Distinction between using .text and .value in VBA Access - vba

I am passing the textbox1.text values into a query and sometimes into a string:
Dim combor1 As String
combor1 = comboReason1.Text
How do I know when I should put combor1 = comboReason1.Value?
Also, why do I need to set focus for a control to reference its property? That doesn't make sense to me.
Also, when I set combor4 = comboReason4.Value and the .value is null, then I get an error about invalid use of null.

".text" gives you what is displayed
on the screen
".value" gives you the underlying
Both usually give the same result, except when the corresponding control is
a combobox or listbox control
the displayed value differs from the bound column
id_Person is a combobox control in a form
the rowsource is "SELECT id_Person, personName FROM Tbl_Person"
column widths are "0cm;3cm"
bound column is 1
In this situation:
id_Person.text displays Tbl_Person.personName
id_Person.value displays Tbl_Person.id_Person.
.text property is available only when the corresponding control has the focus.
.text is a string value, therefore it cannot be Null, while .value can be Null
EDIT: .text can only be called when the control has the focus, while .value can be called any time ...

You can use the Text property to set or return the text contained in a text box or in the text box portion of a combo box.
To set or return a control's Text property, the control must have the focus, or an error occurs. To move the focus to a control, you can use the SetFocus method or GoToControl action.
You can use the Value property to determine or specify if a control is selected, the selected value or option within the control, the text contained in a text box control, or the value of a custom property.
The Value property returns or sets a control's default property, which is the property that is assumed when you don't explicitly specify a property name. In the following example, because the default value of the text box is the value of the Text property, you can refer to its Text property setting without explicitly specifying the name of the property.
Forms!frmCustomers!txtLastName = "Smith"
Text Property Reference
Value Property Reference

.text starts the field validation and causes an error if field validation is hurt. .value doesn't start the field validation, you may enter ANY value

This thread and the answers herein explain the issue well. There are a couple of additional points I'd like to add, which I've found through experimentation:
The order of precedence of the properties is:
From what I've been seeing in Access 2007, if .ControlSource is undefined when the form opens, .Value will be Null.
If you set the .ControlSource property to ="" (an empty string), that will cause the .Value property to default to that instead of Null.
You can set the .Value property to "" in the Form_Load event. But...I've been seeing some erratic operation there; it seems as if .Value sometimes changes from "" back to Null, and I haven't yet worked out the circumstances.
So it seems best to define .ControlSource to ="", either in Design View or in the Form_Load event. But be forewarned, that niblet is tricky because of the embedded double quotes, and it can be tricky to read.
Some ways to do it are:
myTextbox.ControlSource = "=" & """"" (five double quotes in a row)
myTextbox.ControlSource = "=" & Chr(34) & Chr(34)
Etc, etc, there are many ways to do it...
Also, here's an extended tidbit. If you set the .TextFormat property to Rich Text, you can format the text in it with bold, italic, colors, etc. But be forewarned (again), beginning with Office 2007, the original Microsoft RTF format was decommissioned in favor of a "mini" version of HTML that only supports a few tags related to formatting fonts and paragraphs.
As an example, say you want the textbox to display the little ASCII checkbox character with the word "valid" in italics next to it, and make it all green. You can do it, but it all has to be in HTML, and it's not easy to read:
myTextbox.TextFormat = acTextFormatHTMLRichText
myTextbox.ControlSource = "=" & Chr(34) & "<font color=#80CA45><font face=Wingdings>" & _
Chr(254) & "</font> <font face=Calibri><i>Valid.</i></font></font>" & Chr(34)

If the text box is a ReadOnly control, the value property will not be used but if you set the text peoprty, the value will still be used in form data.


