Struct size containing vector<T> different sizes between DLL and EXE - dll

I have this situation where an EXE program imports a DLL for a single function call. It works by passing in a custom structure and returning a different custom structure. Up till now it's worked fine until I wanted one of the structs data members to be a vector < MyStruct >
When I do a sizeof(vector< MyStruct >) in my program I get a size of 20 but when I do it from inside the DLL I get a size of 24. This size inconsistency is causing a ESP pointer error.
Can anyone tell me why a Vector < MyStruct > would be a different size in the DLL than in the program?
I have reverified that my structs in both the DLL and the Program are identical.
I would appreciate any help on the subject. Thank you.

I meet similar issue when the class has a vector<..> member, and with an inline construct function(implemented in header file).
No matter DLL is release or dll version, as if as EXE is release version, size of that class calculated in EXE is 3 byte less than in DLL, thus the stack will be destroyed.
This problem can be fixed by one of below change:
It's only occured with VC98(SP6). Change to VS2008, issue disappears.
Move the inline construct function to CPP file, issue disappears
I hope someone can help to give a more detailed explanation.


How to receive bytes in Managed C++ project from COM plus project

I have a module A in Managed C++, it depends on module B in native C++ which wrapped as COM plus.
In module B, I read bytes from a file. Now I am trying to call the file reading functionality from A. But failed.
Dependency detail: I used tlbimp.exe and generated the interop according to Module B. A referrs to the interop.
I tried to pass an "array^" but only one char was received, which is understandable because marshaling doesn't know the array length and could NOT handle the whole array.
I searched out some recommendation about safe array, but could NOT use it successfully in my projects.
Could somebody help me on this?
Thanks a lot.
If you are going to be talking to your native object via COM, you're going to have to pass the array the COM way.
SAFEARRAY would definitely work, but you don't have to use it. It is a fair amount of work to set up anyway. If neither component is a scripting language or VB6, there is little value to using a SAFEARAY.
COM can marshal the array just fine, you just have to tell it how big it is. The two most common mechanisms in COM to pass (native) arrays are "fixed-sized arrays" and "conformant arrays".
Fixed-size array:
If you know at compile time the size of the array, this is the way to go. Declare your COM method as follows in your IDL:
const long ARRAY_SIZE = 1024;
HRESULTS MethodAbc(MyClass array[ARRAY_SIZE]);
Marshalling will take care of passing the whole array.
Conformant Arrays:
You declare them as follows in IDL:
HRESULT MethodAbc([size_is(arraySize)] MyClass array[], long arraySize);
This tells COM that the arraySize parameter holds the count of elements.
My experience with CLI is minimal, but I don't think you can just pass a CLI handle. Among other things, I believe you need to pin the pointer so that GC doesn't move the array during the COM call. Others please correct me here if I'm wrong.

