Tool for sql refactoring? [closed] - sql

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a refactoring tool available for SQL (TSQL in particular). Is there any tool that can do automatic simplification of SQL?
I have a set of views where only the top two are used, and I'd like to refactor this into only two views, hence 10+ queries into two queries.

Try ApexSQL Refactor
ApexSQL Refactor is a FREE SSMS and VS add-in, for formatting SQL statements using nearly 200 formatting options and 11 code refactors. It expands wildcards, qualifies object names, renames SQL database objects and parameters without breaking dependencies, encapsulates code as a stored procedure, scalar function, table function, and view, add surrogate keys and more
Disclaimer: I work for ApexSQL as a Support Engineer

Red-Gate Software has a tool called SQL Refactor which should do what you're looking for.
Update. as BlueRaja correctly states - SQL Refactor has been discontinued as a separate product, and its functionality is now integrated into SQL Prompt (which is a great tool in itself, and well worth the money for its license!)

+1 to marc_s which I suspect is what you're after. Just to add, the only other tool I know of that automatically refactors SQL is Toad for SQL Server by Quest Software. Feature list is here.
I've never used it, so don't exactly know what it does but thought it worth a mention.


Renaming/ Refactoring in Management Studio [duplicate]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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In my current project I've been inherited with lots of long (1200+ lines) SQL Server stored procedures with some horrible indentation and formatting which makes them almost unreadable. Is there some tool that I can use to automatically format these and make them more readable? I don't want to go through it manually and indent it.
Here's a couple -- no idea how well they work, unfortunately... (free) (free for personal use)
Try using ApexSQL Refactor. It integrates into SSMS and it’s a free tool. Good thing about it is that it allows to save formatting options and share them with the team so all of you use the same settings for code.
Try redgate SQLPrompt. It has a 14-day trial.
Red Gate "SQL Refactor" Very good. We bought it
SSMS tools pack Free, but we don't use the layout features
Check out Sql assist:
It has some format feature.
I would suggest downloading the evaluation version to see whether it fits your need.
Free (or donate) and download.
Works on C# and SQL Server code.
Is very fast and doesn't change the code except for indentation and endblock comments where missing and possible.
I am using the following link to format and indend your SQL Server Code online.
Its working great!!
I have been using dbForge SQL Complete for a while now and am pleased with it($99 and free version). The formatter works from within Visual Studio and SMSS. It also has a handy code completion feature that works better the the standard one built into SMSS.

Is there an online tool to build simple tables and test SQL statements? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to be able to create simple tables and run SQL queries on them. I'm talking tables with fewer than 12 items. Is there an online tool to do this? This might seem crazy, but it'd really help as I go between 3-4 computers a day.
Cat Names | Age
Marsha | 5
Melon | 3
Select * from Cats where Age > 3
Marsha | 5
Obviously that's a very, very simple example ... but I'm looking more towards testing some trickier SQL statements.
Edit: Not doing support. Right now I'm doing training and presentations. Screen sharing is not an option.
try sql fiddle - it allows you to build your own schema and supports multiple vendors.
rextester supports Sql Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL and MySQL
I just found this tool today:
It lets you choose from a number of languages (including SQL), write your code and then execute it. Pretty cool
Thanks to FreeAsInBeer for pointing me towards it.
If you're interested in using Oracle, you could sign up for a free workspace at That is intended to give you the ability to try out Oracle's Application Express (APEX) product but the APEX development environment (all web based) does have places where you can create tables, insert data, etc. This has the nice side effect of letting you persist the data over time. And, you may find that you enjoy using APEX to build web apps as well.
See steps of creating account on Apex here

Visual Studio-like refactor tool for SQL [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Are there any free tools providing snippets and syntax checking similar to Refactor in Visual Studio 2003/05/08/10?
#edit: To MSSQL, any version..
Take a look at this:
SSMS Tools
It offers snippets, basic formatting and a bunch of other features.
The only tool I know about is RedGate SQL Refactor. I have tried it a number of times, but I always end up uninstalling because it's not good enough to my liking.
You can try out free SSMS and VS add-in, ApexSQL Complete
ApexSQL Complete provides snippets and syntax checking and a lot of other features (aliases, the Insert procedure parameters automatically option , the Insert full INSERT statement option and so on)
Disclaimer: I work for ApexSQL as a Support Engineer

Is there a tool for refactoring SQL, a bit like a ReSharper for SQL [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The sort of stuff I'm after right now is quite basic:
Auto format
Detect unused variables
Variable naming convention checking
I wouldn't be surprised if there was a tool available that could handle more complex refactorings such as those found in Refactoring Databases, but I appreciate that the added complexities introduced by current db structure and data state may prevent many of them.
I suppose I'm after ReSQLer
RedGate offers SQL Refactor and SQL Prompt, along with a slew of other SQL related tools. Check out their pages for more info and for a free trial.
There is a free SQL formatting and refactoring add-in for SSMS and VS developed by ApexSQL. I suggest you check these articles before you decide if it's the right tool for you:
I have used Embarcadero Rapid SQL for code formating.
Something like SQL Prompt from RedGate?
SQL Prompt has basic format and beautify functions now, if you don't want to buy both products
The free SSMS Tools Pack supports basic beautify as well I believe
Uppercase/Lowercase keywords and
proper case Database Object Names. Set
all keywords to uppercase or lowercase
letters. Custom keywords can be added.
Format all database objects to their
proper case sensitive name.
I use SQL Enlight, which is a fairly inexpensive tool which does autoformatting, validation and refactoring pretty well. (And -- no, I am not affiliated w/ Ubitsoft in any way...)
JetBrains have just announced 0xDBE - a new IDE for SQL machines.
It's build on the IntelliJ platform, so should have many of the same shortcuts you get in the JetBrains suite of products.

What tool for managing Oracle DB do you suggest? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What tool for managing Oracle DB do you suggest? I need to execute scripts and manage data in tables and develop some scripts and packages. I'v tried SQL developer and actually don't like it. Want some more features for developing (debug, code assist, integrated help and so on.)
Surprising i haven't seen a message about Toad for Oracle. Its the best I've worked with so far.
I just found out about this today and it looks impressive:
I've never used this before but have you looked at (although it doesn't seem as full featured as SQL Developer)
Feature wise, I would use Toad or SQL Navigator. Although I think for the little they are offering they are horrible expensive.
I've been using PL/SQL Developer from Allround Automations for the last several years. Very solid. Toad is great if your budget can afford it.
Back in my Oracle days, I always liked to use the Benthic Software Golden Tools - extremely lightweight, useful, intuitive to use, inexpensive to license - great stuff all around!
Benthic also offer a PLEdit tool to edit PL/SQL code, and a GoldLoad tool to batch load large amounts of data into Oracle.
Well, you should take a look at Devart's OraDeveloper Studio. It is a powerful development environment for working with Oracle, that provides an easier way to develop SQL scripts and PL/SQL program units, create and execute queries, manage users and privileges, explore existing databases, modify schema objects, export and import data, create database projects, and more.