Access VBA - Type Mismatch when working with Combo Boxes (Multi Valued Fields)

I have a form that displays a single record at a time, and allows the record to be edited by displaying it all in Text Boxes and Combo Boxes. Some of these are ComboBoxes based off of lookup fields, where the values are pulled from a preset list (multi-valued fields).
After that, I have a class module with a property defined for each field in the record (a FirstName Property, a LastName Property, an Address Property... you get the idea). I have a function that creates an object from the class, and then takes the values from the form and assigns them to the corresponding property. This works fine for most of the fields, but as soon as it gets to the first Combo Box (multiple selection), it throws a Type Mismatch error. Code I'm using is:
If Me.Issue <> vbNullString Then
ProfileObj.Issue = Me.Issue
End If
'Me.Issue is the combobox on the form - this is in the forms module
'ProfileObj is the class instance
In case you wanted to see the Property in the class module for the ProfileObj object:
Private ProfileIssue As String
'... other variable declarations
Property Get Issue() As String
Issue = ProfileIssue
End Property
Property Let Issue(rData As String)
ProfileIssue = rData
End Property
I've also tried using Me.Issue.Value, Me.Issue.Text, and Me.Issue.Column(0) to refer to the Combo Box, but none of these have worked either. I even tried using CStr(Me.Issue), to no avail. How can I take whatever's displayed int the combo box and assign it to a String variable?
I figured it out...
I needed to read the text from each Combo Box with each box's .Text property. I had tried that inside of the If statements, but not for the actual comparison that the If statement was built on. The working version of the code now reads:
Me.Issue.SetFocus 'You have to set focus in order to read the text, dont ask me why
If Me.Issue.Text <> vbNullString Then 'This is where my code wasn't working
.Issue = Me.Issue.Text 'I had tried it here before, but the code never got there since the line before failed
End If

MS Access DLookup Bound textbox formatting

I have a basic form with some controls on it.
When I select a value in a combobox it fires a changed event. The changed event contains a Dlookup as follows
Me.Description = DLookup("[Description]", "[Lookup_Endorsements]", "[Code]= '" & Me.End_No & "'")
This works and populates the bound textbox "Me.Description". However it doesn't retain the formatting. If I set the value in an UnBound textbox it retains the formatting correctly.
For example,
Lets say the text is like this...
"The text is some sentences and then some returns with
i) an item here
ii) another here
then another sentence"
In a bound textbox the data return from DLookup is
"The text is some sentences and then some returns with i) an item here
ii) another here then another sentence"
It doesn't retain the original formatting. I have check the field in both the source and destination tables and they are like for like.
Any help much appreciated as I'm new to this sort of stuff in Access.

MS Access VBA changing TextBox filled by a ComboBox

i got a question about some "simple" MS Access vba. I got a ComboBox. When an item is selected, various TextBoxes are updated. Now i want to edit the text that is put in a TextBox after an item is selected (Because the data is filled with a very much spaces, so i want them out).
I tryed "before update", "after update", "on dirty" and "on change" events, but none of them seems to be the right one.. Anyone knows what i'm looking for? Thanks
Two possible ways:
(1) Instead of just entering the field name for each text box's ControlSource property, enter an expression, e.g. =Replace([SomeField], " ", ""). This assumes the text boxes are supposed to be read-only.
(2) Don't use data binding at all, and instead set each text box's Value property explicitly:
Dim RS As DAO.Recordset
Set RS = CurrentDB.OpenRecordset(SQL)
txtWhatever.Value = Replace(RS!SomeField, " ", "")
txtAnother.Value = Replace(RS!AnotherField, " ", "")
In the second case updating the data source with any altered values will need to be handled explicitly too.
That said, if the data has unnecessary spaces, surely they should be cleaned up at source, rather than as the data is put into the UI...?

Create masked textbox but hide masked characters when empty

I want to validate text taken from a textbox and display it in a specific format.
I have tried using a MaskedTextBox, but when the textbox is empty it shows the empty blank lines (underscores) in the text box.
How can I avoid that and show the masked textbox like a simple empty (still masked) textbox?
Also, I want data like csc-(somenumber). Can I add some random number automatically after 'csc-' characters?
The reason the masked text box is showing a blank line is because underscore "_" is the default prompt character for a masked text box. You have two options for changing this.
If you want the prompt to be visible while the user is editing the text but hidden otherwise, set the HidePromptOnLeave property to true.
MaskedTextBox1.HidePromptOnLeave = True
If you never want to have the underscore as the prompt character, you can change the PromptChar property to be a space " ". You cannot make the PromptChar nothing, the field must have a value.
MaskedTextBox1.PromptChar = " "
For your textbox, use the MaskedTextBox class.
For getting a random number
Dim s = "csc-" & New Random().Next(1000, 10000).ToString

ms-access: difference between .value and .text [duplicate]

