How do I lex this input? - antlr

I currently have a working, simple language implemented in Java using ANTLR. What I want to do is embed it in plain text, in a similar fashion to PHP.
For example:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
<% print('consectetur adipiscing elit'); %>
Phasellus volutpat dignissim sapien.
I anticipate that the resulting token stream would look something like:
How can I achieve this, or is there a better way?
There is no restriction on what might be outside the <% block. I assumed something like <% print('%>'); %>, as per Michael Mrozek's answer, would be possible, but outside of a situation like that, <% would always indicate the start of a code block.
Sample Implementation
I developed a solution based on ideas given in Michael Mrozek's answer, simulating Flex's start conditions using ANTLR's gated semantic predicates:
lexer grammar Lexer;
#members {
boolean codeMode = false;
OPEN : {!codeMode}?=> '<%' { codeMode = true; } ;
CLOSE : {codeMode}?=> '%>' { codeMode = false;} ;
LPAREN : {codeMode}?=> '(';
CHAR : {!codeMode}?=> ~('<%');
parser grammar Parser;
options {
tokenVocab = Lexer;
output = AST;
tokens {
program :
(code | verbatim)+
code :
OPEN statement+ CLOSE -> statement+
verbatim :

but outside of a situation like that, <% would always indicate the start of a code block.
In that case, first scan the file for your embedded code, and once you have those, parse your embedded code with a dedicated parser (without the noise before the <% and after the %> tags).
ANTLR has the option to let the lexer parse just a (small) part of an input file and ignore the rest. Note that you cannot create a "combined grammar" (parser and lexer in one) in that case. Here's how you can create such a "partial lexer":
// file EmbeddedCodeLexer.g
lexer grammar EmbeddedCodeLexer;
options{filter=true;} // <- enables the partial lexing!
: '<%' // match an open tag
( String // ( match a string literal
| ~('%' | '\'') // OR match any char except `%` and `'`
| {input.LT(2) != '>'}?=> '%' // OR only match a `%` if `>` is not ahead of it
)* // ) <- zero or more times
'%>' // match a close tag
: '\'' ('\\' . | ~('\'' | '\\'))* '\''
If you now create a lexer from it:
java -cp antlr-3.2.jar org.antlr.Tool EmbeddedCodeLexer.g
and create a little test harness:
import org.antlr.runtime.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String source = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet \n"+
"<% \n"+
"a = 2 > 1 && 10 % 3; \n"+
"print('consectetur %> adipiscing elit'); \n"+
"%> \n"+
"Phasellus volutpat dignissim sapien. \n"+
"foo <% more code! %> bar \n";
ANTLRStringStream in = new ANTLRStringStream(source);
EmbeddedCodeLexer lexer = new EmbeddedCodeLexer(in);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
for(Object o : tokens.getTokens()) {
"EmbeddedCode = "+((Token)o).getText());
compile it all:
javac -cp antlr-3.2.jar *.java
and finally run the Main class by doing:
// *nix/MacOS
java -cp .:antlr-3.2.jar Main
// Windows
java -cp .;antlr-3.2.jar Main
it will produce the following output:
EmbeddedCode = <%
a = 2 > 1 && 10 % 3;
print('consectetur %> adipiscing elit');
EmbeddedCode = <% more code! %>

The actual concept looks fine, although it's unlikely you'd have a PRINT token; the lexer would probably emit something like IDENTIFIER, and the parser would be responsible for figuring out that it's a function call (e.g. by looking for IDENTIFIER OPAREN ... CPAREN) and doing the appropriate thing.
As for how to do it, I don't know anything about ANTLR, but it probably has something like flex's start conditions. If so, you can have the INITIAL start condition do nothing but look for <%, which would switch to the CODE state where all the actual tokens are defined; then '%>' would switch back. In flex it would be:
"<%" {BEGIN(CODE);}
. {}
/* All these are implicitly in CODE because it was declared %s,
but you could wrap it in <CODE>{} too
"(" {return OPAREN;}
"'" {return APOS;}
You need to be careful about things like matching %> in a context where it's not a closing marker, like within a string; it's up to you if you want to allow <% print('%>'); %>, but most likely you do