Error 0x800706F7 "The stub received bad data" on Windows XP SP3

In my VB6 application I make several calls to a COM server my team created from a Ada project (using GNATCOM). There are basically 2 methods available on the COM server. Their prototypes in VB are:
Sub PutParam(Param As Parameter_Type, Value)
Function GetParam(Param As Parameter_Type)
where Parameter_Type is an enumerated type which distinguishes the many parameters I can put to/get from the COM server and 'Value' is a Variant type variable. PutParam() receives a variant and GetParam() returns a variant. (I don't really know why in the VB6 Object Browser there's no reference to the Variant type on the COM server interface...).
The product of this project has been used continuously this way for years without any problems in this interface on computers with Windows XP with SP2. On computers with WinXP SP3 we get the error 0x800706F7 "The stub received bad data" when trying to put parameters with the 'Long' type.
Does anybody have any clue on what could be causing this? The COM server is still being built in a system with SP2. Should make any difference building it on a system with SP3? (like when we build for X64 in X64 systems).
One of the calls that are causing the problem is the following (changed some var names):
Dim StructData As StructData_Type
StructData.FirstLong = 1234567
StructData.SecondLong = 8901234
StructData.Status = True
ComServer.PutParam(StructDataParamType, StructData)
Where the definition of StructData_Type is:
Type StructData_Type
FirstLong As Long
SecondLong As Long
Status As Boolean
End Type
(the following has been added after the question was first posted)
The definition of the primitive calls on the interface of the COM server in IDL are presented below:
// Service to receive data
HRESULT PutParam([in] Parameter_Type Param, [in] VARIANT *Value);
//Service to send requested data
HRESULT GetParam([in] Parameter_Type Param, [out, retval] VARIANT *Value);
The definition of the structure I'm trying to pass is:
struct StructData_Type
int FirstLong;
int SecondLong;
} StructData_Type;
I found it strange that this definition here is using 'int' as the type of FirstLong and SeconLong and when I check the VB6 object explorer they are typed 'Long'. Btw, when I do extract the IDL from the COM server (using a specific utility) those parameters are defined as Long.
I have tested the same code with a version of my COM server compiled for Windows 7 (different version of GNAT, same GNATCOM version) and it works! I don't really know what happened here. I'll keep trying to identify the problem on WinXP SP3 but It is good to know that it works on Win7. If you have a similar problem it may be good to try to migrate to Win7.
I'll focus on explaining what the error means, there are too few hints in the question to provide a simple answer.
A "stub" is used in COM when you make calls across an execution boundary. It wasn't stated explicitly in the question but your Ada program is probably an EXE and implements an out-of-process COM server. Crossing the boundary between processes in Windows is difficult due to their strong isolation. This is done in Windows by RPC, Remote Procedure Call, a protocol for making calls across such boundaries, a network being the typical case.
To make an RPC call, the arguments of a function must be serialized into a network packet. COM doesn't know how to do this because it doesn't know enough about the actual arguments to a function, it needs the help of a proxy. A piece of code that does know what the argument types are. On the receiving end is a very similar piece of code that does the exact opposite of what the proxy does. It deserializes the arguments and makes the internal call. This is the stub.
One way this can fail is when the stub receives a network packet and it contains more or less data than required for the function argument values. Clearly it won't know what to do with that packet, there is no sensible way to turn that into a StructData_Type value, and it will fail with "The stub received bad data" error.
So the very first explanation for this error to consider is a DLL Hell problem. A mismatch between the proxy and the stub. If this app has been stable for a long time then this is not a happy explanation.
There's another aspect about your code snippet that is likely to induce this problem. Structures are very troublesome beasts in software, their members are aligned to their natural storage boundary and the alignment rules are subject to interpretation by the respective compilers. This can certainly be the case for the structure you quoted. It needs 10 bytes to store the fields, 4 + 4 + 2 and they align naturally. But the structure is actually 12 bytes long. Two bytes are padded at the end to ensure that the ints still align when the structure is stored in an array. It also makes COM's job very difficult, since COM hides implementation detail and structure alignment is a massive detail. It needs help to copy a structure, the job of the IRecordInfo interface. The stub will also fail when it cannot find an implementation of that interface.
I'll talk a bit about the proxy, stub and IRecordInfo. There are two basic ways a proxy/stub pair are generated. One way is by describing the interfaces in a language called IDL, Interface Description Language, and compile that with MIDL. That compiler is capable of auto-generating the proxy/stub code, since it knows the function argument types. You'll get a DLL that needs to be registered on both the client and the server. Your server might be using that, I don't know.
The second way is what VB6 uses, it takes advantage of a universal proxy that's built into Windows. Called FactoryBuffer, its CLSID is {00000320-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}. It works by using a type library. A type library is a machine readable description of the functions in a COM server, good enough for FactoryBuffer to figure out how to serialize the function arguments. This type library is also the one that provides the info that IRecordInfo needs to figure out how the members of a structure are aligned. I don't know how it is done on the server side, never heard of GNATCOM before.
So a strong explanation for this problem is that you are having a problem with the type library. Especially tricky in VB6 because you cannot directly control the guids that it uses. It likes to generate new ones when you make trivial changes, the only way to avoid it is by selecting the binary compatibility option. Which uses an old copy of the type library and tries to keep the new one as compatible as possible. If you don't have that option turned on then do expect trouble, especially for the guid of the structure. Kaboom if it changed and the other end is still using the old guid.
Just some hints on where to start looking. Do not assume it is a problem caused by SP3, this COM infrastructure hasn't changed for a very long time. But certainly expect this kind of problem due to a new operating system version being installed and having to re-register everything. SysInternals' ProcMon is a good utility to see the programs use the registry to find the proxy, stub and type library. And you'd certainly get help from a COM Spy kind of utility, albeit that they are very hard to find these days.
If it suddenly stopped working happily on XP, the first culprit I'd look for is type mismatches. It is possible that "long" on such systems is now 64-bits, while your Ada COM code (and/or perhaps your C ints) are exepecting 32-bits. With a traditionally-compiled system this would have been checked for you by your compiler, but the extra indirection you have with COM makes that difficult.
The bit you wrote in there about "when we compile for 64-bit systems" makes me particularly leery. 64-bit compiles may change the size of many C types, you know.
This Related Post suggests you need padding in your struct, as marshalling code may expect more data than you actually send (which is a bug, of course). Your struct contains 9 bytes (assuming 4 bytes for each of the ints/longs and one for the boolean). Try to add padding so that your struct contains a multiple of 4 bytes (or, failing that, multiple of 8, as the post isn't clear on the expected size)
I am also suggesting that the problem is due to a padding issue in your structure. I don't know whether you can control this using a #pragma, but it might be worth looking at your documentation.
I think it would be a good idea to try and patch your struct so that the resulting type library struct is a multiple of four (or eight). Your Status member takes up 2 bytes, so maybe you should insert a dummy value of the same type either before or after Status - which should bring it up to 12 bytes (if packing to eight bytes, this would have to be three dummy variables).

