How in H2DB get sql dump like in MySql? - sql

I have H2DB database which stores data in files. I have 3 files: test.18.log.db,, and test.index.db.
I want get SQL dump file like when I use mysqldump. Is it possible?

Yes, there are multiple solutions. One is to run the SCRIPT SQL statement:
SCRIPT TO 'fileName'
Another is to use the Script tool:
java -url <url> -user <user> -password <password>
Then, there are also the RUNSCRIPT statement and RunScript tool.
By the way, you should consider upgrading to a more recent version of H2. With newer versions, the two files .data.db and .index.db are combined in to a .h2.db file.

If you want to get schema and data, you can use
SCRIPT TO 'dump.sql';
If you want to get only schema, you can use
SCRIPT SIMPLE TO 'dump.txt';

Your shortcut:
$ ls
$ wget -O h2.jar
$ ls
$ java -cp h2.jar -url "jdbc:h2:file:./foo" -user sa -password ""
$ ls
$ cat backup.sql | head -n 20
CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS "SA" SALT 'bbe17...redacted...' HASH 'a24b84f1fe898...redacted...' ADMIN;
CREATE CACHED TABLE "PUBLIC"."...redacted..."(
"...redacted..." VARCHAR(255) SELECTIVITY 100
-- 102 +/- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PUBLIC.[...redacted...];
INSERT INTO "PUBLIC"."...redacted..." VALUES


How can I run .sql file having multiple .sql file inside using Snowsql?

I want to figure out how to run multiple sql files on one go. Suppose I have this test.sql file which has file1.sql, file2.sql and file3.sql and so on. Along with some DML/DDL.
use database &{db};
use schema &{sc};
create table snow_test1
name varchar
,add1 varchar
,id number
comment = 'this is snowsql testing table' ;
desc table snow_test1;
insert into snow_test1
values('prachi', 'testing', 1);
select * from snow_test1;
here what I run in power shell,
snowsql -c pp_conn -f ...\test.sql -D db=tbc -D sc=testing;
Is there any way to do this ? I know It is possible in Oracle but I want to do this using snowsql. Please guide me. Thanks in advance!
you can run multiple files in a single call:
snowsql -c pp_conn -f file1.sql -f file2.sql -f file3.sql -D db=tbc -D sc=testing;
You might need to put the addition DMLs in a file.
I have tried defining .sql file with !source inside my test.sql file and its working:
!source file1.sql;
!source file2.sql;
!source file3.sql;
Also, run the same command in power shell using one .sql file and it is working.

How to pass a variable from shell script to sql file

I am having a shell file named which is invoking other sql file 'table.sql'. 'table.sql' file will create some tables, but I want to create the tables in a particular schema 'bird'.
content of sql file.
create schema bird; --bird should not be hard coded it should be in variable
set search_path to 'bird';
create table bird.sparrow(id int, name varchar2(20));
content of shell file.
gsql -d ${dbname} -p ${cnport} -f ${filenam} #[how to give schema name here so that it can be used in table.sql without hardcoding]
I will execute my shell file like this
sh db1 9999 bird table.sql
it is easier doing it in shell, eg:
gsql -d ${dbname} -p ${cnport} <<EOF
create schema $3; --bird should not be hard coded it should be in variable
set search_path to '$3';
create table bird.sparrow(id int, name varchar2(20));
otherwise use psql variables

Exporting SQL Table into a CSV file using Windows Batch Script

I am trying to create a windows batch file to export data from an SQL file to a CSV file.
I have an SQL file in %MYHOME%\database\NET-DB.sql which contains data that is:
insert into net_network (id, a_id, alias, address, domain, mask) values('NET_10.10.1.0_10', 1, 'Local Network', '', '', '');
What I have tried so far in exporting the data from net_network table into a CSV file in my .bat file is with this command:
if not exist "%MYHOME%\net\NUL" mkdir "%MYHOME%\net"
Since that does not work for me, what should be the correct approach for this implementation? Any help will be much appreciated.
You need to modify the code to make it work in your environment, but here goes.
if not exist "%MYHOME%\net\NUL" mkdir "%MYHOME%\net"
cd "C:\your path\to\sqlcmd"
sqlcmd -S YourDBServer -d DB_NAME -E -Q "select id, a_id, alias, address, domain, mask from net_network"
-o "CSV-EXPORT-FILE.csv" -s"," -w 255
Some explanations:
-S The database server to connect to.
-d Name of the database to connect to.
-Q Query to run, can also be insert, delete, update etc.
-o select the output file
-s"," separated by comma
-w column width, this has to be as big as your largest columns characters.