No way to implement a q quoted string with custom delimiters in Antlr4

I'm trying to implement a lexer rule for an oracle Q quoted string mechanism where we have something like q'$some string$'
Here you can have any character in place of $ other than whitespace, (, {, [, <, but the string must start and end with the same character. Some examples of accepted tokens would be:
q'!some string!'
q'ssome strings'
Notice how s is the custom delimiter but it is fine to have that in the string as well because we would only end at s'
Here's how I was trying to implement the rule:
Q QUOTE ~[ ({[<'"\t\n\r] { setDelimChar( (char)_input.LA(-1) ); }
( . { !isValidEndDelimChar() }? )*
I have already checked the value I get from !isValidEndDelimChar() and I'm getting a false predicate here at the right place so everything should work, but antlr simply ignores this predicate. I've also tried moving the predicate around, putting that part in a separate rule, and a bunch of other stuff, after a day and a half of research on the same I'm finally raising this issue.
I have also tried to implement it in other ways but there doesn't seem to be a way to implement a custom char delimited string in antlr4 (The antlr3 version used to work).
Not sure why the { ... } action isn't invoked, but it's not needed. The following grammar worked for me (put the predicate in front of the .!):
grammar Test;
#lexer::members {
boolean isValidEndDelimChar() {
return (_input.LA(1) == getText().charAt(2)) && (_input.LA(2) == '\'');
: .*? EOF
: 'q\'' ~[ ({[<'"\t\n\r] ( {!isValidEndDelimChar()}? . )* . '\''
: [ \t\f\r\n] -> skip
If you run the class:
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Lexer lexer = new TestLexer(CharStreams.fromString("q'ssome strings' q'!foo!'"));
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
for (Token t : tokens.getTokens()) {
System.out.printf("%-20s %s\n", TestLexer.VOCABULARY.getSymbolicName(t.getType()), t.getText());
the following output will be printed:
Q_QUOTED_LITERAL q'ssome strings'

how to report grammar ambiguity in antlr4

According to the antlr4 book (page 159), and using the grammar Ambig.g4, grammar ambiguity can be reported by:
grun Ambig stat -diagnostics
or equivalently, in code form:
parser.addErrorListener(new DiagnosticErrorListener());
The grun command reports the ambiguity properly for me, using antlr-4.5.3. But when I use the code form, I dont get the ambiguity report. Here is the command trace:
$ antlr4 Ambig.g4 # see the book's page.159 for the grammar
$ javac Ambig*.java
$ grun Ambig stat -diagnostics < in1.txt # in1.txt is as shown on page.159
line 1:3 reportAttemptingFullContext d=0 (stat), input='f();'
line 1:3 reportAmbiguity d=0 (stat): ambigAlts={1, 2}, input='f();'
$ javac
$ java TestA_Listener < in1.txt # exits silently
The code is the following:
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.*; // for PredictionMode
import java.util.*;
public class TestA_Listener {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(;
AmbigLexer lexer = new AmbigLexer(input);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
AmbigParser parser = new AmbigParser(tokens);
parser.removeErrorListeners(); // remove ConsoleErrorListener
parser.addErrorListener(new DiagnosticErrorListener());
Can somebody please point out how the above java code should be modified, to print the ambiguity report?
For completeness, here is the code Ambig.g4 :
grammar Ambig;
stat: expr ';' // expression statement
| ID '(' ')' ';' // function call statement
expr: ID '(' ')'
INT : [0-9]+ ;
ID : [a-zA-Z]+ ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
And here is the input file in1.txt :
Antlr4 is a top-down parser, so for the given input, the parse match is unambiguously:
stat -> expr -> ID -> ( -> ) -> stat(cnt'd) -> ;
The second stat alt is redundant and never reached, not ambiguous.
To resolve the apparent redundancy, a predicate might be used:
stat: e=expr {isValidExpr($e)}? ';' #exprStmt
| ID '(' ')' ';' #funcStmt
When isValidExpr is false, the function statement alternative will be evaluated.
I waited for several days for other people to post their answers. Finally after several rounds of experimenting, I found an answer:
The following line should be deleted from the above code. Then we get the same ambiguity report as given by grun.
parser.removeErrorListeners(); // remove ConsoleErrorListener
The following code will be work
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
CharStream input = CharStreams.fromStream(;
AmbigLexer lexer = new AmbigLexer(input);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
AmbigParser parser = new AmbigParser(tokens);
//parser.removeErrorListeners(); // remove ConsoleErrorListener
parser.addErrorListener(new org.antlr.v4.runtime.DiagnosticErrorListener()); // add ours
parser.stat(); // parse as usual

ANTLR Is it possible to make grammar with embed grammar inside?

