I Need Help Fixing My Small Time Sheet Table - Relational DB - SQL Server - sql

I have a TimeSheet table as:
Employee will set his/her time sheet daily, i want to ensure that he/she doesn't cheat. What should i do?
Should i create a column that gets date/time of the system when insertion/update happens to the table and then compare the created date/time with the time employee's specified - If so in this case i will have to create date/time column for timeIn, outToLunch, returnFromLunch and timeOut. I don't know, what do you suggest?
Note: i'm concerned about tracking these 4 columns timeIn, outToLunch, returnFromLunch and timeOut

The single table design only allows an employee one break (I'm guessing that lunch is not paid). And it would be difficult to detect fraud short of auditing every record change. I'm thinking something like a two table approach would be more flexible and more secure.
Start by creating a TimeSheetDetail record for every event. i.e. Shift Start, Break Start, Break Stop, Shift End. Allow the employee to record whatever date and time in the Entered column. There may be legitimate cases where an employee forget to clock in or out.
It would be very easy to detect fraud by comparing the Entered value to the AddedOn value before Payroll or any other time an audit is needed. You could even detect small fraud where an employee constantly rounds up or down in their favor every day. Ten minutes every day over the course of a year adds up to extra week.
This design can be furthered secured by not allowing record updates or deletes.
AddedOn //populate using GETDATE()
AddedBy //populate using SUSER_SNAME()
CREATE TABLE TimeSheetDetail
Type //Shift Start, Shift End, Break Start, Break End
AddedOn //populate using GETDATE()
AddedBy //populate using SUSER_SNAME()

If you're that concerned about employee dishonesty about their working hours, then install a manual punch card clock in/clock out system and treat them like factory shop floor workers.
Failing that, a trigger that archives off the changed record with a date-time stamp against it will allow you to see at what time every change to a timesheet was made, and a case for fraud could be made. So you'd need something like a TimeSheetHistory table, with the additional columns for time of change and user making the change (populated using GETDATE() or similar, and SUSER_SNAME() or similar if you're using Windows authentication).

Of course you are concerned about this, that is one of the basic requirements for most time sheet applications! No one should be able to change their own time sheet once submitted without a supervisor override. This is to prevent time-card fraud and thus is a legal issue and should not be subverted. Employees who get apid overtime could submit a correct timesheet for approval by the supervisor, then change it to add hours just before payroll is run and then change it back otherwise. This is critical feature that any timesheet application must have.
First, you need to have a history table to store a record of all the changes and who made them.
Next you need an update trigger that prevents updates unless a timesheet has been reopened.
Third you need a field for timesheet status. A insert/update trigger will ensure that only people in the management group can change a submitted status to a reutrned status and that no one can return his own timesheet to without a differentperson approving it. In the terms I learned when working for an audit agency, this is an internal control becasue it is known that it is far less likely that two people will join together to commit fraud than one person.


How do I add new rows to SQL automatically by time?

I'm a pretty new programmer and I'm working on a project that I'm not sure how to make work. I'm hoping for some advice please.
Part of the project I'm working on will be used by a company to allow employees to sign up for lunch from their computers. I'm doing the project in MVC ASP.NET
The interface will look something like this:
|1200 | Employee Dropdown Name 1
| Employee Dropdown Name 2
|1230 | Employee Dropdown Name 1
| Employee Dropdown Name 2
and on and on and on.
With this company, everything has to be recorded and stored. So, I already have a table with employee information. That will populate the drop down areas. Lunch times need to be stored in the database so it can be searched years down the line. So it has to be in a table.
The table get more tricky because not every time of the day is available for lunch (i.e. - no lunches after 0430 and before 0800).
My question is about how to create the future time slots in the database.
I could obviously make the table with all of these rows already in places for several years down the line. That's time-consuming, though, and I'll have to go back in in several years and fix it. Horrible idea.
What I'd LOVE to do is make it so every 24 hours, the database just automatically adds new rows with the next days times available - so just increment (at midnight, the program will just add the next day's times associated with that date (so at midnight on February 6, 2020, it will create February 7, 2020 0000, February 7, 2020 0030, etc. I've studied a lot but I'm still beside myself on how to make this work.
Thanks in advance everyone!!!
As I understand, you want to drive your interface from the database table so that the user can select Name 1 and Name 2 and a time slot and submit.
It sounds like you also want the available timeslots to be driven by the database also (ie, timeslot in table without names with it is availlable). This is not a good idea. As you mentioned, you would be inserting data that is not actually a record but a placeholder. That will be very confusing down the track when you come to query the data.
My approach would be to do the following:
* add NOT NULL constraints to all columns in your database (if your database supports this feature) or have your app complain very much about NULLS in any of the columns. There is no need for NULLS in your use case by the look of it.
the database should have a CHECK constraint that the time is within the allowable time range, and (assuming employees can not double book time slots) a CHECK constraint that there is no overlapping time slots, and also a UNIQUE constraint that ensures no duplicate times.... adjust to suit your needs.
your app populates times between 0800 and 1630 (8AM and 4:30PM) and also query the database for all records matching the current day so those booked slots can be removed from the list of available time slots... adjust to suit.
your app sends the user request of name and time slot to the DB. All the critical requirements are accepted or rejected by the DB schema and if there is something wrong, display an appropriate error in the app.
This way, your database is literally storing records of booked lunches.
I would NOT go down the path of pre inserting as then it becomes more complex as some records are "real" and some are artificially generated records to drive a GUI...
If you can't do the time slot calculations in your app rather than in the DB, then at least use a separate table that is maintained by a worker thread in your app OR if your DB supports it, a Stored Procedure which returns a table of available time slots.
I would use the stored procedure if I was avoiding doing complex time calculations in my app (also avoids need to worry about time zones - if you make sure to only store and display UTC times in your DB).
Having in mind structure like this:
LunchTimeSlots (id, time_slot)
Employee (id, name, preferred_time_slot_id, etc)
Lunches(employee_id, time_slot_id, date)
You need a scheduled job to add records to the "Lunches" table every midnight. How to define the job depends on your database vendor. But most of the popular rdbms have this feature. (f.e. mssql)
Despite it's possible to do what you want with db schedulers or any other scheduler, i would recommend to avoid such db design. It's always better to write real facts to the database like a list of employees or fact that lunch was served
to employee at 1pm today.
Unlike real facts, virtual data can be always generated "on-the-fly" by sql queries. F.e. by joining employees to list of dates from today till year 2100, we can get planned lunches for all employees for next 80 years.

