adding a calculated/virtual column to an existing query - sql

My query returns a sales column total for each month and a purchases total for each month, for certain categories.
SELECT theMonth,
sum(Sales) as sumSales,
sum(Saleswotax) as sumSaleswotax,
sum(Purchases) as sumPurchases,
sum(Purchaseswotax) as sumPurchaseswotax
FROM ( SELECT date_format(saledate, '%Y-%m') AS theMonth,
sales.cost as Sales,
ROUND(sales.cost*0.85, 2) AS Saleswotax,
0 AS Purchases,
0 AS Purchaseswotax
FROM sales, products
WHERE sales.product =
AND category='Food'
SELECT date_format(purchasedate, '%Y-%m') AS theMonth,
0 as Sales,
0 AS Saleswotax,
purchases.cost as Purchases,
ROUND(purchases.cost*0.85, 2) AS Purchaseswotax,
FROM purchases) AS all_costs
group by theMonth
I am trying to return a column(that does not actually exist in the table) in my query that is just a calculation of an existing table., ie the saleswotax and purchaseswotax columns.
I am using a function, and returning it AS a name...why is it not working?

In the union, you used 0 as sales and purchases columns, but didn't also do that for -wotax columns. They need to match up for the union to work properly (I think you know that, since you did it for Sales and Purchases).

You need to remove the comma after AS Purchasewotax in the latter half of the UNION:
SELECT theMonth,
sum(Sales) as sumSales,
sum(Saleswotax) as sumSaleswotax,
sum(Purchases) as sumPurchases,
sum(Purchaseswotax) as sumPurchaseswotax
FROM ( SELECT date_format(saledate, '%Y-%m') AS theMonth,
sales.cost as Sales,
ROUND(sales.cost*0.85, 2) AS Saleswotax,
0 AS Purchases,
0 AS Purchaseswotax
FROM sales, products
WHERE sales.product =
AND category='Food'
SELECT date_format(purchasedate, '%Y-%m') AS theMonth,
0 as Sales,
0 AS Saleswotax,
purchases.cost as Purchases,
ROUND(purchases.cost*0.85, 2) AS Purchaseswotax
FROM purchases) AS all_costs
GROUP BY theMonth

Last time when I saw, there was no declarative support for computed fields in MySQL.
You would have to either add computed columns to your table and fill them using an UPDATE/INSERT trigger. Or create Views with additional computed columns.


How to get the asked columns for each customers

I have this table called table a
I need to get the CustomerID, sum(Income) of 2015, sum(Income) of 2016, did he ever bought productId A (boolean), is the total sum(income)> 1000 (boolean), number of total InvoiceID
all that in one query and the results should be with 1 row per customer.
please help I don't even know how to start!
This is basically conditional aggregation:
select customerid,
sum(case when extract(year from date) = 2015 then sales end) as sales_2015,
sum(case when extract(year from date) = 2016 then sales end) as sales_2016,
max( product = 'A' ) as ever_bought_a,
sum(income) > 1000 as sum_exceeds_1000,
count(*) as num_invoices
from t
group by customerid;
You haven't specified a database, so this is really psuedocode. You'll need to adapt it for your particular database.

In SQL, how to you join multiple aggregate queries (count or sum specifically)?

