What is the difference between JDE plugin and Java plugin for Eclipse - ide

I am completelty new to the BB development.
I want to start development of BlackBerry application.
I am confused how to start? And what plugins have to download and from which link?
And bit confused about the JDE plugin <--> Java plugin for Eclipse
Which I have to download for development?
Can any one explaine the above things?
thanks in advance...

JDE and eclipse plugin are same other than, JDE has only debug mode, but the eclipse has both debug and run mode. I am using eclipse for several years, so I feel comfortable in using eclipse. I recommend eclipse because, it is more developer friendly when compared to JDE.

I agree with Karthikeyan that eclipse has a more feature rich environment plus it can incorporate other plugins such as cvs, svn, mysql etc.
Sometimes it can take more configuration to get everything set up right properly. If you want to get your code up and running quickly without any configuration, I would highly recommend using the JDE.


Eclipse plugin for play 2

I am a beginner with Play2 framework and Scala.
Is there any eclipse play 2 plugin available?
If yes, then please provide me the link for the same. I am used to Eclipse and have never used Scala before;hence in a confusion like how and where to start from. Looking at the Play2 Doc, sems like working in command prompt IDE which is very difficult (though I have tried yet)
Please let me know the eclipse plugin for Play2 or some other IDE helpful for this.
There in no plugin as such for Eclipse.
Play! framework has nice set of tools for doing tasks such as following
creating new play project
running the project
deployment of the application
doing the continuous testing mode etc
Trust me, once you start using this, you gonna love it.
Beside you do not require any experience in Scala, as for Play framework you can use Java language, if you are comfortable with it (you can choose Java template while creating new Play project )
and also you can use IDE for syntax highlighting , code completion etc
I had a brief try of Play development using Eclipse and the Scala Plugin. I personally found it awkward and not terribly helpful. (The errors which the IDE reported were not always the same as the ones that the Play compiler reported, for example.)
I’ve had a lot more joy using the Intellij IDEA IDE, with its Scala plugin. As with Eclipse the current version of IDEA does not have specific support for Play Framework 2, but it does have specific support for Scala.
The next version of Intellij IDEA, v12, will have explicit support for Play Framework 2: http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/index.html#Frameworks_Support (but only in the paid-for ‘Ultimate’ edition, not in the free ‘Community’ edition).

Is there an easy way to use intellij for liferay theme development?

I recently switched from eclipse and netbeans to intellij, but I have also liferay stuff to do and intelliJ seems to lack a decent liferay integration.
Does someone know how to use intelliJ for that, with as much of intelliJs comfort as possible :-/
As the themes are no simple java project the import stuff doesn't seem to recognize it properly...
You could look into the maven integration for Liferay (depending on the version of Liferay you're using - the more recent the version, the better the maven integration) and just import a pure maven project. The layout of this differs a bit from the usual ant-based SDK.
But of course you can also use the pure Ant buildfiles you find in the plugins sdk. As there's typically no java in a theme, it doesn't make a lot of differences.
Not wanting to start IDE wars here, but you also might consider Liferay IDE (or Developer Studio, it's EE-Version) for theme-related development. As there's no Java development done in themes, the conflict of changing tools should be handleable. I wouldn't want to work in both IDEs for Java development again (been there, done that), but for themes I can imagine just going the easy route - it's mainly CSS that you edit.

IDE support for extjs apps

Any IDE for development or plugins available for development. Actually I'm using eclipse in java. Thanks if have plug-in for that.
you can use your own development environment. Since It is providing plug-in see here . And detailed process here

favourite IDE for griffon development

I am experimenting with Groovy Griffon development and I am wondering what IDE to use.
I am trying to use NetBeans 6.5, and I found this post
essentially it describes forking the NetBeans trunk and hacking the Grails support; I was hoping for something more lightweight.
Are there any simple tools to create eclipse, netbeans or pom.xml's from Griffin Apps?
Or is it best to use a simple text editor?
There is a NetBeans Griffon plugin already available at http://plugins.netbeans.org/PluginPortal/faces/PluginDetailPage.jsp?pluginid=18664
Griffon apps have some rudimentry hooks already for IDE integration.
First, a .classpath and .project file are generated that mark the expected source and test directories for Eclipse. Both IntelliJ and NetBeans have importers for these eclipse files (and they work, I use them regularly).
Second, Griffon 0.1.1 adds more targets to the parallel build.xml so that more of the common scripts can be used as though they were ant tasks (run-app, compile, debug-app, etc.)
Third, there is some better IDE support in the works form some of the IDE vendors. As mentioned in the article you linked because Griffon is grails derived it is fairly easy to re-purpose existing Grails support. IntelliJ has the only specific tracked feature request I am aware of.
IntelliJ Idea has very good Griffon support.
This question usually comes with a next question:
How to debug Griffon?
Just in case someone still requires a helping hand trying to figure out how to debug Griffon in Eclipse/STS I've written a simple step by step guide to get it done:
Hope it helps someone someday, :D
PD: I've tried Netbeans and even though it looks great am still with STS, call me a maniac!

Use maven2 for build-automation and continuous integration of an eclipse rcp project?

My company starts a new project next week. We have planned to develop the application with eclipse rcp. The build process should be fully automated, so we're prepared to set up a continuous integration environment (e.g. Continuum). For the build-automation-part I intended to use maven2, because I want use its dependency management.
I have used maven2 for a small old-style java project, but have never set up maven for using it with eclipse rcp.
What's the best way to do this? Basic concepts? Common traps? Are any tutorials or book's around there? The tutorials and informations I found, seemed outdated or incomplete.
PS: The main project will be divided into sub-project's (plug-in's). But I think this is typical for eclipse rcp projects.
You should take a look at Tycho:
Like most Maven questions, this is solved by a link to a plug-in:
Other advice:
use the assembly plug-in to build
the update site
consider using hudson rather than
I've been battling maven2/Eclipse RCP integration for some time. The key is not so much getting your setup right: You can get it to work - eventually - by reverse-engineering Eclipse's build process in maven.
In my experience, the hard part is keeping everything up to date. Every time Eclipse revs their libs, you'll find yourself re-writing a bunch of pom files for that newest RCP widget or SWT lib. Naturally, CI helps with this somewhat. The problem is that Eclipse and maven are very particular about the way they do the business of building, and their approaches are quite different. To make matters worse, PDE dev (and Eclipse dev, more generally) is powered by a lot of wizard code, which is sometimes quite opaque as to what's happening behind the scenes.
The question you really need to ask yourself is if it's worth the effort. In my particular case, I believe it has been. (CI is too good to live without.) But the trade-off is that you may find yourself being the "build guy", which can take valuable time away from actual development, which is probably what you enjoy most.
I've got recently the same problem : build eclipse RCP application through continuous integration.
I haven't applied them yet but I've found some interesting articles :
Here's the documentation for Tycho
Building Eclipse Plugins with Maven 2 on eclipse.org
Build Eclipse RCP products using Maven 2 - how hard can it be? from Immo Hüneke's blog
Here's an article about PDE build automation
Here's a shell script to automate JUnit test launch