Compiling webkit on windows : environment variable not found $(PRODUCTION) - webkit

I am trying to compile webkit on windows and am running into several errors.
One of them is :
The following environment variables were not found: $(PRODUCTION)
Does anybody know what this variable is supposed to map to?

This warning is normal in the development environment and should not result in any real build errors. You are looking for something more severe.


SystemTap semantic error when trying to run dvorak-qwerty script

I found this repo with a systemtap script for letting me use QWERTY ctrl-shortcuts on my dvorak layout. Unfortunately, I can't get it to work, but I don't think it has to do with the script itself. I'm running Pop OS and I think that it's because the linux-image I need with all the debug symbols doesn't exist.
The script says I need to install linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux-image-$(uname -r)-dbg
For me, this turns into linux-headers-5.11.0-7620-generic linux-image-5.11.0-7620-generic-dbg
linux-headers-5.11.0-7620-generic exists and I'm able to download it using apt-get.
linux-image-5.11.0-7620-generic-dbg can't be installed using apt-get. I can install
linux-image-5.11.0-7620-generic, but that's not the same thing. I've spent time looking online for it and adding different keys to apt-get, but I haven't been able to find anything with that name. If the problem is not having the correct linux-image package installed, I need help being pointed in the right direction as to where I can get it.
I tried following the directions here, and I've also searched this to no avail. I tried downloading and installing linux-image-4.4.0-142-generic-dbgsym_4.4.0-142.168_amd64.ddeb but that also didn't work.
If this isn't the problem, I've provided the output of the script. Any help is appreciated.
peyton#pop-os:~/scripts$ sudo stap -g -v dvorak-qwerty.stp
Pass 1: parsed user script and 477 library scripts using 116428virt/91336res/7612shr/83628data kb, in 140usr/30sys/168real ms.
semantic error: resolution failed in DWARF builder
semantic error: resolution failed in DWARF builder
semantic error: while resolving probe point: identifier 'module' at dvorak-qwerty.stp:152:7
source: probe module("evdev").function("evdev_events") {
semantic error: no match
semantic error: resolution failed in DWARF builder
Pass 2: analyzed script: 2 probes, 0 functions, 1 embed, 0 globals using 119016virt/94812res/8680shr/86216data kb, in 10usr/0sys/7real ms.
Pass 2: analysis failed. [man error::pass2]
Tip: /usr/share/doc/systemtap/README.Debian should help you get started.
Yes, debuginfo downloading has been a pain on many distros. However, if you're running Debian kernels, see: for instructions on using a new automated system. Generally: .

<PATH_TO_SUMO>/bin/netedit: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: ecs_SetReportErrorFunction

<PATH_TO_SUMO>/bin/netedit: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: ecs_SetReportErrorFunction
This error appears when I try to run netedit. I have both the Webots simulation software, as well as the SUMO simulation software in my system and both, have netedit. When I remove either one of the software and then run netedit, it works. So, I think the issue is because of the presence of netedit twice. I was running netedit directly from the terminal but even after I give the exact path of the netedit I want to run, in a python script, and then run that script(For eg: I give the path of the netedit in SUMO), it shows this error. How to force the system to use a particular netedit (either webots' or SUMO's) whenever the netedit command is given?
This should be a question of setting your environment variable(s) PATH (and possibly LD_LIBRARY_PATH) to the correct values. If you install SUMO via the package manager of your Linux (apt or something) there should be nothing to adapt. I see from the Webots docs that they recommend manual adaption of those paths. If you don't do those changes or revert them you should be always using the netedit coming with plain SUMO. If you want to use the Webots version adapt the paths such that they list Webots directories first.

Creating network files in SUMO using NETCONVERT

Problem when calling netconvert in sumo:
I am trying to create my own scenario for simulation purposes.
I am using OpenStreetMaps for this.
opens the browser and I select the area which I download.
netconvert --osm-files osm_bbox.osm.xml -o
The error message I get is
Error: Cannot import network data without PROJ-Library. Please install packages proj before building sumo
Warning: Environment variable SUMO_HOME is not set, using built in type maps.
Quitting (on error).
My attempt to fix the problem is:
sudo apt-get install libproj*
But it seems like a dead end there and I am out of options.
Thank you.
I have a gut feeling it has to do with libproj0 not being available anymore.

Purpose of on AIX j9vm JVM

I have a C++ program that loads a JVM internally and then uses JNI to call code in the JVM. This runs on multiple platforms including AIX. However, when starting the JVM on AIX everything is fine until I call some code that needs to access native code supplied as part of the JRE. I then run into this error message:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: net (Not found in
The problem is that the JVM cannot find the shared library If I dump the value of the system property from Java code running in the JVM I see that by default (i.e. not me setting it) it has the value:
From the error message I guessed it would be a good idea to change this to include the dir where is located. However, this shared library is in <jre-base-dir>/lib/ppc which is already in the path set by, so it seems the error message is incorrect.
Experimenting with different values for this system property makes me believe that it is used by the AIX j9vm to load the internal JVM shared libraries only (like but not the native code implementations (like
My fix
To fix my problem I had to change the LIBPATH environment variable (which is AIX the equivalent of LD_LIBRARY_PATH in e.g. Linux).
$ LIBPATH=<jre-base-dir>/lib/ppc:<jre-base-dir>/lib/ppc/j9vm ./myprogram
Can anyone shed some light on the real purpose of the system property on AIX when using the j9vm JVM?
Is my fix the correct way to solve the problem or should I use some other system property? (I have tried java.library.path but it does not seem to help.)
In my case it show error message:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: awt (Not found in
I fix my problem by
copy /usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ppc64/ to /usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ppc64/j9vm and create symbolic link libawt.a to
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ppc64:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ppc64/j9vm"; export LD_

Code Injection using mach_star

I was trying to inject code into the Finder process using mach_inject . I am currently using given the source given here
The code seems to get the PID of the finder process correctly. There is a bundle mach_inject_bundle which is to be injected.
The following error comes every time I run the injector.
mach_inject failing.. (os/kern) invalid address
error: (os/kern) invalid address
I am running the build using sudo from the terminal. I am using Snow Leopard MAC OS X 10.6.8.
I found some similar issues reported by others here . But no solution seems to work.
Can someone please help me out ??
In the Architectures setting for the project just set x86_64.