MEF Error message - silverlight-4.0

Can anybody explain this error message:
The composition remains unchanged. The
changes were rejected because of the
following error(s): The composition
produced a single composition error.
The root cause is provided below.
Review the CompositionException.Errors
property for more detailed
1) No valid exports were found that
match the constraint
'((exportDefinition.ContractName ==
invalid exports may have been
Resulting in: Cannot set import
on part 'Framework.App'. Element:
--> Framwork.App

While the ApplicationServicesManager class may be available and marked with an [Export] attribute, this part may still have been rejected because it has itself imports which cannot be satisfied.
Take a look at the section Diagnosing Composition problems in the MEF documentation.

It's looking for something like this:
public class ApplicationServicesManager
or like this:
public class SomeClass
public ApplicationServicesManager AppServices { get; private set; }
But it can't find one in the scope of your provided exports. If you're Exporting it from a property or field, make sure the object exporting it has been composed with the container. If it's a class export and the class is present in another assembly, make sure the assembly is in the container's catalog.


How to keep some custom attributes when generating a proxy with svcutils?

I use the following command to generate a proxy class for a WCF service :
svcutil.exe" /out:C:\SomePath\.... /n:*,Internal.FooNameSpace
The following class :
public class Foo
[DataMember(Order = 0)]
public string Bar { get; set; }
Becomes :
public partial class Foo : object, System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject
private string BarField;
public string Bar
return this.BarField;
this.BarField = value;
Is there a way to keep some specific attributes on the generated class ? (eg : ProtoMember in this case). I could off course hack the proxy but it create maintenance problems.
If you're adding that as a service reference, then nope: there's no way to retain that information - it simply isn't in the WCF endpoint.
IIRC, though, the WCF code-gen does actually come up with incremental Order values when you have multiple properties - i.e. the next property would be [System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute(Order = 1)], then 2 etc. So one option is to in a different file (the beauty of partial class), define (in the same namespace, etc) additional info about your type:
[ProtoContract(DataMemberOffset = 1)]
public partial class Foo { }
What this means is: when processing [DataMember], add 1 to every value - that means that you should get the required 1,2,3,4... and everything will be fine, and you haven't had to change the code.
Alternatively, you can be explicit:
[ProtoPartialMember(1, nameof(Foo.Bar))]
[ProtoPartialMember(2, nameof(Foo.AnotherProp))]
public partial class Foo { }
This gives you a lot more flexibility to specify nuance about the properties.
As another alterative, you can configure everything at runtime:
RuntimeTypeModel.Default.Add(typeof(Foo), false)
.Add(1, nameof(Foo.Bar))
.Add(2, nameof(Foo.AnotherProp));
// or AddField to get the ValueMember that you can use to set
// fine-grained control
Finally, you can just ship the data contract dll, and tell svctil to use the types it already contains. You do this with the /reference:<file path> command-line switch, or there's a similar feature when using the UI tools (that lets you choose from the available dlls).
As a second "finally" (because one is not enough): you could describe the data instead as a .proto schema, and just tell the recipient to do the codegen locally and tell svcutil to exclude it (/excludeType: or /reference:). Note that the in progress rewrite of "protogen" does not currently include [DataContract]/[DataMember] attributes, but I could get that added today if it would be useful.

How do I create hypermedia links in custom serializer with Spring Data Rest

I have a abstract class and two implementations:
public abstract class Attribute {
// some properties
public class CustomAttribute extends Attribute{
private String property1;
public class DefaultAttribute extends Attribute{
private String property2;
There's another class, which includes these attributes:
public class Step{
private List<Attribute> attributes;
Now when Step gets serialized, the self link is missing. I need the self reference, since I want to update the attributes. According to the documentation, jackson needs a little help deciding which class to use. But that does not help, because I need to use both classes. So I build a custom serializer (and registered with a module) for Step and now I wonder how I can construct the link myself. I couldn't find anything in the Spring Data Rest docs regarding this. Since Spring Data Rest adds these links automatically, I think there might be a way to have the protocol/hostname/port information available in the JsonSerializer. How do I get the information in my custom serializer?
Ok, now I use the linkTo() function to get the hostname and port and I manually set the rest of the resource URL in my custom serializer.
final Link attributeLink = linkTo(CustomAttributeRepository.class)
jsonGenerator.writeStringField("href", attributeLink.getHref());

