Array of NSButton - objective-c

I wonder if I can do something like
IBOutlet NSButton * aButton[100];
It turns out that aButton cannot be seen in the interface builder.
My app has lots of buttons and I want to see if there are way I can use looping to iterate the state of all buttons.

IB doesn't handle arrays. You can add them using a loop in your code instead.

You may find an NSMatrix of NSButtonCells easier to work with, and unlike a C array of NSButtons, you can create one in IB.

No, you can't use an array as an outlet. Some options:
create a NSButton subclass
that does what you want to do
walk the view hierarchy at runtime to
find the buttons
OTOH, if your UI has 100 buttons, you've probably got bigger problems...


Repeat a view in Cocoa application

I have the following design:
How should I proceed? Add a NSScrollView with the first element, which contains a couple of NSTextFields and an NSImage and then repeat in the code? What type of repeater should I use? And... is NSScrollView able to handle this type of design?
Is it possible to use NSTableView?
Thank you!
I would probably have a custom NSView class that contains the date labels on the left, a NSImage that toggles between two states (selected or not) and the request label on the right. You can lay it out either in code or in a .nib and instantiate it that way respectively.
When you create the superview create four of the new subclasses and put them in the appropriate places.
Only use scroll view if you think that you'll have so many options that you will need to scroll.

How to combine several iOS controls in one entity (control)?

I want to implement custom search and have one trouble. I need to combine UIButton, SearchBar in one control in order I can refer it by pointer.Then i will dynamically add more UIbuttons to that combined control.And the most important I want to manipulate this combined control as one program entity. For instance,CombinedControl* control;
So what the common way to implement this? Or may be I can emulate this?Thanks in advance!
If you're looking to combine multiple controls into a single unit, the simplest thing to do is just to add them as subviews of a single UIView. You can do this either in Interface Builder (by creating a blank UIView and dropping the other controls on it) or in code (using addSubview:). Then you just have a variable that points to the UIView that you added everything to.
If you want to add behavior to the "combined control", then you should create a subclass of UIView (as H2CO3 suggested above) and add the controls to that view subclass.

IOS custom button

I need a custom button like Instragram has in profile tab (the buttons that shows the number of photos and followers) but i don't know how to start to implement it.
Do i need to subclass UIButton or is there other way easier?
I think, the easiest approach would be to create a UIButtom with the typeUIButtonTypeCustom and add a subview to it with imageviews and labels as subviews to create the UI. Composition over inheritance.
Subclassing UIButton seems to me to be the obvious solution. I agree that subclassing UIViewController makes no sense. You don't use UIViewController objects to manipulate individual subviews within a view hierarchy controlled by another UIViewController object.
There are plenty of ways to do this, personally I would subclass UIViewController. Then you can edit its .xib in interface builder to make it look however you want and set different values programmatically. Then to detect a tap on the button you can just use the touchesBegan and touchesEnded (I'm pretty sure those aren't complete method names, check in the docs for more info on them) methods. If you want you could also set up a UITapGestureRecognizer for the view instead.

Add a second image to a custom UIButton

I've got an Custom UIButton. It's got
a "static" background image
a variable text (the Title) which gets set in the code
Now I would like to add an icon (UIImage/UIImageView) inside the button on the left of the text. (I use the indent to move the text slightly to the right). Is there an easy way of adding that icon (and referencing it from code, so I can change it) or would you recommend creating a completely new button e.g. based on a UIView? (e.g. a view, that responds to touches)?
I'm just trying to get a feel for what the best approach would be for this. Any experience?
Two ways:
I prefer doing this by subclassing a UIView and (as you mention) implement the UITouch-responder methods. You're also able to override drawRect: what I really like because it makes your app soooooo much faster!
Since UIButton is a subclass of UIView, you can add a UIImageView to your button by using addSubview:. If you save it in your main-class (#property (...) UIButton *button) you can always access it by calling [self button]. You can also subclass your UIButton and add this #property. That's up to you.
It's totally up to you. However I prefer the first way!

How do I create an IBOutlet that is assigned to Multiple UIButtons

I have an IBOutlet assigned in my header file named *myButton and is type UIButton class.
the purpose of myButton is to programmatically assign the alpha to multiple buttons.
it seems as if you can only assign myButton to one button in IB.
is there a way to assign an alpha value to multiple buttons at the same time or am i going to have to refer to each button. ive got quite a few buttons and i need them all to change at the same time.
thanks for any help!
An IBOutlet is simply an instance variable (which is a pointer) in your class. You cannot have a pointer refer to more than one memory space simultaneously in any programming language.
You will need to refer to each button individually. You could look into storing pointers to all your buttons in an NSArray and simply iterating over it. You could also look into using an NSMatrixView or NSCollectionView to display your many buttons, and then take action on that to change all your buttons.