ANTLR: Is it possible to make grammar with embed grammar (with it's own lexer) inside?
For example in my language I have ability to use embed SQL language:
var Query = [select * from table];
with Query do something ....;
Is it possible with ANTLR?
Is it possible to make grammar with embed grammar (with it's own lexer) inside?
If you mean whether it is possible to define two languages in a single grammar (using separate lexers), then the answer is: no, that's not possible.
However, if the question is whether it is possible to parse two languages into a single AST, then the answer is: yes, it is possible.
You simply need to:
define both languages in their own grammar;
create a lexer rule in you main grammar that captures the entire input of the embedded language;
use a rewrite rule that calls a custom method that parses the external AST and inserts it in the main AST using { ... } (see the expr rule in the main grammar (MyLanguage.g)).
grammar MyLanguage;
options {
tokens {
#members {
private CommonTree parseSQL(String sqlSrc) {
try {
MiniSQLLexer lexer = new MiniSQLLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(sqlSrc));
MiniSQLParser parser = new MiniSQLParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
return (CommonTree)parser.parse().getTree();
} catch(Exception e) {
return new CommonTree(new CommonToken(-1, e.getMessage()));
: assignment+ EOF -> ^(ROOT assignment+)
: Var Id '=' expr ';' -> ^('=' Id expr)
: Num
| SQL -> {parseSQL($SQL.text)}
Var : 'var';
Id : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+;
Num : '0'..'9'+;
SQL : '[' ~']'* ']';
Space : ' ' {skip();};
grammar MiniSQL;
options {
: '[' statement ']' EOF -> statement
: select
: Select '*' From ID -> ^(Select '*' From ID)
Select : 'select';
From : 'from';
ID : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+;
Space : ' ' {skip();};
import org.antlr.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.*;
import org.antlr.stringtemplate.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String src = "var Query = [select * from table]; var x = 42;";
MyLanguageLexer lexer = new MyLanguageLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(src));
MyLanguageParser parser = new MyLanguageParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
CommonTree tree = (CommonTree)parser.parse().getTree();
DOTTreeGenerator gen = new DOTTreeGenerator();
StringTemplate st = gen.toDOT(tree);
Run the demo
java -cp antlr-3.3.jar org.antlr.Tool MiniSQL.g
java -cp antlr-3.3.jar org.antlr.Tool MyLanguage.g
javac -cp antlr-3.3.jar *.java
java -cp .:antlr-3.3.jar Main
Given the input:
var Query = [select * from table]; var x = 42;
the output of the Main class corresponds to the following AST:
And if you want to allow string literals inside your SQL (which could contain ]), and comments (which could contain ' and ]), the you could use the following SQL rule inside your main grammar:
: '[' ( ~(']' | '\'' | '-')
| '-' ~'-'
fragment STR
: '\'' (~('\'' | '\r' | '\n') | '\'\'')+ '\''
| '\'\''
fragment COMMENT
: '--' ~('\r' | '\n')*
which would properly parse the following input in a single token:
select a,b,c
from table
where a='A''B]C'
and b='' -- some ] comment ] here'
Just beware that trying to create a grammar for an entire SQL dialect (or even a large subset) is no trivial task! You may want to search for existing SQL parsers, or look at the ANTLR wiki for example-grammars.
Yes, with AntLR it is called Island grammar.
You can get a working example in the v3 examples, inside the island-grammar folder : it shows the usage of a grammar to parse javadoc comments inside of java code.
You can also find some clues in the doc Island Grammars Under Parser Control and that Another one.

