paypal API in -

Hey all, i have converted some C# PayPal API Code over to I have added that code to a class within my project but i can not seem to access it:
Imports System
Imports com.paypal.sdk.profiles
Imports com.paypal.sdk.util
Namespace GenerateCodeNVP
Public Class GetTransactionDetails
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Function GetTransactionDetailsCode(ByVal transactionID As String) As String
Dim caller As New NVPCallerServices()
Dim profile As IAPIProfile = ProfileFactory.createSignatureAPIProfile()
profile.APIUsername = "xxx"
profile.APIPassword = "xxx"
profile.APISignature = "xxx"
profile.Environment = "sandbox"
caller.APIProfile = profile
Dim encoder As New NVPCodec()
encoder("VERSION") = "51.0"
encoder("METHOD") = "GetTransactionDetails"
encoder("TRANSACTIONID") = transactionID
Dim pStrrequestforNvp As String = encoder.Encode()
Dim pStresponsenvp As String = caller.[Call](pStrrequestforNvp)
Dim decoder As New NVPCodec()
Return decoder("ACK")
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
I am using this to access that class:
Private Sub cmdGetTransDetail_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdGetTransDetail.Click
Dim thereturn As String
thereturn =GetTransactionDetailsCode("test51322")
End Sub
But it keeps telling me:
Error 2 Name 'GetTransactionDetailsCode' is not declared.
I'm new at calling classes in so any help would be great! :o)
Dim payPalAPI As New GenerateCodeNVP.GetTransactionDetails
Dim theReturn As String
theReturn = payPalAPI.GetTransactionDetailsCode("test51322")

You're probably getting that error because you need to call it like this:
Private Sub cmdGetTransDetail_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdGetTransDetail.Click
Dim thereturn As String
Dim myTransaction as new GetTransactionDetails
thereturn = myTransaction.GetTransactionDetailsCode("test51322")
End Sub
Or you can make the function be a public shared function and access it as if it were a static method

Your GetTransactionDetailsCode method is an instance method of the GetTransactionDetails class, which means that you need an instance of the GetTransactionDetails class in order to call the method.
You can do that like this:
Dim instance As New GetTransactionDetails()
thereturn = instance.GetTransactionDetailsCode("test51322")
However, your method doesn't actually use the class instance, so you should change your GetTransactionDetails class to a Module instead.


Create Event handles dynamically using variable as the actions

I'm try to improve our dynamic reporting system. I would like to add event handle to the object I've dynamically created on the form. One of the functions of this would be to populate a listbox from what was selected in the first listbox. i.e. The user select a town and the second listbox is populated by all the people living in that town.
The objectaction and objectactionfunction would be stored in a SQL table in the system. I would also like to store the objectactionfunction code in the table and dynamically create it at runtime. I've been looking into CodeDOM. Am I looking in the right direction.
Pseudocode below
dim objectaction as string
dim objectactionfunction as string
objectaction = "LostFocus"
objectactionfunction =" "
addHandler textbox1.objectaction, addressof objectactionfunction
Here is an example of using Reflection to register an event handler using Strings to specify the event name and the event handler name:
Imports System.Reflection
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim eventName = "Leave"
Dim methodName = "TextBox1_Leave"
Dim targetType = TextBox1.GetType()
Dim [event] = targetType.GetEvent(eventName)
Dim eventHandlerType = [event].EventHandlerType
Dim eventHandlerMethod = Me.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Instance)
Dim eventHandlerDelegate = eventHandlerMethod.CreateDelegate(eventHandlerType, Me)
[event].AddEventHandler(TextBox1, eventHandlerDelegate)
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_Leave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
End Sub
End Class
As I said in my comment, the code is rather verbose but that's the way it goes. Here's an extension method that you can use to write code once and use it wherever you like:
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Public Module ObjectExtensions
Public Sub AddEventHandler(source As Object,
eventName As String,
eventHandlerName As String,
eventHandlerSource As Object)
Dim [event] = source.GetType().GetEvent(eventName)
Dim eventHandlerMethod = eventHandlerSource.GetType().GetMethod(eventHandlerName, BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Instance)
Dim eventHandlerDelegate = eventHandlerMethod.CreateDelegate([event].EventHandlerType, eventHandlerSource)
[event].AddEventHandler(source, eventHandlerDelegate)
End Sub
End Module
Sample usage:
Dim eventName = "Leave"
Dim methodName = "TextBox1_Leave"
TextBox1.AddEventHandler(eventName, methodName, Me)

How do you pass values from a textbox to a public property in a class?

