Stored Connection Strings per user -

In the past I've used a Singleton Pattern to load the connection string when the application starts via the global.asa file.
I have a project now where each user has a unique connection string to the database. I would like to load this connection string once. The issue is that the singleton pattern will not work for me since each user has there own connection string. Basically the connection string is created dynamically.
I do not want to store it is session. If anyway has a clever way of doing this in .NET let me know ?

Connections to the database are quite expensive, in terms of resources, and I personally would suggest that you reconsider your requirements of having one per user. Unless you can guarantee that the total number of users is going to be very small (say no more than 5-10).
Having said that, you can just store the connection in the User object that represents your user. Or have a global dictionary that maps user ids to connection strings.
If the only difference between the connection strings is the username/password, you could consider impersonating the client and using Windows authentication in SQL Server instead.


SQL Server - AlwaysOn Redirect Writes with Readable Secondary Enabled

I have AlwaysOn setup among two nodes running 2016 enterprise edition. The option Readable Secondary is set to Read-intent only.
On using the parameter ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly it is always redirected to secondary for read operations. But our application also performs writes on database, which cannot happen at secondary due to the above parameter.
Is there any other parameter or setting which redirects reads to secondary and writes to primary? Else, do we need to maintain two connection strings in application, one for writes and other for reads?
You do need two types connection strings in your application. One is for readonly. One is for write and read.
For readonly connection, the connection string needs to have "ApplicationIntent=Readonly".
For write and read connection, the connection string do not include "ApplicationIntent"

Connection Pooling with VB.NET and orphaned connections

I am a DBA, not a developer, and could use some insight. The development staff is using VB.NET to create web based applications with connections to a DB2 database. Please assume that the connection string in the web.config file is coded correctly.
I can see the number of orphaned connections from the web servers grow over time. By orphaned I mean that there is no activity associated with the connection for hours, yet I can see other connections being created and destroyed every couple of seconds.
I suspect that the connections are not being properly closed, but there are two different groups looking at the problem and so far haven't turned up anything. By the end of the day I can have hundreds of these connections - all of which are cleared when the application pool is reset every night. (This means it is NOT a database problem)
Is there a coding technique to ensure a connection is closed using on IIS v7+?
Am I seeing the symptom of another problem on IIS?
You need to have the developers implement the Dispose pattern, which is facilitated by the Using statement in VB.NET, like this (this is pertinent to SQL Server, but whatever connection object you are using for DB2 should work as well):
Using theConnection As New SqlConnection()
'' Command, parameter logic goes here
End Using
By wrapping the connection object inside of a Using block, it will guarantee that the connection is closed and properly disposed of memory-wise, even if there is an exception in the code within the Using block.
Sounds like a code-review is in order for whoever is in charge of the developers.

Encrypt/Decrypt Connection Strings

There is lots of information on encrypting and decrypting connection strings available. However, we need help on which method to use for our situation. We have many tablet clients connecting to an Azure database. We need to protect the username and password in the connection string on all of the clients. We don't want to have to create a key for each client but rather have one key for all of them. Better yet, no key at all. What is the simplest approach to use? Thanks.
In order for you to be able to decrypt the connection string, you would need to distribute a certificate to your tablets along with your application, and depending on the target OS that may be cumbersome or outright impossible.
My suggestion would be to put a middle tier between your clients and your database. It could be as thin as you need (e.g. look at OData), but would effectively protect your access to the DB.
Alternatively, set up a properly restricted user, and distribute the connection string in clear text.

Why one Public OleDbConnection is deprecated? Alternative to solve the bug: too many connections opened