WCF Update Service Reference Error

I'm desesperated, I'm trying to update an existing service reference to a WCF service (sharing types) and I can't. I've tryied all what I've found on Google (social.msdn, stackoverflow, ...) but I haven't found the solution to my problem.
I've have a ServiceContract and I add a new Operation like the code below:
public partial interface IServiceDTO : IGenericServiceDTO<EntityDTO>
// Some OperationContracts working like
EntityDTO[] Method(int field);
// NewMethod
OtherEntityDTO[] NewMethod(int field);
public class EntityDTO {
// Some properties working
public class OtherEntityDTO {
// Some properties working
YetAnotherEntity NewProperty {get;set;}
When I try to update the service reference it throws me the follwing error:
Attempting to download metadata from 'http://localhost:65499/Services/Acciones/ProcesoServiceDTO.svc' using WS-Metadata Exchange or DISCO.
Error: Cannot import wsdl:portType
Detail: An exception was thrown while running a WSDL import extension: System.ServiceModel.Description.DataContractSerializerMessageContractImporter
Error: Referenced type 'mpm.seg.ServiceModel.DTO.DataContracts.Acciones.ProcesoDTO, mpm.seg.ServiceModel.DTO.DataContracts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' with data contract name 'ProcesoDTO' in namespace '' cannot be used since it does not match imported DataContract.
Need to exclude this type from referenced types.XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace='']/wsdl:portType[#name='IProcesoServiceDTO']
First of all, I don't understand exactly the sentence "...cannot be used since it does not match imported DataContract." How the svcutil is trying to match referenced type to imported DataContract? I've referenced the project that have the referenced types on the client project, cause server and client are in the same solution, but I've tried to separate them and reference exactly the same dll too.
Also, when I try, for example, the following situation it works (write "NewProperty" of the "OtherEntityDTO to EntityDTO"), and I don't understand the difference:
public partial interface IServiceDTO : IGenericServiceDTO<EntityDTO>
// Some OperationContracts working like
EntityDTO[] Method(int field);
// NewMethod
OtherEntityDTO[] NewMethod(int field);
public class EntityDTO {
// Some properties working
YetAnotherEntity NewProperty {get;set;}
public class OtherEntityDTO {
// Some properties working
Please, help me and thanks a lot in advance.
Sorry, but after I've posted the question I've found the problem and it was a reported bug ( Another developer had added this attribute (IsReference=true) on a parent class and I didn't know. Now I must to workaround this bug, but that's another battle.
Anyway, I don't understand why sometimes work and sometimes not...
I had a similar error, but my issue seemed to be different.
I had a readonly property and I kept getting that error. When I changed it to a normal property and added a set (that did nothing), the contract worked fine.

struts2: select tag doesn't like beans with "parameters" property?

I have a base class ReportElement which has type property:
public abstract class ReportElement {
private ReportElementType type;
public ReportElementType getType() {
return type;
public void setType(ReportElementType type) {
this.type = type;
ReportElementType is just an enum with specified code and i18nKey properties for each element. I have a couple of subclasses of ReportElement, each of them introducing their own properties. One of them is Plot:
public class Plot extends ReportElement {
public Plot() {
private Collection<Parameter> parameters = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
public Collection<Parameter> getParameters() {
return parameters;
On some page I needed to display a collection of different ReportElement instances, so I just used struts2 select tag:
<s:select list="myElements" listKey="type.code" listValue="type.i18nKey" size="20"/>
This worked like a charm for every element except for Plot instaces. Instead of invoking getType().getCode() or getType().getI18nKey() plain toString() was invoked on every instance of Plot! After several hours of fun debugging I noticed that during tag evaluation Plot's getParameters() method is called! So it seems struts was trying to evaluate type.code and type.i18nKey using getParameters() method! Failing to do that it ignored the existence of the properties, that I have clearly specified for usage!
After renaming getParameters to a kind of odd name like getParamms the problem gone. Also the problem hasn't occured when using iterator tag together with property tag instead of select tag.
Does anyone have an idea WHY struts select tag uses parameters property of my bean, when I have clearly specified what property should be used? Is it some "cool" feature or a bug?
P.S. I use struts
The argument used in all the FreeMarker templates representing a tag's parameters is called parameters. By providing a parameters property that takes precedence, S2 was unable to get to the object on the stack containing the tag's parameters.
It's neither a cool feature nor a bug, it's just how the templates are implemented. Checking the template source may have saved the few hours of debugging.
Found corresponding issue in struts JIRA:
2.3 is specified as fix version.

Property chaining in RhinoMocks

I have a class TxRx with a property called Common. Common then has a property called LastMod. I want to write a RhinoMock expectation to show that LastMod has been set with something. So I tried:
var txRx = MockRepository.GenerateMock<TxRx>();
var common = MockRepository.GenerateMock<Common>();
txRx.Expect(t => t.Common).Return(common);
txRx.Expect(t => t.Common.LastMod).SetPropertyAndIgnoreArgument();
But I get the following exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: Invalid call, the last call has been used or no call has been made (make sure that you are calling a virtual (C#) / Overridable (VB) method).
at Rhino.Mocks.LastCall.GetOptions[T]()
at Rhino.Mocks.RhinoMocksExtensions.Expect[T,R](T mock, Function`2 action)
at ...
I presume this means Common needs to be virtual, but as it is a property on a LinqToSql generated class I can't make it virtual (other than hacking the autogen code which is not really an option).
Is there any way around this?
One possibility is to wrap TxRx in a mockable class (i.e. one that has overridable methods and properties which you wish to mock out or implements an interface which defines the properties or methods that you're interested in) and then pass around the wrapper rather than the LinqToSQL class itself.
Perhaps something like the following:
public class TxRxWrapper : ITxRxWrapper
private TxRx m_txrx;
public object LastMod
get { return m_txrx.Common.LastMod; }
public interface ITxRxWrapper
public object LastMod { get; }
Not ideal (i.e. it can get somewhat cumbersome to pass wrappers around just for mockability!) but that's the only way you can get RhinoMocks to mock properties/methods for you.
The other option is to use TypeMock instead which I believe uses a different mechanism to mock stuff out. I don't think it's free, though.
You would need to replace your second expectation with
txRx.Expect(() => common.LastMod).SetPropertyAndIgnoreArgument();
But the Common property itself needs to be virtual for this to work.