PSake Error Executing MSBuild Command - msbuild

I have 3 projects in the solution,
A WPFApplication and 2 ClassLibrary projects
When i build the Solution i get error below..
properties {
$base_dir = resolve-path .
$build_dir = "$base_dir\build"
$buildartifacts_dir = "$build_dir\BuildArtifacts"
$sln_file = "$base_dir\Hello.sln"
task default -depends Compile
task Clean {
Write-Host "Cleaning solution" -ForegroundColor Green
remove-item -force -recurse $buildartifacts_dir -ErrorAction
task Init -depends Clean {
Write-Host "Creating BuildArtifacts directory" -ForegroundColor Green
new-item $buildartifacts_dir -itemType directory
task Compile -depend Init {
Write-Host "Compiling ---" $sln_file -ForegroundColor Green
Exec { msbuild $sln_file "/p:OutDir=$build_artifacts_dir"
/p:Configuration=Release /v:quiet }
i get the following error's -- what am i doing wrong?
error MSB3023: No destination specified for Copy. Please supply either "DestinationFiles" or "DestinationFolder". [D:\Nusrofe\GrokPSake2\ClassLibrary1\ClassLibrary1.csproj]
error MSB4044: The "FindUnderPath" task was not given
a value for the required parameter "Path". [D:\Nusrofe\GrokPSake2\ClassLibrary1\ClassLibrary1.csproj]
error MSB3023: No destination specified for Copy. Ple
ase supply either "DestinationFiles" or "DestinationFolder". [D:\Nusrofe\GrokPSake2\ClassLibrary2\ClassLibrary2.csproj]
error MSB4044: The "FindUnderPath" task was not given
a value for the required parameter "Path". [D:\Nusrofe\GrokPSake2\ClassLibrary2\ClassLibrary2.csproj]
error MSB4044: The "FindUnderPath" task was not given
a value for the required parameter "Path". [D:\Nusrofe\GrokPSake2\WpfApp\WpfApp.csproj]
build2.ps1:Error executing command: msbuild $sln_file
"/p:OutDir=$build_artifacts_dir" /p:Configuration=Release /v:quiet
Thanks --

Looks like in your Compile task you have a stray underscore in your $buildartifacts_dir variable. MSBuild probably doesn't know what to do because essentially you are passing it an empty location for the OutDir.


Jenkins pipeline executing msbuild.exe (2019) build.xml - The batch file cannot be found

pipeline {
agent { label 'Apps' }'''
environment {
MSBUILD_4_PATH = "c:\\WINDOWS\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v4.0.30319\\msbuild"
MSBUILD_2019_PATH = "c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Enterprise\\MSBuild\\Current\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe"
GLOBAL_SETTINGS = "\\PATH\\TO\\msbuild_settings"
// ------
stage('Build Infra - Release and Test') {
steps {
bat '''
set DevEnvDir="c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Enterprise\\Common7\\IDE\\"
"%MSBUILD_2019_PATH%" Build.xml /p:GlobalSettings=%GLOBAL_SETTINGS%;BUILD_TYPE=%BUILD_TYPE%;SC=GIT;MSBuildCommunityTasksPath="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MSBuild\\MSBuildCommunityTasks";ExtensionTasksPath="C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\MSBuild\\\\ExtensionPack\\\\4.0\\\\" /t:ReleaseAndTest
Please help, cant find root cause of the problem
Log finished with:
375 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:04:54.35
The batch file cannot be found.
Cant realize if the problem is with Jenkins pipeline or MsBuild itself
stage never finished... stack
Tried many different options and still stack

getting weird "missing output " error when running a nextflow pipeline

For my data analysis pipeline I am using nextflow (which is a workflow management system) and I gave all the required arguments in the main command but I am getting a weird error. Basically in the output section I introduce the output but the error is missing output. I have made 3 files to run the pipeline including:
1- the module containing the main code to run the tool (ASEReadCounter) and named :
process ASEReadCounter {
file vcf_file
file bam_file
file "${vcf_file}.ASE.csv"
gatk ASEReadCounter \\
-R ${params.genome} \\
-V ${params.vcf_infile} \\
-O ${params.vcf_infile}.txt \\
-I ${params.bam_infile}
2- the main file which is used to run the pipeline named :
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
include ASEReadCounter from './modules/'
genome_ch = Channel.fromPath(params.genome)
workflow {
count_ch=ASEReadCounter(genome_ch, vcf_file_ch, bam_infile_ch)
3- config file which is named nextflow.config :
params {
genome = '/hpc/hg38_genome/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa'
vcf_infile = '/hpc/test_data/test/test.vcf.gz'
bam_infile = ‘/hpc/test_data/test/test.sorted.bam'
process {
shell = ['/bin/bash', '-euo', 'pipefail']
withName: ASEReadCounter {
container = 'broadinstitute/gatk:latest'
singularity {
enabled = true
runOptions = '-B /hpc:/hpc -B $TMPDIR:$TMPDIR'
autoMounts = true
cacheDir = '/hpc/diaggen/software/singularity_cache'
here is the command I use to run the whole pipeline:
nextflow run -ansi-log false
Here is the error I am getting:
Error executing process > 'ASEReadCounter (1)'
Caused by:
Missing output file(s) `GRCh38.p13.genome.fa.ASE.csv` expected by process `ASEReadCounter (1)`
Command executed:
gatk ASEReadCounter -R /hpc/hg38_genome/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa \
-V /hpc/test_data/test/test.vcf.gz \
-O /hpc/test_data/test/test.vcf.gz.txt \
-I /hpc/test_data/test/test.sorted.bam
Do you know how I can fix the error?
Your ASEReadCounter process expects a file with the pattern ${vcf_file}.ASE.csv as output, as defined at:
file "${vcf_file}.ASE.csv"
I assume the line -O ${params.vcf_infile}.txt makes it so your gatk ASEReadCounter command writes its output to a file with the pattern $params.vcf_infile}.txt. The expected output and the actual output filenames don't match and nextflow throws an error because it doesn't want to contine since a downstream process might need the output file. You can fix it by matching the expected output and actual output patterns,

