How can I make a .Net 4.0 Exe ask the user to download .Net 4.0 framework / redistributable before running this exe? - .net-4.0

I thought that latest Matlab does this automatically. I have tested the following exe on a clean Win XP VM:
namespace DotNetTest
using System.Windows.Forms;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
When I run it on a computer which has all these installed, it does show the message box and a window. When I run it on a clean VM, I get this error:
Title: DotNetTest.exe - Application Error
Icon: Error
Buttons: {OK}
Message Body: The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application.
I would expect better from MSFT geniuses. Why cannot every .Net exe contain a tiny bit of overhead and have the very first bytes of it do the work of detecting if .Net is installed and presenting a better message.
Is there some sort of setting that I can flip to fix this? All of the settings were default ones provided by VS2010 when I created a new project.
Thank you.

This is what you use an installer for. In .net this is simple, you just "publish" your project and you get an installer that makes shure that .net is installed and such. The application itself should never have to worry about that.

As Alexandr says, you should really use the installer for this. If that's not possible, you'd have to write an unmanaged exe to run first and then either start the .net exe or tell the user to download the framework depending on if it's already installed.


webview2 on .net 4.7.2 using c# or vb - NOT CORE

Will WebView2 work with "Visual Studio 2017" - either VB or C# - for .NET 4.7.2 - winforms
NOTE CORE, as its .net 4.7.2 so I can't do all the "await" code that is required I don#'t think.
Is there or does someone have any working small same code showing how to get webview2 to work in the above setup?
Again, c# or vb, .net 4.7.2 NOT CORE
I might get where you're coming from with the question, actually.. This was painful
I have canary channel edge dev installed, check.. VS2017 and 2019, check..
I had a play around with WebView2 in a new WinForms 472 Project in VS 2017 - the only way I could get the nuget package to add a usable Microsoft.Web.WebView2.WinForms reference/namespace was to add a prerelease package. Addining a non prerel nuget showed nothing in the references
After adding the latest pre-rel package I founf that adding the control to the form and setting the Source (in code or designer) merely elicited a NullReferenceException when the source was being set
I followed the instructions in the Getting Started documentation to the letter, but I still got the NullReferenceException as soon as any form of interaction took place with the control
I opened the official winforms example in VS2017 and got an an error that the project file couldn't be loaded because "Project file is incomplete. Expected imports are missing."
Switched to opening the official sample in VS 2019, resolved the complaint about not having targeting pack 461 installed by editing the csproj to a pack I did have, and reloading the project.. It builds and runs.. But it's .NET core
A lot more messing around (always hitting the WebView2 NullReferenceException as soon as a property was set on it, or it was added to the form's controls collection), and I eventually (by chance) caught this tooltip for the WebView2 constructor:
Something you don't really see if the forms designer did the constructing..
So once I'd set up some code like:
public partial class Form1 : Form
private WebView2 x = new WebView2();
public Form1()
private async void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
await x.EnsureCoreWebView2Async();
x.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
x.Source = new Uri("");
I started hitting a BadImageFormatException - that was resolved by setting the app to be x64 instead of AnyCPU/X86
And finally it works, in WinForms:
What a fuss..
Install Edge Canary Channel
Install latest prerelease package to a new winforms project
Consider pasting the code I put above; Ensure... seeminglt must be the first thin you do after you construct the control
Change the bitness of your project if you get a BadImageFormatException

VB.NET application compiled to target 4.6.1 framework does't run successfully on Computer with only 4.8 .Net framewor

I intend to build simple Winform application just to allow user to automate their file creation and store the last filled form in a file to keep it for next run.
thus, I'm not interested in creating installer for this simple Winform application. I expected to only compile it to .exe and let it run on other computers.
I develop the application using VS2019 community with target .net 4.6.1
It won't run on computer with Windows 10 with only .net framework 4.8
We are not able to install framework 4.6.1 since it says an earlier version of .net framework is already installed.
Should I recompile my application with target .net framework 4.8?
Can't I compile my application to run on any computer which at least has 4.6.1 or newer? without installer.
(I don't really understand the .net framework backward compatibility truly mean)
my application uses:
library of user32.dll for SetForegroundWindow function
to create .ini file
Finally it works. Even compiled to target .NET 4.6.1 still work on .NET 4.8 computer actually.
The issue is because my application is targeting to another application using interope COM interface, while the license is not sufficient for the user to allow COM interface.
we notice it when we finally create a pure simple windows form, then step-by-step compiling while adding each feature.
Sorry Every Body for this silly case. And my special apologize to evry1falls for spending your time.
I'm thinking to change this Question or delete it. because it is not the issue at all
The Actual Issue is:
I created Windows Form Application starting from a blank Project. And I don't know that the .NET Unhandled Exception is not activated by default.
When created from Windows Form Project Template, the Unhandled Exception message shown.
I created another Question about it: Here

Error running an application

Sorry if this is not suitable place to post it.
I have completed my program and already build it. it has no problem running on my laptop but when i run on other laptop, there is an error appear
To run this application you must first install one of the following version of
.NET framework: v4.0.xxxxx
Contact your application publisher about obtaining the appropriate version of .Net framework
How do i check my program using which kind of .Net framework for running the program? can i just disable it?
You need to download and install the .Net Framework on your other laptop.
If you have an installation project, you can have this happen automatically when the application is installed on another computer.

XSockets.NET windows service won't start

I cannot get the windows service to work. Currently, I'm using this source because I couldn't find a better one
the solution was built in VS2012Express edition,
installed it using .NET v4 framework InstallUtil.exe
When trying to start the service in windows service dialogue it gives a dialogue saying: "The XSockets.NET service on Local Computer started and then stopped." The Windows event viewer just lists: "The XSockets.NET service entered the stopped state."
I'm all newbie to .NET and C#, just trying to get websockets to work and going a little crazy on this issue :-)
Any help appreciated.
If all the XSockets's plugins (dlls ) is in place, and the app.config of your Windows Service is okey, it should not give that kind of error.
At the following repo you find an template, it is maybe that one you are refereeing to?
Make sure all of the DLL's listed here '' is referenced in the project that "host" the XSockets.NET ( project that create an Service ) as shown below
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
new XSockets.Windows.Service.Host.Instance();
Hope that this helps!
Make sure all of the DLL's (including dependencies) of your project are on this folder C:\Chocolatey\lib\XSockets.Windows.Service.2.5.2\tools
I had the same problem and I solved putting the dependencies in that folder, i.e: EntityFramework.dll...
I hope this help you.

Customizing the default "The application failed to initialize properly (0x00000135)" message

When the .net framework cannot be found, the following message is displayed:
"The application failed to initialize properly (0x00000135)"
Is there a way to make it a tiny bit more specific (instead of writing a wrapper in another language), eg. by telling the user about the .Net fx?
I believe that the "failed to load" error message is thrown by Windows loader (via Explorer.exe). So, I think there's no way to customize/control the error dialog box and its contents. I can think of few other methods:
- Add .NET version detection in installer package so that installer can inform user to download and install .NET framework if it's not present already.
- Write a stub application in unmanaged code which launches the .NET binary (using APIs like CreateProcess). In this stub, you can check for .NET framework and then display more descriptive error code.
Here's an example that shows how to detect .NET framework and its version: