maven surefire additionalClasspathElements single test - maven-2

I have one main and one test config file which is shared by several maven projects. While testing, I am specifying the classpath to the directory where the test config file is.
This works fine if the whole project is tested/build but it doesn't work while running single tests. The config file is not found in the classpath.
here is the config:
any ideas why surefire ignores the property for running single tests?
thank you

Shouldn't it be:

put the config file in src/test/resources folder and try it .It should automatically be picked up. OR try to put under src/main/resources and use tag to point to that config file in the pom.xml of the project .Make use of 2.5 version of maven-surefire plugin.


Maven update jar before packaging in WAR

I have a project where I am packaging a WAR using simple maven-war-plugin. Along with all other dependencies one of the dependency say 'abc.jar' which is getting packaged in war contains a default spring configurations which I would like to update with the custom one before packaging. I have maven profile configured to be activated if following build command applied;
mvn clean install -DframeworkPacakging=XYZ
I am trying to use 'truezip-maven-plugin' to overwrite my custom spring configurations inside in 'abc.jar' present in 'target/aretfacts-id/WEB-INF/lib' but when maven-war-plugin finishes I loose my changes because war plugin takes the file from dependency definition. How can I solve this issue and what are my options?
P.S. Distributing configuration is not desirable as this setup would be used for Embedded Jetty Server running within Eclipse
to prevent inclusion of the original jar file, I would use go for approach suggested on:
Use <scope>provided</scope> for this dependency to keep it out of the
lib directory.
to include the repackaged one, I'd follow suggestion from: How to make Maven copy resource file into WEB-INF/lib directory?
Try changing the configuration of the maven war plugin to include a webResource:

Skip execution of a maven plugin if a file does not exist

I want to put the hibernate3-maven-plugin in my parent pom and have execution skipped in child modules if a given file does not exist in that module.
Is there any way to do this?
Up to now, I have had to do this:
In the parent POM, and:
In all child POMs where I want it to execute. I.E Those actually having a file.
You may be able to do this with profiles, but I suppose you'd probably not want to run it in the parent project, which may be problematic.
Here are some links on profiles:
This question, had a similar issue and was not able to solve it with profiles:
I'm not 100% on the logistics but you could possibly use the maven exec plugin in combination with a shell script. The shell script would check for the presence of the file and then invoke the mvn plugin using the maven pom directory - which can be obtained and passed to the shell script via the Maven environment variables.

Maven: use dependencies from repository when running command line app?

I've used Maven to build my command line application. Now I'm going to distribute it as a jar file, and I need to handle the app's dependencies.
I don't want to include all dependencies in the jar file as described here.
The environment where my app will be run has Maven. I'd like Maven to run my jar looking at file META-INF/groupId/artifactId/pom.xml inside the package so it knows what the dependencies are and can find them in the repository.
Any ideas ?
Include a main class in the jar that 1) extracts the pom to a temporary file, and 2) launches a new maven process using this file with the -f parameter and the goals dependency:resolve and dependency:build-classpath
like this:
mvn -f /temp/tempfile.xml dependency:resolve dependency:build-classpath -DoutputFile=/temp/classpath.txt
then 3) reads the newly created classpath file and 4) launches a new java process using the new classpath file
java -cp yourjar.jar;<created classpath>
Your pom.xml will have to include all required repository information, of course
We can use, maven-jar-plugin instead, why because the classpath generated is not getting accommodated while copy paste with java command in command-line.
mvn -f /temp/tempfile.xml dependency:resolve dependency:build-classpath -DmdepoutputFile=/temp/classpath.txt
So wasn't able to succeed copying classpath.txt for the command,
java -cp yourjar.jar;<created classpath>
Mine is spring-boot application hence I have the following line with BOOT-INF/lib. For you it can be WEB-INF/lib in case of .war file or just lib/ in case of ant build based projects.
BOOT-INF, comes up by spring-boot:repackage maven command and with the use of plugin,-spring-boot-maven-plugin that I have not Included here.
Please find maven-jar-plugin config here.

create manifest without classpath entries in ejb-client jar, but have classpath entries in main ejb jar using maven-ejb-plugin

I am using maven-ejb-plugin to generate the ejb jar and the client jar. Also I am using archive to generate the manifest file.
But the problem is I need the classpath entries in the ejb jar but not in the client jar.
Is there any configuration available to addClasspath only in the main jar and in the client jar do not set the class path?
Thanks in advance.
I don't think that's supported. If this is an option, exclude the manifest file from the client jar:
If not, I'm afraid you'll have to do some post processing (to unpack, modify the manifest, repackage the archive) with the antrun plugin.

How to add a classpath entry when executing the app with exec plugin

One of the components is looking for the persistence.xml using the java.class.path system property. It is desired to keep this file separately from jars in the /conf folder.
When running the app with exec:exec, classpath is formed from the path to the main jar plus path to every dependency. I can't seem to figure out how to add the /conf entry to the classpath.
My command line looks like this:
mvn exec:exec -Dexec.executable="java" -Dexec.args="-classpath %classpath com.testjar.App"
I tried "arguments" parameter but the execution fails if I try to append anything to %classpath.
I also tried to add a Class-Path entry to the manifest by specifying
in the configuration for maven-jar-plugin, but the entry in the manifest has no effect on the value of java.class.path property.
You may use the element 'resources' in the 'build' section of your POM file. For example
This will copy the persistence.xml into the build output directory, i.e. it will place the persistence.xml on the classpath.