VB.NET - New text editor? (Syntax Highlighting and Syntax Extraction) - vb.net

I'm thinking of developing a more efficient version of the Rich Text format but I need to know a little about Syntax Highlighting and Syntax Extraction.
Like when reading the file, read all the {Property Boxes} and use them in a RichTextBox.
{C=0000FF}Hello world!{/C}
Prints "Hello world!" in red.
This would also be good to figure out because I am also building acode editor for a very simple version of Python and color codded text would make things easier and seems pretty standard.

There's a codeproject article about this called Syntax highlighting textbox written in C# which might give you some pointers.
And in case you're going to use a RichTextBox I'd suggest this blog post Some RichTextBox tricks .
It might be worth trying to get hold of the book Dissecting a C# Application: Inside SharpDevelop which has a chapter called Chapter 9: Syntax Highlighting (quite old book but might be able to get a second hand copy).


How would I make a notepad++ like Syntax Highlighting?

I'm looking to make a "Code" editor for Visual Basic.
I just wondered how I would achieve the Syntax Highlighting with most editors use.
Well, I'd start by subclassing the RichTextBox
RichTextBox gives you the ability to colour text, change font, etc. Your class could then implement other features like line numbers, intellisense, showing compile-time exceptions, etc...
That said, to get a good one, you're going to have to made a lot of changes - and most likely tie it in to a compiler or custom parser as well as (presumably) all the other stuff that goes along with a code editor.

Dreamweaver's Code Editor, highlight

I am new to Dreamweaver (and Mac). I am used to using notepad++. I am in the habit of highlighting a term, and having identical terms highlighted everywhere in the current document. Can this be done with Dreamweaver? If it is not possible to do this with Dreamweaver, then what code editor will do this on a Mac?
Try http://www.barebones.com/products/textwrangler/.
Or maybe try using eclipse, it might be a bit of overkill, but then again I have no idea what are doing in the dreamweaver.

Create slideshow from text

I would like to read text from 3 text paragraphs & use the text to create a slideshow of 3 slides - each with a paragraph programatically.
Is it possible? Do I need to use openoffice, libreoffice or something else?
I have googled a lot, but could not find any answer. Hence, posting the question on SO.
Openoffice has a bridge called Uno which can be used from python, java (and probably more), i.e. you can manipulate openoffice documents from an external program, it's however non-trivial to use it.
Another possibility is to use OpenOffice.org BASIC.

Understanding RTF and edit it with vb.net

I have this RichTextbox in my vb.net form and I would like to when a user click a button, for example to embold the selected text, how would I do this.
Also, I do NOT want to use the standard vb.net expressions such as RichTextBox1.SelectedText.Font.Bold = True. I want to do something like RichTextbox1.SelectedRTF="[bold]" & RichTextBox1.SelectedRTF & "[/bold]" or whatever RTF looks like.
Can I just add the RTF options random places or can a RichTextBox return an error if the text is in wrong format. I'm mostly looking for info on how to work with RTF without using the standard vb expressions. Thank you very much for any help provided
It just doesn't work this way, it is not an HTML editor. Hacking RTF directly is technically possible through the Rtf property but very hard to get right. RTF is not exactly a friendly format. Start reading here, try not to panic at the quality of that first page. Well, go ahead.

itextsharp: how to move the datatable?

as you can see my data table is a little too much on the right, how do i move it more to the left? please include answer in vb.net
alt text http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/3661/fullscreencapture121520.png
If you're using a PdfPTable you can explicitly set the position of the table using the table's WriteSelectedRows() method.
Here's a C# example
Documentation on WriteSelectedRows (such as it exists) can be found at the sourceforge tutorial.
The links I provided are in C#. I've seen very little iTextSharp code in VB.NET but ran this class through the DeveloperFusion C# to VB.NET converter and results looked good to me. If you haven't already, you might want to bookmark the DeveloperFusion converter site.
You probably just need to adjust the margins. i'm guessing you're looking at the default.
Here's a simple iTextSharp example that shows how to manipulate margins.