Static Variable in Cocoa Class Category - objective-c

I have a cocoa 'category' for adding inflections (pluralize, singularize, etc.) to NSString. The code requires loading a set of regular expression rules and exceptions from a PLIST into dictionaries and arrays, as well as adding manual exceptions from code. I need a way to persist these data structures (as class members) between multiple calls to the inflection code (all instance methods). I attempted:
+ (NSMutableArray *)uncountables
static NSMutableArray *uncountables = nil;
if (uncountables == nil) uncountables = [NSMutableArray array];
return uncountables;
However, it appears to fail occasionally. Does a good way of doing this exist? I don't want to subclass NSString if possible. Thanks.

[NSMutableArray array];
returns an autoreleased array. Use this instead:
[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

I think this code is OK. I use the same thing a lot for singletons. But be aware that it is not thread safe this way. Maybe you calling it from different threads?

As drawnonward already mentioned, [NSMutableArray array]; returns an autoreleased array. But I don't think, it's a good idea to return non-autoreleased array, because it contradicts with Cocoa memory management conceptions - only alloc, copy and new should be released manually. All other initializations are autoreleased.
So, you should just use
NSArray *a;
...somewhere in a code...
a = [[NSString uncountables] retain];
- (void)dealloc {
[a release];
to get properly retained/released objects.


How to check assignment since addObject doesn't access setter?

I just noticed that calling addObject: on an NSMutableArray doesn't access that array's setter.
E.g., for NSMutableArray self.myArray, [self.myArray addObject:object] does not use [self setMyArray:array] to add the object.
Previously I have been using custom setters and getter to check assignment before assigning; e.g., if I wanted an array that only accepted objects of class MyClass, I would do the following:
- (void)setMyArray:(NSMutableArray *)myArray
for (id object in myArray)
if (![object isKindOfClass:[MyClass class]]) return;
_myArray = myArray;
- (NSMutableArray *)myArray
if (!_myArray) _myArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
_myArray = myArray;
How do I go about achieving this same functionality when changing the array via addObject:, removeObject:, and other similar functions that may circumvent the setter?
Generally this kind of problem is the reason why NSMutableArray is usually avoided in preference of NSArray.
This is the simple solution, use NSArray instead of NSMutableArray:
self.myArray = [self.myArray arrayByAddingObject:foo];
However, if the array is really big that will cause performance issues. Then you've got two options:
you can have your own addObjectToMyArray: method in your class and always use that
you can create an NSArrayController and use that to access your array. It will implement key value observing and bindings and all of that stuff.
NSMutableArray is designed to perform addObject: with as few CPU instructions as possible and therefore does not proved any way for external code to be notified that the object was added. You have to have some other class wrapped around it.
Do not try to subclass NSMutableArray, because it is a "class cluster" making subclasses extremely complicated.
If what you wish to do is ensure objects in the array are of a particular class then this answer to the question "NSMutableArray - force the array to hold specific object type only" provides code to do exactly that.
If you wish to do other checks on assignment then you can use the code in that answer as a starting point.

correct way to allocate the NSMutableArray

I wanted to know which is the right way to allocate an NSMutableArray.
NSMutableArray *a;
Where a is a class level variable.
First method is:
self.a = [NSMutableArray alloc] init];
Second method is:
a = [NSMutableArray alloc] init];
Which method is better? Can anyone please help me out in this?
If a is a class variable, then correct way to allocate NSMutableArray will be creating a temporary array and assigning it to class variable, followed by releasing the temporary variable.
You can do this way:
NSMutableArray *temp = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
self.a = temp;
[temp release];
It depends on the property type. (Though it's in most cases a retain)
You should either use a temp value or create it in one string and send an autorelease message:
self.a = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
You must send an autorelease becuase a property increases retain count by one. This is the same as doing:
[self setA:array];//where array - is newly created array
- (void)setA:(NSMutableArray *)array {
if (array != a) {
[a release];
a = [array retain];//here you increased a retain count by 1
You can also use an autorelease method of creation:
self.a = [NSMutableArray array];
There are several ways. But below way is good enough per me whether you are working with ARC/Non-ARC. Just make sure you have created property.
self.a = [NSMutableArray array];//It will return autorelease object.
The difference between the methods:
1) When you use self.a ,
You use the setter & getter methods created in the #synthesize.
2) When you use just a,
You bypass the accessor methods and directly modify the instance variable. (a in here).
There are two ways to look at it.
Many programmers say that you should never call the accessors from within the implementation of the object as this adds unnecessary overhead.
Some others say that you should always use the accessors, and never access the instance variable directly.
It is generally safe to use an object directly, if you are reading its value only. If you are modifying the object, you should use the accessors in order to make sure that any other objects observing that property are properly notified.
The latest objective C syntax allows you to create mutable and non-mutable arrays very quickly.
The following two examples demonstrate this:
NSArray *objectsToAdd = [#"Ted", #"Ned" , #"Sed"];
NSMutableArray *objectsToAdd = [ #[#"Ted", #"Ned" , #"Sed"] mutableCopy ];
NSMutableArray *a = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

