Iphone multiple images from uiimagepicker - iphone-sdk-3.0

I'm developing an Iphone application where you select photos from your gallery and then make a new album, the problem it's that I am only getting 1 image at a time.
My problem it's that I need to select multiple images at a time or even the hole album.
How can I do that?

In didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo, Keep adding the selected images reference in an array, and make sure it doesn't call dismissModalViewController on selection.


Why does iPad preview use wrong image?

My question is, why does the iPad preview use a different image than the storyboard for wRegular hAny?
I'm trying to set up a universal app with a menu that will use larger buttons for iPad. In the asset catalog, I've specified the standard image size for wAny x hAny, and loaded a larger image for wRegular x hAny.
The story board looks fine for all size classes, with the wRegular x hAny using the iPad image, and everything else using the iPhone image. But the previews all use the iPhone image, including the iPad preview, despite the storyboards showing the correct images. In the screen shots below, the story board is shown to the left, preview to the right.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? I'm trying to avoid using explicit image sizes for each class - is that what I should be doing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've read everything I can on using different image sizes, and still cannot figure this out.
enter code here
You can't have a different images by size class for the same button in Interface Builder. It looks to me like you set the image of the button to be the iPad one first in Regular/Any, then set the iPhone one afterward in Any/Any which changed what you did in Regular/Any.
In this image, see how the Font has a + symbol to the left of it, but Image doesn't? That's for specifying the value per size class. Since Image doesn't have that, it's not a value saved for the specific size class.

Capture multiple images in single interface using AVFoundation

I should able to capture multiple images (assume I am capturing passport for id proof) using iOS camera AVFoundation. I mean to say that I should have one interface to capture them one by one and merge them together. Is this possible in iOS, if yes is there any samples available for that.
Any help could be appreciated. Thank you
Can't completely get it. You can just take image from photostream one by one, you can take one photo and cut out 2 images, you can use imagepicker to call native camera, where is problem my friend?

IOS Segemnting a video

I want to segment a video into 9 sections jumble the sections about and then play them together. I am currently trying to use AVPlayer to do this. I can get the sections to load on the simulator but only the first 4 will load on the actual phone. I guess the resources are topping out.
My question is: Is AVPlayer the best framework to use for this (as it seems a waste to create a player item, player and playerlayer for each segment(Which I think is why the resources are topping out)) or is there a lower framework I can use to load one video and display certain segments of it on certain sreas of the screen?

How to implement the iPod.app UI on the iPad

In an app I'm writing I have a need for a UI very similar to how the iPod app works on the iPad. Specifically, when you tap on Artists at the bottom of the screen of that app, and then select an Artist with more than one Album in your collection, you see what appears to be a UITableView with a section for each Album, a row for each song, extra space between the last song of one album and the section header of the next album (if there are fewer than three songs in that album), and album cover art in a column to the left which scrolls in sync with the section headers in the main column.
It seems like you could accomplish that by liberally subclassing UITableView. Has anyone already implemented this, or given it enough thought to comment on?
I would think there was some open source code that implements this out there already, but I haven't been able to find it. If you've seen it, any pointers here would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Unload image of UIImageView thats offscreen

I'm coding an application on Ipad, in a certain point of my application I present a ViewController with the presentModalViewController.
My ViewController is a UISScrollView who take the larger of the modalView and inside it I display some images, I allow pagingEnabled so I can see all my images inside the scrollView.
Sometimes I have to display more than 10 images inside the scrollView, so I have this error
RECEIVE MEMORY WARNING LEVEL=1 after this one RECEIVE MEMORY WARNING LEVEL=2 and finnaly the debugger exited due to signal 10 (Sigbus).
What can I do? is there a way to unload the image thats offscreen? or others things to do?
I guess you're adding all the images to the UIScrollView? Then the iPad has to keep all 10 images in memory. If they are full screen images, each of them will take up about 3 MB of memory, so you're using 30MB just to keep the 10 images in the scroll view.
You should only add the one or two images that are actually visible. Once they scroll out of sight, remove the UIImageView from your UIScrollView (and make sure you don't retain it anywhere else so it can be deallocated). When a new image scrolls into sight, add it to the UIScrollView only then.
In your UIScrollViewDelegate method -scrollViewDidScroll: get the current contentOffset and use that to calculate which images are visible.
Actually, this problem is even worse on the iPhone 3G, which can't even manage to display two full size photos (taken with it's own camera) at the same time.
If you can make the photos smaller ahead of time by resizing them (server side if you're snagging them from your own services, or client side if they're somehow generated on the device or retrieved from third party services), you should. They will load faster, and you can put more of them on the screen at once without running into memory issues.
The Three20 library has a really great photo-browsing control for the iPhone. I'm pretty sure they only have three photos around at any given time... the photo you're looking at, and the photos going forward or backwards.
I also think there is an iPad branch of the Three20 controls (at ./tree/ipad), although I don't know if they include the photo browser or not, and haven't tried them yet myself... maybe that's an option for you if you don't want to spend a lot of time on that particular feature of your application. If the iPad photo browser isn't done maybe you could just adapt the iPhone version to suit your needs (shouldn't be hard).
If you want to bake the feature yourself, I'd take some inspiration from the UITableViewController. Your controller should come with associated datasource and delegate protocols to retrieve photos and respond to user events. The controller base class itself should reuse three UIImageViews and should shuffle those around to create the illusion that the user is scrolling through a large list.