I have to work with a Project made by another developer. A project Win-Form with Visual-Basic code, with MS-Access as db and some OleDbConnections. There is a bug: sometimes the application can't open the OleDbConnection because the max number of connections has been reached on the db. I know the best way to use the connections is this:
Using cn As New OleDbConnction(s)
End Using
But in the project there are many classes to work with the db, and in many of these classes there are OleDbConnections with "Friend" visibility, that are opened and closed in different times. For this reason it's impossible to put all the OleDbConnections in a Using construct, and it's very very hard to find what operation "forgets" to close one of these OleDbConnection.
A possible solution could be to use only one unique public OleDbConnection, and to check, before opening it, if it isn't already opened.
But someone have told me it's a very bad practice. I suppose he told me this about the performance, but I don't know it exactly.
Can you tell me why one unique public OleDbConnection is so deprecated?
Have you got, for me, an "easy" solution for my problem?
Thank you,
From your description, I see a couple of possible issues that could result in your problem:
nested connections:
You open multiple connections within each-other
open/release connections too fast:
As David-W-Fenton mentionned, with access, every time you open/close a single connection, the lock file will be created/removed. This operation is quite slow and if you quickly open/close the database within you application (execute lots of atomic queries), you may get this issue.
A few possible ways to investigate and solve the issue:
Trace all open/close calls
Add some debug traces that show every time you open and close a connection.
It will allow you to detect nested connections and where your connection pool is being wasted.
Force connection polling
An easy 'fix' may be to explicitely set connection pooling in your connection string. It should be the default behaviour, so maybe it won't do anything to solve your problem, but it's so simple that there is no reason not to try it:
OLE DB Services=-1
Use a connection manager class to create/release connections for you.
Replace all the explicit creations of new OleDbConnection and close operations by your own code.
This would allow you to always re-use a single existing connection throughout your application and allow you to quickly make tweaks for the whole of your app by centralising the behaviour in a single place.
So why holding a single connection is generally deprecated?
Generally, you should not keep connections open throughout your application as they force the database server to keep resources available for you, and it decreases the number of client that can connect (there is always a limited number of connections available).
For Access though -a file-based database without server part- keeping a single connection open is actually preferable because of the delay associated with opening new connections (creation of the lock file). Since Access is not meant to be used with a large number of concurrent users, the resource cost of keeping the connection open is not significant enough to be an issue.
From simple tests, it can be shown that keeping a connection always open allows subsequent connections to open about 10x faster!
The OleDb driver does connection pooling for you, so it is able to re-use connections when they are freed.
By keeping your connections and database operations small and contained, you would be less likely to run into concurrency issues when using threads. Keeping a global connection may become an issue if you are executing multiple operations using the same pipeline to the database.
Just adding some information that works for years successfully for me (it is somewhat similar to what David-W-Fenton suggests)
First, an OleDbConnection to Microsoft Access (MDB, JET) is not using connection pooling. As Microsoft states in KB191572:
Connections that use the Jet OLE DB providers and ODBC drivers are not
pooled because those providers and drivers do not support pooling.
Regarding connection pooling, there is also this blog post from Ivan Mitev that states:
So what does this mean? It is apparent that that the presence of an
actively opened connection made the test with multiple connection
closing and opening finish a lot faster (2-3 times). The only possible
explanation for me is that the connection pool is released each time
there are no active connections. I have to make further investigations
and read something like Pooling in the Microsoft Data Access
Components. Or maybe hold a single opened connection just for the sake
of keeping the pool alive. This would be ugly, but still it is a good
enough workaround! If anyone has a better idea, please share it.
And Microsoft notes in MSDN:
The ADO Connection object implicitly uses IDataInitialize. However,
this means your application needs to keep at least one instance of a
Connection object instantiated for each unique user—at all times.
Otherwise, the pool will be destroyed when the last Connection object
for that string is closed.
Based on all this and my own tests, my solution to "simulate" connection pooling even with Microsoft Access databases roughly follows these steps:
Open one OleDbConnection to the Access database as early as possible in application lifecycle.
Do your normal SQL queries, disposing OleDbConnections as early as possible, just like recommended.
Dispose that one always-open OleDbConnection as late as possible in application lifecycle.
This sped up my applications (mostly WinForms) tremendously.
Please note that this also works for Sqlite which seems to not support connection pooling, too.

Creating a different user for each concern of my application!

I want to create my site and in the page have it so that the forum pages will use the forum mysql user having privileges on mydb.forum_table, mydb_forum_table2.
and the profile page to use the profile user having access to mydb.users and mydb.profiefields
and so on with the photogallery, blog, chat and...
is this the right way to do it! I'm thinking of principle of least privileges but I wonder why I haven't seen other big known CMS do it!
One of the critical resources for a database is connections. Generally databases are configured with a maximum number of connections, an each time a process needs to make a query, it needs a connection to do so. Database connections are expensive objects to create -- they take time and memory, and most importantly, connections are established for a specific user. The generally accepted 'best practice' for web applications is for the application, when it needs a database connection, to check a pool for an available connection. If there's a free connection in the pool, the web app will pull that connection, use it as necessary, and then return it to the pool for reuse. If there are no free connections, the app will create a new one, use it, and then place it in the pool for reuse.
If you're dealing with an application that uses multiple database users (for privilege management) and you need to use connection pooling, your application will need to establish many pools (one for each user), which will usually result in your application acquiring at least one connection for each database user it is using. This is inefficient, error prone, and needlessly complex.
If you're truly intent on limiting your application's access to data, then you should probably investigate how much support your database has for views. If views are well-supported, then you can create a view (or views) that are customized to the needs any given portion of your application.
My recommendation would be to stick to a single database user, and then use the time you just freed up to do more debugging of your application. You'll get better results, and will aggravate fewer DBAs.
If I understand correctly, the question is about implementing module access control based on the permissions on the tables that are used by the module.
I think it would be complicated to maintain (the link between modules, and tables), and slow to have to check the permissions on each table accessed by the module.