Eager Loading Using Fluent NHibernate/Nhibernate & Automapping - nhibernate

I have a requirement to load a complex object called Node...well its not that complex...it looks like follows:-
A Node has a reference to EntityType which has a one to many with Property which in turn has a one to many with PorpertyListValue
public class Node
public virtual int Id
public virtual string Name
public virtual EntityType Etype
public class EntityType
public virtual int Id
public virtual string Name
public virtual IList<Property> Properties
protected set;
public EntityType()
Properties = new List<Property>();
public class Property
public virtual int Id
public virtual string Name
public virtual EntityType EntityType
public virtual IList<PropertyListValue> ListValues
protected set;
public virtual string DefaultValue
public Property()
ListValues = new List<PropertyListValue>();
public class PropertyListValue
public virtual int Id
public virtual Property Property
public virtual string Value
protected PropertyListValue()
What I a trying to do is load the Node object with all the child objects all at once. No Lazy load. The reason is I have thousands of Node objects in the database and I have to send them over the wire using WCF Service.I ran into the classes SQL N+ 1 problem. I am using Fluent Nhibernate with Automapping and NHibernate Profiler suggested me to use FetchMode.Eager to load the whole objects at once. I am using the following qyuery
Session.CreateCriteria(typeof (Node))
.SetFetchMode( "Etype", FetchMode.Join )
.SetFetchMode( "Etype.Properties", FetchMode.Join )
.SetFetchMode( "Etype.Properties.ListValues", FetchMode.Join )
OR using NHibernate LINQ
.Expand( "Etype")
.Expand( "Etype.Properties" )
.Expand( "Etype.Properties.ListValues" )
When I run any of the above query, they both generate one same single query with all the left outer joins, which is what I need. However, for some reason the return IList from the query is not being loaded property into the objects. Infact the returned Nodes count is equal to the number of rows of the query, so the Nodes objects are repeated.Moreover, the properties within each Node are repeated, and so do the Listvalues.
So I would like to know how to modify the above query to return all unique Nodes with the properties and list values within them.

each mapping has to have lazy loading off
in Node Map:
Map(x => x.EntityType).Not.LazyLoad();
in EnityType Map:
Map(x => x.Properties).Not.LazyLoad();
and so on...
Also, see NHibernate Eager loading multi-level child objects for one time eager loading
Additional info on Sql N+1:

I figure it out myself. The key is to use SetResultTransformer() passing an object of DistinctRootEntityResultTransformer as a parameter. So the query now looks like as follows
Session.CreateCriteria(typeof (Node))
.SetFetchMode( "Etype", FetchMode.Join )
.SetFetchMode( "Etype.Properties", FetchMode.Join )
.SetFetchMode( "Etype.Properties.ListValues", FetchMode.Join )
.SetResultTransformer(new DistinctRootEntityResultTransformer());
I found the answer to my questions through these links:

I ended up with something like this:
HasMany(x => x.YourList).KeyColumn("ColumnName").Inverse().Not.LazyLoad().Fetch.Join()
Just make sure to select your entity like this, to avoid duplication due to the join:

SetResultTransformer with DistinctRootEntityResultTransformer will only work for Main object but IList collections will be multiplied.


Automapper and NHibernate lazy loading

I am struggling with this issue:
I have a list of NHibernate objects called "Project". These objects contain a lazy - loaded list of "Branches". I am trying to pass a list of Projects to a WCF service so I am using AutoMapper to transform them to flat objects.
The problem is that even though the destination objects called "ProjectContract" does not contain a list of Branches, Automapper still invokes this collection and a lot of queries are made to the database because NHibernate fires the lazy - loading and loads the Branches collection for each project.
Here are the classes and the mapping:
public class Project
public virtual int ID
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
public virtual IList<Branch> Branches { get; set; }
public class ProjectContract
public virtual int ID
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
public class ProjectMappings : Profile
protected override void Configure()
Mapper.CreateMap<Project, ProjectContract>();
My question is: Is there a way to tell AutoMapper to not touch the "Branches" collection because I don't care about it and that is a proxy that will trigger many database calls?
I temporarily fixed this with MaxDepth(0), but there are other entities where I have collections that I want to transfer, and collections that I don't want to be touched, like this one. In that case, MaxDepth(0) will not work.
Thank you,
Yes, The AutoMapper Ignore function.
Mapper.CreateMap<Source, Destination>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.SomeValuefff, opt => opt.Ignore());

How do I map a typed Dictionary in fluent nHibernate using automapping?