The requested clipboard operation failed

I've using 2003 and some of the times this error arises. Can anyone know on how this error arises and how to fix it?
Error: The requested clipboard operation failed
I googled this question to see what I'd see, and a lot of people have asked this question, and none of them have gotten a solid answer...
So I went to the MSDN documentation and found a note that explains what most people who have asked this question describe... The symptom usually appears when the user switches to another application while the code is running. The note is quoted below, with the link to the documentation following:
All Windows-based applications share
the system Clipboard, so the contents
are subject to change when you switch
to another application.
An object must be serializable for it
to be put on the Clipboard. If you
pass a non-serializable object to a
Clipboard method, the method will fail
without throwing an exception. See
System.Runtime.Serialization for more
information on serialization. If your
target application requires a very
specific data format, the headers
added to the data in the serialization
process may prevent the application
from recognizing your data. To
preserve your data format, add your
data as a Byte array to a MemoryStream
and pass the MemoryStream to the
SetData method.
The Clipboard class can only be used
in threads set to single thread
apartment (STA) mode. To use this
class, ensure that your Main method is
marked with the STAThreadAttribute
Special considerations may be
necessary when using the metafile
format with the Clipboard. Due to a
limitation in the current
implementation of the DataObject
class, the metafile format used by the
.NET Framework may not be recognized
by applications that use an older
metafile format. In this case, you
must interoperate with the Win32
Clipboard application programming
interfaces (APIs). For more
information, see article 323530,
"Metafiles on Clipboard Are Not
Visible to All Applications," in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base at
Funnily enough, this makes sense of a strange behavior I noticed in one of my own apps. I have an app that writes to an Excel spreadsheet (actually, to hundreds of them, modifying hundreds of cells each). I don't use the clipboard at all, just the Interop API for excel, yet when it's running, my clipboard clears every time a new spreadsheet is created. In my case, Excel is messing with the clipboard, even there is no discernible reason for it to do so. I'd chalk it up to one of those mysterious Windows phenomena that we mortals will never understand.
At any rate, thanks to your question, I think I understand my issue, so +1 to you for helping me out.
I have that error while trying to:
For solving it I replace Clipboard.Clear() with pinvoking some methods from the user32.dll:
static extern IntPtr GetOpenClipboardWindow();
private static extern bool OpenClipboard(IntPtr hWndNewOwner);
static extern bool EmptyClipboard();
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
static extern bool CloseClipboard();
IntPtr handleWnd = GetOpenClipboardWindow();
I use C# here, but vb version could be easily created from it.
Is there a chance that UltraVNC is running. I have issues when that application is running in the background on the client PC side. When I close VNC, I can copy to the clipboard successfully. This is not really a satisfying solution but at least I know in my case the source of the problem.