I need to pass code that user enters into a Textbox to a Public Property within a class. Here is my code.
Form2.vb Code
Public Class Form2
Dim class2A As part2Class = New part2Class()
Dim class2B As part2BClass = New part2BClass()
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim a As Integer = CType(TextBox1.Text, Integer)
Dim b As Integer = CType(TextBox1.Text, Integer)
part2Class._Num1 = a
part2Class._Num2 = b
End Sub
Here is my code in part2Class.vb
Public Class part2Class
Public Property _Num1
Public Property _Num2
Public Overridable Function Calculate() As Integer
Return _Num1 + _Num2
End Function
End Class
I get an error saying "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference." How do I pass the values from the textboxes to the public property values?
You need to create an instance of a class first before accessing it's members:
Dim objpart2Class as part2Class = new part2Class()
objpart2Class._Num1 = a
objpart2Class._Num2 = b

How to load an internal class in end-user compiled code ? (advanced)

I have a main program with two classes
1- A winform that contains two elements :
Memo Edit to type some code;
Button named compile.
The end user may type some VB.Net code in the memo edit and then compile it.
2 - A simple test class :
Code :
Public Class ClassTest
Public Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
Now I would like to use the class ClassTest in the code that will be typed in the MemoEdit and then compile it :
When hitting compile I recieve the error :
The reason is that, the compiler can't find the namespace ClassTest
So to summarize :
The class ClassTest is created in the main program
The end user should be able to use it and create a new assembly at run time
Does anyone know how to do that please ?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Code of the WinForm :
Public Class Form1
Private Sub SimpleButtonCompile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButtonCompile.Click
Dim Code As String = Me.MemoEdit1.Text
Dim CompilerResult As CompilerResults
CompilerResult = Compile(Code)
End Sub
Public Function Compile(ByVal Code As String) As CompilerResults
Dim CodeProvider As New VBCodeProvider
Dim CodeCompiler As System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("VisualBasic")
Dim Parameters As New System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters
Parameters.GenerateExecutable = False
Dim CompilerResult As CompilerResults = CodeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromSource(Parameters, Code)
If CompilerResult.Errors.HasErrors Then
For i = 0 To CompilerResult.Errors.Count - 1
Return Nothing
Return CompilerResult
End If
End Function
End Class
Here is the solution :
If the end user wants to use internal classes he should use the command : Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly
The full code will be :
Code :
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System
Public Class EndUserClass
Public Sub New()
Dim Assembly As Assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly
Dim ClassType As Type = Assembly.GetType(Assembly.GetName().Name & ".ClassTest")
Dim Instance = Activator.CreateInstance(ClassType)
End Sub
End class

VB.Net Passing values to another form

I would like to know how to pass a value from form1 to another form's public sub.
The problem is that it says "it is not accesible in this context because it is 'Private'."
I've tried changing Form 1 Private Sub to Public Sub but the same error remains. How should i make it work?
Public Class Form1
Dim test(), text1 As String
Const asd = "abcabc"
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
text1 = Space(LOF(1))
test = Split(text1, asd)
HOST = test(1)
End Sub
And i want to pass HOST = test(1) value to another form
Public Class Form2
Public Sub Check()
'get the value to here
End Sub
You could pass it as a parameter:
Public Sub Check(valueToCheck as String)
'get the value to here
End Sub
Or create a property on form2 to receive it:
private _HostOrSomething As String = ""
Friend Property HostOrSomething As String
Return _HostOrSomething
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_HostOrSomething = value
End Set
In which case, Sub Check could use _HostOrSomething since it is local var. To use these:
HOST = Test(1)
HOST = Test(1)
frm2.HostOrSomething = HOST
You can use global variables to pass data from one from to another
Dim A As New Integer= 10
Here how you declare the global The class can be define anywhere in the application.
Public Class GlobalVariables
Public Shared INTver As Integer
End Class
And how you use global variable to store the answer is here
GlobalVariables.INTver= A
put this lines in your "privet sub" and you can access the variable to any of your form that is in your WINDOWS application.

retrieve data out of a public structure and collection

I'm using a collection and structure to store some parsed data in a class, but when i try to retrieve the data it is null. On form1 i'm i can get the response string which is all the raw data. Am I adding the parsed data to the collection correctly? Did I call it on form1 correctly?
Private Sub btnStart_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStart.Click
Dim dloader as new Downloader(blah)
'this does not work
Dim test as new _ListInfo
msgbox(test.Name) ' produces an empty message box
'this works
End Sub
Here is my code for the class:
Public Structure _Info
Dim Name As String
End Structure
Public Class Downloader
Dim _ListCollection As New Collection(Of _ListInfo)
Public ReadOnly Property ListCollection() As Collection(Of _ListInfo)
ListCollection = _ListCollection
End Get
End Property
Public Function Download() As String
'doing the download
Return _ResponseString
End Function
Private Sub ParseList()
Dim Name As String
Dim MyInfo As _ListInfo
MyInfo.Name = Name
End Sub
Why do you expect it to work? You are just newing-up a structure and accessing a property. Don't you want to do something like:
Dim dloader as new Downloader(blah)
' Show first name.