Is this application possible with the twitter api? - api

I have to make an application where a "sender" can send a message to a group of people and to a location. So when a member of the group reach this place (using location position with the cell phone), he receives all the messages for this location. I have thought to make the application using the twitter API, but I'm not really sure if that functionality is possible.
I thought using twitter would be nice to manage groups and login... the application is written in c++ in QT, so, any ideas for the service to be used to manage messages?
Thank you!

This sounds more like something you'd want to write independently; there's nothing using Twitter would really gain you here.

ok... Here are some points from me.
First of all the person should have enabled geo tagging for you to get the position of the location.
The person should send a Tweet only then you will know the location of the person.
I wouldn't say its not possible but may not work in all cases. I would look for developing a service where the person can join, activate geo tagging and then you can monitor each person's tweet and then send them this location based message.


Getting started creating a web form in Microsoft Teams

I dont know where to begin. Do I need to create an app? Do I need to use bots? I have tried finding docs online but don't know where to start. Any help with be appreciated.
I am trying to create a small form in a teams channel that my users will fill out.
User enters #projects
Web server responds with
User clicks submit and data gets posted to my web server.
You're correct that there are a few different kinds of applications in Teams, so finding the one that suits your needs can be a little confusing at first. For what you're trying to do, I would recommend a Bot, and when it received a message (which it will do when it receives your #mention), it can respond with an Adaptive Cards. Adaptive Cards, if you've not used them, are like small embedded forms inside the chat. The user can complete the card and click a button, and it will send the payload back to your bot to do whatever it needs.
Bots, incidentally, are basically just web services, so your bot can do whatever it needs once it received the payload, such as calling another API in turn.
You haven't mentioned what language you might want to work in, but here are some good starting point nevertheless: (I've linked the C# version - you should know that Teams bots use the same Microsoft framework as -all- bots build for the Microsoft world, such as web chat bot or a Skype bot. As a result, you have to ensure that anything you look at is applicable to Teams as some content/samples are not) (as with Bots, Adaptive Cards have a life outside of Teams, so some articles/content/etc. might not be applicable to your scenario)

soundcloud API - Application Registration During Early Dev

My team is experimenting with Soundcloud for the first time, and we would like to play with the API before making any strong decisions. So, we do not have an application URL or application name. From my interpretation of the registration process (, such information is required.
Is there a way for organizations in our position to experiment extensively with the API?
I believe I was able to leave those fields blank and/or put in placeholder fields and I was able to use the API normally.

How to get user picture using Asana API?

I am trying to display user picture using Asana API, nut the /users/id service just return id, mail, name, workspaces. How can I?
(I work at Asana)
The API does not currently provide access to the user profile photo. It is something we are considering adding in the future, but I can't provide any specifics on the timeline.
Until the API provides access to the photo, a useful workaround that we've been using is to get the user's email address out of Asana and then try to pull a picture from Gravatar. Obviously it requires the users to have registered at Gravatar, and they might have different pictures than what it is in Asana... but it's good enough for many situations.
(I work at Asana, too)
We recently added the ability to fetch (but not change) the user's photo. Check out the updated documentation (specifically the "photo" attribute of the user model is what you're looking for).

How to get in touch with the users of your WP7 apps?

This is a problem that every developer will face when building their apps: how to contact the reviewer of your app to notify them of an update, new release, help topics, etc?
Some things I am thinking:
Include an RSS feed in your app which you can update to notify the users of the app.
Include a twitter feed regarding your app. How to go about this?
Include a way for the users to subscribe to a mailing list. This way, I can send a mass-email to the users who opted-in? Any suggestions here?
Any other ways that you think this can/should be done? Any existing solutions you can point me to will be great. Thanks in advance.
One way, for contacting a specific user who created a review of an application is to go to Zune Social (at and create a new message. You can then enter the Zune Tag of the user who created a review.
Personally, I'd try to do all three - have a web page/site, with an RSS feed, and a subscription link (so they can subscribe to the RSS feed via email) and then post any updates to your twitter account as well.
You can't really force a user to do any of these, but having the options available, and linked from inside your app on the about page is probably good practise.
You could also include some kind of "Update Available" feature inside the application. Try to make this as unobtrusive as possible obviously. Obviously if they've still got the app installed they'll get an update notification from the marketplace anyway.
Besides the suggestions made by samjudson, I'll also recommend having a support-page with a direct option to send a email to you. Here's a example of a support-page from one of my applications. I've received lot of emails with suggestions for improvements, or complains about bugs. And since it's by email, it gives you the option to respond directly to people.
Another thing about reviews. Don't take them to serious. Most people only rate negatively (since humans like to complain), and by such a lot of reviews are often misinformed, outdated, or the users just been plain ignorant.

Automatic notification without an API

My school is using a website to manage grades, homework and communication with teachers. Because there is no way to get automatic notification, most students have to use it daily to check manually if there's an update (new message, new grade, etc). Since their service has no API, what should I do to get automatic notifications.
Is there any tools available that automatically notify you (by email or rss feed) of any change in a page by authentifying and checking if the value of a specific field changed?
Should I code my own script?
Is there any tool or library out there that could make this task easier?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
Not sure if it works for secure websites, though.
I just found something interesting. It's called Scrapy. It's an application framework that makes data-mining and structured data extraction easier.
Has anyone experience with Scrapy? Could it solve my problem?