WCF receive timeout - wcf

When attempting to connect/communicate with my service i have to wait for almost exactly 20 seconds each time before the exception is fired. Since this all gonna be running on a local network, I would like decrease that timeout period to 5 seconds? I tried decreasing the receiveTimeout on my client, but it didn't work. I looked all over my code for a 20 second timeout variable set, but couldn't find any. What should i be changing?

There are different timeout settings http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms731078.aspx. They can be set for example in a config file (web.config or app.config) see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms731343.aspx as an example. Under http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms731399.aspx you can choose the binding which you use and set the corresponding setting.
UPDATED: You probably have the timeout set on the TCP level. Try reducing the TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions (Default value 2) or TcpInitialRTT (Default value 3, on NT 4.0 the parameter has the name InitialRTT) parameters in the registry, reboot your computer and try your experiments one more time. About affect of 21 seconds you can read in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/223450, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/175523, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/170359 or http://www.boyce.us/windows/tipcontent.asp?ID=189. You can read a description of the TCP/IP default configuration values at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314053 (for Windows XP) and http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc739819(WS.10).aspx (for Windows Server 2003 with SP2).

What you may actually be seeing is the cold start from your webapp. The Service Not Found exception would fire back pretty quickly unelss you had hit it pretty hard and you started queueing service requests beyond what WCF was configured to do.
However, if you had your website unloaded (appdomain and worker process) it could take 20 seconds to hit to the code that builds the channel to your service. So it may be something masked.
If your website and service are in different application pools then this is maginfied because it has to cold start the website and then coldstart the service, which are done in succession instead of simultaneously.
To somewhat alleviate this you can use a keepalive/ping service. Something that just constantly hits the URL to keep the AppDomain in memory and the worker process alive (if not shared). By default IIS 6 will shutdown the worker process after 20 minutes of inactivity, so when the first request comes in, http.sys starts up a new worker process, which loads the framework, which loads your app, which starts the pipeline, which executes your code, which delivers to your user. :)


Intermittent problems starting Azure App Services: "500.37 ANCM Failed to Start Within Startup Time Limit"

Our app services are experiencing the problem, that they can’t be restarted by the hosting environment (ANCM).
The user is getting the following screen in that case:
Http Error 500.37
Our production subscription consists of up to 8 different app services and the problem can randomly harm one of them ore some of them.
The problem can occur several times a week, or just once a month.
The bootstrapping procedure of our app services is not time consuming.
The last occurrence of the problem has this log entries within the eventlog:
Failed to gracefully shutdown application 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST/XXXXXXXXX'.
followed by:
Application '/LM/W3SVC/815681839/ROOT' with physical root 'D:\home\site\wwwroot' failed to load coreclr. Exception message: Managed server didn't initialize after 120000 ms
In most cases the problem can be resolved by manually stopping and starting the app service. In some cases we had to do that twice.
We are not able to reproduce that behavior locally.
The App Service Plan is S2 and we actually use just one instance.
The documentation of the Http error 500.37 recommends:
"You may need to stagger the startup process of multiple apps."
But there is no hint of how to do that.
How can we ensure that our app services are restarted without errors.
HTTP Error 500.37 - ANCM Failed to Start Within Startup Time Limit
You can try following approaches:
Approach 1: If possible, can try to move one app into a new App Service with a separate App Service plan, then check whether it can start as expected.
Please note that creating and using a separate App Service plan would be charged.
Approach 2: Increasing the startupTimeLimit attribute of the aspNetCore element.
For more information about the startupTimeLimit attribute, please check: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/aspnet-core-module?view=aspnetcore-3.1#attributes-of-the-aspnetcore-element

Weblogic 12.2.1 managed server access.log not updating

I have developed some JAX-RS web services and deployed the WAR file to a managed server on WebLogic 12.2.1. When I call a web service, either through a client program, or via web browser, I noticed that nothing is getting updated in E:\MLM\MyDomain\servers\MyAppSrv01\logs\access.log. This file stays empty all the time. When the next day comes (at 12.00am), the file will roll over to access.logNNNNN (e.g. access.log00004) and then I can see some of the GET and POST calls of the previous day appearing in access.logNNNNN. The strange thing is that only some of the web service calls appear in access.logNNNNN, even though I make many calls throughout the testing. What could be the problem?
Thanks in advance.
You are not seeing access logs at Run Time due to Buffer Size defined. To reduce I/O Weblogic will write logs to Buffer first and when the limit reaches it will write to access.log file.
Log Buffer Size
The maximum size (in kilobytes) of the buffer that stores HTTP requests. When the buffer reaches this size, the server writes the data to the HTTP log file. Use the LogFileFlushSecs property to determine the frequency with which the server checks the size of the buffer.
You can set this value to 0 for run-time logging.

RUN#Cloud consistently throws me out during a heavy operation

I'm using a large app instance to run a basic java web application (GWT + Spring). There's an expensive operation within my application (report) which takes a long time to execute.
I've tried running it with the cloudbees SDK on my local machine with similar settings as it would be on the cloud and it seems to function just fine. It runs in about 3-4 minutes.
On the cloud, it seems to be taking longer. The problem isn't the fact that it takes long. What happens in that cloudbees terminates the session after 5 minutes and gives me an error in my browser saying 'Unable to connect to server. Please contact your administrator'. A report which doesn't take as long runs just fine. My application has a session timeout of 30 minutes, so that isn't a problem either.
What could possibly be going wrong? Is it something to do with cloudbees?
This may be due to proxy buffering of your request through the routing layer (revproxy) - so it most likely isn't a session timeout - but the http connection getting cut.
You can either set proxyBuffering=false via the bees CLI command (eg when you deploy the app) - this will ensure longer running connections can work.
Ideally, however, you could change the app slightly to return to the browser with some token which you can poll with to get completion status, as even with a connection that lasts that long, over the internet it may provide a bad experience vs locally.