Garbage Collection question in Cocoa

I have the following code in a Cocoa program. In this code, theList is a pointer to an NSMUtableArray object and input is an NSTextField pointer.
NSString *item = [input stringValue];
[theList addObject:item];
. . .
When the program runs and this method is called, I get an access violation on the line
[theList addObject:item]. As a last resort, I turned garbage collection on and the code works without any problem. I don't understand why it doesn't work without the garbage collector. Can someone explain? Thanks
You probably didn't initialize your array correctly. It's common to see people
initializing ivars with autoreleased objects:
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
array = [NSMutableArray array];
return self;
This won't work. When your method is called no-one guarantees that the array
still exist. Turning the garbage collector on will leave the memory management
task with it, which understands that you want to use the array later and
manages it correctly.
Under traditional memory management rules, use something like this:
array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
Please post your code, where the array is initialized.

Initialize NSMutableArray: [NSMutableArray array];

If you initialize an NSMutableArray with NSArray's convenience method as above, do you get an NSArray or an NSMutableArray?
Any consequences?
(I know that NSMutableArray has "arrayWithCapacity:, I'm just curious)
If you initialize it using:
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array];
you get a NSMutableArray. One great feature of Objective-C is that class methods are inherited by subclasses.
So, in a class method you can do something like this:
+(id)array {
return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease];
and self will be referencing to the class object where the code is executing (NSArray or NSMutableArray).
Update: While my advice to "test it yourself" is generally a good idea, it was a little trigger-happy in this case. Thanks to Jim in the comments for pointing at that my suggestion below doesn't work well for these classes, because the various forms of NSArray are all implemented by a CoreFoundation toll-free bridging class.
----- Original Answer For Context Below -----
The easiest way to answer a question like this is to test it yourself. Try allocating the array in the way you were curious about, then NSLog from your code:
NSLog(#"We got a %#", NSStringFromClass([theArray class]));

How careful are you with your return types in Objective-C?

Say you have a method that returns a newly generated NSArray instance that is built internally with an NSMutableArray. Do you always do something like this:
- (NSArray *)someArray {
NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [[NSMutableArray new] autorelease];
// do stuff...
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:mutableArray]; // .. or [[mutableArray copy] autorelease]
Or do you just leave the mutable array object as-is and return it directly because NSMutableArray is a subclass of NSArray:
- (NSArray *)someArray {
NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [[NSMutableArray new] autorelease];
// do stuff...
return mutableArray;
Personally, I often turn a mutable array into an NSArray when I return from methods like this just because I feel like it's "safer" or more "correct" somehow. Although to be honest, I've never had a problem returning a mutable array that was cast to an NSArray, so it's probably a non-issue in reality - but is there a best practice for situations like this?
I used to do the return [NSArray arrayWithArray:someMutableArray], but I was slowly convinced that it doesn't offer any real benefit. If a caller of your API is treating a returned object as a subclass of the declared class, they're doing it wrong.
[NB: See bbum's caveat below.]
It's very common to return an NSMutableArray cast as an NSArray. I think most programmers would realize that if they downcast an immutable object and mutate it, then they're going to introduce nasty bugs.
Also, if you have an NSMutableArray ivar someMutableArray, and you return [NSArray arrayWithArray:someMutableArray] in a KVC accessor method, it can mess up KVO. You'll start getting "object was deallocated with observers still attached" errors.
NSArray is in fact a class cluster, not a type, anyway. So anywhere you see an NSArray, chances are it's already one of several different types anyway. Therefore the 'convert to NSArray' is somewhat misleading; an NSMutableArray already conforms to the NSArray interface and that's what most will deal with.
CocoaObjects fundamentals
In any case, given that you're returning an array (and not keeping it afterwards, thanks to the autorelease) you probably don't need to worry whether the array is mutable or not.
However, if you were keeping the array, then you might want to do this, to prevent the clients from changing the contents.