I have a table that has the total number of different items per person. I am trying to create a new table that counts the number of people with a total of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7+ items grouped by company and year. I think I have individual queries that accomplish this task, but I can't get a join to work in order to fill the new table. The individual queries that seem to accomplish what I am trying to do are:
YEAR(Date) as Year,
COUNT(*) as items0_Count
FROM table
WHERE items_total = 0
GROUP BY Company, YEAR(Date)
ORDER BY Company, YEAR(Date)
YEAR(Date) as Year,
COUNT(*) as items1_Count
FROM table
WHERE items_total = 1
GROUP BY Company, YEAR(Date)
ORDER BY Company, YEAR(Date)
I would obviously have that same query 8 times with only the where statement changing in order to generate the counts for each case, but only included two here to keep the question short. Hope this makes sense, and thank you in advance for your help!
Use conditional aggregation:
SELECT Company, YEAR(Date) as Year,
SUM(CASE WHEN items_total = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as items0_Count,
SUM(CASE WHEN items_total = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as items2_Count
FROM table
GROUP BY Company, YEAR(Date)
ORDER BY Company, YEAR(Date);
You can add additional columns for whatever item counts you want.
Union all/ union the two queries you have. You'll get the desired else follow #GordonLinoff's answer.
Also as an easy way try this below
YEAR(Date) as Year,
COUNT(*) as items0_Count
FROM table
WHERE items_total in (1,0)
GROUP BY Company, YEAR(Date)
ORDER BY Company, YEAR(Date)

Combine and fuse the results of two SQL queries with UNION

I am writing two seperate SQL queries to get data for two different dates like so:
SELECT number, sum(sales) as sales, sum(discount) sa discount, sum(margin) as margin
FROM table_a
WHERE day = '2019-08-09'
GROUP BY number
SELECT number, sum(sales) as sales, sum(discount) sa discount, sum(margin) as margin
FROM table_a
WHERE day = '2018-08-10'
GROUP BY number
I tried fusing them like so to get the results for the same number in one row from two different dates:
SELECT number, sum(sales) as sales, sum(discount) sa discount, sum(margin) as margin, 0 as sales_n1, 0 as discount_n1, 0 as margin_n1
FROM table_a
WHERE day = '2019-08-09'
GROUP BY number
SELECT number, 0 as sales, 0 as discount, 0 as margin, sum(sales_n1) as sales_n1, sum(discount_n1) as discount_n1, sum(margin_n1) as margin_n1
FROM table_a
WHERE day = '2018-08-10'
GROUP BY number
But it didn't work as I get the rows for the first query with zeroes for the columns defined as zero followed by the columns of the second query in the same fashion.
How can I correct this to have the desired output ?
Use conditional aggregation:
SELECT number,
sum(case when day = '2019-08-09' then sales end) as sales_20190809,
sum(case when day = '2019-08-09' then discount end) sa discount, sum(margin) as margin_20190810,
sum(case when day = '2019-08-10' then sales end) as sales_20190809,
sum(case when day = '2019-08-10' then discount end) sa discount, sum(margin) as margin_20190810
FROM table_a
WHERE day IN ('2019-08-09', '2019-08-10')
GROUP BY number;
If you want the numbers in different rows (which you don't seem to), then use aggregation:
SELECT day, number, sum(sales) as sales, sum(discount) as discount, sum(margin) as margin
FROM table_a
WHERE day IN ('2019-08-09', '2019-08-10')
GROUP BY day, number

Summing a column over a date range in a CTE?

