PLINK and removing parts of the data - plink

I have a file of SNPs that was processed using PLINK. I have a list of several thousands SNPs. In the file they are assigned one of NA, 0, 1, or 2. I want to remove the list of SNPs that have an NA, i.e. they are monomorphic. The problem is that the file lists all of the multiple thousands of SNPs in order and then lists their respective values after that in one line separated by spaces. It is very hard to see what values correspond to which SNP based on manual inspection.
Is there an easy method to remove the monomorphic SNPs from the file using PLINK? Or is this best done using Python?

If you haven't found it out yet, you can remove monomorphic SNPs using PLINK --maf.
Remove monomorphic SNPs in the dataset (those with a MAF = 0.0)

Erm, wouldn't NA mean that some snps are missing data values? To remove these, you should use the --geno command. To quote the docs:
--geno filters out all variants with missing call rates exceeding the provided value (default 0.1) to be removed
The --maf command does remove monomorphic snps, however. Setting the --maf slightly above 0 might be wise, because if an allele is found at a very low frequency it is likely to represent genotyping error.
All in all, you might want to insert a quality-control of the following type into your plink command:
--geno 0.03 --hwe 0.00001 --maf 0.00001
(hwe is just the regular Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium).


Fortran: How to skip many lines of data file efficiently

I have a formatted data file which is typically billions of lines long, with several lines of headers of variable length. The data file takes the form:
# header 1
# header 2
# headers are of variable length.
# data begins from next line.
1.23 4.56 7.89 0.12
2.34 5.67 8.90 1.23
# billions of lines of data, each row the same length, same format.
-- end of file --
I would like to extract a portion of data from this file, and my current code looks like:
do j=1,jmax !Suppose I want to extract jmax lines of data from the file.
[algorithm to determine number of lines to skip, "N(j)"]
!This determines the number of lines to skip from the previous file
!position, when the data was read on j-1th iteration.
!Skip N-1 lines to go to the next data line to read off:
do i=1,N-1
end do
!Now read off the line of data I want:
!Data is stored in some arrays.
end do
The problem is, N(j) can be anywhere between 1 and several billion, so it takes some time to run the code.
My question is, is there a more efficient way of skipping millions of lines of data? The only way I can think of, while sticking to Fortran, is to open the file with direct access and jump to the desired line upon opening the file.
As you suggest, direct access seems like the best option. But that requires the records to all have the same length, which your headers violate. Also, why used formatted output? With a file of this length, its hard to imagine a person reading the file. If you use unformatted IO, the file will be both smaller and IO will be faster. Perhaps create two files, one with the headers (metadata) in human reader form, and the other with the data in native form. Native / binary representation means a loss of portability, which is something to consider if you want to move the files to different computer architectures or have them be useable for decades. Otherwise it's probably worth the convenience. Other options would be to use a more sophisticated file format that combines metadata and data, such as HDF5 or FITS, but for communication between two programs of one person, that's probably excessive.

Getting wrong zero values with numpy fromfile when reading binary files

I am trying to read a binary file with Python. This is the code I use:
fb = open(Bin_File, "r")
a = numpy.fromfile(fb, dtype=numpy.float32)
However, I get zero values at the end of the array. For example, for a case where nrows=296 and ncol=439 and as a result, len(a)=296*439, I get zero values for a[-922:]. I know these values should be noData (-9999 in this example) from a trusted piece of code in R. Does anybody know why I am getting these non-sense zeros?
P.S: I am not sure it is related on not, but len(a) is nrows*ncols+2! I have to get rid of these two using a = a[0:-2] so that when I reshape them into rows and columns using a_reshape = a.reshape(nrows, ncols) I don't get an error.
When opening a file for reading as binary you should use the mode "rb" instead of "r".
Here is some background from the docs. On linux machines you don't need the "b" but it wont hurt. On Windows machines you must use "rb" for binary files.
Also note that the two extra entries you're getting is a common bug/feature when using the "unformatted" binary output format of Fortran. Each write statement given in this mode will produce a record that is surrounded by two 4 byte blocks.
These blocks represent integers that list the number of bytes in the block of unformatted data. For example, [223] [223 bytes of data] [223].

Reading just 1 column from a file using NumPy's loadtxt() function

I want to read in data from multiple files that I want to use for plotting (matplotlib).
I found a function loadtxt() that I could use for this purpose. However, I only want to read in one column from each file.
How would I do this?
The following command works for me if I read in at least 2 columns, for example:
numpy.loadtxt('myfile.dat', usecols=(2,3))
numpy.loadtxt('myfile.dat', usecols=(3))
would throw an error.
You need a comma after the 3 in order to tell Python that (3,) is a tuple. Python interprets (3) to be the same value as the int 3, and loadtxt wants a sequence-type argument for usecols.
numpy.loadtxt('myfile.dat', usecols=(3,))

DCL sort - different start positions

I have a DCL script that creates a .txt file that looks something like this
I need to sort the file by the 3rd column highest to lowest
Is it best to use the sort command, if so everything i've seen required a position number, how can this be done if each line would have a different start position?
If sort is a bad way to handle this is there something else or can I somehow handle this while writing the lines to the file.
I've only been working with VMS/DCL for a few weeks now so i'm not fimilar with all of the commands yet.
As you already noticed, the VMS sort expects fields with a fixed start position within a record. You can not specify a field by a separator. If you want to use the VMS sort you have to make sure your third field starts at the same column, for all records. In other words, you have to pad preceding fields. If you have control on how the file is created, this may work for you. If you don't or you don't know how big the string in front of the sort field will be, this may not be a workaround. Maybe changing the order of the fields is an option.
On the other hand, you may find GNV installed on your system. Then you can try to use its sort, which is a GNU style sort. That is, $ mcr gnv$gnu:[bin]sort -t, -k3 -r x.txt may get you the wanted results.
VMS Sort is indeed not really equipped for this.
Reformatting as you did is about the only way.
If you so not have access to GNV sort on the OpenVMS system then perhaps you have, or can install PERL? Is is somewhat easier to install.
In perl there are of course many ways.
For example using an anonymous sort function ( $a is first arg, $b second; <> reads all input )
$ perl -e "print sort { 0+(split /,/,$b)[1] <=> 0+(split /,/,$a)[2]} <>" x.x
where the 0 + forces numeric evaluation. For (fixed length?) string compare use:
$ perl -e "print sort { (split /,/,$b)[2] cmp (split /,/,$a)[2]} <>" x.x
Hein.enter code here

Reading blocks of text from a CSV file -

I need to parse a CSV file with blocks of text being processed in different ways according to certain rules, e.g.
Each block of text will be grouped so the first three rows will be parsed using certain rules and so on. Notice that the last two groups have only one single column but each group must be handled in a different way.
I have the chance to propose the customer the format of the file so I'm thinking to propose the following.
[group 1]
[group N]
A kind of sections like the INI files from some years ago. However I'd like to hear your comments because I think there must be a better way to handle this.
I proposed to use XML but the customer prefers the text files.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Ps. using and VS 2008
You can use regular expression groups set to either an enum line mode if each line has the same format, or to an enum multi-line if the format is not constrained to a single line. For each line in multiline you can include \n in your pattern to cross multiple lines to find you pattern. If its on a single line you don't need to include \n also know as Carriage return line feed in your regex matching pattern. as well as many other modern programming language has extensive support for grouping operations. You can use index groups, or named groups.
Each name such as header1 or whatever you want to name it would be in this format: <myname>
See this link for more info: How do I access named capturing groups in a .NET Regex?.
Good luck.