Best way to pull data

We have a SQL table that stores the date an email was created and then another table that gives details about that email (how long they spent writing the email, how long it was in a Draft mode etc). The join between the two tables is through a key.
The problem is, it only stores the date the email was created (entered into the system) and data is only written to the table when the email is completed (sent). So for yesterday, you may have 1000 emails completed that day, but their create date and time is varied. Also the create date time column is only in one table.
My method right now is to join the two tables, and in the where clause I calculate the completed date by adding the number of seconds of the email write time to the created date time.
WHERE DATEADD(s, ISNULL(a.emailwritetime,0), b.CreateDateTime) BETWEEN #start AND #end
(#start and #end are usually the previous day)
The tables have millions of rows, so expectedly, this takes a while to run and its hitting the production server to pull the data. Can anyone suggest a better/cleaner way of pulling the data? If you dont know what createdatetimes finished yesterday?
You should probably use a computed column for the value you're looking for.

Opening Hours Database Design

We are currently developing an application in which multiple entities have associated opening hours. Opening hours may span multiple days, or may be contained within a single day.
Ex. Opens Monday at 6:00 and closes at Friday at 18:00.
Opens Monday at 06:00 and closes Monday at 15:00.
Also, an entity may have multiple sets of opening hours per day.
So far, the best design I have found, is to define an opening hour to consist of the following:
StartDay, StartTime, EndDay and EndTime.
This design allows for all the needed flexibility. However, data integrity becomes an issue. I cannot seem to find a solution that will disallow overlapping spans (in the database).
Please share your thoughts.
EDIT: The database is Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
Consider storing your StartDay and StartTime, but then have a value for the number of hours that it's open. This will ensure that your closing datetime is after the opening.
OpenDate -- day of week? e.g. 1 for Monday
OpenTime -- time of day. e.g. 08:00
DurationInHours -- in hours or mins. e.g. 15.5
Presuming a robust trigger framework
On insert/update you would check if the new start or end date falls inside of any existing range. If it does then you would roll back the change.
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[mytable_iutrig] on [mytable] FOR INSERT, UPDATE AS
FROM inserted, mytable
WHERE (inserted.startdate < mytable.enddate
AND inserted.startdate > mytable.startdate)
OR (inserted.enddate < mytable.enddate
AND inserted.enddate > mytable.startdate)) > 0
RAISERROR --error number
Detecting and preventing overlapping time periods will have to be done at the application level. Of course you can attempt to use a trigger in the database but in my opinion this is not a database issue. The structure that you came up with is fine, but your application logic will have to take care of the overlap.
There's an article by Joe Celko on the SimpleTalk website, over here, that discusses a similar issue, and presents am elegant if complex solution. This is probably applicable to your situation.
A table with a single column TimeOfChangeBetweenOpeningAndClosing?
More seriously though, I would probably not worry too much about coming up with a single database structure for representing everything, eventually you'll probably want want a system involving recurrences, planned closures etc. Persist objects representing those, and then evaluate them to find out the closing/opening times.
This looks like a good solution, but you'll have to write a custom validation function. The built in database validation (i.e. unique, less than x, etc.) isn't going to cut it here. To ensure you don't have overlapping spans, every time you insert a record into the database, you're going to have to select existing records and compare...
First the logic, two spans will overlap if the start value of one falls between the start/end of the other. This is much easier if we have datetimes combined, instead of date1,time1 and date2,time2. So a query to find an overlap looks like this.
select openingId
from opening o1
join opening o2 on o1.startDateTime
between o2.startDateTime
AND o2.endDateTime
You can put this into a trigger and throw an error if a match is found.