My class:
public class ExternalAccount
public virtual AccountType AccountType { get; set; }
public virtual int Id { get; private set; }
public virtual User User { get; set; }
public virtual Dictionary<string, string> Parameters { get; set; }
public ExternalAccount()
Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
The Dictionary is not getting mapped. I understand that automapping doesn't work by default with Dictionaries, how do I configure the mapping? All Parameters is is a list of key/value pairs - so I would expect them to be stored in a table with a foreign key to the externalaccount table. I know I can do this with another class - but it makes access to the parameters in the class more difficult - I'd rather have to configure the complexity once.
Please bear in mind I am new Fluent and to nHibernate.
Using a simple class relationship such as the following:
public class Foo {
public virtual IDictionary<string, Bar> Bars { get; set; }
public class Bar {
public virtual string Type { get; set; }
public virtual int Value { get; set; }
You can map this with Fluent NHibernate in this way:
mapping.HasMany(x => x.Bars)
.AsMap(x => x.Type);
Where Bar.Type is used as the index field into the dictionary.
FluentNHibernate mapping for Dictionary

FluentNHibernate mapping syntax help needed

I'm having some trouble figuring out the appropriate FluentNHibernate mapping syntax for the following data model and domain objects. Here's the data model I'm working against:
And I'm trying to map the following domain objects to that model:
namespace FluentNHibernateSandbox.Entities
public abstract class EntityBase
public virtual long Id { get; set; }
namespace FluentNHibernateSandbox.Entities
public class Attribute : EntityBase
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual string Label { get; set; }
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
public virtual int SortOrder { get; set; }
public virtual Group Group { get; set; }
public virtual Editor Editor { get; set; }
namespace FluentNHibernateSandbox.Entities
public class Group : EntityBase
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual string Label { get; set; }
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
public virtual int SortOrder { get; set; }
public virtual IList<Attribute> Attributes { get; set; }
namespace FluentNHibernateSandbox.Entities
public class Editor : EntityBase
public virtual string ViewName { get; set; }
public virtual string WorkerClassName { get; set; }
In general, what I ultimately want doesn't seem like it should be all that hard to do, but I after having tried just about every combination of mappings I can think of, I still can't seem to get it right. I just need my Attribute to have a reference to the Group that it belongs to and a reference to the Editor assigned to it, and each Group should have a collection of the Attributes that are part of it. The couple of many-to-many join tables are what seem to be giving me fits. Particularly the APPLICATION_ATTRIBUTE table. Ultimately I only want the Attributes that my application is concerned with, in this case, those with an APPLICATION_ID of 4.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Really kinda surprised nobody responded to this at all, but anyway. The answer/solution for this mapping situation that we came up with, which I was trying to avoid to start with, but turned out to really be the best way to go, was to create some custom views in the database that joined together all of the application-specific data I needed, and then just mapped my application's domain objects to those views. This worked at least partially because the information I needed from these tables is going to be read-only for this application, but even if I needed to write to the tables, I'm pretty sure (though haven't verified as I didn't really have need in this case) that I could have setup my views to be writeable and that would've worked too.
Hat tip to #robconery.

NHibernate: map multiple columns into a single collection

Suppose I have a table:
and the .NET classes
class A {
int id;
List<MyEmail> emails;
class MyEmail {
string email;
I suppose there's no way to map those (multiple) columns into a single collection in NHibernate, or is there? :)
It's come to a point that we'd rather not tinker with the database schema anymore so we can't do much with the database, if that helps.
I would suggest working with Interfaces so you could do something like this
interface IUser
int Id {get; set;}
IEnumerable<string> Emails {get;}
class MyUser : IUser
public int Id {get; set;}
public IEnumerable<string> Emails
return new [] { SomeEmail, SomeOtherEmail };
public string SomeEmail { get; set; }
public string SomeOtherEmail { get; set; }
Your application can expect an IUser and not care where we got the list of emails. You would map MyUser in NH, while the application does not (and should not) care about the actual implementation.
If it doesn't have to be a collection, but could be a custom type instead, say EmailAddresses which contains three properties:
public class EmailAddresses
public virtual string Home { get; set; }
public virtual string Work { get; set; }
public virtual string Other { get; set; }
You could use a component to map the three columns into the three properties of this object as a single property on the parent:
public class MyUser
public virtual EmailAddresses { get; set; }
You can map these in NHibernate using components or if you're using Fluent NHibernate with the ComponentMap<T> classmap (automapper can't do components).
There is a feature that's very close to what you want, <dynamic-component>
The documentation at http://nhibernate.info/doc/nh/en/index.html#components-dynamic should get you started.

Fluent nHibernate and mapping IDictionary<DaysOfWeek,IDictionay<int, decimal>> how to?

I have problem with making mapping of classes with propert of type Dictionary and value in it of type Dictionary too, like this:
public class Class1
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual IDictionary<DayOfWeek, IDictionary<int, decimal>> Class1Dictionary { get; set; }
My mapping looks like this:
Id(i => i.Id);
HasMany(m => m.Class1Dictionary);
This doesn't work. The important thing I want have everything in one table not in two. WHet I had maked class from this second IDictionary I heve bigger problem. But first I can try like it is now.
It's not currently possible to use nested collections of any type in NHibernate.
Instead, you should define your property as follows:
public virtual IDictionary<DayOfWeek, Class2> Class1Dictionary { get; set; }
And add a new class:
public class Class2
public virtual decimal this[int key]
get { return Class2Dictionary[key]; }
set { Class2Dictionary[key] = value; }
public virtual IDictionary<int, decimal> Class2Dictionary { get; set; }
This way, you can map both classes and dictionaries normally, and still access your dictionary as:
class1Instance.Class1Dictionary[DayOfWeek.Sunday][1] = 9.4