connect to sqlplus only once without writing to a file in a loop

I have a requirement for which I need to write a ksh script that reads command line parameters into arrays and creates DML statements to insert records into an oracle database. I've created a script as below to achieve this. However, the user invoking the script doesn't have permission to write into the directory where the script has to run. So, is there a way we can fire multiple inserts on the database without connecting to sqlplus multiple times within the loop and at the same time, NOT create temp sql file as below? Any ideas are highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
while (( i<$src_tbl_cnt ))
echo "insert into temp_table values ('${src_tbl_arr[$i]}', ${ins_row_arr[$i]}, ${rej_row_arr[$i]});" >> temp_scrpt.sql
(( i+=1 ))
echo "commit; disc; quit" >> temp_scrpt.sql
sqlplus user/pass#db # temp_scrpt.sql
Just use the /tmp directory.
The /tmp directory is guaranteed to be present on any unix-family server. It is there precisely for needs like this. Definitely do something like add the current process ID in the file name so that multiple users don't step on each other. So the total name is something like /tmp/temp_$PID_scrpt.sql or the like.
When done, be sure to also delete that file--say, in a line right after the sqlplus call. Thus be sure to store the file name in a variable and delete what's in that variable.
It should go without saying, but in a well run shop: 1) The admins should have put more than enough space in /tmp, 2) All the users in the community should not be deleting other's files in /tmp or overloading it so it runs out of space. 3) The admins should setup a job that deletes files from /tmp after a certain age so that if your script fails before it deletes the temporary file, it won't be there forever.
So really, this answer is more about /tmp and managing it effectively--but that really is what you need. Using temporary files is a powerful technique, so your design is good. And the reality that users often won't have rights in a directory is common, so /tmp is your answer.
Instead of creating a temporary file you can directly pipe the output of an input generating block into sqlplus, in your shell script.
echo 'set auto off;'
for ((i=0; i<100; i++)); do
echo "insert into itest(i) values ($i);"
# echo 'rollback;' # for testing
echo 'commit;'
} | sqlplus -S juser/secret#db > /dev/null
This works with Ksh 93 and Bash (perhaps even with Ksh 88 modulo the (( expression syntax).
The corresponding DDL statement for the test table:
create table itest ( i number(36) ) ;
PS: Btw, even when creating a temporary file is preferred - redirecting the output is way more efficient than doing an append-style redirect for each line, e.g.:
{ for ((i=0; i<100; i++)); do echo "line $i"; done; echo end; } > foo.tmp
the below piece of code will keep connecting to SQLplus multiple times or it will connect only once ?
echo 'set auto off;'
for ((i=0; i<100; i++)); do
echo "insert into itest(i) values ($i);"
echo 'rollback;' # for testing
echo 'commit;'
} | sqlplus -S juser/secret#db > /dev/null

PostgreSQL - Automate schema and table creation - powershell

I am trying to automate the creation of schemas and some tables into that newly created schema. I am trying to write a script in powershell to help me achieve the same. I have been able to create the schema, however, I cannot create the tables into that schema.
I am passing the new schema to be created as a variable to powershell.
script so far (based off the solution from the following answer. StackOverFlow Solution):
$CreateSchema = 'CREATE SCHEMA \"'+$MySchema+'\"; set schema '''+$MySchema+''';'
write-host $CreateSchema
C:\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\psql.exe -h $DBSERVER -U $DBUSER -d $DBName -w -c $CreateSchema
# To create tables
C:\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\psql.exe -h $DBSERVER -U $DBUSER -d $DBName -w -f 'E:\automation\scripts\create-tables.sql' -v schema=$MySchema
At the execution, I see the following error:
psql:E:/automation/scripts/create-tables.sql:11: ERROR: no schema has been selected to create in
The content of create-tables.sql is:
SET search_path TO :schema;
CREATE TABLE testing (
QueryDate varchar(255) NULL
You've got this in your first step:
$CreateSchema = 'CREATE SCHEMA \"'+$MySchema+'\"; set schema '''+$MySchema+''';'
Take out that set schema - it's erroneous and causing the schema not to be created. Then on the next step you wind up with an empty search path (because the schema never got created), which is why you get that error.