Trouble with a vtable -- is it me, or the library?

I'm trying to use a COM library that makes use of a vtable. However, something funky is going on with the stack after I call the functions, which tells me I'm doing something wrong.
The header file with the vtable definition is pasted here: (see in particular the code starting at line 810). An example is pasted here:
The table is being filled with the correct locations for the functions, but when I call the function(s), they appear to be looking in the wrong locations for the arguments on the stack. Also, after calling the functions in the table, the stack is messed up and my program crashes. I've tried changing the function type to both __cdecl and __stdcall but this does nothing.
It's either my code or the library, and the company that wrote the library hasn't gotten back to me -- because it's the weekend, I'm assuming. Also, there is a demo application that utilizes the library, and it works -- so I think it's my code/compiler (gcc)/something else, not the library.
Could it be that there something in particular that you need to do in order to use a COM library?

JIT code generation techniques

How does a virtual machine generate native machine code on the fly and execute it?
Assuming you can figure out what are the native machine op-codes you want to emit, how do you go about actually running it?
Is it something as hacky as mapping the mnemonic instructions to binary codes, stuffing it into an char* pointer and casting it as a function and executing?
Or would you generate a temporary shared library (.dll or .so or whatever) and load it into memory using standard functions like LoadLibrary ?
You can just make the program counter point to the code you want to execute. Remember that data can be data or code. On x86 the program counter is the EIP register. The IP part of EIP stands for instruction pointer. The JMP instruction is called to jump to an address. After the jump EIP will contain this address.
Is it something as hacky as mapping the mnemonic instructions to binary codes, stuffing it into an char* pointer and casting it as a function and executing?
Yes. This is one way of doing it. The resulting code would be cast to a pointer to function in C.
Is it something as hacky as mapping the mnemonic instructions to binary codes, stuffing it into an char* pointer and casting it as a function and executing?
Yes, if you were doing it in C or C++ (or something similar), that's exactly what you'd do.
It appears hacky, but that's actually an artifact of the language design. Remember, the actual algorithm you want to use is very simple: determine what instructions you want to use, load them into a buffer in memory, and jump to the beginning of that buffer.
If you really try to do this, though, make sure you get the calling convention right when you return to your C program. I think if I wanted to generate code I'd look for a library to take care of that aspect for me. Nanojit's been in the news recently; you could look at that.
Yup. You just build up a char* and execute it. However, you need to note a couple details. The char* must be in an executable section of memory and must have proper alignment.
In addition to nanojit you can also check out LLVM which is another library that's capable of compiling various program representations down to a function pointer. It's interface is clean and the generated code tends to be efficient.
As far as i know it compiles everything in memory because it has to run some heuristics to to optimize the code (i.e.: inlining over time) but you can have a look at the Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure 2.0 rotor release. The whole codebase is identical to .NET except for the Jitter and the GC.
As well as Rotor 2.0 - you could also take a look at the HotSpot virtual machine in the OpenJDK.
About generating a DLL: the additional required I/O for that, plus linking, plus the complexity of generating the DLL format, would make that much more complicate, and above all they'd kill performance; additionally, in the end you still call a function pointer to the loaded code, so...
Also, JIT compilation can happen one method at a time, and if you want to do that you'd generate lots of small DLLs.
About the "executable section" requirement, calling mprotect() on POSIX systems can fix the permissions (there's a similar API on Win32). You need to do that for a big memory segment instead that once per method since it'd be too slow otherwise.
On plain x86 you wouldn't notice the problem, on x86 with PAE or 64bit AMD64/Intel 64 bit machines you'd get a segfault.
Is it something as hacky as mapping
the mnemonic instructions to binary
codes, stuffing it into an char*
pointer and casting it as a function
and executing?
Yes, that works.
To do this in windows you must set PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE to the allocated block:
void (*MyFunc)() = (void (*)()) VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeofblock, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
//Now fill up the block with executable code and issue-