How to update database when using wild characters for example like - sql-server-2005

I have column which consists of path for example \\Abc\F\E\record_123, now i need to update the path in database where only one change i need to do is this:
\\Abc\F\E\record_123 = \\Abc\F\G\record_123 - i want to update E to G .
how to do that with update query in database?

REPLACE('\Abc\F\E\record_123', '\E\', '\G\')
You have clear delimiters that allows you to pick out the bits you want to replace

See SQL Server string functions on MSDN. REPLACE() would be a good candidate.


replacing data in SQL server

I have multiple tables with corrupted data like this:
Good data</title>and some random HTML<p></p><
What I would like to do is only keep "Good data" in the cell and remove everything else. I thought I can just create a small project with EF and clean the db with C# but there might be a quicker solution with SQL only? Can you use regex or some kind of substring function in SQL?
I will manually look at the table and select the field that needs to run through the code, there is no need to automate that at this point.
UPDATE dbo.SQLInjectionVictimTableName
SET UnprotectedColumn = LEFT(UnprotectedColumn, CHARINDEX('<', UnprotectedColumn) - 1)
WHERE UnprotectedColumn LIKE '%<%';
If good data is consistently followed by </, you could use:
UPDATE YourTable
SET BadField = LEFT(Badfield,CHARINDEX('</',BadField)-1)
WHERE CHARINDEX('</',Badfield) > 0

SQL Left/Deliminated Character

Pretty simple one today. I've got a column, let's call it title, with a bunch of project titles. What I need to to pull everything from the left of the ":" and do a left/right trim (I'm then going to be using that in a join later on but I just need a column with the new data for now). So here's an example of what the current column looks like:
And here's what I need it to look like after the query is run:
The problem is while the # are 6 characters now, I can't guarantee they'll always be 6 characters. So if I was doing this in Excel I'd use the deliminated feature or just write a left/len/search function. Wondering how to do the same in SQL. BTW, I'm using SQL Server Management Studio.
Assuming that your number is always followed by a [space]:[space], then simply look for that first space, and use its location as the argument for a left-substring operation:
SELECT LEFT(Title, CHARINDEX(' ', Title, 0)) AS "New Title"
p.s. Just say you're using MS SQL Server. SSMS is just a management front-end for that database.
check this post out. it does exactly what you are trying to do.
SQL Server replace, remove all after certain character

Data pattern SQL

This I am sure is a fairly simple question. Clients are entering data into a column that looks like this 600/4768/4. I need to be able to remove the / once the data has been entered. How would I do this?
It is usually entered in this format as it is being referenced from another source in this pattern.
You could do it either in program before data is submitted, or in sql. Exactly how depends on what you're programming with, an what database you're using.
in MySql you can do this: replace('00/4768/4', '/', ''); Most any rdbms will have a similar function.
I usually find it's easier to do this kind of thing in the program than in sql though.
Using SQL SERVER you can try REPLACE (Transact-SQL)
Replaces all occurrences of a specified string value with another
string value.
SELECT REPLACE('abcdefghicde','cde','xxx');
You can use REPLACE function in your SQL query:
replace( string1, string_to_replace, [ replacement_string ] )
select REPLACE('600/4768/4','/','')
While user enters the data take it and then replace the "/" and then store in the table
While inserting client data in to column you can use the REPLACE function, I believe, you are using SQLServer. Below is the example how you can use replace.
USe REPLACE if you want to update in SQL
REPLACE(<column_Name>,'/',' ')
whole query will look like
Update <table_name>
set <column_Name> = REPLACE(<column_Name>,'/','')
hope this helps

Removing part of text from Table column

A website I am host was recently SQL injected, and I want to find a way to remove the offending injected code from a particular column (comments) in the database. Using SQL Server 2008, I'm not sure why this isn't working:
USE Dirty
SELECT REPLACE(comments,'</title><script src= ></script>','')
You're only selecting - not updating....
Try this:
USE Dirty
UPDATE dbo.Salons
SET Comments = REPLACE(comments,'</title><script src= ></script>','')
WHERE (possibly a condition here...)
You are not actually updating anything, merely selecting it. You need to create an update statement
USE Dirty
SET comments = REPLACE(comments,'</title><script src= ></script>','')
Because the column was "ntext" that was causing an error. I managed to fix this with using a cast like this:
USE Dirty
UPDATE dbo.Salons
SET Comments = cast(replace(cast(comments as varchar(8000)),'</title><script src= ></script>','') as ntext)

Sophisticated JPQL String Query

I am trying to execute a pretty-sophisticated query on a string field in the database. I am not very experienced at JPQL, so I thought I would try to get some help.
I have a field in the database called FILE_PATH. Within the FILE_PATH field, there will be values such as:
I need to be able to do a search from a user-given query on the file name only. So, instead of simply doing a SELECT Table FROM Table AS t WHERE t.filePath LIKE '%:query%', things will have to get a bit more complicated to accomodate for just the filename portion of the path. The file path and file name are dynamic data, so I can't just hard-code a prefix string in there. This has me pretty confused, but I know there are some string expressions in JPQL that might be able to handle this requirement.
Basically, I just need to return all rows that match the given query on whatever comes after the last '\' in the FILE_PATH field. Is this possible?
Thanks for the help.
EDIT: Database that is being used is SQL Server.
Probably the best solution is to add a separate column that contains just the file name. If you can't, then this might work (depending on the database you use):
drop table test;
create table test(name varchar(255));
insert into test values('C:\temp\name2\filename.txt');
insert into test values('file:\\\C:\\innerfolder\filename2.txt');
select * from test
where substring(name, locate('\', name, -1)) like '%name2%'
This is pure SQL, but as far as I understand all the functions are supported within JPQL:
One problem is the locate(,,-1). It means 'start from the end of the string'. It works for the H2 database, but not MySQL and Apache Derby. It might work for Oracle, SQL Server (I didn't test it). For some databases may need to replace '\' with '\\' (MySQL, PostgreSQL; not sure if Hibernate does that for you).
Final WHERE Clause:
LOWER(SUBSTRING(fs.filePath, LENGTH(fs.filePath) - (LOCATE('\\', REVERSE(fs.filePath)) - 2), (LOCATE('\\', REVERSE(fs.filePath)) - 1))) LIKE '%:query%'
NOTE: For performance, you might want to save the location of the slash.
Thanks to Thomas Mueller for the assistance.