Permalink to the last page of a thread in phpBB [closed] - phpbb

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Closed 3 years ago.
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A Question from the user side, rather then the admins.
Is there a way to bookmark or link to a thread and make phpBB always show the last page of the thread, regardless of how many pages long the thread actually is?

I found it helpful to hover an unread-topic-icon. I saw:
As Trilarion mentioned before, parameter t determines the topic. view=newest is the necessary part
For clarification: I saw it on a phpbb 2.0 board.

As of phpbb 3.0.12 I haven't found any officially documented way but the following might do the trick:
where only the start=50000 is important. the f and t parameters are to determine the subforum and the thread, the start parameter determines the post in the thread. Setting the value of the start parameter to a ridiculously high value seems to trigger phpbb to show the last page.

Unfortunately not, you have to retrieve how many pages there are first.

instead of...


What is a credit card sized computer more powerful than a raspberry pi but with the same community and add ons? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am in the market for a raspberry pi or alternative. I've done quite a bit of research but I can't find a raspberry pi alternative that is both more powerful, but also has the same community and add on options. So, can anyone suggest an alternative?
Note:I want one for recreation, I.E. building a robot arm, but I also want to run a low scale server.
Thanks in advance!
I love following #cnxsoft on Twitter and his blog at
I suggest you to go to his blog and see tags like there is every week at least one new board with more and more powerful processors and lower prices... Find one that fits your needs(OS, Pins...)
I'm also not sure why this is marked with tags like "xamarin-studio" :)
I am not sure if this is the right forum, the scope seems too broad. So don't be surprised if this is closed as offtopic.
Can you say what alternatives you have looked at so far?
Try looking into the following and see if they fit your requirement :
I think you are thinking of the bananapi, or the hummingboard.

Google Code Jam Answer Submiting [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This time i'm going to participate in Google CodeJam for the first time.. I don't know how to submit a output and i cant understand the guidelines please help me.
I tried to upload a text file containing the answers for small input but it won't accept
You can ask for assistance from the CodeJam administrators. Post your query on the CodeJam forum they can guide you well. Plus the response time is also pretty good.
Secondly you mentioned that your text file was not accepted. In that case, what was the error?
I know, it is late, but for the next codejam and other coding competitions -
If you are using bash, then run this on terminal, [assuming the input file has name and your code reads everything from stdin and prints everything on stdout]
./myCode < > output.out
and then upload the output.out file.
** For more details, search for I/O redirection on bash.

Wiki solution for APIs documentations? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm wondering if there is any Wiki solutions that perfectly fit an API documentation and let you nicely list the end points and parameters/responses.
Any recommandations?
take a look at MindTouch.
API Documentation is one of the ways the developer site makes use of the product
Not a direct answer to this question but definitely a good starting point to help you get answered:
I had the same questions and initially thought PBWorks since that's who Twitter originally used for their API Wiki and in the past I've used Google Sites (on the Kwwika Wiki) since it's effectively a wiki.
I'm sure that if you want a more automated solution that will allow you to auto create your wiki from a build process then there will be solutions such as Read the Docs.
All this said I think a really good starting point is WikiMatrix and their Wiki Choice Wizard.

Is there a way to take a screenshot of an entire HTML page including content below the fold? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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For an app demo explanation, I'd like to take a screenshot and mark it up with explanations. For that reason, I'd like the screen image to be contiguous and not cut up into multiple screenshots to explain one page.
Is there a way to take a screenshot of an entire HTML page including content below the fold?
there is firefox plugin screengrab and also web page browsershots
we have solved this problem with! It's easy to install and you don't have to care about the technical details behind.

How can I enable anonymous posting in OSQA? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am wondering about how to enable anonymous posting of question and answer in a OSQA website, like does. If OSQA does not support this feature yet, can you please give me a short brief on how can I implement a such feature like that?
Currently users, that are not authenticated cannot ask questions, post comments and answers. Actually the whole concept of Q&A community is based on user authorization. Just try to imagine a "community" where the one who asks is unknown (or call him a guest, if you like), and the ones who answer and comment are also unknown users.
Personally I don't think that the registration process is painful. Actually it's maximally simplified and users can get registered in less than a minute. Anyway, will be glad to hear how you think it can be improved.