there and get hudson to pull them from there...
If these scripts are related to a particular project, bundle them with the project. Don't put them somewhere else.
If these scripts are used for more then one project, put them in your source control as a a separate project. Than you can pull them down every time you pull your project. If your scm plugin for hudson does not support configuring two separate sources (like subversion does), then just pull the build script using a command line tool for your scm as your first build step.
Build scripts need to be versioned the same way as you code is versioned.

Bamboo Integration

This is my second question on Bamboo (My First One). My understanding after reading suggested info, I need a build tool, like nAnt or MSbuild to write a script that gets the source code and builds it (I am working on a .net 3.5 with silverlight project). After, when deploying, I need to write scripts to move my files to the diff servers. Please tell me whether I am going in the right direction or not. Can I use ant, maven, bash scripts to do the same with a .net project?
Yes, that is true:
Bamboo is the central management server which coordinates all work
Bamboo itself has interfaces and plugins for lots of types of work
Bamboo basically needs to first get your source from a source repository (lots of plugins here for a variety of systems)
Then it needs to do the build - that can be done by using MSBuild to build your Visual Studio solution, or it could be a batch file to call your XYZ compiler and linker to create your app - whatever it is you have and use
Once your solution or project is built, you have "artifacts" (build results, e.g. executable app, config files, etc.) lying around
with those results, you can do additional things:
zip them up into a ZIP file and copy them somewhere
run a install builder on them and create an MSI
install them on a test server to make sure everything installs just fine
The sky's the limit! :-)
But in general: Bamboo is just the "orchestrator" - the coordinator. The actual work is done by either direct Bamboo plugins (of which there are plenty), or then you can call external command-line apps by means of a unix script or Windows batch file.