I'm trying to sum a certain column over a certain date range. The kicker is that I want this to be a CTE, because I'll have to use it multiple times as part of a larger query. Since it's a CTE, it has to have the date column as well as the sum and ID columns, meaning I have to group by date AND ID. That will cause my results to be grouped by ID and date, giving me not a single sum over the date range, but a bunch of sums, one for each day.
To make it simple, say we have:
create table orders (
id int primary key,
itemID int foreign key references,
datePlaced datetime,
salesRep int foreign key references,
price int,
amountShipped int);
Now, we want to get the total money a given sales rep made during a fiscal year, broken down by item. That is, ignoring the fiscal year bit:
select itemName, sum(price) as totalSales, sum(totalShipped) as totalShipped
from orders
join items on = orders.itemID
where orders.salesRep = '1234'
group by itemName
Simple enough. But when you add anything else, even the price, the query spits out way more rows than you wanted.
select itemName, price, sum(price) as totalSales, sum(totalShipped) as totalShipped
from orders
join items on = orders.itemID
where orders.salesRep = '1234'
group by itemName, price
Now, each group is (name, price) instead of just (name). This is kind of sudocode, but in my database, just this change causes my result set to jump from 13 to 32 rows. Add to that the date range, and you really have a problem:
select itemName, price, sum(price) as totalSales, sum(totalShipped) as totalShipped
from orders
join items on = orders.itemID
where orders.salesRep = '1234'
and orderDate between 150101 and 151231
group by itemName, price
This is identical to the last example. The trouble is making it a CTE:
with totals as (
select itemName, price, sum(price) as totalSales, sum(totalShipped) as totalShipped, orderDate as startDate, orderDate as endDate
from orders
join items on = orders.itemID
where orders.salesRep = '1234'
and orderDate between startDate and endDate
group by itemName, price, startDate, endDate
select totals_2015.itemName as itemName_2015, totals_2015.price as price_2015, ...
totals_2016.itemName as itemName_2016, ...
from (
select * from totals
where startDate = 150101 and endDate = 151231
) totals_2015
join (
select *
from totals
where startDate = 160101 and endDate = 160412
) totals_2016
on totals_2015.itemName = totals_2016.itemName
Now the grouping in the CTE is way off, more than adding the price made it. I've thought about breaking the price query into its own subquery inside the CTE, but I can't escape needing to group by the dates in order to get the date range. Can anyone see a way around this? I hope I've made things clear enough. This is running against an IBM iSeries machine. Thank you!
Depending on what you are looking for, this might be a better approach:
select 'by sales rep' breakdown
, salesRep
, '' year
, sum(price * amountShipped) amount
from etc
group by salesRep
select 'by sales rep and year' breakdown
, salesRep
, convert(char(4),orderDate, 120) year
, sum(price * amountShipped) amount
from etc
group by salesRep, convert(char(4),orderDate, 120)
When possible group by the id columns or foreign keys because the columns are indexed already you'll get faster results. This applies to any database.
with cte as (
select id,rep, sum(sales) sls, count(distinct itemid) did, count(*) cnt from sommewhere
where date between x and y
group by id,rep
) select * from cte order by rep
or more fancy
with cte as (
select id,rep, sum(sales) sls, count(distinct itemid) did, count(*) cnt from sommewhere
where date between x and y
group by id,rep
) select * from cte join reps on cte.rep = reps.rep order by sls desc
I eventually found a solution, and it doesn't need a CTE at all. I wanted the CTE to avoid code duplication, but this works almost as well. Here's a thread explaining summing conditionally that does exactly what I was looking for.

In Oracle SQL, how do you query the proportion of records of a certain value?

Say, you have a query like
but you also want to have a third "phantom/dummy field", where it basically tells you the fraction of orders each day that are of a particular type (lets say "Utensils" and "Perishables").
I should say that there is an additional column in the ORDERS table that has the type of the order:
The third dummy column should do something like take the count of orders on a date that have the "Utensils" or the "Perishables" type (not XOR), then divide by the total count of orders of that day, and then round to 2 decimal points, and append a percentage sign.
The last few formatting things, aren't really important...all I really need to know is how to apply the logic in valid PLSQL syntax.
Example output
4030 2012-02-02 34.43%
4953 2012-02-03 16.66%
You can do something like
round( SUM( CASE WHEN order_type = 'Utensils'
END) * 100 / COUNT(*),2) fraction_of_utensils_orders
If you find it easier to follow, you could also
round( COUNT( CASE WHEN order_type = 'Utensils'
END) * 100/ COUNT(*), 2) fraction_of_utensils_orders
To Add sum of orders of same type to query:
select count(o2.OrderType)
from ORDERS o2
where o2.OrderType = o.OrderType
) as NumberOfOrdersOfThisType
from ORDERS o
To Add fraction of orders of same type to query:
(Check variable definition to make sure it is PL/SQL)
declare totalCount number
select count(*)
into totalCount
select count(o2.OrderType)
from ORDERS o2
where o2.OrderType = o.OrderType
) / totalCount as FractionOfOrdersOfThisType
from ORDERS o