What can cause IIS app pool to recycle?

I am currently experiencing some instability in my session variables and believe the app pool is where the error is coming from. What I cannot find is a list of possible culprits for the issue. What can cause the app pool to recycle on its own, other than a scheduled recycle?
Common reasons why your application pool may unexpectedly recycle
EDIT: Full Text in the event that the link goes 404:
If your application crashes, hangs and deadlocks it will cause/require the application pool to recycle in order to be resolved, but sometimes your application pool inexplicably recycles for no obvious reason. This is usually a configuration issue or due to the fact that you're performing file system operations in the application directory.
For the sake of elimination I thought I'd list the most common reasons.
Application pool settings
If you check the properties for the application pool you'll see a number of settings for recycling the application pool. In IIS6 they are:
Recycle worker processes (in minutes)
Recycle worker process (in requests)
Recycle worker processes at the following times
Maximum virtual memory
Maximum used memory
These settings should be pretty self explanatory, but if you want to read more, please take a look at this MSDN article
The processModel element of machine.config
If you're running IIS5 or the IIS5 isolation mode you'll have to look at the processModel element. The Properties you should pay the closest attention to are:
The default value of memoryLimit is 60. This value is only of interest if you have fairly little memory on a 32 bit machine. 60 stands for 60% of total system memory. So if you have 1 GB of memory the worker process will automatically restart once it reaches a memory usage of 600 MB. If you have 8 GB, on the other hand, the process would theoretically restart when it reaches 4,8 GB, but since it is a 32 bit process it will never grow that big. See my post on 32 bit processes for more information why.
This setting is "infinite" by default, but if it is set to 5000 for example, then ASP.NET will launch a new worker process once it's served 5000 requests.
The default timeout is "infinite", but here you can set the lifetime of the worker process. Once the timeout is reached ASP.NET will launch a new worker process, so setting this to "00:05:00" would recycle the application every five minutes.
Other properties
There are other properties within the processModel element that will cause your application pool to recycle, like responseDeadlockInterval. But these other settings usually depend on something going wrong or being out of the ordinary to trigger. If you have a deadlock then that's your main concern. Changing the responseDeadlockInterval setting wouldn't do much to resolve the situation. You'd need to deal with the deadlock itself.
Editing and updating
ASP.NET 2.0 depends on File Change Notifications (FCN) to see if the application has been updated. Depending on the change the application pool will recycle. If you or your application is adding and removing directories to the application folder, then you will be restarting your application pool every time, so be careful with those temporary files.
Altering the following files will also trigger an immediate restart of the application pool:
Anything in the bin directory or it's sub-directories
Updating the .aspx files, etc. causing a recompile will eventually trigger a restart of the application pool as well. There is a property of the compilation element under system.web that is called numRecompilesBeforeAppRestart. The default value is 20. This means that after 20 recompiles the application pool will recycle.
A workaround to the sub-directory issue
If your application really depends on adding and removing sub-directories you can use linkd to create a directory junction. Here's how:
Create a directory you'd like to exclude from the FCN, E.g. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\WebApp\MyDir
Create a separate folder somewhere outside the wwwroot. E.g. c:\MyExcludedDir
use linkd to link the two: linkd c:\inetpub\wwwroot\WebApp\MyDir c:\MyExcludedDir
Any changes made in the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\WebApp\MyDir will actually occur in c:\MyExcludedDir so they will go unnoticed by the FCN.
Is recycling the application pool really that bad?
You really shouldn't have to recycle the application pool, but if you're dealing with a memory leak in your application and need to buy time to fix it, then by all means recycling the application pool could be a good idea.
What about session state?
Well, if you're running in-process session state, then obviously it's going to be reset each and every time the application pool is recycled. If you need to brush up on your state server options, then I recommend taking a look at this entry.

LR: VUgen web_set_timeout function unrealistic?

I understand that VUGen's web_set_timeout function allows me to set a timeout value higher than the usual value (which seems to be 120 seconds).
What I do not understand: Doesn't this imply that all users would have to set their browser http POST timeout config value to a new, higher value? Don't I then test with a (simulated/virtual) user configuration that no real-world user would/could use?
Wouldn't I also require all proxies between the user and the webserver to be configured with an at-least-as-high timeout value to use a custom timeout value in the browser? Otherwise my user's transactions will fail while my load test would pass?
Context: Load test of an browser- (Ajax) based frontend with VUGen 9.51. Browser times out on web server request with Error -27728 Step download timeout (120 seconds) has expired when downloading non-resource(s), and I hesitate using the web_set_timeout fore obvious reasons.
Each browser has a different time-out value defined. This value can also be changed rather easily by users.
Have a look at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/181050 for info on IE timeouts.
In short it says:
Internet Explorer imposes a time-out limit for the server to return data.
By default, the time-out limit is as follows:
Internet Explorer 4.0 and Internet Explorer 4.01 5 minutes
Internet Explorer 5.x and Internet Explorer 6.x 60 minutes
Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8 60 minutes
Internet Explorer does not wait endlessly for the server to come
back with data when the server has a problem.
Also many services that are used today are machine-to-machine services (othen SOAP requests
are used for this) and they may have time-outs that are interface specific.
The place in VuGen where this is set from the UI is from the "Run-Time Settings | Preferences | Options" - in this list there are the following timeouts that can be set:
HTTP-Request connect timeout default 120 seconds
HTTP-Request response timeout default 120 seconds
In practice however, if a normal web-ui takes more than 5-10 seconds to respond to user clicks then the service will be considered slow by the users.
The exception here is SAP EP where 30+ minutes of waiting for simple thins is OK ... :)