I am passing the textbox1.text values into a query and sometimes into a string:
Dim combor1 As String
combor1 = comboReason1.Text
How do I know when I should put combor1 = comboReason1.Value?
Also, why do I need to set focus for a control to reference its property? That doesn't make sense to me.
Also, when I set combor4 = comboReason4.Value and the .value is null, then I get an error about invalid use of null.
".text" gives you what is displayed
on the screen
".value" gives you the underlying
Both usually give the same result, except when the corresponding control is
a combobox or listbox control
the displayed value differs from the bound column
id_Person is a combobox control in a form
the rowsource is "SELECT id_Person, personName FROM Tbl_Person"
column widths are "0cm;3cm"
bound column is 1
In this situation:
id_Person.text displays Tbl_Person.personName
id_Person.value displays Tbl_Person.id_Person.
.text property is available only when the corresponding control has the focus.
.text is a string value, therefore it cannot be Null, while .value can be Null
EDIT: .text can only be called when the control has the focus, while .value can be called any time ...
You can use the Text property to set or return the text contained in a text box or in the text box portion of a combo box.
To set or return a control's Text property, the control must have the focus, or an error occurs. To move the focus to a control, you can use the SetFocus method or GoToControl action.
You can use the Value property to determine or specify if a control is selected, the selected value or option within the control, the text contained in a text box control, or the value of a custom property.
The Value property returns or sets a control's default property, which is the property that is assumed when you don't explicitly specify a property name. In the following example, because the default value of the text box is the value of the Text property, you can refer to its Text property setting without explicitly specifying the name of the property.
Forms!frmCustomers!txtLastName = "Smith"
Text Property Reference
Value Property Reference
.text starts the field validation and causes an error if field validation is hurt. .value doesn't start the field validation, you may enter ANY value
This thread and the answers herein explain the issue well. There are a couple of additional points I'd like to add, which I've found through experimentation:
The order of precedence of the properties is:
From what I've been seeing in Access 2007, if .ControlSource is undefined when the form opens, .Value will be Null.
If you set the .ControlSource property to ="" (an empty string), that will cause the .Value property to default to that instead of Null.
You can set the .Value property to "" in the Form_Load event. But...I've been seeing some erratic operation there; it seems as if .Value sometimes changes from "" back to Null, and I haven't yet worked out the circumstances.
So it seems best to define .ControlSource to ="", either in Design View or in the Form_Load event. But be forewarned, that niblet is tricky because of the embedded double quotes, and it can be tricky to read.
Some ways to do it are:
myTextbox.ControlSource = "=" & """"" (five double quotes in a row)
myTextbox.ControlSource = "=" & Chr(34) & Chr(34)
Etc, etc, there are many ways to do it...
Also, here's an extended tidbit. If you set the .TextFormat property to Rich Text, you can format the text in it with bold, italic, colors, etc. But be forewarned (again), beginning with Office 2007, the original Microsoft RTF format was decommissioned in favor of a "mini" version of HTML that only supports a few tags related to formatting fonts and paragraphs.
As an example, say you want the textbox to display the little ASCII checkbox character with the word "valid" in italics next to it, and make it all green. You can do it, but it all has to be in HTML, and it's not easy to read:
myTextbox.TextFormat = acTextFormatHTMLRichText
myTextbox.ControlSource = "=" & Chr(34) & "<font color=#80CA45><font face=Wingdings>" & _
Chr(254) & "</font> <font face=Calibri><i>Valid.</i></font></font>" & Chr(34)
If the text box is a ReadOnly control, the value property will not be used but if you set the text peoprty, the value will still be used in form data.