Adding custom controls to Thunderbird (Extension) - xul

I need to add a button next to From tag in the messege header.
Anyone knows how to do this?

Add an overlay to content/messenger/msgHdrViewOverlay.xul. In it,
Define a button element as a child
of <row id="expandedfromRow">.
If you probably wanted to have a new
button alongside the reply, reply
all, forward buttons, you should add
a new toolbarbutton element as a
child to <toolbarpalette
If these steps are not clear to you, let me know, I will elaborate. Thanks.
P.S.: These steps are for Thunderbird 3+.


Expandable List View setonchildlistener not working

I was working with expandable list view in kotlin. I wanted it to open a new activity when I clicked on a child in the list. But I couldn't do it. If you know of a way to do this, please be helpful.
enter image description here
this tried method
try with method: setOnItemClickListener instead of childClickListener.

Cytoscape.js, add title to whole complex & right click enable

a) I have a complex of nodes and edges. I want to add a title to the complex. Is there any way in Cytoscape.js, where I can display the title of the complex?
b) Additionally, I want to give user an option to download the complex in png file with a right click option, but my right click on the cytoscape div doesn't work. Is there any way or any flag I need to change to enable my right click on the picture?
Looks like no one is going to answer my question, answering them myself:
So, after struggling with these questions; I have got the solution for my first problem i.e. putting the title. We can have a parent node with the label as your complex title and then display it on the node. Don't think that it is a good way to do it. There should be something in cytoscape.js to display the title as well. But I don't think it is there yet.
In cytoscape there is an option to bind the event on right click, "cxttap" I used that to make a right click event. But I don't know how to give options on that click, working on that..!! If you are looking for same solution, stay tuned ;)
You can use right button with cytoscapejs by modifying the code below, adding your code
cy.on('cxttap', function(e){
console.log("right click!"); // just to check that it works, look at the console
// add here your code...
// ....

How to check if element is been dragging with Dojo

What to check if an element is been dragging to make a report of how many times has been dragged, any idea? with dojo of course.
This is the element to be sensed.
<p id="id_number" class="button">Button_name</p>
Please be more clear. I suppose you mean you want to use dojo/dnd/Moveable on your DOM node to make it draggeable? If you look at the API documentation you will notice that it has an event called onDragDetected which will be useful to you. Just increment a counter with it and you're done.

Sencha touch list with index bar : auto scroll

I'm starting in sencha touch ,and I try to create an application.only,I have a problem. I use a list with indexbar. this list is in a panel. and I wonder if it's possible to add an event listener to the panel, to jump to an index to the next. Let me explain with an example:
-We have a list of products and these products are sorted by their type (phones,computers...), the indexbar lets you know what type of product it is.
-To switch from one type to another,We Have to scroll.
What I seek to do is put a listener to the panel so that the scroll from one type to another is automatic every time you tap on the panel or on a next button. for example.
Please excuse my english and help
Thank you.
Try using dom property scrollTop .
For example:
el.dom.scrollTop = 1000;//this will push the panel down by 1000px;
You can always get the el, dom from panel/element properties/ attributes list.

How to make a custom ListVIewItem on Secha2?

I am trying to make a custom listview with his items bigger, with an image in the background and a text over it.
I'm trying to use the Kiva example on the docs, but I cannot understand nothing about how is doing that.
Someone could help me understand how to make that? or ar approach to do?
If you want to use sencha-touch 2.0, I think Sencha-touch2.0 guide helps you.
Of course if you want to edit style, you must change via css or template of listview (via listview's tpl attribute).