Recurring Orders

Hi everyone I'm working on a school project, and for my project I chose to create an ecommerce system that can process recurring orders. This is for my final project, I'll be graduating in May with an associates in computer science.
Keep in mind this is no where a final solution and it's basically a jumping off point for this database design.
A little background on the business processes.
- Customer will order a product, and will specify during checkout whether it is a one time order or a weekly/monthly order.
- Customer will specify a location in which to pick up their order (this location is specific only to the order)
- If the value of the order > 25.00 then it is accepted otherwise it is rejected.
- This will populate the orders_test and order_products_test tables respectively
Person on the back end will have a report generated for deliveries for the day based on these two tables.
They will be able to print it off and it will generate a list of what items go to what location.
Based on the following criteria.
date_of_next_scheduled_delivery = current date
remaining_deliveries > 0
Once they are satisfied with the delivery list they will press "Process Deliveries" button.
This will adjust the order_products_test table as follows
Subtract 1 from remaining_deliveries
Insert current date into date_of_last_delivery_processed
Based on delivery_frequency (i.e. once, weekly, monthly) it will change the date_of_next_scheduled_delivery
status values in the order_products_test table can either be active, hold, or canceled, expired
I just would like some opinions if I am approaching this correctly or if I should scratch this approach and start over again.
A few thoughts, though not necessarily complete (there's a lot to your question, but hopefully these points help):
I don't think you need to keep track of remaining deliveries. You only have 2 options - a one time order, or a recurring order. In both cases, there's no sense in calculating remaining deliveries. It's never leveraged.
In terms of tracking the next delivery date, you can just keep track of the day of the order. If it's recurring -- monthly or weekly, regardless -- everything is calculable from that first date. Most DB systems (MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, etc) support more than enough date computation flexibility so that you can calculate this on the fly, as opposed to maintaining such a known schedule.
If the delivery location is only specific to the order, I see no use in creating a separate table for it -- it's functionally dependent on the order, you should keep it in the same table as the order. For most e-commerce systems, this is not the case because they tend to associate a list of delivery locations with accounts, which they prompt you about when you order more than once (e.g., Amazon).
Given the above, I bet you can just get away with 2 of your 4 tables above -- Account and Order. But again, if delivery locations are associated with Accounts, I would indeed break that out. (but your question above doesn't suggest that)
Do not name your tables with a "_test" suffix -- it's confusing.

Design of Databases for storing the details of the recurrent occurrence of an event

I need to implement a feature similar to the one provided by Microsoft Outlook to make your meeting appointment recurrent. I am trying to figure out the optimized Database design that I will be requiring for implementing this feature.
The requirement is something like that each run or task entered by the user will also be applicable for scheduling like a recurrent event - weekly, monthly or yearly. Could you please suggest me the Database model - table structure (with constraints) for storing these details in the DB which can be afterwards accessed by the program to do the appropriate task. Screenshots for some of the possible scheduler details can be found at the following link.
We have a mysql DB running at the backend for storing these details. As soon as the user submits a request, a request id with the details of the request is stored in the table and then a action corresponding to it is taken by the program. More clarification would be like that the users intent is to run a sql script,getting the values and then performing statistical analysis to it. But as the oracle reference DB is dynamically updated by many users, he wants to run it in a recurrent manner and get the analysis done. Note that the mysql db and the ref DB are different.
Please let me know if you require any other details.!
I would suggest storing the details of the first occurence in one table (scheduled tasks) and then the recurance (recurring tasks) details in another.
I might also then be tempted to update the scheduled task table with the next occurance as each task is completed.
As for the Table layout, a rough sketch would be as follows:
TaskId (Primary Key)
Description and Details etc...
Start Datetime
End Datetime
TaskId (Foreign Key)
Frequency : Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly.
DayNo : What Day to run on (1-7 for weekly, 1-31 for monthly, 1-365 for yearly)
Interval : Every x weeks, months etc.
WeekOfMonth : first, second, third... etc If populated then DayNo specifies the day of the week.
MonthOfYear : 1-12.
EndDatetime : The last date to perform
Occurences : The number of times to perform. If this and the previous value are null then perform for ever.
Obvious certain fields would be blank depending on how the task was set up, but I think the above covers all you would need to emulate the tasks in Outlook.