How can you write an inline Powershell#2 task script with if condition?

I've got a yaml pipeline with a task like this:
- task: PowerShell#2
displayName: Restart my service
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
$service = Get-Service | Where-Object{$_.DisplayName -like "My Service"}
Write-host $service.Name " service is restarting."
Restart-Service $service
However, the last '}' is being flagged as an error with "cannot read a block mapping entry". I assume that it's trying to read some of the script as pipeline stuff and doesn't consider it part of the script. How do I get this to be accepted as the whole inline script?
Looks like this was an indenting issue. I got it to work with the following:
if($service) {
Write-host $service.Name " service is restarting."
Restart-Service $service

run powershell script from sql server agent (type: powershell)

I am trying to run simple powershell script prom a job(sql server agent).
[string]$SrcFolder = "G:\MSSQL\Test";
[string]$TrgFolder = "\\\d$\sql\logshipping" ;
if (-not(Get-Module -Name SQLPS))
if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name SQLPS) {
Import-Module -Name SQLPS -DisableNameChecking
if ($SrcFolder -eq $null -or $TrgFolder -eq $null )
Write-Host "The source Folder = $SrcFolder ,OR target folder = $TrgFolder is not valid/Null";
$prafix = "[A-Za-z]+_[0-9]+_[0-9].trn" ;
Set-Location -Path C:\ ;
# Copy to Destination
foreach ($file in gci -Path $SrcFolder | Where-Object{ $_.Mode -eq '-a---' -and $_.Extension -eq '.trn' -and $_.Name -match $prafix})
write-host "Starting Copy File: $($file.FullName) ." ;
Copy-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $TrgFolder -Force -ErrorAction Stop ;
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath "$TrgFolder\$($file.Name)")
write-host "End Copy File: $($file.FullName) ." ;
Move-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination "$SrcFolder\Moved" -Force ;
Write-Host "The Copy File: $TrgFolder\$($file.BaseName) . Failed "
The script doing: Copy .bak files to remote server. then check if the bak file exists in the remote server, and if it's exists his move the bak file to a local folder .
The job is failing message:
Date 9/1/2016 6:29:31 PM Log Job History (LS_Manual-Copy)
Step ID 3 Server SQL2012ENT-IR-3 Job Name LS_Manual-Copy Step
Name Delete Old Logs Duration 00:00:00 Sql Severity 0 Sql Message
ID 0 Operator Emailed Operator Net sent Operator Paged Retries
Attempted 0
Message Unable to start execution of step 3 (reason: line(23): Syntax
error). The step failed.
the sql server agent is a member in the Administrator group .
please help .

Is that possible to use "Invoke-SqlCmd" as a part of Visual Studio Online build step?

We try to get our DB updated as part of the Visual Studio Online build as dedicated build step, but the PowerShell script that we locally using fails to work on the hosted build controller with following error.
2015-07-28T20:35:26.8546681Z ##[error]import-module : The specified module 'sqlps' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module
2015-07-28T20:35:26.8546681Z ##[error]directory.
Is there any way to use "Invoke-SqlCmd" in VSO hosted build controller?
Got it working with those lines!
Add-PSSnapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin100 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Add-PSSnapin SqlServerProviderSnapin100 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Here how I do it:
$moduleName = "SqlServer"
if (Get-Module $moduleName -ListAvailable) {
Write-Host "Module '$moduleName' is available"
} else {
Write-Host "Module '$moduleName' does not exist"
try {
Install-Module -Name $moduleName -Force -AllowClobber
Write-Host "Module '$moduleName' successfully installed"
} catch {
Throw "Installation of module '$moduleName' failed: $($_.Exception)"