variable not passed to predicate method in ANTLR

The java code generated from ANTLR is one rule, one method in most times. But for the following rule:
switchBlockLabels[ITdcsEntity _entity,TdcsMethod _method,List<IStmt> _preStmts]
: ^(SWITCH_BLOCK_LABEL_LIST switchCaseLabel[_entity, _method, _preStmts]* switchDefaultLabel? switchCaseLabel*)
it generates a submethod named synpred125_TreeParserStage3_fragment(), in which mehod switchCaseLabel(_entity, _method, _preStmts) is called:
switchCaseLabel(_entity, _method, _preStmts);//variable not found error
switchBlockLabels(ITdcsEntity _entity,TdcsMethod _method,List<IStmt> _preStmts){
The problem is switchCaseLabel has parameters and the parameters come from the parameters of switchBlockLabels() method, so "variable not found error" occurs.
How can I solve this problem?
My guess is that you've enabled global backtracking in your grammar like this:
options {
in which case you can't pass parameters to ambiguous rules. In order to communicate between ambiguous rules when you have enabled global backtracking, you must use rule scopes. The "predicate-methods" do have access to rule scopes variables.
A demo
Let's say we have this ambiguous grammar:
grammar Scope;
options {
: atom+ EOF
: numberOrName+
: Number
| Name
Number : '0'..'9'+;
Name : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+;
Space : ' ' {skip();};
(for the record, the atom+ and numberOrName+ make it ambiguous)
If you now want to pass information between the parse and numberOrName rule, say an integer n, something like this will fail (which is the way you tried it):
grammar Scope;
options {
#init{int n = 0;}
: (atom[++n])+ EOF
atom[int n]
: (numberOrName[n])+
numberOrName[int n]
: Number {System.out.println(n + " = " + $Number.text);}
| Name {System.out.println(n + " = " + $Name.text);}
Number : '0'..'9'+;
Name : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+;
Space : ' ' {skip();};
In order to do this using rule scopes, you could do it like this:
grammar Scope;
options {
scope{int n; /* define the scoped variable */ }
#init{$parse::n = 0; /* important: initialize the variable! */ }
: atom+ EOF
: numberOrName+
numberOrName /* increment and print the scoped variable from the parse rule */
: Number {System.out.println(++$parse::n + " = " + $Number.text);}
| Name {System.out.println(++$parse::n + " = " + $Name.text);}
Number : '0'..'9'+;
Name : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+;
Space : ' ' {skip();};
If you now run the following class:
import org.antlr.runtime.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String src = "foo 42 Bar 666";
ScopeLexer lexer = new ScopeLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(src));
ScopeParser parser = new ScopeParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
you will see the following being printed to the console:
1 = foo
2 = 42
3 = Bar
4 = 666
I don't know what language you're parsing, but enabling global backtracking is usually overkill and can have quite an impact on the performance of your parser. Computer languages often are ambiguous in just a few cases. Instead of enabling global backtracking, you really should look into adding syntactic predicates, or enabling backtracking on those rules that are ambiguous. See The Definitive ANTLR Reference for more info.

ANTLR, heterogeneous AST problem

I examine heterogeneous trees in ANTLR (using ANTLRWorks 1.4.2).
Here is the example of what I have already done in ANTLR.
grammar test;
options {
language = java;
output = AST;
tokens {
#members {
class Program extends CommonTree {
public Program(int ttype) {
token = new CommonToken(ttype, "<start>");
: program var function
// Works fine:
//-> ^(PROGRAM program var function)
// Does not work (described below):
-> ^(PROGRAM<Program> program var function)
: 'program'! ID ';'!
: TYPE^ ID ';'!
: ID '('! ')'! ';'!
: 'int'
| 'string'
: ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+
: (' ' | '\t' '\n'| '\r' | '\f')+ {$channel = HIDDEN;}
Sample input:
program foobar;
int foo;
When I use rewrite rule ^(PROGRAM<Program> program var function), ANTLR stumbles over and I get AST like this:
Whereas when I use this rewrite rule ^(PROGRAM program var function) it works:
Could anyone explain where am I wrong, please? Frankly, I do not really get the idea of heterogeneous trees and how do I use <…> syntax in ANTLR.
What do r0 and r1 mean (first picture)?
I have no idea what these r0 and r1 mean: I don't use ANTLRWorks for debugging, so can't comment on that.
Also, language = java; causes ANTLR 3.2 to produce the error:
error(10): internal error: no such group file java.stg
error(20): cannot find code generation templates java.stg
error(10): internal error: no such group file java.stg
error(20): cannot find code generation templates java.stg
ANTLR 3.2 expects it to be language = Java; (capital "J"). But, by default the target is Java, so, mind as well remove the language = ... entirely.
Now, as to you problem: I cannot reproduce it. As I mentioned, I tested it with ANTLR 3.2, and removed the language = java; part from your grammar, after which everything went as (I) expected.
Enabling the rewrite rule -> ^(PROGRAM<Program> program var function) produces the following ATS:
and when enabling the rewrite rule -> ^(PROGRAM program var function) instead, the following AST is created:
I tested both rewrite rules this with the following class:
import org.antlr.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.*;
import org.antlr.stringtemplate.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ANTLRStringStream in = new ANTLRStringStream("program foobar; int foo; bar();");
testLexer lexer = new testLexer(in);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
testParser parser = new testParser(tokens);
testParser.start_return returnValue = parser.start();
CommonTree tree = (CommonTree)returnValue.getTree();
DOTTreeGenerator gen = new DOTTreeGenerator();
StringTemplate st = gen.toDOT(tree);
And the images are produced using (and the output of the Main class, of course).